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Be the One for Kids: You Have the Power to Change the Life of a Child
Be the One for Kids: You Have the Power to Change the Life of a Child
Be the One for Kids: You Have the Power to Change the Life of a Child
Ebook220 pages1 hour

Be the One for Kids: You Have the Power to Change the Life of a Child

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About this ebook

Students need guidance to succeed academically, but they also need our help to survive and thrive in today’s turbulent world. They need someone to model the attributes that will help them win not just in school but in life as well. That someone is you. With forty-eight short, inspiring chapters, this book is suited for improving your personal practice daily. Or focus on a chapter each week to encourage your staff at meetings.
Release dateMar 19, 2018
Be the One for Kids: You Have the Power to Change the Life of a Child

Ryan Sheehy

Ryan was raised in Southern California where his diverse education experiences all started. He attended public school, private school, and was homeschooled. He has seen and been part of all types of education systems, which gives him a different perspective. Ryan is a passionate educator that has made it his mission to help everyone live up to their potential. He also has an immense dedication for kids and for making sure all educators understand the power they have in a child's life. Ryan was a physical education teacher for ten years before taking the leap from teacher to administrator. After serving two years as a high school vice principal, Ryan is now the lead learner/principal of an elementary school in Concord, California. Ryan prides himself as being someone who can build strong school culture and that is exactly what has happened at the schools where he has served as an administrator. Ryan works in the community where he lives, which allows him to build many relationships that foster a great learning environment for staff, students and families. Ryan also travels and speaks about creative educational practices and how we all have the power to Be the One for Kids. Ryan also speaks about Incorporating Technology, Being an Educator In Action, Creating a School Where No One Wants To Leave, and many other topics. He moderates a variety of Twitter chats and is very active on social media. Ryan's wife, Barbara, and four children, Robert, Joshua, Julianna, and Zachary, are the light of his world. Ryan and his family reside in Concord, California.

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