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Tiptoe Through Genesis
Tiptoe Through Genesis
Tiptoe Through Genesis
Ebook292 pages1 hour

Tiptoe Through Genesis

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About this ebook

What if the oldest, most influential book in history, Genesis, had a secret message for you? It's possible for readers of this uniquely accessible biblical adaptation.

For those familiar with the written Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy), this book is a welcome alternative to the many translations, rabbinic commentaries and bible summaries available.

“Once in awhile a groundbreaking book truly occurs,” writes Arthur Kurzweil, author of Torah for Dummies. “It is not hyperbole to say that this book gives the student of Torah a new and an amazing doorway inside the text. This superb book provides and authentic, effective, personal, emotional and intellectual way to study the Torah. Wow!”

As the very first book of the entire Bible, the book of Genesis offers some of the most memorable passages and scenes which means readers of all backgrounds and religions will delight in this refreshing new approach.

Combining simplicity of format, content clarity, and brevity, this book offers readers a meaningful path through this treasure trove of wisdom and way to start a spiritual conversation.

Ultimately, this highly readable book, catering to the need for fast and fulfilling, offers spiritual intimacy and self-discovery for those who seek it. Instead of giving answers, readers are encouraged to engage with the text through questions that link these eternal words to modern daily life. In other words, this thoughtful adaptation takes the oldest book and makes it all the more relevant, right now.

PublisherNancy Reuben
Release dateSep 27, 2019
Tiptoe Through Genesis

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    Book preview

    Tiptoe Through Genesis - Nancy Reuben

    Adaptation Goals

    #1 Keeping it short.

    This format allows you to read it through in

    one sitting, over time, daily, weekly

    when you need help, hope

    or whenever the mood strikes.

    #2 Keeping it easy.

    Since biblical names, relationships

    and time lapses can be very confusing

    text has been added in brackets for clarification

    or to introduce passages.

    {example of added text in brackets}

    #3 Keeping it flowing.

    To keep things moving, this book

    leaves out, condenses or alludes

    to lists of details

    like lineage and wars and journeys.

    #4 Keeping the poetry.

    Relying on a variety of English

    translations and sources

    each word was chosen for its accuracy

    and poetic power.

    #5 Keeping it verifiable.

    Every Torah translation is unique

    in its word choices so it would be

    very rare for my adapted text

    to match word for word with your translation.

    To compare any passage

    use traditional biblical notation

    (Portion, Section, Line) starting with Genesis 1:1.

    For example: Portion Noah 9:8-17.

    Go to the 9th Section and read Lines 8 through 17.

    Note: Any bracketed {added text}

    is not included in notation.

    #6 Keeping it relatable.

    To foster connection and curiosity

    my starter questions are railings

    on this Tiptoe bridge

    something to hold on to

    as you explore the text

    with yourself

    and discuss with others.

    As for the answers

    there are no right

    or wrong answers.

    There are only answers

    that are honest for you.


    this is not a word for word translation

    nor the complete original Torah text.

    This is my adaptation

    lovingly built for crossing over

    the fence of Torah

    a bridge

    high enough

    to look over

    and close enough

    to look within.


    Tiptoe Through Genesis

    be a source

    of light and blessing

    in your life.


    In the beginning of

    God’s creating

    the heavens and the earth


    the earth

    was astonishingly




    was upon the surface

    of the deep

    Divine Presence


    over the surface

    of the waters.

    Genesis 1:1-2

    Q. Does God still create? Over what or whom do you hover?

    {From the beginning did God create

    the heaven and the earth. And this earth was once confused

    and tangled, and darkness was over the turmoil

    and a breath of God

    hovered over the waters.}

    And God said

    Let there be light.

    And then there was light.

    God saw that the light was good

    and separated light from darkness

    calling to

    the light Day


    to the darkness Night.

    It was evening and it was morning

    one day.

    Genesis 1:3-5

    Q. How can God’s Words create light? How do you understand good?

    God said Let there be an expanse

    to separate

    the waters

    from the waters.

