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Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians: An Introduction
Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians: An Introduction
Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians: An Introduction
Ebook594 pages6 hours

Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians: An Introduction

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About this ebook

Intended as an introduction for veterinarians and other animal health professionals interested in and wishing to apply epidemiological methods in their day-to-day work, this book provides a practical guide for those new to the field. Its applied focus covers the principles of epidemiology in real world situations and practical implementation of disease outbreak investigation, for both emerging and endemic diseases. Techniques and methods are discussed, supported by case studies and practical examples to illustrate their application. The book is clearly written and accessible, providing readers with practical information and encouraging the development of problem-solving skills. It is an essential handbook for veterinary surgeons and students and those involved in animal health, food safety and epidemiology.
Release dateJul 28, 2015
Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians: An Introduction

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    Epidemiology for Field Veterinarians - Evan Sergeant

    1 What is Epidemiology?

    1.1  Introduction

    This book provides an introduction to the application of epidemiological methods, ­including the investigation and resolution of disease problems in animal populations. Different methods are required depending on the problem under investigation and involve the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, as well as the synthesis and interpretation of information arising from data and other sources.

    As an epidemiologist, you will often be asked to investigate disease incidents or evaluate and make recommendations on policy or disease management issues. These situations are often complicated by practical, political, economic or management considerations resulting in constraints on the quality of the information and data available for analysis and interpretation, the ability to collect additional data and the time-frame in which a response is required. It is essential that an objective and transparent approach is used in such situations, and that it is flexible enough to make the most of the available data.

    This chapter provides an introduction to epidemiology, how it relates to other disciplines, its role in decision making and a brief description of important epidemiological study types. Chapter 2 introduces the concept of an epidemiological approach to thinking and problem solving. Chapter 3 covers the specific application of this approach to the investigation of disease outbreaks and subsequent chapters describe in more detail concepts and methods introduced in earlier chapters.

    1.2  Epidemiology and Where it Fits

    As animal production systems have intensified, the interaction of disease agents with other factors such as the physical environment, nutrition and genetics has become more complex. This complex interplay among a variety of factors sits in delicate balance while the goal of increasingly efficient production is sought. In such a system, even small changes in some factors can facilitate expression of disease. Resultant morbidity and mortality translate into lost production and reduced profitability.

    Increasing urbanization, with consequent encroachment on natural environments, over the last century has contributed to emergence of new diseases, many of which are zoonoses, affecting people as well as animals. Of 335 emerging infectious diseases identified between 1940 and 2004, 60% were zoonoses and more than 71% originated from wildlife populations (Cutler et al., 2010).

    The traditional response to emergence of new disease entities is to identify the pathogen and seek interventions that will prevent or cure disease at the individual animal level. This traditional perspective requires developing an understanding of disease processes at the individual animal, organ, tissue, cellular and molecular level. Such an inside-the-animal approach largely ignores the complex interplay between animals, particularly when animals are aggregated in suboptimal environments that favour spread and expression of disease.

    Epidemiology provides a complete set of tools for investigating disease occurrence in populations and for developing control and prevention strategies at the population level, often before the biology of the causal organism is clearly understood. A population of animals has attributes beyond the mere summation of its constituent animal units in the same way that the individual animal is more than just the sum of its individual organ systems. In addition, epidemiology looks at higher levels of populations. For example, the aggregation of pens, mobs or ponds on a particular farm may be regarded as a population, as could all the farms in an area such as a province or country. The different perspectives of traditional and population medicine approaches are shown in Fig. 1.1. At the same time, epidemiology often uses information collected as part of more detailed investigations on groups of individuals to make inference about the population from which they arise.

    Fig. 1.1 Representation of the relationship between the traditional perspective of investigating disease and a population perspective.

    1.3  Diseases in Populations

    Epidemiology is the study of patterns and causes of disease in populations. Understanding these issues will in turn contribute to identification of options for control and prevention of diseases. At its simplest, epidemiology is about supporting better decision making to ensure appropriate response or preventative measures for population health.

    Suboptimal animal health and production in livestock systems may be approached as a type of disease. It is common to see epidemiologic principles and methods applied to livestock systems to ensure optimal health, welfare and production outcomes.

