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Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team
Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team
Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team
Ebook319 pages2 hours

Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team

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High-quality dental patient management demands an appropriately skilled team. It is the general dental practitioner's responsibility to co-ordinate the team and to take overall responsibility as the team leader. Your team provides all the specialities necessary to achieve a stable, functional, aesthetic masticatory unit, which not only encompasses the management of periodontal disease, but integrates a treatment plan the patient can maintain.
Release dateMar 19, 2019
Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team

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    Book preview

    Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team - Suzanne L. Noble



    Decision-making for the Periodontal Team – Volume 11 and the second periodontology book in the Quintessentials of Dental Practice Series, is a timely publication. The dental team is about to come of age with GDC registration of the professions complementary to dentistry, and now is the time to stand back and critically review the quality of the team approach to patient care in your practice. Where better to start than periodontology?

    Dental hygienists, not to forget all the other members of the dental team, can substantially influence the oral health of your patients and, in turn, their satisfaction with the service provided by your practice. The extent to which you, as team leader, and your staff plan the care of patients together, and work and communicate as a team, will determine the extent to which your patients’ oral health will benefit from team dentistry. Working together in an appropriate, well-managed practice environment is of fundamental importance to meeting patients’ needs and ever-increasing expectations. This together with sound, evidence-based decisions in relation to treatment can turn a good practice into a highly successful practice in which patients have confidence.

    Are you confident in deciding what forms of periodontal care are best for your patients? When do you refer a patient with periodontal problems to a specialist periodontologist? How do other forms of treatment – for example, advanced restorative care, orthodontics and implant therapy – impact on periodontal health and relevant treatment regimes? Above all else, it is your responsibility to avoid the situation where the teeth and restorations have been made good for years to come, but the periodontium is diseased, deteriorating and running the risk of entering terminal decline.

    If this brief foreword has touched on issues that have made you stop and think, or you know need to be addressed in your practice, this compact fact-and guideline-filled book will be a very sound investment.

    Nairn Wilson



    In order for the dental profession to deliver high quality care for patients, an appropriately skilled team is required. Within recent years the General Dental Council specialist lists have been established and the number of registered dental hygienists has increased. Many general dental practitioners are now in a position to select the most appropriate skilled personnel for specific phases of patient management.

    For the care plan to be successful, the patient must be educated about the role each member of the team will take in his or her management. It is the general dental practitioner’s responsibility to coordinate the team and take overall responsibility as the team leader. He or she also has a legal responsibility for procedures delegated to team members who are not registered dentists. It is a professional requirement of each dentist to delegate to professionals complementary to dentistry (PCDs) only those tasks which the person concerned is trained and competent to undertake. Competence implies not only the legal qualification to perform a skilled procedure but the ability to perform that skill to a recognised professional standard without supervision. Members of the team who have not had the opportunity to practise a procedure regularly will become de-skilled. General dental practitioners therefore need to be mindful of competence before delegating tasks and to support the continual professional development (CPD) of their team.

    The overall treatment plan should not only encompass the management of the periodontal disease, but the integration of other specialities in order to achieve a stable, functional, aesthetic masticatory unit, which the patient can maintain. This book will guide the general dental practitioner through the decision-making process for the periodontal team.

    This book can be read separately from the other four in the periodontal series. However, reference will be made to the other books, as the series is designed to develop certain aspects and concepts and to reinforce these throughout the process.


    The authors are grateful for the help of the following people. In Birmingham, Marina Tipton helped with the photography and Helena Smith with the manuscript. Thanks to Stewart Hawkins for proofreading Chapter 2 and to Pharmacia Limited for guidance on the Nicorette® products and for providing Fig 5-14. Thanks to Dr Adrian Shorthall for use of Fig 9-7. In Leeds, thanks to Mr PA Cook, Mr JK Williams and Mr L Boyle for loan of clinical slides, to Ian Smith for scanning electron microscopy and to John Walker for photographic assistance.

    Chapter 1

    The Periodontal Team


    This chapter aims to provide the general dental practitioner (GDP) with an insight into the development and role of professionals complementary to dentistry within the context of the management of periodontal diseases.


