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Tempt Me Twice
Tempt Me Twice
Tempt Me Twice
Ebook382 pages5 hours

Tempt Me Twice

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  • Adventure

  • Family

  • Revenge

  • Love

  • Deception

  • Forbidden Love

  • Secret Identity

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Hidden Treasure

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Rags to Riches

  • Damsel in Distress

  • Strong Female Protagonist

  • Hidden Identity

  • Forced Proximity

  • Betrayal

  • Mystery

  • Trust

  • Romance

  • Secrets

About this ebook

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Olivia Drake, a witty, adventurous Regency romance…

Mysterious rogue, Lord Gabriel Kenyon has been abroad for the past four years. When he returns to London, he discovers, unhappily, that he is now the legal guardian to two spirited young ladies! And that one of those young ladies is the same one who unsuccessfully propositioned him when she was just sixteen…

Kate Talisford and her sister, Meg, are forced to live with meager means after the death of their father, Professor Henry Talisford—though they both miss him dearly, they make do with what they have and are proud of their independence. When Lord Gabriel Kenyon arrives and informs them that their father has put them under the Lord’s legal guardianship, Kate is especially incensed—and more than a little embarrassed.

But Gabriel hasn’t forgotten the spitfire, nor is he surprised to see what a lovely and feisty young woman she’s become. When he moves them to his estate, Stokeford Abbey, they realize that one of Professor Talisford’s most prized artifacts has been stolen!

Gabriel can’t keep his eyes off of Kate—she’s become a sultry beauty unlike any other and she continues to surprise him at every turn. As they search for missing artifact, they realize that thieves must have had something to do with Professor Talisford’s death. Treachery and danger lie around every corner as they hunt for both artifact and truth—but the most risky of all is the chance for a true love…
Release dateJun 3, 2019
Tempt Me Twice

Olivia Drake

Olivia Drake is the author of Seducing the Heiress, Never Trust a Rogue, and Scandal of the Year. She has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 1981, and her novels have won the Golden Heart Award, Best Historical Romantic Suspense and Best Regency Historical from Romantic Times, and the prestigious RITA award. She lives in Houston, Texas.

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    Book preview

    Tempt Me Twice - Olivia Drake



    Oxford, England 1808

    Not for the first time in his life, Lord Gabriel Kenyon discovered a lovely girl waiting in his bed. But for once he was too stunned to relish the sight.

    Kate Talisford sat huddled against the pillows, the white counterpane drawn up to her chin. The light from the candle on the bedside table glowed on her pert nose and high cheekbones, the curly red-gold hair that spilled over her shoulders. Her wide green eyes revealed a blend of wariness and bravado.

    She looked like a virgin sacrifice.

    Aware that her parents and sister occupied rooms nearby, Gabe eased the door shut. In a stern whisper, he said, What the deuce are you doing here?

    I’m waiting for you, milord.

    Her honeyed voice and alluring smile startled him anew. He shouldn’t be lusting after Professor Henry Talisford’s adolescent daughter. It’s past midnight, Gabe snapped. Get back to your own chamber this instant.

    No. I’ve something to tell you. Watching him with a fervid, almost fearful intensity, she sat up straighter, the coverlet clutched to her throat. Something important.

    We can talk in the morning.

    But you’re leaving in the morning. You and Papa.

    Of course, she only wished to quarrel again. While he’d been downstairs in the study, poring over the map of Africa with Professor Talisford, Kate had been plotting this last-ditch battle to stop him. She must have slipped beneath his bedcovers to stay warm in the chilly night air.

    He was perverted to think she’d come to make him a lewd offer.

    Stepping around the open trunk in the middle of the small chamber, Gabe approached the bed, which was nestled beneath the sloping eaves. I’m sorry you’re distraught. But you can’t stop us from departing.

    Oh? she said in the sugary, un-Kate-like voice that played havoc with his imagination. If you’d listen to what I have to say—

    There’s no point in wasting your breath. In a firm, big-brother tone, Gabe went on. You’re of an age to know better than to visit a man in his bedchamber. If anyone finds you here, your reputation will suffer.

    She scooted backward against the pillows. Don’t treat me like a child. I’m a woman now.

    So he could see. All the more reason for him to depart on the morrow. You’re sixteen and still in the schoolroom.

    I’m nearly seventeen...and I happen to be in your bed.

    Exactly where you shouldn’t be, he said, reaching across the coverlet for her hand. Now run along. It’s too late to bicker.