    Most diseases do not occur at random in a population – they follow distinct patterns according to exposure of individuals in the population to various factors associated with the host, agent and environment (see Fig. 1.2). Epidemiologists rely on this non-random nature of disease events to generate and test hypotheses about likely causes and risk factors for disease.

    Fig. 1.2 Epidemiology studies the relationships between agent, host and environment resulting in disease occurrence.

    Epidemiological studies provide insight not only into those factors operating at the population level but can also raise hypotheses worth exploring further at the individual animal, organ, cellular and genetic level. Thus, the understanding of disease processes operating at the population level requires both a downward (towards the molecular level) and upward (towards the population level) approach to investigation. By using such a bidirectional approach, fresh insights into the mechanisms and control of disease can be obtained.

    1.4  Where Does Epidemiology Fit?

    Epidemiology is an integrating science with close links to clinical and laboratory medicine as well as biostatistics and health economics. In addition, it is the basic science that underpins state veterinary medicine, biosecurity, preventive veterinary medicine and herd health programmes. Epidemiologists usually use the word disease in its broadest sense to include any health-related condition or event of interest, in addition to clinical illness.

    Epidemiology is concerned with (adapted from Thrushfield, 2005, p. 16):

    •detecting the existence of a disease or other production problem;

    •identifying the causes of disease;

    •estimating the risk of becoming diseased;

    •obtaining information on the ecology and natural history of the disease;

    •defining and quantifying the impact and extent of the problem;

    •planning and evaluating possible disease control strategies and biosecurity measures;

    •monitoring and surveillance to prevent further disease episodes; and

    •assessing the economic impact of disease and control programmes.

    1.5  The Role of Epidemiology in Policy Development

    Effective animal health policy development requires not only a sound scientific basis, but also a clear understanding of the social and political context in which policy is being made. Successful interventions need to be politically, socially and economically acceptable if they are to be acted upon. Epidemiologists are in an excellent position to take a lead role in providing not only scientific input to policy, but also for integrating the broader ‘macro-epidemiological’ issues required for successful policy (Hueston, 2003).

    Hueston (2003) uses the example of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in white-tailed deer in Michigan, USA. Despite bovine TB being close to eradication in the USA, increased deer populations in areas of north-east Michigan were providing a reservoir of infection that was jeopardizing progress with eradication in the region. The situation was compounded by poor farming conditions and low returns resulting in an increase in feeding of deer for hunting clubs as an alternative source of income. This led to increased deer density and congregations around feeding stations, allowing efficient spread of TB within the deer population.

    From a purely disease control perspective this is a relatively simple problem with a simple solution. Stop feeding deer and increase culling to stop transmission. However, this would not solve the underlying social and economic issues that led to the problem in the first place. In fact, resolution of this sort of problem requires consideration and integration of priorities and opinions from a wide variety of groups, including local farmers, public and animal health agencies, wildlife agencies, sporting shooters and hunters, and the public. Failure to consider and integrate the views and needs of all of these groups into any solution is likely to lead to lack of support and eventual failure.

    The role of the epidemiologist (and other scientists) in providing technical input is complemented by social and political considerations, so that the decision maker has full information on which to base a decision.

    Fig. 1.3 Classification of quantitative epidemiological study types.

    Technical information feeding into policy development should be objective, science-based, and free of biases. In order to achieve this, epidemiologists need to be aware of and apply skills from three broad areas of expertise:

    •Cognitive analysis framework. This is a non-statistical approach to assessing available evidence using logical thought processes. This requires a thorough grasp and application of all the basic epidemiological concepts. In many cases, clear logical thought applied to the appropriate observations and information may be all that is required to solve an epidemiological problem.

    •Appropriately planned and valid collection of data and information for statistical analysis.

    •Statistical data analysis incorporating hypothesis testing where appropriate. A wide range of statistical tools has been developed to help describe patterns in data, and to distinguish random effects from genuine associations. These tools need to be applied within the cognitive analysis framework which provides a more general understanding of the problem. Only in this way will such issues as bias, confounding and lack of biological importance in the face of statistical significance be successfully addressed.

