Open Your Eyes Toward Living More Deeply in the Present
About this ebook
Gail J. Stearns
Gail J. Stearns is Dean of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Chapman University. She is the author of Open Your Eyes (Wipf & Stock, 2010).
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Open Your Eyes Toward Living More Deeply in the Present - Gail J. Stearns
Open Your Eyes
Toward Living More Deeply in the Present
Gail J. Stearns
Copyright © 2011 Gail J. Stearns. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Wipf & Stock
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
isbn 13: 978-1-60899-635-3
eisbn 13: 978-1-4982-7273-5
Manufactured in the U.S.A.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Introduction: Searching for Peace
Chapter 1: Understanding Jesus
Chapter 2: Understanding God
Chapter 3: Living in the Present
Chapter 4: Discovering the Self
Chapter 5: Living With Suffering
Chapter 6: Understanding Jesus’ Suffering
Chapter 7: Living in Compassionate Community
Conclusion: Letting Go of Truth
For my parents
I would like to thank my friends and readers Sharon Kehoe and Michael Jorn for their comments and challenges on the first draft of this book. I am grateful to Nancy Nydegger for her careful editing on a later draft. I thank my sister, Nancy Martin, not only for her editing expertise, but for being my friend and confidant throughout the process of writing and living through all the events I describe in this book. And my thanks to Christian Amondson and the editors at Wipf & Stock for their willingness to take on this project.
I was allowed the gift of time to spend with my family, as well as to travel, read, and begin this book during a sabbatical granted by The Common Ministry Council, and received support for that time through a Sabbatical Grant for Pastoral Leaders from the Louisville Institute. Thank you both.
I am deeply grateful to all the persons named and referred to in this book. Although I use only first names or references, you know who you are, and you are integral to this story. I especially want to thank my close friends, Carolea Webb, Carol Hoeksema, Kristine Zakarison, Libby Walker, Terry Keller, and Sharon Kehoe. Like the women in Mark, they know what it means to be present for a friend, and I’m grateful for our time together discussing theology, practicing vocation, and sharing meditations.
My professors and colleagues of many years have helped me to interweave theology and practice, which I endeavor to do with this book. The many students I have taught and ministered to throughout the years have taught me more than they can know. Members of the Interfaith Dialog have educated me a great deal about their respective religious traditions, about the process of the interfaith journey, and about what it means to truly listen to one another.
Finally, I thank my family, especially my kids, John and Jeana, for all they teach me and for enriching my life. Thanks too to my sister, Jane Upmeyer, and to my parents, Ben and Mary Stearns, who have always encouraged me both to believe and to question.
Searching for Peace
I grew up in the church. I was taught that if we were decent people and lived right most of the time, we would be rewarded. I learned that if I was troubled or feeling distant from God, the answer could be found in praying more, or perhaps through finding a new worship service or joining a Bible study. But it was never enough.
As I have sought a way of inner peace and a means for reconciliation for our world, meditation teachers from Christianity, Judaism, Sufism and Buddhism have taught me how to sit in Presence (what some call God) or to be fully in the present moment. I have learned from Native and Goddess traditions about valuing the earth, not just seeking other-worldly glory. I have witnessed in the lives of Muslim friends, as well as in communities of Benedictine sisters and ecumenical Christian brothers what it means to live a life of daily ritual, prayer, and silence. Jewish and Christian scholars have led me toward a new way to read scripture and understand Jesus.
In the end, I feel a little like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. What I have come to understand is that all the discoveries I unearthed in other religions and spiritual traditions are also available in Christianity.
Within our lives lies peace. It is as close as our heart, and as easy to reach as touching the person next to us. It is peace found not in our past or our future, not in the government or our relationships or even our religion—it is peace that is found now. In this very moment. This is the peace of living in the present in a radical way we witness in the life of Jesus.
Our search for spiritual fulfillment and for global reconciliation today is taking many people beyond Christianity to discover varieties of other spiritual paths. This is leaving many Christians worried about heresy, while at the same time strangely unfulfilled within. But spiritual fulfillment is also possible through Christianity, as we open ourselves to a new way to understand Jesus. Because Jesus has been understood so narrowly, many today dismiss Christianity as no longer useful. Yet the way of Jesus uniquely presents a centuries-old truth of radical peace and presence for individuals and for the world.
The argument of this book may feel backwards—it is not an apology for Christianity, nor is it a claim there is only one way to salvation, inner peace or peace in our world. Rather, it offers a new way to recover ancient truth that can still be viable and life-giving for us today, in an era during which we are witnessing an unprecedented explosion in varieties of spiritual quests, coupled with the urgent need for global peace.
As searching people we long for grounding in our own lives, for a way to understand the Divine or God or Jesus or Something Greater than ourselves in a real, palpable way—because, while we know that Presence is there, we don’t quite feel it. Some of us tell ourselves that everything is all right because it’s in God’s hands, and others say everything’s ok due to some kind of karma, although we don’t really understand how those concepts work or even if we really believe them. We long to know that everything really is going to be all right, and that it is actually as it should be right now. Jesus addresses in his followers this longing to understand and be fully present when he uses words such as listen, sit, and watch.
People of all religions and spiritual paths long for a better world. Jesus calls it the reign (kingdom) of God
—a world described in other ways in other religions—where compassion and justice reign, where children do not go hungry at night, where wars are not waged by invoking religious principles that defy the very religions they purport to champion.
