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1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship
1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship
1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship
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1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship

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About this ebook

Do you need a Miracle? Yes, this is possible! This book is specially configured (order of words) for you to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship. Quick effects. Some people reported beneficial effects from the very next day. However, beneficial effects occur between 3 days and 3 months, only in very rare cases it takes a longer time (6 months - 1 year). BUT I strongly recommend you to keep reading 3 mins (at least) a day, minimum 3 months because in this way the effects are very stable. You don't need a big chunk of your time or expensive programs. In this detailed and simple book, you find all the information you need. It gives you in detail a practical, very simple, effective and successful method.

Benefits of the method for you:
- this method has for you quick, profound and long-term results, most of the time for life
- it can be used by anyone - including you :)
- you can use it anytime
- you can use it almost anywhere, thus benefiting from the "idle times" of everyday life: tram, bus, train, subway, waiting somewhere, waiting for someone etc.
- it is the easiest possible way for you to acquire and maintain an exceptional life

This book is a practical book that has over 350 pages. This book describes in detail a practical, very simple, effective and quick-action method called Solaria Mind 1001 (NEW), that helps you to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship.

In short, the Solaria Mind 1001 method consists of using positive thoughts, words, affirmations, emotions, and images. These are arranged to be traversed in a certain way so as to eliminate certain blockages in the human being, blockages that are bringing disease or failure on various plans. Everything is extremely simple!

By reading this book, according to the given indications, you will have very rapid, positive, beneficial mental changes that will reflect in extraordinary, healthy habits and will produce real wonders in your life. This book helps you step by step, in a natural way, in just 3 minutes a day, to change your misguided way of thinking and to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship.

Here are some sections in this book:
Disclosed secret - Reading formula and efficient operation
Very useful - details and composition of the actual method
The remarkable benefits of the method
Practical advice - everything matters

In this book, I used over 1,980 positive words with a high frequency of vibration, placed in an order that would bring a very good transformation in your life. I have also used over 1,090 positive statements structured in a way that will quickly bring you to solve your problems. I have also used in this book over 360 gorgeous images that have the role of quickly impregnating your subconscious with positive feelings and emotions, opening up your way to a quick success to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship.
You, also have a practical bonus in the pages of the book.

Yes. The Miracle is possible!

Release dateNov 4, 2018
1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship

Nicholas Mag

Funny, open and always honest, Nicholas Mag is a well-known expert in how to have an extraordinary life in very simple ways. He lives in Romania, Transylvania, and likes to play chess, travel, love, stay healthy. As education, Nicholas Mag has further studied and deepening psychology, the harmonious development of the being using the extraordinary benevolent power of the subconscious, he has a master's degree in economics and a bachelor's degree in computer science. He has been preoccupied since the adolescence to find out the mysteries of the human mind, soul, the acquisition and maintenance of a very good state of health and spiritual evolution. Nonconformist, joyful, intelligent. He's a great man!

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    Book preview

    1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship - Nicholas Mag

    Short introduction

    NOTE: Do you need a Miracle? Yes, this is possible! This book is specially configured (order of words) for you to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship. Quick effects. Some people reported beneficial effects from the very next day. However, beneficial effects occur between 3 days and 3 months, only in very rare cases it takes a longer time (6 months - 1 year). BUT I strongly recommend you to keep reading 3 mins (at least) a day, minimum 3 months because in this way the effects are very stable. You don't need a big chunk of your time or expensive programs. In this detailed and simple book, you find all the information you need.

    This book addresses the improvement of your life and elimination of issues (now the focus is to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship), and the regaining of inner balance. It describes in detail a practical, very simple, effective and quick-action method called Solaria Mind 1001. This book is a practical book that has over 350 pages. This book, through the power of your subconscious, helps enormously to replace your negative thoughts and habits with positive thoughts that generate new beneficial habits for you to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship and for your success.

    In short, the Solaria Mind 1001 method consists of using positive thoughts, words, affirmations, emotions, and images. These are arranged to be traversed in a certain way so as to eliminate certain blockages in the human being, blockages that are bringing disease or failure on various plans. Everything is extremely simple: these components of the Solaria Mind 1001 are to go over daily, with very slight indications. This scroll takes just 3-10 minutes a day.

