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Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears
Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears
Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears
Ebook99 pages1 hour

Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears

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About this ebook

Suitable for readers aged 5 and up.
Daisy and Charlie are little mice visiting their Grandpa, who is very kind and wise. He has a lot of fairy tales to tell.
Daisy and Charlie hear stories about beautiful princesses with long whiskers, brave princes, kingdoms and countries far far away, royal palaces, magic objects, love, friendship, and escaping cats and owls. There are even dragons in Grandpa’s fairy tales.
Daisy and Charlie keep their tiny mouse ears straightened, and listen carefully. Make yourself comfortable, have some cheese with big holes, and listen to Grandpa’s fairy tales together with Daisy and Charlie.

PublisherZuzana Clark
Release dateJul 5, 2019
Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears

Zuzana Clark

Hi!My name is Zuzana.I have always loved drawing and painting. For me, one of the great sources of inspiration is animals. I have a soft spot for dogs, mice, and anteaters. And lemurs. And sloths. And actually all the animals (especially the fluffy ones, but lizards and crocodiles are also pretty awesome). I like writing stories about animals and illustrating them, mostly using watercolors.I enjoy going for walks with my friend – Dusty the dachshund. You can see us in the photo. I like reading, watching documentaries about animals, and drinking coffee. I am based in the Czech Republic, in the city of Prague.

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    Fairy Tales for Tiny Mouse Ears - Zuzana Clark


    The Dragon Who Wanted to Wear a Coat

    To Patricia

    That night, Daisy and Charlie were lying in their matchbox bed. It had a picture of flames on it. Daisy and Charlie knew matches were used to make fire.

    Dragons don’t need matches, Charlie said. They can breathe fire whenever they like. They can also cook their meals any time they want. It must be great to be a dragon.

    Will you tell us a fairy tale about a dragon, Grandpa? Daisy asked.

    I’ll tell you a fairy tale about a dragon who wanted to wear a coat, Grandpa said.

    Daisy and Charlie in their matchbox bed.

    Once upon a time, there was a dragon. Everybody was afraid of him. He was big and he could breathe fire. His body was covered in thick scales and he had huge wings.

    The dragon lived in a den in the middle of high mountains that were covered in beautiful forests of tall fir trees. In winter, there was a lot of snow. When it was summer and it was hot, you could hide in the cool shade of the fir trees. There were plenty of blueberries, wild strawberries, and mushrooms growing in these woods. They made a very nice place to live.

    One autumn day, the dragon decided to go on a trip. And so he took off and flew to see forests far far away.

    The trees in the forests where the dragon lived had dark green needles, but the leaves of the trees in these new forests were bright yellow, orange, and red. They were beautiful, and the dragon couldn’t take his eyes off them. The trees looked as if they were dressed in colorful coats.

    The dragon thought, I would like to wear a coat like that.

    Then he noticed that the wind had started blowing. The tree branches were swaying and leaves fell to the ground. They made a beautiful carpet.

    The dragon had an idea. I’m going to lie under the trees so the leaves will fall on my back. They’ll make me a beautiful coat.

    And so the dragon swooped down. He crawled under the trees and lay there waiting. It didn’t take long for the wind to start blowing again. The dragon was soon covered in leaves.

    What a wonderful coat I have, he thought.

    But then the wind started blowing again and blew all the leaves off his back.

    Now I have no coat, the dragon thought sadly.

    Feeling really miserable, he flew back to his mountains. The fir trees there had beautiful needles, but the dragon knew that they wouldn’t make a comfortable coat. The needles were prickly. The dragon was sure about that, so he didn’t even try.

    It must be beautiful to be a tree and wear a good-looking coat, the dragon sighed.

    He crept into his den, where he spent the rest of the autumn days preparing magic potions.

    Then winter came. Like every year, there was a lot of snow in the mountains, and all the trees had a white coat.

    The dragon decided to go on a trip. He flew over high mountains, over frozen streams, and over meadows that were resting under white blankets.

    When he was flying over tall trees, he looked at them and thought, I would like to have such a coat. It looks soft and comfortable.

    He saw that it was snowing. A lot of snowflakes were falling down from the sky.

    The dragon thought, I will lie down on the ground and wait. The snow will fall on me and I will have a lovely coat.

    And so he lay down on the ground, and soon he was covered in snow. It was really beautiful, but the dragon was cold. This coat didn’t feel comfortable at all.

    I’m freezing, the dragon thought, his teeth rattling.

    And so he blew out some fire to be warm again, but he lost his coat. All the snow on his body melted.

    This was good for his health, because otherwise he would have caught a cold, which is bad news for a dragon. He cannot blow fire and he only puffs smoke, which is very unpleasant.

    The dragon was warm again, but he was very sad.

    Now I have no coat, he sobbed.

    He wanted to be in his den. And so he flapped his great wings and flew back home. He spent the rest of the winter days preparing magic potions.

    That winter was long, but the snow finally melted and spring came. One spring day, the dragon peeked out of his den. He looked around and could smell the fresh air. The dragon took off, and as he was gliding over the mountain kingdom he could hear the bees buzzing and the water

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