    •Communication of the findings of these analyses in an effective manner, appropriate to the needs of the end-user. It is essential to distinguish between that which is known, that which may be inferred or deduced, and that which is not known. The level of confidence associated with the findings needs to be clearly expressed, although it is often difficult for policy makers to grasp these concepts.

    1.6  Types of Epidemiological Study

    There are many types of quantitative epidemiological study but they can be broadly grouped into observational study, intervention study and theoretical epidemiology as shown in Fig. 1.3. The underlying principles for all types of study are similar. In the process of finding causes of disease, factors which are statistically linked with the disease of interest and suspected to be causal for the disease (known as risk factors) are identified.

    The different epidemiological study types rely on different approaches to sampling from the population in order to investigate the relationship between potential risk factors and the outcome of interest. Differences in methodology result in important differences in study characteristics and also in the strength of any inference that can be made from the results. The characteristics of different study types are described briefly below and the advantages and disadvantages of each type are summarized in Table 1.1. For more information on epidemiological study design, readers should consult standard epidemiology texts (Martin et al., 1987; Thrushfield, 2005; Rothman et al., 2008; Dohoo et al., 2010).

    Table 1.1. Characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of main study types (adapted from Thrushfield, 2005)

    1.6.1 Observational studies

    In observational studies nature is allowed to take its course, while differences or changes in the characteristics of the population are studied, without intervention from the investigator. There are four common types of observational study: descriptive study, cross-sectional study, case-control study and cohort study.

    Descriptive studies

    A descriptive study (Fig. 1.4) has the objective of describing the distribution and occurrence of a disease in a population in terms of animal, place and time, without statistical hypothesis testing of possible risk factors. Descriptive studies may generate hypotheses, which can then be further investigated.

    Fig. 1.4 Descriptive studies.

    Cross-sectional studies

    In a cross-sectional study (Fig. 1.5), prevalence of the disease in question is measured and compared among those with and those without the risk factor(s) of interest. A weakness of cross-sectional studies is that evidence for causation is only realistically produced for permanent (sometimes called fixed) factors such as species and sex.

    Fig. 1.5 Cross-sectional studies.

    For example, you might undertake a randomized cross-sectional study of villages in a country for exposure to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus. This would allow you to estimate the seroprevalence and to identify possible risk factors for exposure to support either follow-up studies and/or planning for future management of FMD.

    Case-control studies

    In a case-control study (Fig. 1.6), selection is based on whether or not subjects have the outcome (disease) of interest. A case group is selected from animals (or other units) with the disease of interest and a control group is selected from units without the disease. The frequencies of suspected risk factors are then measured for the two groups and compared. Case-control studies are well suited to rare diseases and many suspected risk factors can be compared at the same time. They are relatively quick and inexpensive to perform but are susceptible to many biases and do not yield estimates of the frequencies of disease in the exposed and unexposed populations.

    Fig. 1.6 Case-control studies.

    For example, you might undertake a case-control study for FMD occurrence in village livestock. Case villages would be selected from known affected villages while controls would be selected from unaffected villages in the same region. This would allow you to identify village-level risk factors for infection, to support planning for prevention and management of future outbreaks.

    Cohort studies

    In a cohort study (Fig. 1.7), exposed and unexposed animals without the disease of interest are selected based on exposure to a hypothesized risk factor. The investigator does not assign or impose the factor of interest, but merely observes the course of natural events. After a suitable period of observation, the frequency of the disease of interest is compared between the two groups. Cohort studies can provide a complete description of the development of disease and true incidence rates in exposed and unexposed groups. They are particularly suited to evaluating the importance of specific risk factors identified by earlier, less-informative studies.

    Fig. 1.7 Cohort studies.

    The best known examples of cohort studies are numerous studies investigating health outcomes associated with cigarette smoking. Comparison of health outcomes between smokers and non-smokers has allowed researchers to quantify the increase in risk of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health problems associated with increased levels of smoking.

    1.6.2 Intervention studies

    An intervention study (Fig. 1.8) is in reality an epidemiological experiment imposed at the population level. These are sometimes also called clinical or field trials. This is in contrast to laboratory or pen experiments, which are conducted under much more rigorously controlled conditions. The purpose of an intervention study is to evaluate the effects of some preventive or treatment (intervention) strategy. We commonly think of such studies as pertaining only to testing vaccines or drugs. However, the same methodology is applicable to other interventions such as changes in management or nutrition. Eligible experimental units are allocated randomly to two or more groups, the treatments applied and the outcomes measured and analysed for associations.