    I’m not here to bicker. Her white teeth chafing her lower lip, Kate regarded him with that curious aura of seductress and schoolgirl. Then she drew a deep breath and, with a dramatic sweep of her arm, flung back the coverlet. My darling Gabriel, don’t leave me. I love you too much. I vow I’ll die without you!

    A modest white nightgown cloaked her from throat to toes, though Gabe could see the hint of feminine curves.

    He stood, paralyzed, his hand outstretched and his mind in the gutter.

    Forcing a laugh, he lowered his arm. Only yesterday you put salt in my tea and water in my inkwell. What was that colorful description you used? Ah, yes, you said I was a louse who deserved to be squashed.

    I was hiding my real feelings, Kate said with theatrical passion. She slid out of bed to stand before him, her hands clasped so tightly the knuckles showed white. But this is my last chance to confess the truth, she recited in a rush. I’ve loved you from the moment you came to draw sketches for Papa’s book. You’re the handsomest, most wonderful man I’ve ever met.

    Balderdash, he said. Her confession had a rehearsed quality that nonetheless stirred him. You can’t know more than a dozen men—and that includes the baker, the greengrocer, and the vicar.

    I know my own heart, she said, her voice quavering a little. Please, let me show you how much I love you. Make me yours, darling.

    She threw herself at him so unexpectedly, he almost fell over the trunk with its load of clothing and paints and sketchpads. By instinct, he caught her in his arms. Her soft breasts made a cushion against his chest, imprinting him with the forbidden warmth of nubile youth.

    Just as swiftly, he thrust her away. Don’t be absurd. I’m ten years your elder and not in the habit of seducing naïve girls.

    I’m not naïve, she insisted. I know all about what men do with women.

    I rather doubt that.

    A charming blush tinted her fair skin. I do. They...kiss. On the lips.

    Far more than that.

    They lie together, too. In bed.

    Her clear-eyed expression proved that she didn’t understand the particulars. Despite the serious circumstances, he fought back a grin. The woman also must remove every stitch of her clothing. She must permit the man to touch her as he wills, no matter how embarrassing the act might be.

    Kate blinked rapidly. The blush on her cheeks deepened to a rosy hue. Fanny says it’s the greatest pleasure in all the world.

    Fanny, he scoffed, picturing the bold maidservant with her horse teeth and frizzy hair. So that’s who taught you your shameless behavior. I’ll speak to your mother about having her replaced.

    All Mama thinks about is her gardening...and all I think about is you, milord.

    Kate kept her determined gaze trained on him as her slim fingers plucked at the fastening of her bodice. A button went flying, landing on the planked floor with a tiny ping, but she paid no heed. Sweat broke out on his brow. He could see the taut peaks of her breasts. Her ripe, womanly breasts.

    With an age-old charm, she murmured, Please, Gabriel, don’t go to Africa. Don’t take my father away. If you withdraw your funding, he won’t be able to afford the trip. He’ll stay home, where he belongs. And in return, I’ll be...your mistress.

    For one mad moment, his loins controlled his logic. He wanted to see her naked, to kiss her senseless, to tumble her down onto the linens...

    Snatching a shirt from the trunk, he hurled it at her. Cover yourself.

    Kate clutched the garment to her bosom. said the woman must remove her clothing.

    I didn’t mean you, he said through gritted teeth. I was trying to make you see your own error.

    It’s no error, she declared, her chin held at a defiant tilt. I’ll do anything to keep my family together.

    It would shatter your family if they found out you’d sold yourself to a man.

    Her gaze wavered. Papa needn’t know. He’s too wrapped up in his books.

    That much was true. Surrounded by the ancient tomes and artifacts in his study, Henry Talisford could go all day without remembering to eat, let alone paying heed to a household of females. Cordelia Talisford, too, pottered in her flower garden with only a distracted regard for her two daughters. Kate and twelve-year-old Meg were left to run wild under the dubious supervision of a few servants.

    Striving for paternal firmness, Gabe grasped Kate’s arm and propelled her toward the door. I decline your proposal. And don’t you ever again show such idiocy as to offer yourself to any man other than your future husband.

    Kate dug in her bare heels. With a stubborn fierceness, she turned on him. This expedition is idiocy, that’s what. Papa is a scholar, not an adventurer. He’s far too old to survive a trek through the jungle and desert.

    He’s forty, and in the prime of his life. Like me, he’s been longing to explore Africa since he was a boy.

    No, he hasn’t! I would have known. He would have told me.

