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Gladiolus, also known as Sword Lily has derived its name from a Latin word “Gladioli” which means sword as the leaves of the plant resemble to that of a sword. Attractive and long spikes with bright, huge and colorful flowers in various sizes in addition to long keeping quality are some of the characteristics which make it as one of the most demanding and revenue fetching commercial crop. It is an ideal cut flower crop which can be grown easily and is valued for its use in floral arrangements.This small book on "Gladiolus" explains in detail the growing practices, disease-pest management, harvesting and marketing practices for gladiolus.

Release dateMar 7, 2019

Harshita Joshi

Harshita Joshi is an agribusiness consultant and a freelance writer. She holds Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture and Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness Management. Horticulture is one of her areas of expertise and writing is her passion.She publishes her writings on horticulture with the help of,a leading portal in horticulture knowledge dissemination services.

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    Gladiolus - Harshita Joshi


    Harshita Joshi

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    Gladiolus: An Introduction

    Gladiolus, also known as Sword Lily has derived its name from a Latin word Gladioli which means sword as the leaves of the plant resemble to that of a sword. Attractive and long spikes with bright, huge and colorful flowers in various sizes in addition to long keeping quality are some of the characteristics which make it as one of the most demanding and revenue fetching commercial crop. It is an ideal cut flower crop which can be grown easily and is valued for its use in floral arrangements.

    Taxonomy: Gladiolus belongs to the family Iridaceae with genus Gladiolus. Mainly propagated by corms (similar to bulbs) it is a perennial bulbous plant with one type having large flowers and the other with small miniature flowers. The genus Gladiolus has about 260 species. It has a single stem with the sword shaped leaves which are enclosed in a sheath. The spike where the flowers are borne is large and one sided. The flowers are bisexual in nature with green bracts and both the petals and sepals appear identical to each other (which are also known as tepals). The wide range of colorful flowers produced by present

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