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The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods
The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods
The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods
Ebook351 pages2 hours

The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods

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If you think the increasingly popular caveman diet is good for your health but a bit depressing for your taste buds, this is the book that will change your perspective on the paleo diet forever. Now you can enjoy all your favorite comfort foods without sacrificing the terrific health benefits of a grain-free, dairy-free diet.

When Chef and caterer Anna Conrad was asked to provide paleo recipes for a fitness group’s 28-day paleo challenge, she was a little skeptical. Could an athleteor even an average personreally maintain a balanced body without any grains or dairy? Before agreeing to the job, she decided to follow the diet for two weeks to see how she felt. In that short amount of time, she lost eight pounds without feeling hungry or deprived, and her blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all stayed within healthy limits. She gladly provided the recipes and now offers a paleo menu as a regular part of her catering business. In this book, she offers delicious comfort food recipes, including:

Chicken Pot Pie
Creamed Spinach
Rueben Sandwich
Shrimp Bisque
Spaghetti Carbonara
And more!

Skyhorse Publishing, along with our Good Books and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of cookbooks, including books on juicing, grilling, baking, frying, home brewing and winemaking, slow cookers, and cast iron cooking. We’ve been successful with books on gluten-free cooking, vegetarian and vegan cooking, paleo, raw foods, and more. Our list includes French cooking, Swedish cooking, Austrian and German cooking, Cajun cooking, as well as books on jerky, canning and preserving, peanut butter, meatballs, oil and vinegar, bone broth, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Release dateAug 5, 2014
The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible: More Than 100 Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes for Your Favorite Foods

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    The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible - Anna Conrad

    { Preface }

    The paleo diet does not lend itself to easily incorporating traditional comfort food recipes into the everyday menu. However, I believe you’ll find that The Paleo Comfort Foods Bible includes recipes that evoke warm feelings, full stomachs, and feelings of home without grains, dairy, and high glycemic index sugar products. Pasta, breadcrumbs, cheese, cream, and sugar often find their way into comfort food recipes. I’ve reformulated these recipes to incorporate breads made with nut flours and paleo-safe oils and sugars. Pasta is more of a challenge, and even the paleo pastas on the market didn’t pass my criteria as a paleo-friendly food. For that reason, I don’t include pasta in my recipes. If the recipe requires a pasta-like ingredient, I use spaghetti squash. You will not miss the pasta! When choosing ingredients for the recipes in this book, make sure you always use high-quality, organic, grass–fed meat and poultry, wild-caught seafood and fish, uncured meats (unless you cure them via paleo-friendly methods), whole foods, and additive-free ingredients whenever possible. For a complete list of foods allowed on the paleo diet, see my first cookbook, The Paleo Cookbook.

    { Stocking Your Pantry }

    The following is a list of standard ingredients you will need to have in your pantry before making the recipes in this book, in addition to commonly used ingredients. I’ve listed suppliers for almond flour because almond flour is the key ingredient in many of the recipes, and the suppliers I list here are the best brands to use, based on my experience. I did not list suppliers for other ingredients because I found that they are widely available from multiple suppliers without much variation in quality.

    ALMOND FLOUR AND ALMOND MEAL: Almond flour and almond meal are made by grinding sweet almonds. Almond flour is finely ground blanched almonds. Blanching almonds removes the skin. Almond meal is made with or without the skin on the almonds, and it isn’t as finely ground as almond flour. The consistency of almond meal is similar to that of corn meal. I used almond flour from three different suppliers and found them all to be acceptable in my recipes. The almond flour suppliers I used are JK Gourmet (, Benefit Your Life (, and Honeyville ( I grind my own almond meal from whole almonds since I use it smaller quantities.

    COCONUT FLOUR: Coconut flour is the meat of a coconut ground finely and defatted. When purchasing, make sure the ingredients state pure coconut flour without any added ingredients such as rice flour, sugars, or preservatives. Choose coconut flours that are not pristine white in color because that may indicate unnecessary processing. The color should be similar to coconut flesh, a little off-white and cream-colored.

    COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil is extracted from the coconut flesh (meat). Coconut oil is used in many paleo recipes and is the primary fat used in this cookbook. Choose virgin coconut oil (VCO) that is made from fresh coconut and mechanically pressed to extract the oil. Other forms of coconut oil may be extracted via chemical or high temperature methods, which can reduce the nutrient content and flavor properties of the oil.

    OLIVE OIL: Vegetable oils are typically off-limits for paleo dieters, and olive oil is vegetable oil. However, it’s considered paleo-friendly because it is comprised mostly of monounsaturated fat, a fat source that is safe and healthy for us to consume. It is not suitable for cooking with on the stovetop or for greasing pans for baking because it oxidizes at higher temperatures, breaking down into compounds that aren’t healthy for humans to consume. Use it in dressings or on top of your already cooked meals.

    Fresh, cold-pressed, extra virgin olive oils in dark bottles that haven’t been on the shelf for a long time are the best. Store olive oil in a dark and cool place to increase its shelf life. You can store it in the refrigerator, but it will become cloudy and thick. Refrigerated olive oil will return to its normal appearance and consistency once it comes to room temperature.

    RENDERED ANIMAL FAT: They are the essence of the reason we eat paleo in the first place. Cavemen ate animals—lots of them—for energy, and therefore they obtained a lot of fat from animal sources.

    Most animal fats are highly saturated and are therefore stable enough to cook at high temperatures. Conversely, they are solid at room temperature and don’t need to be refrigerated. Their reputation for being less healthy means that they are not very popular, and therefore very cheap to obtain—even the fats coming from well-treated animals.

