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Muscle Coordination
Muscle Coordination
Muscle Coordination
Ebook22 pages10 minutes

Muscle Coordination

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Muscle coordination, also known as motor coordination is the combination of body movements created for a specific action, such as walking, jumping, holding a pencil and buttoning a shirt. It can include smoothly, combining several body movements involving large and small muscle groups, that are well timed with a specific goal, such as swimming, tennis or riding a bike. This book is designed to help identify muscle coordination problems, then suggest appropriate remediation to correct the issue.

PublisherHelen H Heron
Release dateDec 1, 2018
Muscle Coordination

Helen H Heron

Helen Heron has dedicated herself to preparing students to be confidant and successful. Ms. Heron taught high school in Livermore, CA for thirty-five years. She helped develop the Honors and Gate curricula, served as the Social Studies Curriculum Liaison, and Area Chairperson. Ms. Heron is a graduate of Pomona College, Claremont, California, received her teaching credentials from the University of California at Berkeley, and her Masters of Education from Holy Names College in Oakland, California. Upon her retirement in 1998, she was named “Teacher of the Millennium” by PROMPT (Protagonists Requiring Observance of the Millennium’s Punctual Turning). Ms. Heron has served as the San Diego Mensa Gifted Children’s Coordinator and as a member of the Mensa National Gifted Children’s Committee. She has made presentations all over the world, including The Hague, Netherlands, Hong Kong and at the World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children in Orlando, Florida. Today Ms. Heron continues to publish on various topics including The Study Skills Sequence for Teachers and the Study Skills Sequence for Students. Helen Heron can be reached at [email protected]

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    Book preview

    Muscle Coordination - Helen H Heron


    By Helen H. Heron

    Illustrated by Adam Greene

    Heron Publishing Box # 603

    S180 Oceanside, CA 92054

    1-760-754-5237 after 10 a.m. U.S. Pacific [email protected]

    Copyright © 2013, 2018 by Helen H. Heron

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations for review.


    Thomas E. Karnes, Hildi Kang, Richard Lederer, Walt Seibert, LHS Special Education Dept, Lovell Bonnie, Colleen Jones, Thomas M. Heron, Christopher Heron, John W Heron, Fred Woods


    Disclaimer for Muscle Coordination

    This book, part of the Solving Reading Problems Program,

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