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Soulmate Poetry
Soulmate Poetry
Soulmate Poetry
Ebook352 pages1 hour

Soulmate Poetry

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About this ebook

The author invites you on her journey...

A spiritual life quest to find a partner. She encounters many soulmates along the way. Those who become detours, blessings, roadblocks, heartbreaks, and ultimately teachers. Reminding her that everything she is seeking lies within herself.

Experience her profound angst, heartache, and joy in this search for pure love.

PublisherAnmarie Uber
Release dateFeb 27, 2018
Soulmate Poetry

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    Soulmate Poetry - Anmarie Uber

    Soulmate Poetry

    Soulmate Poetry

    Anmarie Uber

    Published by Anmarie Uber, 2018.

    Soulmate Poetry


    Tuggle Publishing

    Copyright © 2018 by Anmarie Uber.

    Cover Design by Juliette at Silky Cover Design

    Soulmate Poetry/Anmarie Uber —1st ed.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Vellum flower icon Created with Vellum

    Dedicated to all my many teachers.



    1. 1991


    How do I feel?

    There you are

    Why do your eyes look down

    You just sit there

    The Hate Gate

    Just this once

    The Right Decision

    Dedicated to My Prince of Light

    Realizing My Mistake

    The Water of Life

    The Happy Ending

    2. 1992

    Alone and lost

    When I touch you

    3. 1993

    Following Your Scent

    Scorpio to Scorpio

    Sky Eyes

    The sound of your voice

    The Trap

    4. 1994

    The Call


    Just Out of Reach



    Over and Over

    Since the beginning

    I smiled all day today

    The Stranger

    It seems I have waited

    The leaves are singing

    Life Companion

    Fire. Intelligence. Wisdom.

    How do I describe


    5. 1995

    An Ode to Myself



    A Slow Death


    The Master



    Return to Innocence

    6. 1996

    Soulmate Lost

    April 20, 1956 - May 31, 1996

    Lily Pad Limbo Land

    7. 1997

    To My Girl

    8. 1998


    Reincarnation Remembered

    Self Hatred - Feigning Holiday Cheer

    9. 1999

    Meeting My Match

    Undying Devotion

    Purging the Old

    Andy and I

    One more step


    The Goodbye Poem

    The Psalm of the Prioress

    None Forgotten


    Your Loss is my Gain

    Meeting a Twin Self

    A Thunderstorm’s Magic

    A Day in the Life of an Eclipse

    They Always Come to Get You, Even in Hell

    On the Road to Immortality

    Breaking the Ice

    My Love

    A Blessing on Friday the 13th

    Who are you?

    To Andy

    Mistaken Identity

    It’s not jealousy I feel

    What is a Friend?

    In Front of Me, All Along

    The Sun God

    The Elfin King

    Already Obsolete Prediction for the Future

    You live a million miles away

    Death, at last

    Sweet Fishy Wishy

    Recognition of the Twin Flame

    The Light at the End

    Becoming My Mars in Capricorn

    10. 2000

    With an observer’s eye

    The Bride to Be

    Here I sit again

    To a Venus in Virgo

    …and the one shall surely come, as inevitable as the sun rising each day…

    Summer’s Reprieve

    Double Jeopardy

    My life is empty without you

    A love so pure


    Pitter Patter

    Oh tragic one

    I walk down the street

    11. 2001

    Night and Day

    All About You

    Long Distance Love

    Locked up inside

    Once again

    The Spoken Word

    12. 2005

    A Frog is always a Prince in disguise

    To My Valentine

    Freedom Into Bondage

    One phone call away

    13. 2007

    A blessing in my life


    14. 2010

    Timeless Distance

    Reincarnated Love

    A Lifetime in Two Days

    So Close

    So different and yet the same

    A slow painful death

    There’s an old saying

    Everything is you

    Fervently there


    Mysterious You

    God’s choice alone

    I realized the kiss began

    There is a halo of light

    I’ve waited all my life for you

    Everything to Lose

    Hidden Leo

    Is there a prince out there

    Initiation from love to LOVE

    Love’s Addiction

    Dream or Reality?

