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The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th & 19th Centuries
The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th & 19th Centuries
The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th & 19th Centuries
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The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th & 19th Centuries

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From Victorian cat funerals to a Regency-era pony who took a ride in a hot air balloon, a collection of history’s quirkiest—and most poignant—animal tales.
Meet Fortune, the Pug who bit Napoleon on his wedding night, and Looty, the Pekingese sleeve dog who was presented to Queen Victoria after the 1860 sacking of the Summer Palace in Peking. The four-legged friends of Lord Byron, Emily Brontë, and Prince Albert also make an appearance, as do the treasured pets of Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson, and Charles Dickens.
Less famous, but no less fascinating, are the animals that were the subject of historical lawsuits, scandals, and public curiosity. There’s Tuppy, the purloined pet donkey; Biddy, the regimental chicken; and Barnaby and Burgho, the bloodhounds hired to hunt Jack the Ripper. Wild animals also get a mention in tales that encompass everything from field mice and foxes to alligators and sharks lurking in the Thames.
Using research from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century books, letters, and newspapers, Mimi Matthews brings each animal’s unique history to vivid life. The details are sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking, but the stories are never anything less than fascinating reading for animal lovers of all ages.
Release dateNov 30, 2017
The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th & 19th Centuries

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    Book preview

    The Pug Who Bit Napoleon - Mimi Matthews


    Part I


    Chapter One

    The Pug Who Bit Napoleon

    ‘About thirty years ago, the fashionable lapdog was the Dutch-Pug; every old Duchess in the kingdom had three or four, and these ugly little animals were the ladies’ favourites from the accession of William the Third to the death of George the Second.’

    The Sporting Magazine, 1803

    In the late eighteenth century, Joséphine de Beauharnais had a beloved lapdog named Fortune. He had been given to her as a young pup by her great friend Thérésa Cabarrus, Madame Tallien, and has been described as having a fawn or russet-coloured body, a black muzzle, and a curly tail. He was, in short, a pug – a breed of dog which had been quite fashionable for many years with society grand dames and aristocratic ladies of leisure. He was not the best example of his breed, either in appearance or temperament, but Joséphine would soon come to prize him above all of her other pets.

    On 21 April 1794, at the height of the Reign of Terror, Joséphine was denounced as an enemy of the republic. She was arrested and taken away to be imprisoned in the Convent of the Carmelites. Les Carmes was a dank and sinister place, infested with vermin, and filled with prisoners who were sometimes forced to sleep as many as eighteen to a cell. Joséphine spent much of her time there playing solitaire and weeping.

    Even so, the situation was not wholly intolerable. Joséphine’s husband, Alexandre de Beauharnais was also imprisoned in Les Carmes and she was able to see him quite often. In addition, Joséphine was allowed regular visits from her children, Eugene and Hortense, and their governess, Madame Lanoy. These visits took place through the prison bars and in the presence of the turnkey. Intimate conversation was impossible. Luckily, Fortune was also allowed to visit the prison and, unlike Joséphine’s children, he was able to slip through the bars and into his mistress’s cell.

    Fortune had been pining dreadfully in Joséphine’s absence and, upon arriving at the prison with Eugene and Hortense, he would rush straight into Joséphine’s waiting arms. These moments of affection between the future empress and her little pug facilitated a secret communication, for hidden beneath Fortune’s collar were private messages from Joséphine’s children and her friends. Joséphine would stealthily remove these hidden notes and replace them with secret letters of her own. By this means, she was able to communicate with not only her family, but with influential friends who, she hoped, would help in securing her freedom, as well as the freedom of her husband.

    A portrait of a fawn-coloured Pug, similar to Fortune. (Conradijn Cunaeus (Dutch, 1828–1895), Portrait of Pug Edwin vom Rath, 1880–1895. Pencil and watercolour. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Bequest of Mr. JWE vom Rath)

    Three months later, Joséphine was released from prison. Her husband, Alexandre, was not so fortunate. On 23 July 1794, he was guillotined at the Place de la Révolution. This left Joséphine a widow, paving the way for her marriage to Napoleon Bonaparte only two years later.

    Fortune’s role in carrying messages for his mistress while she was imprisoned during the Reign of Terror forever endeared him to both Joséphine and her children. As the little pug grew older, becoming even more bad-tempered as he aged, they were willing to forgive his many shortcomings, choosing instead to spoil him with caresses and praise. By 1796, Fortune’s place in the hierarchy of the household – and in his mistress’s affections – was unassailable. This fact did not bode well for her new husband.

    Napoleon Bonaparte and Joséphine de Beauharnais were married on 9 March 1796. Napoleon was only twenty-six years old and it was his first marriage. Joséphine was a widow and six years his senior. Upon joining her in bed that evening, Napoleon was surprised to learn that the two newlyweds were not to be alone. Fortune was long accustomed to sleeping in his mistress’s bed and no exception had been made for her wedding night. When Napoleon sought to have the dog removed, Joséphine stringently objected, insisting that Fortune remain not just in the bedroom, but in the marital bed.

    Josephine as she appeared when crowned Empress of the French. (Jean-Baptiste Regnault (French, 1754–1829), Empress Joséphine of France, n.d. Oil on canvas. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm)

    A portrait of a much older Napoleon, painted in his study at the Tuilleries, sixteen years after his wedding night encounter with Fortune. (Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748–1825), The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, 1812. Oil on canvas. Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington)

    Fortune was, by this point, well-known for his quarrelsome and aggressive behaviour. He had a reputation for snarling, snapping and biting the ankles of any stranger who dared approach his mistress in a threatening manner. Apparently, Fortune still considered Napoleon to be a stranger, for as the consummation commenced the little pug began to bark furiously. Napoleon made several attempts to cajole him. When that failed, the impatient bridegroom kicked Fortune from the bed.

