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Fantasy Anthology: Book Two
Fantasy Anthology: Book Two
Fantasy Anthology: Book Two
Ebook112 pages2 hours

Fantasy Anthology: Book Two

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About this ebook

Our Fall 2017 fantasy anthology collection. These include some spooky stories.

Contributors include:
Enedina Kerley
Zofia Carder
Margart Hassan
Sydney Sheeran
Ginny Brekke
Nana Diedrich
Edythe Ridley
Arnoldo Wade
Bronwyn Zurita
Michelina Stefanik

PublisherSophia Rice
Release dateDec 5, 2018
Fantasy Anthology: Book Two

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    Fantasy Anthology - Sophia Rice



    The horse galloped at an increasing rate. Fatigue from being ridden so hard for for two hours was starting to set in. The haunch of the great beast is raw and bleeding from being kicked. The wide eyed boy, not much older than 16, looks behind him to check if there is anything following him. His face is getting whipped by passing branches, and the cold wind has chapped his lips .

    Just one more bridge he thought. Keep it up until then His grip on the leather around the horse has never been tighter. He was so close to safety, the horse knew this as well.

    Finally, they made it to the wooden bridge. The feeling of the forest seemed to fade, and the horse finally was allowed to slow down to a trot. The hollow echo coming off of each step the horse made somehow made everything seem quieter. Clip-Clop Clip-Clop. The boys’ eyes began to get heavy. The rhythmic sound slowly lulling him to sleep.

    On the other side of the bridge the guards had fled their posts to attend to the boy on the bloody horse. One guard took the boy off the horse, while the other tried to wrangle in the skeptical horse. The first guard laid the boy down and took his helmet off to examine him. Still breathing, the boy was clearly just exhausted.

    The guard cradled the boy and sprinted toward the castle gate screaming for a medic to come. Almost immediately a bright pillar of light was n front of the guard just inside the gate. From within emerged an Elf, entirely clad in white, with a golden symbol emblazoned on her perfectly placed hat.

    What's the status she questioned

    Human child, 15-16 years old, cuts on face, unconscious and not responding.

    The second guard, after securing the horse, came by and cleared off an unused fruit purveyors table. The first guard laid him down on the table. The medical Elf placed 3 small vials next to the boys head. She took drops from each and placed them on his forehead. Then she placed each of her hands around the boy's head, near his ears. After a few moments of concentration, she popped her eyes open.

    All clear, he is just exhausted, bring water and clear a bed in the medical tent she calmly said.

    A few more drops of a potion on the boy’s arm made him spring to life, to coughing wildly. He bolted up, and grabbed the medical elf’s pristine white tunic. Wide eyed, and seeming to gain back all of his strength, he rasped out.

    They’re coming, please, send help Standon village. They can’t be killed. There was too many for us to kill .. zombies

    Shh, shh. Calm down son she rubbed a drop on his forearm. The boy’s eyes became heavy again, and he slowly laid back down to rest. The medical elf’s blouse was noticeably dirty from the boy clutching at her. She turned to the first guard.

    Go get the general, close the gates, and bring the mystic

    With a steadfast nod, the first guard was off.

    Always tough giving medicine to humans, they never have the same reaction She sat, cross legged and tried to dust her shirt off as best she could. She was going over the information the boy had given her.

    They can’t be killed, an army. Zombies? she muttered to herself. What is a zombie. She questioned aloud.

    The medical tent curtain was flung open. The first guard came in, followed by General Hireth, and the town mystic. Cyrn.

    Status report General Hireth commanded.

    Sir, human, male, 16, an official war messenger, was exhausted from riding. I estimate he had ridden for 3-4 hours straight. He said Standon village was under attack from enemies that could not be killed. He also mentioned there was a vast number of enemies, and called them zombies. she retorted.

    Galgn, he motioned for the first guard. Send a scouting party and a relay stone to Standon immediately, they are not to fight, only to report back Galgn said nothing, he saluted and tore out the door.

    The candlelight flickered in the room. The 3 Elves looked out of place in the medical tent. Their attire was to perfect and pristine to be in a temporary shelter at this time of night. The mystic looked toward the medical elf. Kelyr, what was the word he used to describe the enemies?

    Zombies Kelyr reported.

    The mystic rustled around in her bag. She pulled out two small rocks and sat down on the floor. She mumbled under her breath zombies.

    Her head flew back, the stones lighting up in her hands. Volumes of books flew by in her mind. Finally she found a book that mentioned the word. History of Human Myths and Legends. She found the section and relayed the information back to her companions.

    Standing, she said Well, I have found only 1 mention of the word zombies in our library, it was in the History of Human Myths and Legends. It is a human superstition that claims anyone who is dead will rise and cannibalize any humans they come into contact with. Anyone who is bit, or killed by these zombies will also turn into a member of the undead.

    History of Human Myths and Legends? the general questioned. "That doesn’t sound like a reliable source of information.

    It isn’t she replied. It must just be the boys imagination, the Gesson tribe probably just raided their village.

    This close to the capital? There is no way they are that brazen. Besides it is the month of the harvest, they have crops to attend to. the general explained.

    I can tell when someone is being untruthful. When he looked me in the eyes, he at least believed he was telling the truth to me about what he saw.

    Zombies? the general questioned under his breath. He stroked his chin pondering on what to do next. Kelyr and Cyrn looked on waiting for instruction, while the boy was still sleeping. Senth, he called for the second guard standing outside the tent. Take this boy to my quarters.

    Yes, Sir he saluted, picked up the boy and headed out of the tent. Kelyr, you are dismissed. Cyrn, go deeper into the archives and see if there is any more information you can gather about zombies

    She scoffed Zombies? This will be a waste of time, it is just a legend

    Nevertheless, scour the archives, and wake another mystic if you have to. We’ve seen legends come alive in our culture more than once, I don't want to take a chance on this one coming true as well the general said.

    The mystic nodded and headed out of the tent. After taking a moment for himself, he exited the tent and headed to the scouting room.

    Upon entering, the three men in the scouting room stood up and saluted the general.

    At ease he saluted them back

    Where is the scouting party sent to Standon

    One of the men sitting at the round table picked up a relay stone and held it in his hand. Once it started glowing he said Scout team what is your status

    He nodded a few times.

    Still a few hours away sir, but they have started heading back this way.


    The soldier nodded a few more times.

    The horses refused to go any further, when they stopped to investigate they were attacked from the sides of the trail, they killed many, but had to turn and go.

    Give me that stone he grabbed another stone.

    In his minds eye, he could see the face of the scout leader that was talking. His eyes were filled with dread, his face was wrinkled up in fear, and his hair was matted with blood.

    What did you see

    Panicked the scout replied sir, enemies came from the woods, all attacks failed, we lost one soldier, and another is badly injured, prepare the medical tent

    He dropped the stone, and exited the scouting facility.

    Medic! he exclaimed. Appearing from the white light was Kelyr again, still dirtied up from the encounter with the boy.

    "Our scouting party was attacked, expect 3-4 wounded, possibly severe. Set

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