In order, however, to see what Jesus really meant by these words and phrases, whether we identify ourselves within or outside of Christianity, we have to suspend much of what we have been taught and have held to be sacrosanct within Christianity. We have to open our eyes, to borrow a metaphor Jesus often used.
My friend Edward is a pastor in Cameroon. In a culture that emerges from Tribal Religion and now has a large percentage of Muslims, he talks to me about meeting the Christians and the joy in their worship together, as he moves about the country. It is almost like receiving a letter from the apostle Paul when I hear him talk. I do not doubt the connection Christians share across the geography of his land. I do not live in the world of the Christians,
however. Where I live, the belief systems are so varied that I never know what I will encounter. This is especially true on a university campus, where intellectual discussion constantly deconstructs doctrine and faith. It is also true because the church has become so tied to its dogma and rules and limited in its understanding of God that many find themselves outside that definition and are either blatantly anti-religious or are seeking truth through other spiritual paths. In my capacity as director of an ecumenical campus ministry dedicated to interfaith work, set within a university where I also teach, I simply cannot make assumptions when students, faculty or staff members walk through my office door. I do not presume what beliefs they hold or the depth of pain they carry despite outer confidence, or their religious affiliation, or primary sexual or racial identity. Rather, I should say that when I do jump to conclusions and make assumptions, I am often wrong.
Many of us are questioning. This book is for the dozens of students who sit in my office, or more often stand with a cup of coffee in the kitchen of our campus ministry building, and dare to voice their doubts with me. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the phrase, I’m not sure I believe in God anymore.
And each time a student and I probe further and I suggest this question may be a sign the student is taking his or her faith seriously, and even deepening in faith, he or she is always surprised. I was told it meant I was losing my faith,
is the inevitable response. Told by a well-meaning friend, by a leader in a campus Christian organization, by a relative. My heart breaks when I think of all the college students who have not found a faculty or pastor’s office or a campus ministry kitchen or a nonjudgmental ear somewhere—anywhere—to tell them radical faith exploration is worthwhile.
Many are afraid to entertain questions. Often, those of us who would claim to have the deepest faith in Christ seem to trust him the least. I recall a woman who approached me after I finished a presentation for parents of incoming freshman, about religious groups on campus. She was anxious that her son continue in college with the same para-church organization he had participated in throughout high school, and was deeply fearful that he might fall backward in his faith if he didn’t. I responded that he may or may not find that group a good fit at college, but suggested she could trust God with her son’s faith exploration and future life of faith. She looked at me quite startled, as if that had not occurred to her before.
This book is for numerous people in our society who may or may not attend church regularly, but call themselves Christians, volunteer in food banks, participate in book studies, or teach Sunday School, yet still feel un fulfilled. I think of a woman who recently went through a new member class then was denied the opportunity to join the church, when in her statement of faith she admitted she was not sure Jesus was the only way to salvation. I think of my friend Michael, who was raised a Christian, later pursued his own intellectual and spiritual journey apart from the church, and at mid-life finds himself drawn to a church community, but still asking, Why be a Christian?
I think of thousands of people who sit patiently Sunday after Sunday without voicing their doubts that there is just this one way to understand Jesus, or their certainty that God will not condemn those that do not properly confess their faith.
There are those who do speak their voice, but are in the minority. I have found such mentors in surprising places in my life. Especially when I have struggled with decisions in my ministry, I have found counsel with elders who have struggled with issues of vocation, personalities, politics, and faith. Al, who was approaching 90 years at the time, was a source of wisdom when I felt unsure how to proceed at work. He told me stories from his professional life and encouraged me to let go of having to have all the answers. Leonard, an elder in the church I first pastored, and later Dick, in his 80s, took time to discuss my sermons when I knew others found them a bit on the edge—and pushed me to challenge rigid, moralistic understandings of Christianity even further. Having respectively lived through the premature death of a son, learned to deal with headstrong fundamentalist Christian relatives, and come to fully accept a daughter’s lesbianism, and each having the courage to let go and change on a road of compassion, taught them deep wisdom. This book is in gratitude for guidance by these elders and other women and men like them.
I write for countless people, like myself, who yearn to live in a way that brings meaning to our lives. Many of us live with pain, whether it is emotional pain caused by broken relationships or life hardship, or physical pain due to disease. We long to make sense of it. People who suffer have been told it is somehow necessary to teach them true faith (usually a lesson told by those who suffer less than they do), or that suffering is something they can eradicate if they just believe. Suffering is part of life, and one of our most powerful teachers and companions in this world. I know for me, it was not until I experienced uninvited suffering myself, and through that began to see that people daily live suffering, dying, and renewing lives, that I fully began to understand how we can live with the reality of suffering. Suffering was part of the life of Jesus and it is part of ours. Jesus teaches us a way to understand human suffering in our personal lives and live more deeply in the present.
We live in a world that is groaning under the weight of overpopulation, environmental destruction, devastation from natural disasters, incomprehensible human cruelty in ethnic warring, poverty and struggle. Corporately, we yearn for understanding and an end to this immense suffering. Learning to live with the realities of pain and brokenness, and coming to appreciate Jesus in a new way moves us toward compassion for all who suffer. This journey will move