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Inner restoration with no pain: Self-transformation with a feeling of hope and lightness
Inner restoration with no pain: Self-transformation with a feeling of hope and lightness
Inner restoration with no pain: Self-transformation with a feeling of hope and lightness
Ebook283 pages3 hours

Inner restoration with no pain: Self-transformation with a feeling of hope and lightness

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Being a literary success in Brazil, in the book segment of spiritual work, Ermance Dufaux teaches us that self-love is the foundation of personal transformation. When we understand the emotions and thoughts in the base of our attitudes, the challenge of inner renovation becomes a quest for liberation and from that self-discovery process we can achieve the answers on touching issues of our inner life and we can take control of our being.

"Emance, with rare happiness, manages to penetrate in the meanders of psychic issues, clarifying us about these cruel mental mechanisms that cause us to suffer instead of love, and self-punish instead of forgive.

For all that we have read on that matter, this book is, to our eyes, a bedside book to be read and meditated upon, seeking for its application in our everyday life.

Ermance, first clarifies then exhorts, inciting us to take a conscious attitude, so we can rescue ourselves from the mental mazes towards the clarity only love can bring.
Release dateDec 12, 2015
Inner restoration with no pain: Self-transformation with a feeling of hope and lightness

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    Inner restoration with no pain - Wanderley Oliveira


    Copyright © 2014 by Wanderley Oliveira

    1st Edition | December 2014

    DUFAUX, Ermance (Spirit)

    Inner restoration whit no pain.

    Ermance Dufaux (Spirit): automatically written by Wanderley Oliveira.

    DUFAUX: Belo Horizonte, MG. 2014

    ISBN 978-85-63365-59-0

    1. Spiritualism 2. Psychographic I. OLIVEIRA, Wanderley II. Title

    Editora Dufaux

    R. Oscar Trompowski, 810

    Bairro Gutierrez

    Belo Horizonte | MG | Brasil

    CEP - 30441-123

    Tel.:(31) 3347-1531


    It is the archetype of wholeness, that is, it is the tendency that exists within the unconscious mind in every human being to seek for the best within oneself and for an encounter with God. It is the organizing center of the psyche. It is the center of the psychic apparatus, comprising the conscious and the unconscious. As archetype, it appears in dreams, myths and fairy tales as a higher personality, as a king, as a savior or as a redeemer. It is a dimension in which the ego evolves and forms itself. The Self is the central archetype of order, of organization. There are countless numbers of dream symbols of the Self, most of them appearing as a central figure in the dream.

    (Excerpt from book Personal Myth and Human Destiny, by the spiritualist writer and psychologist Adenáuer Novaes.)


    It is the part of the personality which is denied by us or which is unknown, whose contents are incompatible with the conscious behavior.

    (Excerpt from the book Psychology and Spirituality, by the spiritualist writer and psychologist Adenáuer Novaes.)

    Anguish of Perfection

    Ermance Dufaux


    An Inspiring Word



    Chapter 1

    Sorrows of Martyrdom

    Who is in the intimate reform has an essential reference to self-analysis along the educational walk, a thermometer of the souls that are enriched. He who renews inevitably achieves the greatest achievement of free and happy people: the pleasure of living.

    Chapter 2

    The Ethics of Transformation

    However, taking man down the improvement and self-discovery path requires new ethics in the relationship with oneself and with life. It is the ethics of transformation, without which an incursion into the inner world could be over in the mere attitude of penetrating the subconscious without the purpose of changing for the better.

    Chapter 3

    Life Project

    A week on Earth is composed of ten thousand and eighty minutes. Based on ninety minutes as the usual time for a spiritual activity geared to the acquisition of high notions, and even taking into account that one rarely extends to within two or three weekly meetings, we find a coefficient of, at most, two hundred and seventy minutes of preparation for the implementation of mental renewal, or slightly less than three percent of the amount of time of an entire week.

    Chapter 4

    That which comes from the Heart

    A fragile standard of regularization of spiritualist conduct has taken account of the customs among the idealists. The axiom do this, but don’t do that has set its roots, which try to frame the value of actions in unsustainable patterns of common sense.

    Chapter 5

    The Divine Wise Providence

    The nature of reincarnation process leads us to forgetting the past just to learn how to discover in our inner world the root causes of our procedures, through the analysis of drives and impulses, interests and things that make all of our reactions called trends.

    Chapter 6

    The Great Ally

    Instead of being against that what we were, we need to learn the peaceful relationship of acceptance, without conformism, in order to make the old man a great ally in improvement.

    Chapter 7

    Sexuality and Collective Hypnosis

    Before that, an energetic whirlwind of life and movement cuts through all the psychosphere of the orb. As if it was a seductive serpent created by primitive emanations, it is the result from attitudes before sexuality in all communities.

    Chapter 8

    Late Regret

    If there were no redeeming work in spiritual life, the souls would have to reincarnate briefly because they wouldn’t bear the level of memories and mental disorder of repentance.