    It is a new method that I have personally discovered after more than 25 years of study, research and practice. It's very simple, like a recipe that, if you stick with its ingredients, everything goes well.

    1. Behind the scene - quickly creates a new beneficial habit

    Recent research into the personal development and the creation of new beneficial habits shows that three months are needed to create a new habit so that it can be permanently in the human being.

    It is known that behind your habits are your thoughts. The thought first arises, then the action follows. So if your thoughts are negative, they will generate harmful habits for you, generating illnesses, failures, problems, deceptions, fears, voiding your will, lack of love, etc. in your life. Instead, if your thoughts are positive, they will generate beneficial, positive habits in your being and will bring you health, success, love, inspiration, will, courage, power, abundance, etc.

    By reading this book, according to the given indications, you will have very rapid, positive, beneficial mental changes that will reflect in extraordinary, healthy habits and will produce real wonders in your life to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship. Your success in every direction come from within, and your positive thoughts are the foundation on which your success builds. This book helps you step by step, in a natural way, in just 3 minutes a day, to change your misguided way of thinking and to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship.

    2. Unbelievable - the wrong and negative way of thinking entails illness and failure

    You have to be aware that what makes you feel bad at present is the very negative thinking that you have taken more or less consciously from your immediate entourage. We are and become what we think predominantly.

    Example: If we constantly think - I do not think I'm doing this exam, I'm afraid to talk to that person, I will never get rich, I will not be able to cure this disease etc. - surely the problems and the failures will always hover about. But if we constantly think - I think I'm doing this exam, I'm glad to talk to that person, because I'm going to enrich my life experience, I'm definitely getting rich because I deserve it, I cure this disease by myself etc. - then hit, success, health, joy will always be present in your life.

    So I advise you to choose the positive way of thinking in any life situation because it only brings you long-term benefits.

    3. My Story - From curiosity to research and amazing results

    Personally, I have been working with these statements and positive thoughts since my first faculty, that is, for over 20 years. I was very passionate about researching the human mind and, in particular, the subconscious and reading all that I found on this subject. I started practicing and working step by step on my transformation using positive affirmations and thoughts.

    I really enjoyed writing the positive affirmations and sticking them to the wall in my room. Soon the results began to appear: shyness turned bold, health problems with sinusitis completely disappeared, I managed very easily and with minimal effort to pass the college exams, the fear of communicating with others turned into the joy of communicating with them, the money came from where I did not expect.

    I mean, you can also do this by using positive statements, structured to bring you maximum benefits with minimal effort. The key is to you. Just use it! It is very simple and with extraordinary long-term effects.

    I was born in the countryside, in a family of simple people. Since I was little, I was preoccupied and asked questions about what the thoughts were, how they are forming, from where they are coming. Years passed and began reading books, courses and articles in various fields, but especially those related to psychology and the inner transformation of the human being. At the beginning of my first faculty, I studied several lessons related to the power of the subconscious and the use of positive affirmations to solve some life problems such as health, prosperity, courage acquiring, amplification of will, intelligence, harmony, or spirituality.

    From that moment, I began to operate with specific positive statements. I remember having at that time a health problem related to travel sickness. I made a positive statement about it and started working daily, especially in the morning after waking up and the night before bed. Guess what? Magical: in less than 2 weeks, this health problem completely disappeared, and I could travel peacefully on any distance and any means of transport without feeling bad at all.

    I also had serious problems with the will to do various daily tasks, such as going to college at evening classes. I applied daily with positive affirmations, and in one week I congratulate myself for going to those courses and overtaking a limiting threshold.

    To open up and expand prosperity, I formulated and worked with positive suggestions, because in the time of faculty, like any young student, I needed quite a lot of money. Miracle: in less than a month I had my first job part-time, and soon after that, I met a partner with whom I was doing small business from which I earned very well. Whenever a problem arose, either smaller or larger, I began to operate with positive statements to solve it.

    In this way, I have gained a very good state of health, courage, memory capacity, intuition, patience, success in earning money etc. One of my ways of working was to stick to the wall, in the room, the positive assertions that I felt fit and so I learned them by heart, and the subconscious impregnated very quickly with them, resulting in very rapid results in the direction of who I was operating.

