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The Paleo Dessert Bible: More Than 100 Delicious Recipes for Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Desserts
The Paleo Dessert Bible: More Than 100 Delicious Recipes for Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Desserts
The Paleo Dessert Bible: More Than 100 Delicious Recipes for Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Desserts
Ebook332 pages2 hours

The Paleo Dessert Bible: More Than 100 Delicious Recipes for Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Desserts

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By now we all know that the paleo diet yields amazing results for weight loss and overall well-being. But even the most health-conscious among us want to treat ourselves once in a while to something sweet and indulgent. What if we could indulge without cheating on the diet? In this book, readers will find more than one hundred recipes for amazing desserts that will leave you feeling satisfied, energized, and healthy.

When chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group’s twenty-eight-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athlete—or even an average person—really maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided to follow the diet for two weeks to see how she felt. In that short amount of time, she lost eight pounds without feeling hungry or deprived, and her blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all stayed within healthy limits. She gladly provided the recipes and now offers a paleo menu as a regular part of her catering business. In this book, she offers delicious dessert recipes, including:

Almond butter pie
Bread pudding
Chewy chocolate cookies
Chocolate fudge cake
Lemon squares
Pecan bars
And more!
Release dateApr 5, 2016
The Paleo Dessert Bible: More Than 100 Delicious Recipes for Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Desserts

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    The Paleo Dessert Bible - Anna Conrad

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    Copyright © 2014, 2016 by Anna Conrad

    Photographer © 2014, 2016 by Stanfield Photographer

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.

    ISBN: 978-1-51070-524-1

    Printed in the United States of America


    This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you may have medical problems, we urge you to seek competent medical help.

    { Contents }

    Recipe List



    Stocking Your Pantry

    Conversions and Equivalencies


    { Recipe List }

    Drop, Shaped, and Rolled Cookies

    1. Almond Raisin Cookies

    2. Almond Prune Cookies

    3. Ginger Almond Cookies

    4. Orange Almond Cookies

    5. Nutty Almond Cookies

    6. Chocolate Almond Cookies with Dried Cranberries

    7. Sugar Cookies

    8. Gingered Sugar Cookies

    9. Lime Sugar Cookies

    10. Lemon Sugar Cookies

    11. Molasses-Spice Cookies

    12. Molasses-Spice Cookies with Dark Rum Glaze

    13. Molasses-Spice Cookies with Orange Essence

    14. Lebkuchen

    15. Jam Thumbprints

    16. Almond Blossom Cookies

    17. Chewy Chocolate Cookies

    18. Chocolate Chip Cookies

    19. Almond Butter Cookies

    Icebox and Cookie Cutter Cookies

    20. Vanilla Icebox Cookies

    21. Chocolate Icebox Cookies

    22. Pine Nut-Raisin Icebox Cookies

    23. Pecan Sandies

    24. Thick and Chewy Gingerbread Cookies

    25. Holiday Cookies

    26. Jam Sandwiches

    Brownies and Bar Cookies

    27. Lunch Box Brownies

    28. Fudgy Brownies

    29. Whoopie Pies

    30. Vanilla Pudding Bars

    31. Pecan Bars

    32. Raspberry Streusel Bars

    33. Lemon Squares

    34. Key Lime Bars

    35. Blondies

    36. Almond Fudge Bars

    37. Peach Squares

    38. Apricot Squares

    39. Strawberry Squares

    40. Fig Bars

    41. Paleo Marshmallows

    Snack Cakes, Sheet Cakes, Bundt Cakes, and Cupcakes

    42. Applesauce Snack Cake

    43. Gingerbread Cake

    44. Gingerbread Cake with Dried Fruit

    45. Prune-Nut Bread

    46. Lazy Daisy Cake

    47. Almond Meal Cake with Broiled Icing

    48. Italian Almond Cake

    49. Individual Bananas Foster Cakes

    50. Chocolate Cupcakes

    51. Crème Brûlée

    52. Chocolate Sheet Cake

    53. Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake

    54. German Chocolate Cake

    55. Warm Chocolate Fudge Cakes

    56. Pineapple Cake

    57. Lemon Pound Cake

    58. Carrot Cake


    59. Chocolate Cream Pie

    60. Key Lime Pie

    61. Almond Butter Pie


    62. Classic Tart Dough

    63. Strawberry Tart

    64. Poached Apple and Almond Tart

    65. Poached Pear and Almond Tart

    66. Baked Raspberry Tart

    67. Cranberry Pecan Tart

    68. Linzertorte

    69. Lemon Tart

    70. Chocolate Truffle Tart

    71. Chocolate Walnut Tart

    72. Espresso Truffle Tart

    Fruit Desserts

    73. Apple Crisp

    74. Strawberry Shortcakes

    75. Fresh Blueberry Crumble

    76. Fresh Peach Crisp

    77. Fresh Blueberry Cobbler with Soft Cookie Topping

    78. Skillet Apple Brown Betty

    79. Summer Berry Gratin

    80. Summer Berry Bake

    81. Berry Dessert Pancake

    82. Blueberry Buckle

    83. Individual Blackberry-Walnut Buckles

    84. Cider-Baked Apples with Dried Cranberries

    Milkshakes, Puddings, and Mousses

    85. Chocolate Milkshake

    86. Mocha Frappe

    87. Chocolate Mousse

    88. Chilled Lemon Mousse with Raspberry Sauce

    89. Chocolate Pudding

    90. Chocolate Banana Pudding

    91. Vanilla Pudding

    92. Strawberry Vanilla Pudding

    93. Peach Vanilla Pudding

    94. Bread Pudding

    95. Rich and Creamy Banana Pudding

    Frostings and Jams

    96. Chocolate Frosting

    97. Chocolate Frosting with Orange Essence

    98. Coconut Frosting

    99. Pecan Coconut Frosting

    100. Fruit Jam

    { Welcome }

    Welcome to The Paleo Dessert Bible. I wrote, tested, and edited the recipes in this book in my kitchen located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. My mission with The Paleo Dessert Bible was to create a comprehensive collection of my favorite dessert recipes and reformulate them to comply as closely as possible with the paleo diet. I abandoned many of the basic tenets that apply to baking with grains and learned how nut flours, palm sugar, coconut milk, and oil behave when formulating desserts. In many, many instances, the recipes are better when converted to paleo versions. I hope you enjoy these desserts, many of which you will recognize by the titles as classic, all-time favorites. And hopefully, you will consider them to be even better than you remembered.