    The glimpse of pain in her struck Gabe with guilt, a guilt he steeled himself to ignore. You should be proud of him—he wants to give you and your sister a legacy. When we find that ruined city, we’ll bring back enough gold and ivory to make you and your family very rich, indeed.

    Kate crossed her arms. I don’t need wealth. I’m not a noble wastrel like you, squandering money on a foolish expedition.

    There’s nothing foolish about it. The professor found a reference to the ancient city in a stack of dusty old manuscripts. I know the treasure is there, just waiting to be discovered.

    Even as he spoke, Gabe knew that no woman could understand his burning purpose. He and Henry Talisford would be searching for a fabled lost civilization buried deep in the wilds of Abyssinia, beyond the uncharted source of the Nile. His fingers itched to draw all the strange new sights that no other explorer had seen before. At last he would step out of the shadow of his older brothers and achieve a renown of his own.

    Michael and Joshua had disliked the notion of him setting off into dangerous, unknown territory, but at least they’d sent him on his way with a slap on the back and an admonition to take care. As for Grandmama, well, no female could fathom a man’s thirst for adventure.

    Professor Talisford and I shall depart for the coast at first light, Gabe stated. Nothing you say or do can change that.

    No! Kate said wildly. I’ll follow you, then. I’ll go with you and Papa. You can’t stop me!

    With the mane of unruly red-gold hair rippling around her shoulders, she looked as fierce as a Celtic princess. He had to put an end to her folly, once and for all. We’ll send you straight back, then, he said harshly. Neither your father nor I have any use for an irksome little girl.

    She flinched, her lower lip quivering. The wounded look in her eyes was almost more than he could bear. On a choked sob, she hurled the shirt back at him. I loathe you, Gabriel Kenyon. I’ll loathe you forever. I hope you die in that jungle! Then she darted out of the chamber, and her pattering footsteps vanished down the corridor.

    Gabe crouched down to pick up the small white button that had lately graced her bosom. He despised hurting Kate, but even more, he despised himself for desiring her. Why the hell should he feel so remorseful, anyway? Someday, she’d thank him for saving her from her own foolishness.

    Muttering a curse, he flung the button onto the empty bed.

    A Beastly Visitor

    Oxford, England 1812

    I have the best news, Meg cried out, dancing into the parlor of Larkspur Cottage, her pelisse swirling around her black mourning gown. Actually, two bits of wonderful news.

    Straightening her aching back, Kate Talisford looked up from her packing and smiled as her younger sister plopped the market basket onto a cane-bottomed chair. Meg brought a ray of sunshine into the gloomy, partially stripped parlor. Their late mother’s collection of floral paintings had been sold, leaving lighter squares against the age-dulled paneling. The oak bookshelves stood bare and forlorn with only a few wisps of dust scattered here and there. A daily maid helped out with the heavier tasks like the scrubbing and the laundry, but lately Kate had been too busy to do any other cleaning. To see their childhood home reduced to such a state left her feeling as hollow as the half-empty rooms, and she welcomed Meg’s return.

    What news, dearest? Kate asked, wrapping a silver candlestick in a length of old flannel. Has Mrs. Wooster had her baby?

    Gracious, no. She was waddling around the market like a fat Christmas goose. But here’s what I wanted to show you. Rummaging in her basket, Meg pulled forth a bedraggled bit of paper. Her shoes made a light scuffing sound on the shabby rug as she hastened forward to thrust a handbill at Kate. Look, the traveling players are in town! I just now saw them setting up their tent at the edge of Christchurch meadow. There’ll be games and a puppet show and booths selling sweets. Oh, may we go to the fair this evening?

    Setting down the candlestick, Kate glanced over the advertisement, and for a moment, she caught her sister’s excitement. How she wanted to watch the juggler and the magician, to laugh at the antics of the jesters and to savor hot meat pasties and sugary comfits. A few hours of escape tempted her. But practicality squashed her longing. We mustn’t squander our savings, she said regretfully, handing back the paper. And don’t forget, we’ve quite a lot of packing yet to do.

    We could stroll around without purchasing anything. Meg clasped her hands to her bosom. Do say yes. I believe I shall die if I don’t go.

    Kate couldn’t help smiling. Meg reminded her of herself at the tender age of sixteen, when she too had viewed the world as an unfinished canvas, full of rich color and exciting possibilities, her soul brimming over with fervent yearnings. And the zenith of her youthful madness had taken place in an upstairs bedchamber, when she’d thrown herself at an unsavory adventurer.