    I am operating and I will continue to operate with positive affirmations that help me immense in everything I do.

    This is the story of my life linked to positive affirmations, which is the simplest way to live a wonderful life for everyone.

    4. Disclosed secret - Reading formula and efficient operation

    For the deepest subconscious impregnation of the positive affirmations and words, I recommend that you read each word in the actual method of this book at a frequency of 4 seconds. In other words, one word is read at 4 seconds.

    Why? Studies have been made and it has come to the conclusion that reading a word from a text at 4 seconds helps a lot in retaining and understanding the meaning of each word that composes that text. By this way of reading, the subconscious is deeply impregnated in a very quick way with positive words and affirmations, thus leading to a very rapid realization of the proposed desire or purpose.

    Another very important aspect of reading a word at 4 seconds is that the mind, while the person reads, triggers the process of positive creative imagination that greatly helps. It is known by research that if at any given time you have a choice between reason and imagination, it is the imagination that wins. So make the most of your creative imagination beneficial to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship or for successfully achieving any beneficial desire, goal that you have.

    At the same time, I advise you to use, by evoking, the beneficial emotional feelings specific to the desire, the purpose you are aiming for. So, use the Rule of the 3: RIEM - rarely reads, beneficial imaging, and enjoy beneficial emotion, and your goals, your desires are done extraordinarily quickly.

    5. Very useful - details and composition of the actual method

    In this book, I used over 1,900 positive words with a high frequency of vibration, placed in an order that would bring a very good transformation for you to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship. I have also used over 1,100 positive statements structured in a way that will quickly bring you to solve your current problems. I have also used in this book over 360 gorgeous images that have the role of quickly impregnating your subconscious with positive feelings and emotions, opening up your way to a quick success in your life.

    The book is written in the English language. BUT, even if you do not speak or understand the English language well, you can use, with the same fascinating effects, all the affirmations and positive words in the book because the subconscious decodes and recognizes the positive charge behind those words.

    This book is a practical book and please take it as such. It is a book that transforms, changes what was negative at the mental level and in attitudes, with positive aspects, thoughts, attitudes, and healthy positive attitudes and habits. All you have to do is follow the instructions provided. The book consists of the following elements: key positive statements (basic), general positive statements, positive words and images. Let's take them, in turn, to discover how each one acts, both individually and in synergy, in an awesome way for you and your quick success.

    A) Key positive statements (basic) - these are those statements that must reach their goal (fulfillment of desire) as quickly as possible. They are created exactly to solve your problem (to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship) quickly. You have to repeat them with the highest frequency every day, and you will even get (what is desirable) to memorize them. For this, I will give you a reading formula.

    B) General Positive Affirmations - these greatly help to quickly purify the subconscious of negative thoughts that limit and block success in solving the problem (to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship) you are facing. Also, these statements have a beneficial impact on other levels for your life such as material level, erotic level, volitional level, emotional level, intuitive level, mental level, spiritual level. When all the plans of your being are in harmony, success in no matter which direction will not be delayed.

    Here you find some of the positive statements that make up the practical pages of this book:

    I feel deserving of a healthy, happy life and I accept it gratefully.

    I can create my own positive energy.

    Every day in every way I am feeling better and better.

    I appreciate intimacy.

    I am at the right place at the right time.

    My body is full of energy and pain free.

    I am a winner.

    By going inwards, I create outwards.

    I trust my ability to have natural boundaries.

    I’m happy being me.

    I am cool, calm and confidence.

    I surrender to the goodness of life.

    I always feel safe and secure on the inside.

    My grateful heart attracts health into my life.

    I am transforming into someone who has perfect health.

    I am able to take risks and try new things without fear.

    I love how wonderful and strong my body feels.

    I send peace from myself into the world.

    My arms are open to giving and receiving love.

    I radiate health, beauty, charm, and grace.

    I enjoy to be playful.

    I am grateful for all the people in my life who share their happiness with me.

    I choose to be happy.

    I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself.

    When I open my mind and senses, I’m much more creative.

    Everyone sees how much joy and love I have for life.

    I believe in my ability to overcome drawbacks.

    My body has its own wisdom and I trust that wisdom completely.