    Fortune was not so easily routed. He leapt back onto the bed and – as Napoleon resumed his marital duty – the livid little lapdog viciously bit him on the calf. Though not fatal, the wound inflicted by Fortune’s teeth was really quite severe. As a result, the remainder of the wedding night was reportedly spent with Joséphine applying compresses to Napoleon’s calf and Napoleon moaning that he ‘was dying of hydrophobia’.¹

    Ultimately, Napoleon did not contract hydrophobia (or rabies as we know it today); however, Fortune’s bad behaviour on his wedding night was neither forgiven nor forgotten. Napoleon would bear the scars from his diminutive rival’s vicious assault for the rest of his life, a fact which he is known to have reflected on with some bitterness. On one occasion, for example, when talking to playwright Antoine-Vincent Arnault, Napoleon pointed at Fortune as the little pug lay on the sofa beside Joséphine and said:

    ‘Do you see that gentleman? He is my rival. He was in possession of Madame’s bed when I married her. I wished to remove him; it was quite useless to think of it. I was told that I must either sleep elsewhere, or consent to share my bed. That annoyed me considerably, but I had to make up my mind. I gave way. The favourite was less accommodating; I bear proofs on my leg of what I say.’²

    Despite his own feelings, Napoleon was well aware of the deep affection that Joséphine had for her pug. He mentions Fortune in several of his subsequent love letters to Joséphine, closing one sent on 17 July 1796 – a mere four months after their disastrous wedding night – with the following sentiment, ‘Millions of kisses, some even to Fortune, in spite of his naughtiness.’

    In another letter, Napoleon loses his temper with his new bride when, after months of begging her to leave Paris and join him on campaign in Italy, she has still not arrived. Jealous and frustrated, he writes:

    ‘You ought to have started on May 24th. Being good-natured, I waited till June 1st, as if a pretty woman would give up her habits, her friends, both Madame Tallien and a dinner with Barras, and the acting of a new play, and Fortune; yes, Fortune, whom you love much more than your husband, for whom you have only a little of the esteem, and a share of that benevolence with which your heart abounds!’³

    After nearly four months of excuses, Joséphine finally consented to join Napoleon in Italy. She did not make the journey alone. With her in a three carriage convoy, complete with a full accompaniment of luggage, servants, and a cavalry escort, was her brother-in-law, Joseph Bonaparte; her new husband’s aide-de-camp, Colonel Junot; her current lover, Hippolyte Charles; and her pug, Fortune.

    In Italy, Fortune became a fast favourite. According to an 1842 edition of the Court Magazine and Monthly Critic, he was ‘caressed and petted by all the officers on the staff’ and soon regarded as ‘an important personage at headquarters’. Napoleon himself was less than pleased. Time and distance had not improved his opinion of the pampered pug. He tolerated him for Joséphine’s sake only. But he would not have to tolerate him for much longer. Fortune was destined to meet his end in a most unfortunate way.

    One day, while roaming the gardens at Montebello, Fortune encountered the cook’s giant dog. In some historical accounts this dog is described as a mastiff and in others a bulldog. Whatever he was, he did not take kindly to Fortune’s threatening snaps and snarls. When Fortune attempted to assert his dominance, the cook’s dog seized the little pug in his jaws, breaking his ribs in one bite. Within a few hours, Fortune was dead.

    Napoleon was far from grief-stricken by this turn of events and he had no patience with anyone who was. When he found one of the guards on duty inside the palace weeping over Fortune’s demise, the Court Magazine and Monthly Critic reports that he had the soldier put under twenty-four-hour arrest, telling him, ‘Deep rooted griefs require quiet and solitude.’

    Joséphine’s own grief was not so easily managed. Devastated by the loss of Fortune, she was utterly inconsolable. Napoleon forbade her from acquiring another pug, but Hippolyte Charles, unable to bear the sight of his lover’s tears, lost no time in presenting her with a pug puppy.

    Sometime later, Napoleon crossed paths with the cook. The remorseful servant apologized for his dog killing Fortune and assured Napoleon that the larger dog had been sent away never to return. Napoleon allegedly replied, ‘Bring him back. Perhaps he will rid me of the new one too!’

    Pugs would continue to be popular companion dogs throughout the Victorian era. (James Tissot (French, 1836–1902), Young Woman in a Boat, or Reflections, 1870. Oil on canvas. Private Collection/Bridgeman Images)

    Wealthy ladies and gentlemen of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries often commissioned portraits of their favourite dogs from prominent painters of the era. (Thomas Gainsborough RA (British, 1727–1788), Spitz Dog, 1765. Oil on canvas. Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection)

    In addition to horses, famed eighteenth century equine artist George Stubbs also painted dogs and other animals. (George Stubbs (British, 1724–1806), Brown and White Norfolk or Water Spaniel, 1778. Oil on panel. Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection)

    Chapter Two

    The Devoted Great Dane of Alexander Pope

    ‘Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.’

    Alexander Pope, 1709

    Eighteenth century poet and satirist Alexander Pope was a lover of dogs all of his life. He preferred large dogs as his writing occasionally provoked threats of violence from those he attacked with his acerbic wit. Small, frail and stricken at a young age with a form of tuberculosis that affected his spine, he was incapable of defending himself in an actual physical altercation and depended on his canine guardians to protect him.

    Over the years, Pope owned a succession of Great Danes, each by the name of Bounce. The first Bounce was a male dog, as was the last. The rest were all females, the most well-known of which was the ‘great faithful Danish dog’ that Pope owned in 1728.⁵ Following

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