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How to Survive the Next Economic Depression
How to Survive the Next Economic Depression
How to Survive the Next Economic Depression
Ebook69 pages58 minutes

How to Survive the Next Economic Depression

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Free eBook on how to survive the next economic depression. Read about money and its role in depressions and how to successfully navigate the next oncoming economic depression.If you have found this information useful in any way please rate this eBook.

PublisherAsh Bunsee
Release dateAug 11, 2016
How to Survive the Next Economic Depression

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    How to Survive the Next Economic Depression - Ash Bunsee

    Authors comments:

    In order to understand the causes and effects of an economic depression better, I believe that it is wise for one to familiarize ones self just a little with the reasons for the invention of money/currency and its effects upon man and society.

    I also believe that it is prudent to also consider the eloquent critics of money/currency and there were many along the way. They saw money/currency from its inception for what it really is, and what it represents. The evil potential for money/currency which is a matrix, that causes much division and hardships amongst man, animal and nature.

    It is difficult for one to understand and act out accordingly in an economic depression situation without first understanding its root cause – money/currency. The first use of fiat currency was recorded in China around 1000 AD. When Kublai Khan became emperor of China this is what Marco Polo had to say about Kublai Khan and the use of his paper fiat currency You might say that (Kublai Khan) has the secret of alchemy in perfection…the Khan causes every year to be made such a vast quantity of this money, which costs him nothing, that it must equal in amount all the treasure of the world but this paper trick fiat currency ended up collapsing.

    What Is Currency?

    Currency is what most people think money is! • It is a medium of exchange. • A unit of account. (It has numbers on it!). • It is portable. • It is durable. • It is divisible. (You can make change from it). • It is fungible (interchangeable). • Currency is simply paper. This paper money is a tool for trading your time. • Currency has no intrinsic value! One of the biggest problems with currency is that the governments can print more and more of it

    What is money?

    Money is a store of value and maintains its purchasing power over a long period of time plus: • It is a medium of exchange. • A unit of account. • It is portable. • It is durable. (It never changes from one century to the next). • It is divisible. (You can make change from it). • It is fungible (interchangeable). It is the same wherever it is on earth. • Silver and gold have intrinsic value! Source: Silver and gold is the optimum form of money because of its properties. You can store a large amount of value in a very small area. Only silver and gold have maintained their purchasing power over the last 5000 years! This is because silver and gold are limited in quantity – there is only a finite amount of silver and gold on planet earth!

    How to Survive the Next Economic Depression.

    I feel inclined to blow my mind! Let us adopt and perpetrate a pretense of our very own! Let us pretend that currency is money as professed by its creator. at least for the short duration of this eBook! Ok, OK – here we go!

    Banking was conceived in iniquity, and was born in sin

    " The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen, they will create enough deposits, to buy it back again."

    However, take it away from them, and the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.Sir Josiah Stamp, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920’s, the second richest man in Britain)"

    Can You Name This Mysterious Commodity?

    What is the one commodity that man over the centuries have fallen in love with, killed and died for it, dedicated large portions of their lives for its accumulation, in many instance worshiped it like a god, many speak about it in fondness and lust, many scheme for it, countless noble families have arranged their bloodlines around it, most religions incorporate it and speak of it as a chattel of good luck and fortune, there are those destroy nature in its name, some have even call it virtuous and swear by its virtue, many songs and motion pictures were made espousing its great value and uses, some lie and cheat for it, dream about accumulating loads of it, aspire for it through various means, love for it, go to war over it, countries were born around its principles, complicating sounding names were invented to describe it and its various uses, countless books have been written about it, many people have spent years of their lives learning how to understand it and how to practise and advise others about it, many people have travelled far and wide in order to

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