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The threat of aliens taking control of our world was met with the alliance of Interdimensional beings and a secret group of select Humans. The result is the formation of a shadow government and the creation of secret underground research facilities.

Release dateMay 22, 2019

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    Recollection - Ricky Crawford


    In every life there are memories. Embedded into your Brain the way data is downloaded on to a computer’s hard drive. The ability to recall information from either is only as reliable as the data that was recorded there. After time passes that data can be corrupted in many ways.

    I had many memories growing up about events that I consider very strange. I didn’t realize how incredible the world really is. The way someone goes through childhood is a learning time. I didn’t seriously question most things when I was younger the same way I do now. I accepted the world without much question. Things can be very disturbing when you over analyze.

    Let me give you an example. Bedtime can be a scary time for some children. The thought of hairy monsters with large teeth coming into the room and ripping them to shreds can make it impossible for kids to sleep without the lights on. Mom or Dad will do anything to alleviate their children’s fear so that everyone can get some sleep. A quick look around the room, in the closet and underneath the bed will assure junior nothing is there. After all, there is no such thing as hairy monsters with large bloody fangs waiting for them to fall asleep. We all accept that as fact as we get older and wiser. But in reality there is a big bad monster there and his name is Fido. We all except without

    question that it’s ok for Fido to sleep in the house at night. The family dog is allowed to sleep in bed with the children. Fido, that hairy monster with huge teeth designed as a killing machine, allowed unfettered access to the kids. It’s all about how you look at the world around you. Our perception of the world and our memories can be recorded differently than the facts may actually bear out.

    Memories can be corrupted over time. I’m turning 60 this year. I find myself reminiscing over old stories and events that have grown grander as they age. When talking to friends and relatives about past events recollection doesn’t always align with fact.

    I think that, like anyone, I trust my memory more than I trust that of others. I have had times when my experience in the present has conflicted with my recollection of the past. I tend to analyze things that I had accepted without question in the past. I seek out answers in a new way. I have encountered instances in which the facts as I see them today do not support the memory as I recall. Reality seemed very concrete and acceptable.

    The events and facts in this book are to the best of my ability true as I recall. I will show you as much proof as I can even though the events originated from memory. I doubt myself that I can truly discern between true memory, corrupt memory and even dreams that I have had. I think after hearing my story you will question reality in the same way that has caused me to seek out answers to questions I didn’t know I had.

    I look at the acceptable world in a different light now. What I see raises more questions than answers. The things I’m going to tell you may seem incredible. This story may change the world forever as you see it. This story may be a clever tale of coincidental events and circumstances. A Recollection of memories and fact.


    A Different World

    I was born on Friday the 13th of November 1959 at 1 pm, (1300 hours). I think this has some relevant, psychic connotation to it much the same as being born the seventh son of a seventh son.

    The seventh son of a seventh son is a concept from folklore regarding special powers given to, or held by, such a son. The seventh son must come from an unbroken line with no female siblings born between and, in turn, be born to such a seventh son. Such a child is said to be gifted with the power to heal diseases. Some doctors in previous centuries even claim that one of their qualities that made them great healers was that they were the seventh son of a seventh son. In Ireland, the seventh son of a seventh son is also believed to have the power to foretell the future, in addition to his healing abilities.

    My mother is a firm believer in the paranormal. She recants the story of my birth in this way. She was in heavy labor for over 48 hours. She had gained a lot of weight due to a condition known as pre-eclampsia. It can impair kidney and liver function, and cause blood clotting problems, pulmonary edema (fluid on the lungs), seizures and, in severe forms or left untreated, maternal and infant death. The way she tells it, she was so tired and in so much discomfort and pain. She reached a point when she could no longer bear the pain and felt dizzy, wavering back and forth, everything was blurry and the sounds muffled. Then suddenly she felt nothing. She tells how she felt as though she were floating, weightless. She was near the ceiling and looking down upon her lifeless body. The Doctor and Nurses were over her and she was curious of their conversation. They seemed unconcerned and they were preparing to move here from the table where she was onto a gurney of some sort. That’s when her memory ends.

    Later Mom awoke in her Hospital room and the Nurse asked how she was feeling. Mom told the nurse her memory of floating above the scene in the Delivery Room. The Nurse’s response was one of trepidation. Mom recited word for word the conversation taking place between the Nurses while they were cleaning and transferring her from table to gurney. It would be impossible for Mom to have heard the Nurse’s conversation in the Delivery room the nurse said because Mom was unconscious most of the time.

    When I hear this story told to me 60 years after Mom’s memory was created I can’t help but wonder, did it really happen that way or is it just

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