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Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence: My Battle With Depression And Loneliness (Revised Edition)
Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence: My Battle With Depression And Loneliness (Revised Edition)
Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence: My Battle With Depression And Loneliness (Revised Edition)
Ebook64 pages34 minutes

Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence: My Battle With Depression And Loneliness (Revised Edition)

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About this ebook

Growing up, I had developed what I refer to as an "emotional closet" where I stored my painful and repressed memories and feelings. These were hidden from my family, my friends, and the world at large. I was actually so good and adept at hiding these that I "hid" many even from myself, only to resurface years later in adulthood. And boy did they resurface! The anger, pain, and tears for no reason at all. The emotional mood swings. I just wanted to escape from it all. It was like being trapped in a dark room perpetually 24/7. I was truly "Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence".

I wasn't always depressed or lonely. Actually, I had the best childhood and upbringing that one could have ever asked for. I was raised in a family environment with two loving parents and siblings. Growing up in a Midwest town, in the 1970's was the best experience for me. It was a time when children could play outside without the worry of someone snatching, molesting or abusing them. In the spring and summer months, we slept with our windows open during the nighttime. I always had a number of friends at any given time and we traveled constantly to new cities and places. 

Behind the brave and content face, I was alone and in a very dark place. I was smiling on the outside, but inside I felt pain, hurt, embarrassment and confusion. 

In retrospect, a number of things transpired in my life that led up to the start of my depression and loneliness. Traumatic occurrences happened to me during that time period. This lead me to the realization that bad things sometimes happen to good people from good families.

By sharing the things contained in this book, though embarrassing and painful as they may be, I found the healing could begin. Unfortunately, many of these things were the good, the bad and the very ugly moments of my life. It is my hope that my story will inspire some to persevere when they reach the "edge of despair" in life.

How did I survive?


This is my story.

Release dateMar 4, 2019
Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence: My Battle With Depression And Loneliness (Revised Edition)

Dartanyan Terry

About the author Dartanyan Terry Indianapolis, Indiana USA Welcome! Thank you in advance for stopping by my Author & Biography Page. My name is Dartanyan Terry and I have enjoyed writing and authoring publications in the genres of Self Improvement, Self Help, Home Improvement, and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) respectively. In addition, I enjoy assisting others in obtaining information that can broaden and enrich their lives on a daily basis. Let’s face it - information is power. The right information at the right time can make an individual successful. I look forward to bringing you more useful and relevant titles in the near future - for your best life ever! In my spare time, I enjoy: travel, playing chess, listening to music and meeting individuals from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. I currently reside in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Please visit my website for other Self Improvement Titles: Social Media: Facebook: Dartanyan Terry Instagram: @dartanyanterry Threads:  @dartanyanterry #ebooks #selfimprovement #selfhelp #diy

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    Book preview

    Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence - Dartanyan Terry

    My Early Childhood

    To begin with, I wasn’t always depressed or lonely.  The truth is, I had the best childhood and upbringing that one could have or ever ask for.  I was raised in a loving family with two loving parents.  I grew up in a Midwest, USA town in the 1960’s and 1970’s when you could put your children out to play without having to worry about someone snatching, molesting or abusing them.  During the spring and summer months, we slept with our windows open at night.  I knew the majority of my neighbors (most by name) for three blocks in any direction.  I went to elementary school and high school with many of the neighbor kids.  I always had a number of friends at any given time. 

    At face value, it would seem that I had a true storybook life growing up.  But at the same time, simultaneously, I was alone.  It may seem like an oxymoron, but it is true.  I was alone.  I was truly Sitting In Darkness, Sleeping In Silence.

    As I look back, I had a number of things to transpire in my life that led to the start of my depression and loneliness.  Despite having a relatively happy childhood, there are some rather traumatic things that happened to me during that period of time.  But the purpose of this book is not to spread family business or to embarrass anyone.  I have, and always have had good, supportive relatives.  The fact is, that sometimes unfortunate circumstances and bad things happen even in good families.

    I will say that losing family members such as my grand-father, two grand-mothers, great-grandparents, great-aunts and uncles, and a host of cousins and other relatives has taken its toll on me. Dealing with death has always been traumatic for me.

    My earliest recollection of losing a close family member was my paternal grand-father.  Dad as we affectionately called him, was the ultimate patriarch on my fathers side.  I remember that Dad was a real life junkman, just like the television show Sanford And Son, down to the red truck. 

    My uncle, who was Dad’s youngest son, was the closest thing that I had to a brother at that time in my life.  He was only three years older than me.  We grew up together.  We were Dad’s sidekicks at times and would ride shotgun with him on his runs and errands to the junkyard.  We would ride in the back in the trucks bed.  The truck actually had holes in the bed and we could actually see the street under our feet as we rode along.  It would definitely be considered unsafe by today’s standards.  We didn’t know this at the time, but had the best time riding without a care in the world.  Life was good.

    I can remember Dad would bring

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