    Awaiting the True One to Free me from my Darkness

    Upon Living under Apocalypse by John the Destroyer and John the Creator

    Awakening through Fire

    Purification of my desires for a new beginning


    15. 2011


    16. 2018

    The Way is Near


    About the Author

    To find Anmarie


    This book is about my personal search for truth, light and the understanding of myself…and ultimately about love, and freedom from the reincarnation matrix. It is written to share with those on their own spiritual path, as we all encounter occasional, or many soul mates on our journey to Home.



    (1991 …spontaneously beginning to write…)


    Your presence is enough

    No expectations, no demands.

    Just you in the room

    being you.

    How do I feel?

    How do I feel?


    What is this emotion,


    Detachment and yet willing entrapment.

    And ecstasy beyond reason.

    Yes, ecstasy!

    My life is filled with ecstatic devotion,

    and love is in its eternal season.

    As long as you’re with me, and

    As long as you love me

    I cannot find words to answer

    How do I feel.

    There you are

    There you are

    You are not touching me,

    But you are.

    We watch T.V.

    But I see you.

    Every move

    Affects me

    In ways beyond words.

    Your foot coming closer,

    For the pull is too strong

    And I know

    We’ll be touching before long.

    Why do your eyes look down

    Why do your eyes look down

    At the ground

    When I stand in front of you

    Longing for your gaze

    For our eyes to lock

    And get lost in the maze

    Of what your eyes can do to me

    When you are not looking down

    You just sit there

    You just sit there

    In your chair

    Looking down at me

    Poor pathetic me,

    Or is it my own mind

    Thinking your thoughts?

    Yes, I’ll be your friend

    Until then,

    Until you can see me

    For who I am.

    Well, until I can see me

    For who I am.

    Until that day

    You remain with another

    And I suffer,

    But only in my own mind

    Which continues to doubt the miracles of time.

    The Hate Gate

    The Hate Gate

    (a lexigram of Auguste’s name)

    I approach the Hate Gate

    To tug it free,

    But I’m stopped

    By the memory

    Of wrongs in the past

    That were done to me.

    So I begin to shout

    What hate is about

    To get all of it out

    Unaware that I am surrounded

    by trees and bees and flowers.

    I look down,

    See my face in the lake,

    And realize

    That is who I hate.

    I hate me!

    How can it be

    That I blamed everyone else

    And failed to see,

    This new-found wisdom

    That could set me free.

    Its not too late

    To open the Hate Gate.

    Just this once

    Just this once

    Will I let it work out

    Let one stay and not go

    Instead of one after another

    Like a circus sideshow

    They could make a movie

    Out of my love life

    The rate I go through men

    But if I agree

    To let one stay

    What do I do then?

    The Right Decision

    The Right Decision

    Its all right here

    An arm’s reach

    But my hands are tied

    As I walk the tightrope

    Which side

    Will win with me

    The pull of confusion

    Or reality

    Your ups and downs

    Or my sanity

    Tell me

    Which side will it be

    Fate is in the hands

    Of my next step

    Along the rope

    Afraid to lose my balance

    I give up hope

    Of making a decision

    Which side has the net?

    Dedicated to My Prince of Light

    Dedicated to My Prince of Light

    Oh, you, whom I have known

    Through eons of time

    I shall always know your eyes

    When they look into mine.

    Such beauty and depth

    I am lost in the flame

    Of your blazing stare

    I shall never be the same.

    For you have reached my soul

    Though few I would allow

    But you, so kind and warm

    You are different somehow.

    From my heart I speak to you

    Oh noble, beautiful one

    That my love for you is boundless

    And you are my shining sun.

    We have met again

    Never a time to part

    For you are my true friend

    And I shall always feel your heart.

    Realizing My Mistake

    Realizing My Mistake

    I sit and bide my time

    Trying to find


    to inspire me

    to get through the next hour

    I realize, as the minutes so,

    How lucky I was,

    And I wonder why.

    Why, when I was with you,

    Did I choose to dwell on things that made me blue,

    When I could just as easily have laughed!

    Surrounded by so much joy.

    Too much to be grateful for.

    And now, I would give anything

    to be with you again,

    Rather than

    Each hour filled with emptiness

    This strained effort to find pleasure.

    I see now that I sit in this void

    To show myself how truly

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