    Fig. 1.8 Intervention studies.

    For example, mineral deficiencies can often result in poor growth and even death of young sheep or cattle. Often you may suspect that a particular mineral is deficient but be unable to demonstrate this conclusively. One way of achieving this is to run a field trial, comparing growth rates in treated and untreated groups that are similar in all other ways.

    1.6.3 Theoretical studies

    Theoretical epidemiology studies (Fig. 1.9) are based on mathematical modelling using a computer and are designed to answer what-if type questions in an attempt to extend the limits of existing knowledge. There are a wide variety of modelling methods used, but the primary aim is to reproduce a realistic simulation of disease behaviour in a population (or whatever other characteristic is being modelled). The major benefits of models are that:

    •The process of developing and interpreting the model often leads to valuable insights into disease epidemiology and behaviour that might not otherwise be apparent.

    •Models provide a structured and controlled environment in which hypothesized interventions can be tested and evaluated at significantly lower cost than undertaking field experiments or observations to achieve the same result (or for interventions that may not be practical to implement experimentally).

    Fig. 1.9 Theoretical studies.

    Models are particularly useful in examining the behaviour and impact of infectious diseases as well as the possible effects of a range of interventions. The results from such studies need to be confirmed with follow-up observational or intervention studies wherever possible.

    For example, simulation models of the spread of FMD have been used to help understand the behaviour of the 2001 outbreak in the UK and to predict the potential impact of alternative control strategies (Morris et al., 2001).


    Cutler, S.J., Fooks, A.R. and Van Der Poel, W.H.M. (2010) Public health threat of new, reemerging, and neglected zoonoses in the industrialsed world. Emerging Infectious Diseases 16, 1–7.

    Dohoo, I., Martin, W. and Stryhn, H. (2010) Veterinary Epidemiologic Research, VER Inc., Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

    Hueston, W.D. (2003) Science, politics and animal health policy: epidemiology in action. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 60, 3–13.

    Martin, S.W., Meek, A.H. and Willeberg, P. (1987) Veterinary Epidemiology. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.

    Morris, R.S., Wilesmith, J.W., Stern, M.W., Sanson, R.L. and Stevenson, M.A. (2001) Predictive spatial modelling of alternative control strategies for the foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in Great Britain. Veterinary Record 149, 137–144.

    Rothman, K.J., Greenland, S. and Lash, T. (2008) Modern Epidemiology. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Thrushfield, M. (2005) Veterinary Epidemiology, 3rd edn. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK.

    2 The Epidemiological Approach

    2.1  Introduction

    In this chapter we introduce the concept of an epidemiological approach to disease investigation. The epidemiological approach is really about applying a logical, structured and transparent approach to any epidemiological investigation or project. It applies equally well to all types of epidemiological studies but is particularly important when investigating outbreaks of disease where the cause is unknown.

    The epidemiological approach may be distinguished from a clinical approach to animal disease that is reliant on clinical examination of sick animals in conjunction with a range of ancillary procedures and information (history, signalment, laboratory testing, and examination of the immediate environment). The clinical approach is reliant on developing a list of candidate or differential diagnoses and narrowing that down to a most likely diagnosis. Control and prevention is then based on existing knowledge about the most likely diagnosis. In situations where there is a lack of available information, where the actual disease is novel or not included in the differential list then the clinical approach may not produce effective response measures.

    In many cases, policy makers require rapid decision making, often in the absence of detailed and reliable information. The advantage of an epidemiological approach is that you can often draw some conclusions about the likely cause or risk factors for a disease, even in the absence of detailed data for statistical analysis or identification of the agent involved. In this situation, conclusions may be limited in scope and qualified by the quantity and quality of available data. Often, the main outcome will be interim recommendations for possible control and additional recommendations for further investigation to collect additional data and fill knowledge gaps. We will see an example of this later in this chapter and in Chapter 3, where we discuss applying the epidemiological approach to disease outbreak investigations.