    As a result of reading this chapter the practitioner should have an understanding of how the periodontal team has evolved and the legally permitted duties of dental hygienists and dental therapists.


    It is in the primary care setting that the vast majority of periodontal disease is diagnosed and managed. The team involved in patient care may be small, involving only the dentist, dental hygienist and dental nurse. Conversely, the team may work together in a large polyclinic where periodontal care is one of many specialist dental services offered. In such situations the periodontal specialist will be available for the diagnosis and management of the more complex cases.

    In its broadest sense, the dental team reaches beyond the high street surgery to include the secondary care services in hospital periodontal departments where the consultant in restorative dentistry and his or her team will offer advice and, where appropriate, treatment of referred cases.

    In order to obtain the most appropriate care for an individual patient the GDP will refer the patient to other team members to utilise their skills, knowledge and experience to achieve the desired treatment outcomes. Rather than this referral process being considered as a hierarchical model, it is suggested that it be considered in a circular form with the GDP at the centre. It is the GDP with whom the patient is registered and it is the GDP to whom the patient returns for continuing care (Fig 1-1). The role of the GDP is an infinite one! The other team members have important skills to offer, but their roles are finite ones, clearly defined by the practitioner’s referral request or treatment plan.

    Fig 1-1 Members of the periodontal team.

    By co-ordinating the referral process the practitioner plays the key role in consolidating the treatment and ensuring that the patient is informed of the reasons behind the referral. The role of the practitioner as the team leader is explored further in Chapter 3, but by way of introduction to working together this chapter will focus on the evolution of the professionals complementary to dentistry and the skills these team members have to offer.

    The Dental Hygienist

    Although dental hygienists were first trained in the United States in 1913, there was no formal training in the UK until 1943, in the Royal Air Force. During the next 20–30 years schools of dental hygiene were founded and attached to dental schools, but they trained relatively few hygienists compared to dentists. Enrolment with the General Dental Council (GDC) became mandatory in 1957.

    The original concepts of patient education and prevention of periodontal diseases remain the linchpin of the dental hygienist’s role, but the range of permitted duties has expanded in recent years in line with the current concepts of team management for patients with oral diseases. Dually qualified dental hygienists/therapists now receive education to diploma and degree levels in universities alongside undergraduate dental students. This enhances the periodontal team concept within the workplace.

    The changing patterns of oral disease and the increasing public awareness and demand for oral health was the driver behind the Nuffield Inquiry into Education and Training of Personnel Auxiliary to Dentistry in 1993. This extensive inquiry examined the role of dental auxiliary personnel, and stimulated widespread debate on a number of key issues surrounding the development of the dental team. Following this the GDC set up the Dental Auxiliaries Review Group (DARG), to prepare appropriate recommendations in relation to all classes of dental auxiliary. The committee reported in 1998, setting out proposals on permitted duties, entry requirements and registration. It was also recommended that the team concept for future practice should be promoted through the training of dentists and dental auxiliaries in close association with each other.

    Subsequently, in 1999, the GDC announced a new era for professionals complementary to dentistry. The council supported statutory registration of all members of the dental team and the widening of clinical roles after appropriate education and training. Although the term dental hygienist remained protected, as it was a role with which the general public was familiar, the dental hygienist became incorporated into a wider group subsequently named Professionals Complementary to Dentistry (PCD). The GDC emphasised that entry to the register would be on the basis of appropriate education and that each PCD should practise only under the delegated authority of a registered dentist.

    It was the expressed intention of the GDC that all PCDs should continue to work within the dental team within which the dentist would remain responsible for diagnosis, treatment planning and the quality control of the treatment provided (Fig 1-2).

    Fig 1-2 The team and team leader.

    Legally Permitted Duties

    Until such time as the GDC is able to register all PCDs, dental hygienists and dental therapists may practise dentistry to the extent of the Dentists Act 1984 and the 1986 Dental Auxiliaries Regulations, with amendments in 1991 and 2002. It is an offence to practise outside these limits.

    They are permitted to work under the direction of a registered dentist. This implies that the dentist has examined the patient and indicated in writing the course of treatment to be provided. The dentist need not necessarily be present on the premises at the time

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