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The Magickal Mindset
The Magickal Mindset
The Magickal Mindset
Ebook30 pages23 minutes

The Magickal Mindset

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According to an ancient teaching: "The All is Mind; the universe is Mental." Only a few are able to fully comprehend what this means. It is undeniable that when it comes to the arts magickal, the mind is off utmost importance -- to be more specific, it is the quality of your mind, such as the thoughts that exist in your mental sphere. If you ever want to succeed as a true magician/witch, then you must have the right magickal mindset. But, what is this magickal mindset? How do you gain or or at least train your mind to think magically? Indeed, all magick come from the mind. If you train your mind magically, then great and magickal things are at your fingertips. Hence, it is important that you understand what it means to have a magickal mindset, as well as how you can attain such level of mind.

The Magickal Mindset lifts the veil and reveals the secrets of having a magickal mindset. Learn what goes in the mind of a true magickal practitioner. For ages, this practice has been revealed only to a few and chosen initiates. Finally, this magickal manual shall reveal the truth and practice of having and using a magickal mindset. Be ready to learn real magick and how to think as a genuine magus/witch. This manual is divided into 3 parts: 

Scroll I talks about what the magickal mindset is all about, so that you will have a better understanding of what it is and why you need it. 

Scroll II teaches the best practices that you should observe to gain the magickal mindset and make you think, as well as feel, as a true magickal being as you are.

Scroll III talks about the pitfalls that you will most likely face along the way and what you must do to avoid them.

Indeed, by the time you finish reading this magickal manual, you will be equipped with the right knowledge and understanding on how you can achieve and maintain the magickal mindset, so that you can truly live a magickal life. Truly, the All is mind, and the whole universe is mental. As such, pay attention to your mind, and ensure that it does not lose its magick.

Blessed Be!

PublisherCharles Mage
Release dateMar 3, 2019
The Magickal Mindset

Charles Mage

Magician. Writer. 

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    Book preview

    The Magickal Mindset - Charles Mage

    The Magickal Mindset

    Charles Mage

    Published by Charles Mage, 2019.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. March 3, 2019.

    Copyright © 2019 Charles Mage.

    ISBN: 978-1386948612

    Written by Charles Mage.

    Also by Charles Mage

    Magickal Imagination: Learn to Use Your Imagination in a Magickal and Witchy Way

    Dowsing the Casino: Make Money Dowsing

    Magickal Partnership

    Energy Ball Manual

    Sex Magick for the Solitary Practitioner

    Elemental Invocation

    Vampirism Magick for Beginners

    Vril Mastery: Harness the Force of the Gods

    Psi Constructs

    The Magickal Mindset

    Instant Magick for Everyday Use

    Healing with Psi

    Magick as a Way of Life

    Dowsing Without Tools

    Learn to Create an Astral Temple

    Fun Things to Do with Your Energy Ball

    In Search of Beauty

    Imagination Magick: Learn to Use Your Imagination to Live a Magickal Life

    Pendulum Magick: Communicate with Spirits

    Magick in Your Pocket: Magical Spells You Can Cast Anywhere, Even in Your Pocket!

    Make Your Own Magick Wand The Intuitive Way

    The Way of the Magus

    The Secret Occult Techniques of Making and Using a Ouija Board

    Mistakes and Pitfalls in Magical Practice

    The Magick of the Zenina Circle

    Escape Life with Your Imagination

    Experiments with Magical Energy

    Elemental Magick of the Five Fingers

    Magical Keys to Self-Empowerment

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