    2.2  A Structured Approach

    The key to any successful epidemiological investigation is to use a structured approach, being as systematic as possible and always ensuring that the current working hypothesis is that which is most consistent with available data and information. Use of a clear, objective and well-structured approach will ensure that your conclusions and recommendations are easily understood, and that the process of arriving at these conclusions is transparent. This is essential so that you are in a position to defend your conclusions if they are challenged, and so that the basis and limitations of the conclusions are understood by those responsible for implementing any response to your recommendations.

    Lack of clarity and structure is more likely to lead to conclusions that are poorly understood or that cannot be readily defended against opposition from detractors. In this situation, confusion and disagreement is likely, and the recommendations may never be acted upon, regardless of their validity.

    2.3  Identify the Scope and Responsibilities for the Investigation

    The first step in any epidemiological analysis is to define clearly the problem and the scope, context and expected outcomes of the investigation.

    This might include determining if there is a disease problem and, if there is, to:

    •determine the extent and impact of the problem;

    •identify possible and probable cause(s) and source(s) of the problem;

    •identify likely risk factors for the disease; and

    •make recommendations for control and/or treatment and for future prevention.

    Where the analysis is undertaken at the request of a third party (e.g. government policy makers), it is important that any request is clearly documented and that the terms of reference are clear and unambiguous. It is also essential that these terms of reference are used to guide your analysis and conclusions, to ensure that you meet the expectations of your client. Unclear or non-existent terms of reference are likely to result in poor analyses and risk failing to meet the expectations of the client or result in a dispute with the client over whether the analysis has been completed satisfactorily.

    2.4  SMART Objectives

    Clearly defined objectives and outcomes provide a road-map for your investigation – they tell you where you want to get to, and provide guidance on the steps needed to get there.

    For example, if the objective of an investigation is to estimate the prevalence of white spot disease virus in shrimp breeding stock, the study design should be directed at this objective, not at identifying risk factors or looking for other viruses.

    SMART objectives are:




    Relevant; and


    Specific objectives are clear and well-defined. There should be no ambiguity or scope for misinterpretation. On completion of the investigation, it should be a straightforward process to determine whether or not the objectives have been achieved.

    Measurable objectives allow you to monitor and quantify progress toward achieving them and completing the investigation. Measurable objectives also allow you to know when they have been achieved.

    Objectives must be achievable, either with currently available resources and skills or with the required additional skills and resources identified and available externally.

    Objectives must also be relevant to the overall project and achieving the required outcomes. Objectives that are not relevant risk wasting effort on producing a result that is subsequently ignored.

    Any investigation should include a timeline and milestones to be achieved within the time frame. Failure to specify a time frame risks a project being continually delayed while projects that are perceived to be more urgent (those with specific deadlines) are progressed.

    2.5  Operational Issues

    During planning, it is also important to address operational issues. Failure to have clearly defined responsibilities and milestones can cause major difficulties at a later date, particularly if there is a dispute over whether the job has been completed, and who is responsible for any aspects that have not been satisfactorily completed.

    Important issues to consider include:

    •Make sure that the terms of reference are clear and specific and understood.

    •Are the project milestones and deadlines clearly defined and reasonable?

    •If there are multiple people or organizations involved ensure that it is clear who is responsible for what, and particularly what your responsibilities are. For example, if you are expecting your client to provide data or assistance in some form be sure that this is clearly stated in your agreement with them, otherwise they might regard it as your responsibility to obtain the data.

    •If there are costs associated with obtaining data, are these included in the budget?

    •What resources will be available and who will provide them?

    •Who will direct the project – who is in charge and what is the chain of command?

    •How will data be shared and who will do the analysis?

    •Who is responsible for project management (physical and financial), communication, collaboration, etc.?

    •Who is responsible for collection, filing and collating of material?

    •Who is responsible for writing the final report and in what format is it required?

    •What other project outputs are required?

    •Are the budget and payment schedule clear and appropriate?

    2.6  Gathering Existing Data and Information

    Once it is clear what is required, the next step is to start collecting information and data for analysis. In this context, the term data is used in its broadest sense, and includes numeric data (able to be subjected to mathematical operations) and non-numeric data (facts) derived from related documents or other observations and that are not suited to quantitative analysis.