    Chapter 9

    Non-practicing Spiritualists?

    Let us be convinced of a point in terms of spiritual improvement: we can only do and be that what we manage to, no more, no less. The important thing is that we are what we are, without this unjustifiable need of creating labels for our style or way of being.

    Chapter 10

    The Reflex Matrix

    Reflexes are like inducing personalities setting the automaticity of feelings externalized in actions and words. In this circuit we live and decide, progress or stop.

    Chapter 11

    The Art of Questioning

    It will be very simplistic the attitude of charging obsessive spirits and past reincarnations by what we feel and what we cannot explain with greater clarity. In some cases, it gets to be an action of lack of vigilance.

    Chapter 12

    On Being Better

    The set of spiritualist teachings is a complete guide for all the profiles of necessity in the improvement of humanity. Taking all this set as rules for instant absorption is demonstrating an intellectual and systematic vision of growth, generating afflictions and fears, perfectionism and anxiety which are unnecessary for the enjoyment of opportunities.

    Chapter 13

    Meditation with the ‘Old Man’ on Friendship

    Enmity with the former man is extremely harmful to the development of divine values, because we spend all the energy to combat ourselves and not to whittle virtues and conquer our shadow.

    Chapter 14

    Psychic Immunity

    It is a creation of the superior souls in favor of the work of good that we all, little by little, are building on Earth. It is called psychic immunization. Composed by thin materials, but with high irradiator power of mental short frequency waves, it is an instrument of mental defense that gives the medium better resources on the performance of his mission.

    Chapter 15

    A Talk about Illusion

    Self-illusion is that we want to believe in about ourselves, but something which does not correlate to the reality of what we truly are, it is a mirage of ourselves or something we imagine to see.

    Chapter 16

    Precious Lessons with Dr. Inácio

    The imaginary of spiritists about life after death, despite being rich in information, walks away from what is really happening to those who are involved outside by the clarities of Spiritism, but who neglect the service of illuminating themselves inside.

    Chapter 17

    Why do we get offended?

    However, there is large difference between natural offense and umbrage, that is the neurotic reaction to offense. Umbrage it is a sick condition of affective state of fragility, which dilates the proportion and the nature of aggression that we suffer from the environment.

    Chapter 18

    The Faith in the Victories

    It is common to observe, nowadays, an obsession for the proposal of inner renovation. Lots of impatience and severity have accompanied this challenge, leading to perfectionism by lack of understanding of what intimate reform really is.

    Chapter 19

    The Torture of Improvement

    The conflicts create the tensions in the inner world because of a contraposition between these three factors: what the creature would like to be and have; what the creature should want; and what the creature reaches.

    Chapter 20

    Recklessness in Traffic

    The ethical attitude of good men before the civil laws should be moral integrity.

    Driving a motor vehicle is an art, and as such should be conducted: the art of respecting life.

    Chapter 21

    Educational Depression

    Similar depressions, therefore, are the most racking result of the long trajectory of egoism, because the core of this disruption is called disappointment or contrariety, this is it , the inability of living and getting along with the frustration of not being who it wants and having to accept life as it is, and not as we wish to be.

    Chapter 22

    The Old Illusion of Appearances

    Hypocrisy is the human habit of appearing to be what it is not, because of the need for approval of the social group we live with. Intentional or not, it is a phenomenon in deep emotional and psychological roots, which involves specific features of each creature...

    Chapter 23

    Only Good Can Mend Evil

    Most of us, who we are attracted for an imperious necessity of renovation before life in the lines of good, when in the return to the earthly school, bring inside pulsating aspiration of transforming ourselves, in reason of anguishes experienced by hard revelations brought by disincarnation.

    Chapter 24


    However, this process of integration generates a painful feeling of loss, necessary to progress. The old is lost to build the new. As a matter of fact, we effect a reconstruction marked by challenging steps. The old identity is lost and it is not known to build what must be now, the new identity.

    Chapter 25

    Faith and Singularity

    Rational faith is psychological and emotional phenomenon built based on true and persistent desire to understand what is around us – conquer only possible by renovation of understanding and the form of feeling life.

    Chapter 26

    Disciplining Desires

    We talk, think and act for the good in many situations, but we can’t always feel the good we advocate, establishing lack of affection in the commitment with the cause, attracting demotivation, doubt, laziness, disturbance and lack of identification with the responsibilities taken up.

    Chapter 27

    The Pressure for Testimony

    By becoming the target of any plot of opponents, he works as bait, attracting very close to his mental life that disembodied who, without realizing it, becomes entangled in a web of powerful radiation, allowing us a more concrete action compared to many forays into dark valleys.

    Chapter 28

    The Power of Good

    Men get to see spirits where they are not, and where they are they are usually not seen by men.

    Chapter 29


    Taking spider webs by comparison, they are created to capture food and to defend the spiders, the human mind similarly has its mental field of absorption and defense established by the content of its moral radiation: these are the psychospheres.

