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Manipulation Tactics
Manipulation Tactics
Manipulation Tactics
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Manipulation Tactics

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About this ebook

Learn How to Effectively Persuade Others to do What You Want And Use Human Psychology to Your Advantage

Just as a knife can be used to murder someone, it can also be used by a trained surgeon to save someone's life.

Whether manipulation is evil or good totally depends on your intentions and motivations.
Manipulation is part of the human experience.The issue is how to use it in such a way that it leads to common goals and produces a net positive social good.

Manipulation Tactics explains how to avoid manipulation and most important how you can use it get what you want. You will learn effective techniques to influence human behavior, understand how people manipulate and persuade people to concede to your ideas so you can achieve your goals.

You will learn ways to control the behavior and emotions of other people. It also involves using all sorts of tactics to control your relationships.

Here is what Manipulation Tactics offers you:

  • What is anti-social personality and how to avoid such people?
  • You'll learn WHY people try to manipulate.
  • How to know if you're being manipulated.
  • Logical techniques that offer an alternative view of reality.
  • How to tap the power of shame to your advantage
  • Learn to use seduction and why repetition is the key part of this technique
  • 'Minimization'- how to smartly downplay competitors and emphasize your strong points.
  • Use 'Guilt Trips'- find out what the other person regrets
  • How to change people's impression or opinion by 'rationalization techniques'
  • Use 'Gaslighting' as a powerful tool to make people think differently
  • How to effectively point out hypocrisy and influence behavior
  • And much more.

Whether you want to become more persuasive or you want to avoid getting manipulated, knowing the ins and outs of key manipulation techniques can help you become a more effective communicator and organizer.

PublisherSandy Kochar
Release dateFeb 22, 2020
Manipulation Tactics

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    Book preview

    Manipulation Tactics - Nick Anderson


    What is manipulation ? Manipulation is using all sorts of tactics to control the behavior and emotions of other people. It also involves using all sorts of tactics to control your relationships.

    You have to understand that whenever two people get together, there is a power struggle. You are reading signals into each other and you are ultimately trying to contain and direct each other.

    Now, this can be friendly, this can be positive like in a family, but even then, in that context, there is some sort of manipulation because hey, let's face it, if you were dealing with other people who have their own agenda, in many cases, it's a recipe for chaos. This is especially true if you're dealing with children.

    Parents learn early on how to manipulate their kids. It also works the other way. Kids from an early age learn to read their parents and they know how to emotionally manipulate their parents as well.

    So, there is this power struggle regarding manipulation. It starts in the home, and it spills over into all our other relationships whether it's in school or at work.

    And here's the thing about manipulation. It is not inherently bad or good. It all depends on what your motivations are.

    And the worst thing you can do is to assume that manipulation is just always bad. That you should run away from it and that you should not practice it. Well, here's the problem. If you fail to learn how manipulation works and you're completely blind to it, you are more likely to be manipulated by other people.

    At the end of the day, manipulation is part of the human experience. The issue is how to use it in such a way that it leads to common goals and produces a net positive social good.

    Why Do People Manipulate?

    Well, there are many different motivations for manipulation and, at the end of the day, it really is all about trying to get another person to think or do what you want them to think or do.

    In other words, it deals with the core human reality that all of us have our own agenda. All of us have our own path. All of us have our own capabilities for learning, loving, and getting along with others. And in many cases, there will always be conflicts because you may not necessarily be aware of or even agree with somebody else's agenda.

    So what do you do in that situation? This is where manipulation comes in.

    Now, the word manipulation has a very negative connotation. In an American context, it's usually viewed as some sort of imposition of one person's will over another. It's as if you are trying to get that person to do something that they normally would not want to do.

    Well, this is not always the case. In fact, in many cases, people are just unaware of the options available to them. And in many situations, they think that the options available, as far as certain situations are concerned, are limited to options that are actually quite harmful or are not all that optimal.

    What do you in that situation? By using manipulation techniques, you might actually open their minds to another possibility that leads to better productivity, better results, and a better life.

    Now, you may be thinking to yourself, That sounds great and everything, but manipulation doesn't apply to me. I don't want to be manipulated, and I don't want to manipulate other people. Fair enough.

    But you have to understand that when you are exposed to the world in all its different forms of media, you are being manipulated. In fact, politics is the art of manipulation. Advertisements are the product of billions of dollars in annual budgets intended to get people to change their behavior no matter how slightly.

    Manipulation is all around you and it doesn't really help anybody to pretend that it doesn't exist or to imagine themselves as somehow exempt from it. The truth is, being aware of how people get others to think of certain things or to follow certain directives is a good first step to learning how to be a more effective human being.

    Because at the end of the day, since we are dealing with a complex society where everybody else has conflicting goals and aims and desires, it's a good idea to see if you're being manipulated and if you're going to go along with it.

    In many cases, when you are being manipulated, you might actually find yourself in a process where your eyes are being opened to possibilities that you didn't think existed. That may be a good thing.

    Maybe you developed tunnel vision early on. Maybe your parents had a certain value set that kind of robbed you of the full set of possibilities that the world has to offer. And when you come across people that have a different mindset and they have these persuasion skills, you become better because you were exposed to these individuals and they, at some level or another, manipulated you. It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.

    So, before we jump into the inner workings of the art of manipulating others and how to produce a net positive good with it, let's get down to the basics. Let's start with motivations.

    Why Do People Try to Manipulate?

    Well, it all boils down to a spectrum of motives. You have to understand that motivations really assume their color depending on your perspective.

    Something could be very negative when viewed from a particular angle and at a particular time. But when you look at it from a different situation, it might actually be quite positive. So, generally speaking, when people manipulate, it really is all about hierarchy.

    And I hate to say it, but the basic human hierarchy involves somebody at the top and somebody at the bottom. In other words, superiority and inferiority.

    Some people manipulate because they feel that they're superior. They feel that they have something over other people because they're able to convince them to think and feel a certain way, as well as perform certain actions. This then has a feedback effect of feeling in control.

    Now, this might seem negative, but in certain contexts, it's actually quite positive. You have to understand that a lot people who feel that they have lost power over their lives feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction when they're able to gain a sense of control when they're able to influence others.

    Others do it for power. And again, that concept of power is quite vague because different people looking at it

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