    Information refers to interpreted outputs from prior analyses or conclusions from prior observations. Raw data can be turned into information through analysis and interpretation of findings.

    For example, information gathered in looking at salmonellosis in sheep feedlots may come from a literature search, from which it is concluded that Salmonella is orally acquired and exposure dose is important – this may lead to identification of simple measures such as feeding in raised troughs that prevent faecal contamination of feed and ensuring good drainage to prevent slurry build-up. Alternatively, data might be available from feedlot and veterinary records, providing facts about cases (and non-cases) of salmonellosis that have occurred. These data would then need to be collated, summarized and interpreted to generate information from which to draw conclusions.

    Relevant data and information might come from a variety of sources, including:

    •the client;

    •previous studies undertaken;

    •scientific literature;

    •other researchers;

    •expert opinion; and

    •other sources, such as farmers, veterinarians, pet owners, industry support workers (e.g. stock agents, feed merchants, etc.) and others.

    Depending on the nature of the study, there may be comprehensive data already available and provided by the client for analysis, or it may be up to you to go out and collect any required data from these sources. It is important to document the source and nature of any data you use, and to identify any potential concerns about data quality, completeness and potential biases.

    For an outbreak investigation, relevant data could include quantitative data on individual cases of disease, case histories on individual animals (both cases and non-cases), veterinarians’ (or others’) observations and impressions on cases, laboratory reports on testing undertaken on affected and unaffected animals, as well as potential sources of disease (such as samples of feed, water, soil and environment).

    In other cases, the available data could comprise a series of paper files describing the issue of concern and providing relevant historical data. These files need to be read, collated and summarized to put the data into a form that can be easily understood and interpreted.

    In many cases, the data will be fragmented or incomplete, and it is important to identify the deficiencies and gaps, and to ensure that any potential biases are addressed in your analysis. Fortunately, it is often still possible to draw important conclusions from incomplete data.

    For example, in 1994, an incident occurred in Queensland, Australia where a previously unidentified virus (since characterized as Hendra virus) was responsible for the death of 14 horses and one human (with a second affected human subsequently recovering), associated with a single racehorse stable (Baldock et al., 1996). During the investigation it became apparent that this was a previously unidentified disease and that the aetiology was unknown. However, even before the causal virus was identified, it was possible to determine that it: was probably infectious in nature; was most likely to be directly transmitted; was not highly contagious (either among horses or humans); and that it probably originated from an, as then, unidentified wildlife reservoir (Baldock et al., 1995). Just on 1 year after the Hendra outbreak, flying foxes (fruit bats) were identified as the presumptive natural host of the virus, with about 14% of flying foxes sampled being seropositive (Baldock et al., 1996). The virus was subsequently isolated from uterine fluids of a flying fox (Halpin et al., 1996). Flying foxes were known to feed in trees in a spelling paddock associated with the index case. The specific mechanism of transmission among bats and from bats to horses is still not known.

    In fact, perfect data/information to support your analysis is the exception rather than the rule, and in many cases you will be expected to draw conclusions and make recommendations based on less than perfect data/information. When this happens it is essential not only to recognize the limitations of the available data and information, but also to continue with those analyses that the data will support and draw what conclusions you can. In many cases, your recommendations are likely to include collection of additional data to provide further support (or otherwise) for your preliminary conclusions.

    2.7  Searching the Literature and Other Sources

    For many investigations and analyses it is essential to undertake a literature search, either to support a formal review of the relevant literature as part of the investigation, or to gather additional information to assist in completing the task. A literature search might be useful to:

    •identify previous studies that are relevant to the current task;

    •gather additional data that might be of use in supplementing existing data for the study;

    •develop a differential diagnosis list in a disease outbreak of unknown cause;

    •see how others have approached similar tasks; and

    •gather additional information to support your conclusions.

    With widespread access to the Internet and library services, searching for information is now relatively easy. Most of the relevant veterinary, medical and epidemiological literature is now indexed and readily available through a number of Internet-based search engines.