    Just go to your butcher and ask for duck fat, pork lard, or beef tallow. Your butcher might not have those fats rendered and ready for you to cook, so you’ll have to work a bit to use them, but you’ll see that it’s not terribly difficult. You may also purchase leaf lard or suet (beef fat).


    Remove any vein, meat, or blood from the fat, and then chop it into very small chunks. Next put the fat chunks in either a crockpot or heavy-bottomed Dutch oven. Set the fat over very low heat. Once all the white fat chunks have become brown and dry, strain off the pure fat and let it cool. Be careful, as it will be very hot. Once cooled, the fat will be white and hard at room temperature. You are ready to cook with real animal fat!

    COCONUT MILK: Coconut milk is the liquid that comes from squeezing the meat of fresh coconut. Coconut milk can be thick or thin depending on the fat content or whether or not a thickener has been added. Canned coconut milk is often diluted with water to achieve a lower fat content. Light coconut milk is the lowest fat-containing coconut milk. The recipes in this book are made with canned coconut milk with a 20 to 22 percent fat content (not light). If possible, choose coconut milk that contains no additional ingredients, other than water. Thickeners such as guar gum are often added and should be avoided if at all possible. You can make your own coconut milk by purchasing a fresh coconut, shredding the meat, and processing the flesh in a food processor with water. Use 4 cups of hot water and 2 cups of shredded coconut. After processing, pour the milk through a strainer to remove the coconut. Use immediately or store the strained milk in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

    VINEGAR: Vinegars that are naturally fermented at home or by a local artisan are the best sources of vinegar to use in your cooking. You may also find naturally fermented vinegars in a local health food store or at your local farmer’s market. You may even be lucky enough to find naturally fermented vinegar for sale online if none of the local options are available to you. I do not recommend using industrially processed vinegars because they typically contain industrially processed acetic acid, which is not considered to be paleo-friendly. Good quality apple cider, red wine, and balsamic vinegars are easiest to find and specified most often in my recipes. You can also make your own vinegar from the further fermentation of mead (fermentation of raw honey, water, and sometimes fruit). There are many recipes online that can help you get started.

    BAKING SODA: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used in baking as a leavening agent when acidic ingredients are present. Acidic ingredients include phosphates, cream of tartar, lemon juice, yogurt, buttermilk, cacao powder, vinegar, etc. Baking soda reacts with the acidic ingredient and releases carbon dioxide, causing the baked good to rise. Baking soda is often used in combination with baking powder.

    BAKING POWDER: Baking powder is a leavening agent composed of a weak acid and a weak base that allows baked goods to rise via an acid-base reaction. Baking powder is used in breads where a fermentation reaction (via yeast) is undesirable because of the taste fermentation imparts. Baked goods or breads that use baking powder to create lift in the baked good are often called quick breads because of the quick release of carbon dioxide in the acid-base reaction, yielding shorter processing times (no waiting for the bread to rise before baking).

    EGGS: Eggs play a critical role in baking by providing protein, fat, and moisture. Protein acts as a binding agent to keep the baked good in one piece and breading in place, rather than crumbling. Fat and moisture provides an excellent mouth-feel and makes the baked good consumable and pleasant to eat, versus dry and hard to chew or swallow. The recipes in this book use more eggs in many of the recipes than most non-paleo recipes might, especially when coconut flour is incorporated, because the nut flours tend to absorb more moisture than a traditional grain-based flour. Use eggs from free-range chickens or other game birds when possible. The nutrient profile for free-range birds is more paleo-friendly than those purchased from mass-production farming facilities.

    TAPIOCA FLOUR AND ARROWROOT FLOUR: Tapioca flour is derived from cassava root and can be used to make breads and tortillas as the primary flour component, breading for meat and vegetables, and as a thickening agent to replace cornstarch or other grain-based thickeners. Arrowroot flour is often used interchangeably with tapioca flour and is acceptable for the paleo diet. I used tapioca flour in the recipes in this book in an attempt to minimize the number of ingredients in my pantry. I also found tapioca flour to be a little less expensive than arrowroot flour. Do not confuse tapioca pearls with tapioca flour for the purpose of the recipes in this book. Purchase the tapioca in flour form and check the ingredients to make sure it isn’t adulterated with wheat flour. Both tapioca and arrowroot flours are starches and should be used only when needed. Comfort food recipes include some starches for mouth-feel, primarily, and just wouldn’t be the same without them. I’ve tried to keep the quantities used to an absolute minimum. If a recipe calls for starch to be a major component of the meal—tortillas, for example—just make sure you aren’t preparing the recipe more than once or twice each month. Starches trigger carbohydrate cravings, so be aware that you may want more starches than usual and plan to resist! The craving will pass in a few hours.

    HONEY: Honey is a sweetener created by bees, which derive the thick fluid by eating flower nectar and processing it until it dehydrates the sugar and creates natural monosaccharide, fructose, and glucose, with a flavor similar in sweetness to granulated white sugar. Because honey has a low water content, most harmful microorganisms will not grow in it. However, honey may contain dormant endospores that are harmful to the immature intestinal tract of infants, which can cause serious illness or even death. For that reason, honey should not be included in recipes that will be eaten by infants. When possible purchase raw, locally produced honey, for both environmental reasons and because locally harvested honey will have the flavor of local nectar. Raw honey has a significantly lower glycemic index and higher nutrient content than commercially produced and packaged honey. If you cannot tolerate raw honey or if you will be feeding the baked good to an infant, consider real maple sugar or blackstrap molasses as a substitute although the flavor profile will vary when using different sugars. Maple syrup is milder, and blackstrap molasses have a more robust in flavor.

    BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES: Blackstrap molasses is a by-product of the manufacture of granulated sugar or

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