    And it was so.

    God called to the firmament


    It was evening and it was morning

    a second day.

    Genesis 1:6-8

    Q. How do you understand heaven? When have you felt the need to separate from some thing, some place or some one?

    God said

    Let the waters under the heaven

    be gathered into one area and let dry land


    And it was so.

    God called to the dry land


    and to the waters


    God saw that it was good.

    God said

    Let the earth sprout vegetation.

    And it was so.

    The earth brought forth

    vegetation and herbage yielding seeds

    and trees bearing fruit with seeds.

    And God saw that it was good.

    It was evening and it was morning

    a third day.

    Genesis 1:9-13

    Q. How does Nature reveal the Divine? What do you see when you look for good in your day?

    God said Let there be two luminaries

    in the expanse of the heaven

    to shine upon the earth

    and serve as signs for festivals, days and years.

    And God made

    the greater luminary to dominate the day

    the lesser, the night.

    And the stars.

    And God saw that it was good.

    It was evening and it was morning

    a fourth day.

    Genesis 1:14-19

    Q. How do you feel when you look at the sun, moon and stars? What provides rhythm for your life?

    God said Let the waters


    with living beings which move

    and let fowl fly over the earth


    the expanse of the heavens.

    And God created

    sea creatures and creepers

    and winged fowl of every kind.

    And God saw that it was good.

    God blessed them

    Be fruitful and multiply.

    It was evening and it was morning

    a fifth day.

    Genesis 1:20-23

    Q. How do you understand blessings? How do you measure your daily successes?

    God said Let the earth bring forth living creatures, each

    according to its kind; animals, creeping things and land beasts.

    And God created them and saw they were good.

    God said Let us make man

    with our image and likeness.

    They shall rule

    over the living creatures and the whole earth.

    And God created man in God’s image.

    In the image of God

    male and female

    God created them.

    God blessed them Be fertile and multiply. Fill the earth and

    rule over all the living in the waters, the skies and the land.

    God said Behold I have given you

    seeds for all vegetation and trees.

    These are foods for you and the animals and birds.

    These are foods for every living soul.

    And it was so.

    Indeed, God saw all that God had made

    and it was very good.

    And it was evening and it was morning

    the sixth day.

    Genesis 1:24-31

    Q. How is creating humans an act of Divine love? Why are all humans created equal?

    Thus the heaven

    and the earth

    and all their hosts

    were finished in six days.

    By the seventh day

    God completed the work God had begun.

    God ceased

    from the creating work

    on the seventh day.

    God blessed

    the seventh day


    declared it holy

    by ceasing the work

    God had done before.

    Genesis 2:1-3

    Q. Why is the Sabbath a blessing? What, for you, makes time holy?

    When God made the heaven and the earth

    there were no trees or herbs

    for there

    had yet to be rain from God

    or man to work the ground.

    A mist

    rose up from the earth and watered

    the ground.

    And God formed man

    from the dust of the ground

    and blew into his nostrils

    the soul of life

    and man


    a living being.

    Genesis 2:4-7

    Q. Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body? How do you feel when you consciously breathe deeply?

    God planted a garden in Eden

    and placed there the man

    God had formed.

    And God caused every tree

    to sprout from the ground.

    Each pleasant to look at and good to eat

    including the Tree of Life

    in the middle of the garden


    the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.

    A river flowed out of Eden

    to water the garden

    then it divided and was the head of four rivers.


    placed the man

    in the garden in Eden

    to work it

    and guard it.

    Genesis 2:8-15

    Q. Compare Good and Bad to Good and Evil. What do you guard?

    {God placed the man God had formed

    in the garden in Eden to work it and guard it.}

    God commanded the man saying

    You may freely eat

    of all the trees in the garden


    from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad

    do not eat

    for on the day you eat of it

    you shall definitely die.

    Genesis 2:16-17

    Q. How do you understand the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad? How do you like free choice?

    {God placed man in the garden in Eden.}

    God said

    It is not good for man to be alone.

    I will make him

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