    { Preface }

    The paleo diet does not lend itself to the easy incorporation of dessert recipes into the everyday menu. However, I believe that the paleo diet approach to health could be very important to the health of many people. For that reason, we should find ways to make it accessible, which means indulging in the occasional dessert. With some careful planning, a few desserts on an infrequent basis shouldn’t do harm. For the most part, the recipes in this book closely adhere to the paleo diet principles. Yes, you will see normally excluded foods (chocolate, coffee, honey, molasses, maple syrup, palm sugar, tapioca flour, alcohol, etc.) in some of the recipes, because it would be impossible to make desserts without them. But indulging in these desserts on an infrequent basis should not set your health goals too far afield. Just make sure you use high-quality, organic, whole foods and additive-free ingredients whenever possible. For a complete list of foods allowed on the paleo diet, see my first cookbook, The Paleo Cookbook.

    { Stocking Your Pantry }

    The following is a list of standard ingredients you will need to have in your pantry (in addition to typical baking ingredients) before making the recipes in this book. I’ve listed suppliers for almond flour as well, because almond flour is the main ingredient in many of the recipes, and the suppliers I list here are the best brands to use, based on my experience. I did not list suppliers for other ingredients because I found that the ingredients are widely available from multiple suppliers without much variation in quality.

    ALMOND FLOUR AND ALMOND MEAL: Almond flour and almond meal are made by grinding sweet almonds. Almond flour is finely ground blanched almonds (blanching almonds removes the skin). Almond meal is made with or without the skin on the almonds, and it isn’t as finely ground as almond flour. The consistency of almond meal is similar to that of corn meal. I have used almond flour from three different suppliers and found them all to be acceptable in dessert recipes. The almond flour suppliers I used are JK Gourmet (, Benefit Your Life (, and Honeyville ( I grind my own almond meal from whole almonds, since I use it in smaller quantities.

    COCONUT FLOUR: Coconut flour is the meat of a coconut, ground finely and defatted. When purchasing, make sure the ingredients state pure coconut flour, without any added ingredients such as rice flour, sugars, or preservatives. Choose coconut flours that are not pristine white in color, because that may indicate unnecessary processing. The color should be similar to coconut flesh, a little off-white and cream-colored.

    COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil is extracted from the coconut flesh (meat). Coconut oil is used in many paleo recipes and is the primary fat used in this cookbook. Choose virgin coconut oil (VCO) that is made from fresh coconut and mechanically pressed to extract the oil. Other forms of coconut oil may be extracted via chemical or high-temperature methods, which can reduce the nutrient content and flavor properties of the oil.

    COCONUT MILK: Coconut milk is the liquid that comes from squeezing the meat of fresh coconut. Coconut milk can be thick or thin depending on the fat content, or whether or not a thickener has been added. Canned coconut milk is often diluted with water to achieve a lower fat content. Light coconut milk is the lowest fat-containing coconut milk. The recipes in this book are made with canned coconut milk with a 20 to 22 percent fat content (not light). If possible, choose coconut milk that contains no additional ingredients, other than water. Thickeners such as guar gum are often added and should be avoided if at all possible.

    PALM SUGAR: Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, unrefined, low-glycemic, natural sweetener that is obtained by making several slits in the stem of a palm tree, draining the liquid, and then boiling it until thickened. The boiled product is cooled into cakes and later ground and packaged for sale. Palm sugar is a rich brown color, and some say its taste is superior to that of white granulated sugar. Palm sugar behaves much the same as white granulated sugar in baking applications. Palm sugar is not the same as coconut sugar, which is obtained from the cut flowers of the coconut palm tree. The recipes in this book use palm sugar.

    BAKING SODA: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used in baking as a leavening agent when acidic ingredients are present. Acidic ingredients include phosphates, cream of tartar, lemon juice, yogurt, buttermilk, cacao powder, vinegar, etc. Baking soda reacts with the acidic ingredient and releases carbon dioxide, causing the baked good to rise. Baking soda is often used in combination with baking powder.

    BAKING POWDER: Baking powder is a leavening agent composed of a weak acid and a weak base that allows baked goods to rise via an acid-base reaction. Baking powder is used in traditional wheat-based breads where a fermentation reaction (via yeast) is undesirable because of the taste fermentation imparts. Baked goods or breads that use baking powder to create lift in the baked good are often called quick breads because of the quick release of carbon dioxide in the acid-base reaction, yielding shorter processing times (no waiting for the bread to rise before baking). Paleo breads, which use nut flours instead of wheat based flours, rise via the same chemical mechanism when using baking powder.

    EGGS: Eggs play a critical role in baking by providing protein, fat, and moisture. Protein acts as a binding agent to keep the baked good in one piece, rather than crumbling. Fat and moisture provides an excellent mouth-feel and makes the baked good consumable and pleasant to eat, versus dry and hard to chew or swallow. The recipes in this book use more eggs than most non-paleo recipes might, especially when coconut flour is incorporated, because nut flours tend to absorb more moisture

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