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Under the Goddess' Eye: A Collection of Short Stories
Under the Goddess' Eye: A Collection of Short Stories
Under the Goddess' Eye: A Collection of Short Stories
Ebook41 pages21 minutes

Under the Goddess' Eye: A Collection of Short Stories

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About this ebook

Under the Goddess's Eye connects humanity and nature and questions the role that we have in the world. In Healing of the Forest, a man is searches for the cause of sickness in his forest home. While in, A Cold Night, a little girl finds comfort with a wolf enslaved. Can both they coexist with their surroundings or nature run its course?

Under the Goddess's Eyes asks the same of humanity and their own. Can we connect and evolve, or are we stuck in a constant state of isolation? In Hide and Seek, Kayla, Cole, and Henry must work together to escape an unknown enemy. While decades later, Heather fights to keep herself and her brother from facing the ultimate consequences of their parent's actions in Sibling's Run. Finally, in Splashing Love, Bridget decides to take the next step in her life.

The final story, A Ship Encounter, asks us to connect to ourselves as individuals. It pulls us along the path of a sailor named Nadine as she comes to terms with her choices; those she has already made and those she must still make.

Release dateAug 3, 2019
Under the Goddess' Eye: A Collection of Short Stories

Jessica Knight

Jessica Knight is a fantasy novelist working on earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Full Sail University. Her writing adventure started in elementary school when one of her short stories was published in The Harvest, a local literary magazine. As a fantasy writer, her work focuses on her love for the macabre and her desire to create worlds that others can escape to. Her current projects include a webcomic called Sins and a series of short stories called Golden Isles: A Field Guide, which are accompanied by adventures that can be used in tabletop roleplay games.

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    Book preview

    Under the Goddess' Eye - Jessica Knight

    Under the Goddess' Eye:

    A Collection of Short Stories

    By Jessica Knight

    Under the Goddess' Eye:

    A Collection of Short Stories

    Copyright 2019 Jessica Knight 

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is dedicated to those that always remind me to believe in myself and those that inspire me every day to pursue my dreams.

    One down. . .

    So many to go.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Table of Contents


    Healing of the Forest

    A Cold Night

    Hide and Seek

    Sibling's Run

    Splashing Love

    A Ship Encounter

    About the Author


    Dear Reader,

    I never thought that I would have the courage to do this, but here I am. The following are a series of short stories that I have written over the past year for my studies. Each of them holds an important lesson for me as I expand my knowledge and grow as a writer. They are precious to me as stepping stones, pushing me in the direction of my dreams, just like this book. I hope that you find your own lessons in the stories and just enjoy them for what they are.

    It is a whole other level to put yourself out there

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