    She shut the door on that wretched memory, unwilling to probe the ashes of anger. Dwelling on past mistakes accomplished nothing. Rather, she was grateful for the humiliating experience, for it had taught her the value of caution and sober sensibility. It had been a first, painful step toward maturity.

    We’ll see about the fair, she said noncommittally. It depends on how much work we can accomplish in the meantime. When Meg opened her mouth to plead again, Kate held up her hand. Now, what is your second bit of news?

    Slipping out of her pelisse, Meg hung the garment on a wall hook. I saw John Thurgood strolling on the High Street today, she said, her blue eyes sparkling. Oh, my heart, he’s grown another inch over the Easter holidays. His chest is so broad and manly. And that dark gaze quite makes me shiver. Feigning a dramatic shudder, she twirled a path around the old green chairs and the threadbare brown chaise.

    Kate wasn’t overly concerned to hear of Meg’s latest infatuation; her sister fell in and out of love daily. No doubt by tomorrow, Meg would have set her cap for another prospect. John Thurgood is a graduate scholar and too old for a girl of six and ten. And where are your gloves, pray tell?

    Her sister stopped dancing and glanced abashedly at her bare fingers. Oh ... drat. I must have left them by the bridge.

    Folly Bridge, perchance?

    Why, yes. Removing her plain black bonnet, Meg dropped it on a table. Walking made me warm, and I stopped for a drink of water, she said over her shoulder. I couldn’t very well get my only pair of gloves wet, could I?

    Kate gave her sister a stern, knowing stare. I wonder if you may have been distracted. Perhaps balancing on the rail of the bridge? In full view of the townsfolk?

    Meg had the good grace to blush. So, Weaselly Beasley has already come to call. I daresay that old tattletale is determined to discredit me.

    Their busybody next-door neighbor had indeed interrupted Kate’s packing to pass along the tidbit. Mrs. Beasley couldn’t discredit you, dear, if you didn’t give her cause. That bridge is ancient and unsafe. You shouldn’t go near it.

    Tra-la, tra-la. Meg waltzed to the mirror and tidied her silky black hair, the perfectly smooth, always obedient hair that Kate sorely envied. The traveling players walk the high wire. Why should I be denied such fun?

    Because you’re a young lady, and you must behave yourself. Kate stepped around the crate and touched her sister’s sleeve. Oh, Meg. Surely you can see that.

    Meg snorted. Fie on propriety, I say. We’re leaving here anyway, so what matter is it?

    We’re moving into town, Kate corrected. And it matters because if ever I can complete Papa’s book and earn some money, you’ll have a season in London. In the meantime, you mustn’t acquire a reputation for silly behavior.

    Meg pursed her mouth in a pout. There’ll never be enough money for London, and you know it. There’s never enough money for anything. We can’t afford one new gown between the two of us. Even our mourning dresses are left over from when Mama... She plucked at her drab black skirt, and tears glinted in her eyes so that she looked like a desolate little girl.

    Kate blinked hard to stave off her own tears. Not long after their father had departed on his ill-fated trek through Africa, Mama had succumbed to a lung ailment after being caught out in a cold downpour while tending her beloved garden. By necessity, Kate had become both mother and father to Meg. To make matters worse, they had lost their comfortable savings when the bank manager had embezzled the funds of the investors. She and Meg had managed to recoup only a small nest egg, barely enough on which to subsist.

    Of course, Meg didn’t know about the opportunity to acquire five hundred gold guineas that Kate had declined recently. At times, particularly when she lay alone in her bed, pondering in the darkness, she wondered if she’d made the right decision.

    Embracing her sister, Kate pressed a lace handkerchief into her fingers. Don’t weep, dearest, she murmured. We must look forward, not back to things we cannot change.

    Meg dabbed at her eyes. If only Papa and Lord Gabriel had brought home a shipload of treasures. Gold and diamonds, ivory and emeralds. Imagine, we could have set those snobby Londoners on their ears.

    Kate stiffened, remembering Lord Gabriel’s grandiose promises. How carelessly he’d breezed into their lives, offering to fund her father’s dreams, then whisking Papa away on a grand adventure. From time to time, Papa had sent them a jotted note along with an artifact like the ivory tusk of an elephant or a primitive jar. In turn, they had written to him, leaving letters at mail drops in remote outposts, never knowing if he’d received their missives or whether he’d ever even learned of his wife’s death.

