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Active Transformation: Authentic Leadership in Business and Life
Active Transformation: Authentic Leadership in Business and Life
Active Transformation: Authentic Leadership in Business and Life
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Active Transformation: Authentic Leadership in Business and Life

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About this ebook

This book will help an organization, team or individual leader create a solid foundation for transformation in their business or life. Through the use of a proven and easy-to-follow model, along with focused exercises and questions requiring careful thought and deep personal reflection, ACTIVE TRANSFORMATION guides the formation of key building blocks that support true and lasting transformation. Author Mark Uhlenberg, an executive coach, consultant and business leader, shares his rich and robust perspective on the nature and principles of transformation gained through years of practical experience and thousands of hours of client coaching . The concepts and processes provided are as practical and applicable as they are sound. For any leader serious about genuinely transforming their business or self, this book provides a proven path forward and will help them learn the essential and fundamental skills of Active Transformation. Many books are touted as being “life-changing” but few truly are. For those willing to commit themselves to a process with intensity and rigor, and engage in the reflection required to gain clarity, this book will change them.
Release dateMar 4, 2020
Active Transformation: Authentic Leadership in Business and Life

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    Book preview

    Active Transformation - Mark Uhlenberg



    Before You Begin

    Congratulations -- you have an extremely valuable tool at your fingertips! If the concepts of active transformation or authentic leadership are new to you – get ready to start an incredibly enlightening and enriching journey. If you’re already on this path, be prepared to take a leap forward and learn how you as a leader can actively influence the lives of those around you, while you live an intentional and well-integrated life. In other words, be prepared to transform. This book can be used in several ways -- alone, in a group setting or as a precursor to coaching or leadership consulting. Just pick the way that fits best with your current situation.

    Who Should Use this Book?

    Anyone who wants to develop, sharpen or expand their leadership skills will find the contents of this book helpful. This transformation process can be of particular benefit to:

    Emerging and aspiring leaders who need to broaden their value and increase their capacity to lead change.

    Leaders in transition who are seeking renewal, new values, new vision and guiding principles.

    Those experienced leaders wanting to enhance their skills. Hard work got them to this point -- now it’s time to explore the values and choices that will take them to a higher level.

    Anyone seeking a way to have an honest conversation with themselves and others about how to elevate their leadership abilities and their confidence in those abilities.

    What You’ll Need

    To make the experience as meaningful as possible, it’s essential to capture your thoughts and take notes as you progress through this book. That’s the purpose of the Active Transformation journal I’ve paired with this book—so, make sure you use it! Each time you see one of these:

    . . . pull your journal out and start writing. The process you’ll follow is quite reflective in nature, and sometimes breakthroughs in thinking will occur at unexpected times, so keep that journal close and write (even random thoughts) as they come to mind.


    To begin, I’m offering you some wisdom-filled nuggets found to be key to the success of many leaders that I have coached or worked with over the years. Simply reading and applying them is well worth the price of this book. In short, I am a shameless collector of effective ideas and tactics and I love to share them.

    Be prepared to take a leap forward and learn how you as a leader can truly influence the lives of those around you. . .


    If you’re going to build any sort of solid, lasting structure, where would you start? Hopefully, your first thought was the foundation. Regardless of what you’re building, if the base isn’t strong, placed on firm ground and constructed in an orderly fashion, don’t bank on it lasting. It takes what it takes to do it right, and shortcuts never pay off over the long haul.

    This book will help you build a solid, lasting foundation for transformation and authentic leadership in your business and life. It’s important that we start at the beginning and create the building blocks that will support your transition. Along the way, you’ll deepen the understanding of yourself. This is Job One for any leader -- to know yourself. And you must be up for this journey as a lifelong adventure. Your role is to learn and master the tools and perspective you’ll need to do a quality job. My role is like a supervisor or foreman – I’m here to oversee and keep you on track while you do the work.

    This is Job One for any leader -- to know yourself.

    What Do I Mean by Transformation?

    Literally, it means to change in form, appearance, nature or character. In verb form, it means to metamorphose. My process for transformation came about very organically through years of coaching and training work. Some of this work was formal coaching experience; and some of it took place as heart-to-heart conversations with my friends, co-workers and family. Regardless of who I was interacting with, or how, I found that the basic context I used was the same.

    I consistently asked the same types of questions and wound up, through one path or another, going through the same steps. After a while, I sensed there was a pattern, but it didn’t fall together as an actual approach until I asked a trusted colleague to listen to me describe how I was working with people -- and to reflect back to me what she heard and saw. In response she drew a simple diagram which became the seed of my Transformation Model. Through additional work and refinement, that diagram became the model which is now the touchstone of my coaching work.

    This example of asking for support and feedback from others is part of the active transformative process you can create for yourself and others. It is a sign of strength and not weakness. Asking for support has certainly helped me every time I’ve stopped to reflect on how I can move through a new chapter of life and business. Each time I never fails that people show up.

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