    Some of the commonly used, web-based, scientific databases include:

    •Medline/PubMed indexes all major medical, veterinary, epidemiological and associated journals, and is freely available for all users through PubMed (

    •Medline is also available through Current Contents and other service providers through institutional library subscriptions.

    •ScienceDirect ( provides indexing and search facilities for a wide variety of scientific journals in the physical, life, health and social sciences.

    •Biosis previews/Web of knowledge ( indexes a wide variety of journals, conference proceedings, books, review articles, etc., in the broad life sciences area. Available through institutional subscription.

    •Sciverse Scopus ( claims to be the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources, covering a multitude of topics. It is available through institutional subscription and some publishers provide temporary access to reviewers of journal papers.

    •Agricola ( is the catalogue of the National Agricultural Library of the USA and provides citations and abstracts for an extensive collection of agricultural literature.

    •CAB Abstracts ( includes over 6.3 million records from 1973 onwards, with over 300,000 abstracts added each year, covering agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, applied economics, food science and nutrition. Access is via institutional subscription or by time-based payment.

    •JSTOR ( indexes more than 1000 refereed journals from a wide variety of disciplines, including aquatic, biological and health sciences and statistics. Available through institutional or individual subscription.

    •SIGLE (, or System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, indexes more than 700,000 bibliographical references from the grey literature (research reports, doctoral dissertations, conference papers, official publications and other types of non-refereed publications) produced in Europe. Open access to all users.

    More general search engines include:

    •Scirus ( is a broader search engine covering a wide range of scientific information across disciplines and publication types. Scirus covers not only scientific journals, but also web publications and a range of other non-refereed sources.

    •Google Scholar ( also supports broad searches of the academic and scientific literature. It allows for searching across many disciplines and sources and ranks documents according to relevance and quality or frequency of citation.

    •Google ( and other Internet search engines can be used, but the content returned is not limited in any way other than by your search. These engines will return news items, personal web pages and any Internet content that is relevant to the search criteria (and some that is not!).

    Most search engines search on a series of keywords. These keywords are words that appear in the title or abstract of a paper, or can be specified by the author as being relevant descriptors of the contents of the papers. Searches can also be made on author and publication names. The search engine will return a list of all papers (or other sources) that are indexed under the keyword or name you have entered. For example, entering the search term ‘epidemiology’ will return all resources indexed under the keyword epidemiology (>1,000,000 on PubMed).

    Searches can be refined by adding more terms and constructing logical search statements. Different search engines handle multiple terms differently, often using an advanced search page to set search parameters. In PubMed and Medline, terms can be combined in a search statement using AND and OR logical operators. For example: dogs and hepatitis; Johne’s disease or paratuberculosis. If AND and OR operators are combined in one statement, the AND part will be processed first, then the OR, unless the OR is contained in parentheses.

    For example: cattle and Johne’s disease or paratuberculosis is different to cattle and (Johne’s disease or paratuberculosis). The first statement will retrieve all resources for Johne’s disease in cattle or paratuberculosis in any species, while the second returns only resources relating to Johne’s disease in cattle or paratuberculosis in cattle.

    In the information technology age it is almost too easy to search for information on the Internet, and care must be taken to avoid information overload. It is important to compose and refine searches carefully, to make them highly specific for the desired topic. If this is not done, a large number of non-relevant articles are likely to be listed, making it very difficult to identify the important ones for closer scrutiny.

    For example, a search on PubMed for Johne’s disease returns more than 800 matches. By refining the search to find references about vaccines in cattle (Johne’s disease and cattle and vaccine), this list can be reduced to less than 50. Additional terms can be added to further refine the search as necessary.

    At the same time it is important not to get too specific, in case important papers have not been indexed on all the terms you have used. For more information about searching PubMed see Mayer (2004), pp. 30–51.

    Once a list of potential sources has been identified, selected items can usually be saved to a text file, or often to a reference manager. Abstracts of papers listed on PubMed and Medline are often available online free of charge, but copies of the full papers will usually need to be either purchased online or obtained as downloads or photocopies through a library service (usually government agencies or universities).

    A useful feature of Medline through Current Contents (for those with access to this service) is that it is possible to save regularly used searches for re-use or to be run on a weekly basis by the system,

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