    Only a fortnight ago, their hopes for his safe return had been dashed forever when a family friend had brought back news of Papa’s death in Egypt at the hands of thieves.

    Kate drew a long, steadying breath. I would as soon have Papa back empty-handed. So long as he was alive.

    I, too, Meg said hastily. Oh, Katie, I didn’t mean to sound so greedy. It’s just that ... life is so much more bearable when one has money.

    Kate couldn’t quarrel with that, so she drew her sister to the shelves by the hearth. Come, help me pack these dishes.

    Obedient for once, Meg took down a blue china plate and tucked it in the straw inside the crate. I do wish we weren’t moving away from here. And to such dreary little rooms above that noisy, smelly marketplace.

    We must economize. The rent is a fraction of what we pay here. Kate wrapped a teapot in a sheet of old newspaper, trying not to remember her mother pouring tea, laughing gaily and chattering about her beloved flowers. With only the two of us now, we don’t need so much space, anyway. We have to be practical.

    I hate economizing, and even more, I hate being practical. Meg gazed longingly at the open window, where the fresh scents of April drifted on the cool breeze. If only we could go to the fair later...

    Kate nested the teapot in the crate. May I remind you, the cart will be here in three days’ time to take away our things. The new tenants will move in on Saturday. And we haven’t even begun with Papa’s study.

    Let’s work faster, then, Meg said, opening a drawer at random and dumping the contents into a nearby wooden crate. She replaced the drawer, brushed off her hands, and said, See? There’s nothing to it.

    Kate eyed the jumble of old quills, pruning shears, and balls of string. I wanted to sort through all that. We can’t fit everything into our new home.

    Then you would have more space if I were to join the traveling players, Meg grumbled. At least they lead a life of freedom and leisure.

    Did she mean it? Would she truly run away from home? This is nothing to jest about, Kate said sharply. Promise me you shan’t go off on a lark with that troupe of ne’er- do-wells.

    Meg cast her a defiant glance. I could enjoy being acclaimed as a famous actress. Don’t forget, I played Juliet at Miss Minchen’s Academy last year. Clasping her hands, she intoned, ‘Come, nurse; I’ll to my wedding bed. And death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead!’

    It’s a far cry to go from a school stage to a real one. You’d spend long, tiresome hours memorizing your lines. On rainy nights, you’d shiver in a tent or a wagon without even a fire to keep you warm. You’d trudge through mud and snow to the next town, and all for a few pence tossed into a hat—

    Meg let out a screech.

    Kate wondered that her diatribe could have sparked so profound a reaction from her sister. But Meg wasn’t looking at her. She stared goggle-eyed at the open window.

    Kate followed her gaze and choked back a gasp. On the sill perched a dark furry beast with humanlike features and long hairy limbs protruding from a boy’s breeches and shirt. That black, inquisitive gaze surveyed the interior of the cottage.

    Merciful heavens, she said breathlessly. A monkey? A chimpanzee, if I’m not mistaken.

    Yes, Meg said in wonderment. He looks just like the one in the drawing done by Lord Gabriel Kenyon—the one Papa sent to us.

    Kate felt the little clench that Lord Gabriel’s name always elicited in her, even as her mind whirled with confusion. But ... where did the beast come from?

    The fair, of course! He must have escaped from the traveling actors. Her alarm vanishing with mercurial swiftness, Meg walked toward the chimpanzee. What a darling creature! Are you lost? Can’t you find your way back home?

    Babbling a string of gibberish, the chimpanzee stretched out to his pint-sized, bow-legged height.

    Do be careful, Kate said, hastening after her sister. He’s a wild animal and might bite.

    Nonsense, he looks quite tame. And I do believe he’s just a baby. Doesn’t he have a dear, sweet face?

    There was a certain charm to those simian features, Kate allowed. His dark eyes shone like those of a mischievous child. Succumbing to curiosity, she ventured closer and stopped beside Meg, who stood within arm’s reach of the chimp.

    What do you suppose we should do with him? Meg whispered as if he might understand her and take offense.

    Return him to the fair, of course. But how?

    I’ll take him. Eagerly, Meg reached out for the beast. Kate stepped swiftly forward. Wait! He’s better off handled by his trainer. Why don’t you run along and alert the players—

    In a lightning-quick movement, the chimpanzee thrust out a gangly arm and snatched the ivory comb that secured her tight bun. Kate clapped her hands to her hair—too late. A cloudburst of smaller pins popped out and rained onto the carpet. The too-thick, curling red-gold hair that was her bane tumbled down to her waist.