    Chapter 30

    Conclave of Leaders

    Fulfilling another one of our schedules in Hope Hospital, an incarnate influential group gathered of little over a thousand opinion leaders in the Spiritualist movement. We brought them to a brief and timely warning.


    At what point in Evolution are we?

    Despite the fact that we have been wandering for thousands of years as human beings, we have not yet been made rightful owners of the Divine Heritage, which belongs to us all. It is not wrong to say that we are only semi humanized beings.

    Could someone, with an impeccable behavior in the present life, climb all the degrees of the scale of development, and become a pure Spirit, without going through other intermediate degrees?

    No, because the idea that man has about what perfection is, is far from what perfection really is. There are qualities which are unknown and incomprehensible to men. She may behave as perfect as her earthly nature allows, but this is not absolute perfection ...

    The Spirits' Book - Question 192.

    It is natural that you suffer unrest for having a transforming goal for your life.

    Faced with the lack of your values, you plead no merit to receive the Divine assistance. In the extent of your flaws, you punish your conscience with feelings of hypocrisy by repeating the same deviations that should no longer be allowed. This is the road to perfection, do not suffer so intensely!

    All this is understandable, and is part of all who seek education themselves, therefore, don’t be excessively hard on yourself.

    Without lamentation and censure, forgive yourself and always proceed.

    Trust and work increasingly.

    By most inopportune intimate reactions in the conscience may be, keep yourself on prayer and in confidence and enrich your faith in small victories.

    The anguish of improvement is an impulse for promotion, and for ameliorate it, the salutary remedy is unconditional acceptance of yourself.

    By accepting yourself humbly as you are and doing the best that you can, you will vitalize yourself with strong interior appeals for the continuity of your improvement project. On the other side, if you punish yourself, you will be signing a decree of disaffection against yourself.

    Love through devotion and wise the actions that are provided by rejuvenating activities of good, improving yourself in a regime of vigilance and patience.

    Without feeding on fantasies of evolutionary leaps, take one step at a time.

    Without ambitioning the greatness of the stars, love yourself as if in the condition of a simple firefly that strives to shed light in the dark night.

    Make amends with your imperfections. Discover your qualities, believe them and put them into service of your growth targets, this is the formula for true transformation.

    Time will grant value and experience to your efforts, adjusting your purposes to the limits of your possibilities, freeing yourself from the anguish that comes from excesses.

    Walk every day with the certainty that God always waits with great respect for your limitations, guarding the unique duty of a zealous good Father, which is the hope that tomorrow you'll be better than today, for your own happiness.

    Ermance Dufaux

    There’s one question that should never cease to be the center of our thoughts: how am I improving?

    To have clear notions about inner achievements, even the least expressive ones, is the worthy mental core of motivation for the continuity of the renovation enterprise. However, not to value small steps is allowing for the expansion the feeling of impotence and underestimating the efforts already made.

    To be fair, the reincarnated brethren, may ask: how to acquire this clear notion about the spiritual position of everyone, considering the tampon of the physical brain?

    The only stance that will give us a minimum certainty that we are doing something in favor of our spiritual our growth, in our body or outside of it, is the continuity we give to projects of renovation we idealized. The obstacles will be endless until the end of existence, not being our responsibility to feed expectations with amenities, but with courage and optimism that are capital to win a challenge after the other.

    May hope not fail before this reality. Our achievements can’t be built in lull. Our virtues will not blossom without the blows of pain that smoothen edges and prune the thorns of imperfection.

    Our watchword is resumption – an inspiring word.

    How often they were needed, our great e unique virtue on the arid fields of inner enhancement is the ability to resist the appeals of falling as may times as necessary, never giving up the ideal of freedom we cherish, working even when tired, serving even when needy, studying even when unmotivated, and learning even with no defined objectives. Reincarnation itself is the divine mechanism of resumption, of recapture. So it’s fair that we can, full with love, hug the forsaken commitments from other times and equalize our tortuous ways.

    We have what we deserve and we are what we shape.

    Amid the mire of the discouragement, the lily of the youthful personality we are slowly cultivating is born. Under the cruel weight of anguish, we are building the immunizing condition of mental power.

    Since we do not give up, there will always be a chance to victory.

    Let us proceed without expectations of an angelic becoming that can’t be achieved by now.

    Not being who we would like to be is the highest price to pay for those who opted for the misguided ways of selfishness, which is in turn the biggest torment for all those who aim for self-improvement. There resides the inner drama narrated by Paul of Tarsus: For the good which I have a mind to do, I do not: but the evil which I have no mind to do, that I do.

    We don’t want to be who we used to be, but we still aren’t who we want to be. Then who are we?

    It generates a step defined by deep rejection of everything in life. Body, profession, relationships, affections and even the successes of the path are dramatically shaken up by decreasing joy and enchantment before these adjustment ordeals.

    However, the law establishes the death of sin, not the sinner.

    Mercy is plentiful to everybody – the universal law of paternal piety – that assures us: Love covers a crowd of sins.¹

    Despite this celestial rule,

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