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Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales: Self-Publishing Hacks, #2
Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales: Self-Publishing Hacks, #2
Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales: Self-Publishing Hacks, #2
Ebook110 pages53 minutes

Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales: Self-Publishing Hacks, #2

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About this ebook

This 2nd edition simple step–by–step guide will walk you through the necessary steps in creating a professional looking digital file of your book using the free Microsoft Word alternative OpenOffice for easy upload to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing plus any other online retailer you'd like to make your book available on.

The topics covered in this guide include:

– Where to Download Your Free OpenOffice Software
– How to Easily Format Paragraphs
– How to Select Font Styles and Text Sizes
– How to Insert Images Inside Your Book
– How to Create a Working Table of Contents
– How to Handle Columns, Tables, Headers & Footers
– How to Include Hyperlinks to Websites
– How to Make Special Formatting Drop Caps
– How to Convert Your Book to Any File Format with Ease
– What You Need to Know About ISBNs
– And so much more!

So scroll up and get your copy now!

PublisherT. Buburuz
Release dateJun 17, 2016
Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales: Self-Publishing Hacks, #2

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    Easy DIY E-book Formatting to Increase Book Sales - T. Buburuz

    OpenOffice Software

    In order to use this guide to format your book into a valid EPUB file, you will need to have the free  OpenOffice software installed on your computer.

    OpenOffice is a completely free alternative to Microsoft Office Suite and includes Text Document (a word processor similar to Microsoft Word), Spreadsheet (a spreadsheet similar to Microsoft Excel), Presentation (a program similar to Microsoft PowerPoint), Drawing (a graphics editor), Database and Formula programs, as well as Templates.

    For the purposes of formatting a book to convert into a valid EPUB file suitable for publishing with you favorite retailer and/or any distribution channel requiring a valid EPUB file, you may use OpenOffice’s Text Document program to format your book.

    If you do not already have OpenOffice on your computer, you can download it completely free of charge from their official website at:

    To format this guide I used the newest version of the software available at time of publication, OpenOffice 4.1.2, but if you are already running a newer or older version of the software, there is no need to upgrade or downgrade unless you are wanting a different version of the software.

    Additionally, OpenOffice is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.

    EPUB Format

    If you are seeking to publish and/or distribute your book electronically outside of or in addition to Amazon, which uses the MOBI (Kindle) format, more times than not your book will need to be available in the EPUB format.

    EPUB, short for electronic publication, is a file format that combines text, images, and formatting all into one file extension—the .epub file extension.

    When your book is properly formatted into the EPUB format, it can be downloaded and enjoyed by a wide audience using a vast array of devices and e-reading platforms such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers.

    EPUB is also the top digital publishing file extension in today’s electronic book marketplaces.

    Getting Started

    Assuming you now have the free OpenOffice software installed on your computer (if you do not, see Chapter 1 - OpenOffice Software), the first task you will want to accomplish is to organize all of your book’s content into one place. Some authors write their books in chapters, separating their content into single files or documents; this is okay to do but, in order to format your book into a valid EPUB file using OpenOffice, you will need to place all of your text and images into one OpenDocument Text file (.odt).

    Step One - Backup Your Files

    Create a back up copy of the original files of the book you are going to format. Keeping a copy of the original files separate from the files you are formatting is always a good idea because if you make any mistakes, such as accidentally deleting a paragraph or an image, you can always go back to your original documents and get hold of what you need.

    Step Two - Create a New Folder on your Desktop

    Create a New Folder on your desktop so you can easily access all the files and information you need for your book. I suggest labeling it something such as EPUB – title of your book so you can easily identify it. For the purposes of this guide we will simply call this folder New Folder.

    Step Three - Create a New OpenDocument Text document inside your New Folder

    To create a new OpenDocument Text document inside your New Folder, open your New Folder and right-click on an open space and select New in the drop-down menu, followed by OpenDocument Text in the sub drop-down menu. Doing so will place a blank OpenDocument Text document into your New Folder. I suggest you label this document using the name of your book. For the purposes of this guide we will simply call this new OpenDocument Text document Your Book.

    Step Four - Copy and paste image files into your New Folder

    Copy and paste your book’s cover image, along with any other image files you may be using inside your book into your New Folder.

    When working on any project, it’s a good idea to keep all of your files in one folder so you can easily access them as and when you need them. To do this simply find whatever image files you will be using in your book, and then select and highlight them using your cursor. Next, right-click on the selected and highlighted file(s), and select Copy in the drop-down menu; then return to your New Folder and right-click on an open space within that folder, followed by clicking Paste on the drop-down menu.

    Your image files have now been copied to your "New

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