    You little thief! Kate sputtered. Give that back!

    She made a grab for him, but the chimpanzee bounded to the top of an empty bookshelf. There, he waved the comb in his leathery fingers, rolled back his lips, and loosed a series of high-pitched squawks.

    Meg’s eyes danced with laughter. What a rum cove! I do believe he’s funning you, dear sister.

    A bubble of hysterical mirth escaped Kate. Marching to the bookcase, she tilted her head up and held out her hand. Naughty boy, she scolded. I’ll take that comb back now.

    Hooting, the chimp walked back and forth atop the oak bookshelf, sending little showers of dust downward to tickle Kate’s nose. When he balanced the comb atop his head, he bore an uncanny resemblance to an ugly matron.

    Weaselly Beasley, Kate couldn’t help observing. That’s who he looks like.

    Giggling, Meg clapped her hands to her cheeks. Gad-a-mercy, you’re right! He’s the spitting image of that hag.

    But not for long. I won’t let him steal Mama’s favorite comb. Kate carried over a stool, lifted her skirts to step onto it, and reached for the chimpanzee. Even as her fingertips brushed one shaggy, crooked leg, he scampered down to the other end of the shelves. She moved the stool, but again he loped out of her reach.

    Clearly enjoying the game, the primate chortled, displaying a set of broad teeth.

    Meg dragged over a chair to the opposite side of the bookcase. You stay down there, she told Kate. Between the two of us, he can’t get away.

    But the chimp outsmarted them. He took a flying leap at the window and clambered up the faded gold draperies. Balancing on the wooden rod, he looked down on them and screeched in triumph, holding up the comb like a prize of war.

    The sisters exchanged an exasperated glance. You’d better run for help, Kate said. I’ll stay here and watch that he doesn’t get into more trouble.

    Nodding, Meg dashed into the small foyer of the cottage. Kate heard the squeak of the door opening, then her sister’s startled exclamation. Oh, my heart and soul!

    What’s wrong? Kate called.

    Meg didn’t answer, and Kate could hear her speaking to someone in the low, trilling, breathless tone she used with men. Blast Meg! She mustn’t dally with one of her suitors at such a moment.

    Keeping an eye on the chimpanzee, Kate sidled toward the archway that led to the foyer. She pasted on a polite smile and glanced out, intending to hurry her sister on her way.

    Instead, she witnessed her second shock of the day.

    The tall figure of a man blocked the doorway. His face was cast into shadow by the backdrop of brilliant morning sunshine, and Kate had to squint to discern his features: high cheekbones, jutting jaw, ocean-blue eyes. Like a pirate aboard his ship, he stood with his booted feet planted apart in a bold stance. The breeze ruffled his dark hair into an attractive disarray. His attention on Meg, he grinned at something she’d said and his white teeth shone against skin burnished by the sun to a rich teak hue.

    He looked up, straight at Kate. His smile died.

    So did hers.

    The Guardian

    Kate held herself rigidly upright lest she swoon for the first time in her life. Her palms felt damp and cold. Her mind reeled, resisting the identity of the man standing before her. Lord Gabriel Kenyon.

    In a sickening flash, she recalled their last meeting four years earlier, when she’d thrown herself at him like a love-struck ninny. Not only had his rejection lacerated her tender heart, it had left her with a lingering scar of humiliation, torment, and anger.

    Because of this man, her father was dead.

    Don’t you remember Lord Gabriel? Meg said, a coquettish note in her voice. I vow, I didn’t recognize him either until he introduced himself. After all, I was only a girl of twelve when he left—

    Meg, Kate interrupted. Go on to the fair. Find out who owns that monkey.

    Scowling, Meg opened her mouth to protest, but Lord Gabriel cut her off with a wave of his hand. I do.

    His deep voice raised the hairs at the nape of Kate’s neck. Feeling slow and stupid, she struggled for icy manners. I beg your pardon?

    Jabbar belongs to me.


    The chimpanzee. The rascal ran away from me. With the confidence of a man strolling into his own home, Lord Gabriel strode past her and entered the parlor.

    Trailed by an eager Meg, Kate marched in his wake.

    She caught his male scent, spicy and exotic. He had left England a brash young man soft from his rich, pampered life. Now, to her critical eyes, he projected the aura of a menacing stranger. He had grown more muscular, his face hewn from the hard angles of experience. His years in

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