Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch: True Magick, #2
About this ebook
True Magick: Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch is an esoteric manual that explores the power of the imagination, as well as how you can use it in a magical way. In the practice of the occult, it is fundamental that one must learn to use their imagination. While the laypeople (those without any magical training) only think of the imagination as nothing more but a fancy thought, a true witch or magus knows much better: By wielding the power of the imagination, you can cast magical spells and create profound changes in your life.
It is often said that, "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." However, how do you harness the mind? How can you tap and use this mental power? The answer lies in learning how to use your imagination effectively. And, take note that this is not only about using the imagination, but using it effectively in a magical way — in a way that will allow you to wield true magical power that could place the universe at your fingertips.
So, what does the imagination have to do with magick? Answer: A lot! It is with the power of the imagination that you shall harness the force of magick. If you take a closer look, you will see that the word "imagination" is actually both a magical revelation and proclamation: "i-mage." By using your imagination in the right and magical way, you shall harness the force of the universe.
For many years, this mystical knowledge was only passed on strictly from Master to Initiate, and for good reasons. However, the problem with this approach is that it misses out on people who also have the passion to learn but simply lack the right network of connections that would allow them to dig deeper into the magical arts. True Magick: Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch has been written so that anyone who may have true dedication to learn may have a chance to discover for themselves and experience the wonderful universe of pure magick.
Imagination magick is an interesting practice because it will allow you to do magick everywhere — even in public! Indeed, there are adept practitioners out there who cast powerful spells in a crowd without being noticed. When you learn the craft of imagination magick, you can work your magick even if you are in the office, at a café, or even during a party. Indeed, magick is everywhere, if you make it so.
True Magick: Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch is an excellent manual especially prepared for beginning witches, wizards, and all kinds of magical practitioners, although intermediate and advanced practitioners may also draw something valuable from it. When it comes to magick, the magick of the mind is the most powerful, for it is where all true magick comes from. And, when it comes to the magick of the mind, nothing is more precious than learning to use one's imagination in a magical way. Indeed, "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." Now is the time to unleash the power of your imagination and discover a wonderful universe that is made of infinite power and pure magick.
Melody Webster
Witch. Dancer. Painter.
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Reviews for Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch
29 ratings3 reviews
- Rating: 4 out of 5 stars4/5
Sep 4, 2023
Easy and quick read with couple of basic practices to get you started. - Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5
Mar 19, 2020
Splendid piece from my favorite author. Thank you for sharing!4 people found this helpful
- Rating: 5 out of 5 stars5/5
Jun 9, 2020
Insightful and splendid read! Glad I got my eyes on this gem!2 people found this helpful
Book preview
Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch - Melody Webster
True Magick: Imagination Magick for the Apprentice Witch is an esoteric manual that explores the power of the imagination, as well as how you can use it in a magical way. In the practice of the occult, it is fundamental that one must learn to use their imagination. While the laypeople (those without any magical training) only think of the imagination as nothing more but a fancy thought, a true witch or magus knows much better: By wielding the power of the imagination, you can cast magical spells and create profound changes in your life.
It is often said that, The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.
However, how do you harness the mind? How can you tap and use this mental power? The answer lies in learning how to use your imagination effectively. And, take note that this is not only about using the imagination, but using it effectively in a magical way — in a way that will allow you to wield true magical power that could place the universe at your fingertips.
So, what does the imagination have to do with magick? Answer: A lot! It is with the power of the imagination that you shall harness the force of magick. If you take a closer look, you will see that the word imagination
is actually both a magical revelation and proclamation: i-mage.
By using your imagination in the right and magical way, you shall harness the force of the universe.
For many years, this mystical knowledge was only passed on strictly from Master to Initiate, and for good reasons. However, the problem with this approach is that it misses out on people who also have the passion to learn but simply lack the right network of connections that