    I can have lots of fun.

    The more I relax, the better I feel and the healthier I am.

    I express my feelings and opinions honestly and openly.

    My self-confidence brings out the best in me and in everyone around me.

    I have a special guardian angel. I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.

    My shoulders are strong and stable.

    Being happy, healthy and energetic is my natural state.

    I contemplate and meditate to know myself.

    I am proud of all my accomplishments.

    I am pleased with my appearance.

    I am among friends everywhere.

    I awaken in the morning feeling happy and enthusiastic about life.

    I trust my ability to be healthy and energetic.

    I am at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen.

    I act as if I already have what I want—it's an excellent way to attract happiness in my life.

    I feel so comfortable.

    Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.

    I express myself easily.

    I radiate happiness.

    My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship.

    I decide to be thankful for what life provides me with.

    I accept me and approve of me exactly as I am.

    I have the courage to live my dreams.

    I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.

    I am a powerful body, a powerful mind and a powerful soul.

    I will try something different today.

    I am happy with myself the way I am.

    Small changes on a daily basis lead to big changes over time.

    I’m building a storehouse of positive energy.

    I love myself as I am, regardless of my weight.

    Every decision I make helps shape my destiny.

    I am good at getting inspired ideas.

    I release the past and live fully in the present moment.

    I let go of all resentment and peacefully welcome the happiness that takes its place.

    I do my body a great favor by thinking positive thoughts.

    I awake each day with excitement, awaiting the good things coming to me.

    I love my essence, which is love.

    I determine the meaning of my life.

    I am so grateful for my life.

    I feel very positive and confident.

    I wake up happy and excited every single day.

    Today could be the greatest day of my life.

    I am naturally healthy.

    Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.

    I am focused on enjoying life, and I find happiness everywhere I look.

    I am radiantly healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

    People love me for me.

    I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

    I have everything I need to succeed.

    That which feels good for me is right for me.

    I am a positive role model to others.

    It is healthy and wise to let go and relax.

    I enjoy the foods that are best suited for my body.

    If something feels good, it probably is.

    I am willing to step out of my comfort zone.

    I smile and my life lightens.

    My body is supportive of who I am becoming.

    I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones.

    I release the need to prove myself to anyone.

    I am all that I can be.

    I am participating in the experiences of the moment.

    Today I will trust divine guidance to head my actions knowing that I will be brought to joy and prosperity.

    My head is held high and proud.

    I’m a proactive problem-solver.

    I make healthy choices. I have respect for myself.

    I am significant. I contribute to the advancement of humankind.

    Everything leads to something better.

    I (only) do what I like to do.

    I am greeted by love wherever I go.

    Joy floods my thoughts and my life.

    My self-esteem is growing daily.

    Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.

    In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.

    I release past anger and hurts and fill myself with serenity and peaceful thoughts.

    When I love myself, I allow others to love me too.

    I am satisfied and content with what is.

    Health is attracted to me.

    Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.

    My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite.

    I feel joy, love, and abundance.

    I accept and appreciate myself exactly as I am.

    My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts.

    My well-being is supported by a healthy life style.

    My body is always doing its best to create a state of perfect health.

    I’m storing positive images.

    I make sure my body gets time to relax.

    I have many qualities, traits and talents that make me unique.

    I open new doors.

    My life gets more fabulous every day.

    I sleep soundly and peacefully, and awaken feeling rested and energetic.

    My face radiates beautiful kindness.

    When I breathe out I release negativity and fear. I breathe in self appreciation and confidence.

    This too shall pass.

    I am successful at what I do and everything I do is a success.

    I will always be there for myself.

    Life is happening in this moment.

    I lovingly do everything to assist my body in maintaining perfect health.

    I have great potential.

    My belief is that everyone is worthy of perfect health and well-being.

    I can relax and lighten up.

    I see the world with beauty and color.

    I focus positively on what I like.

    I am a receptacle of love.

    My self-esteem and confidence increases each day.

    People are generally good.

    As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

    I am genuinely interested in other people.

    I am healthy, whole, and complete.

    By serving myself, I serve others best.

    I live healthy and balanced.

    I am in charge of my life.

    I am blessed with an abundance of health.

    I recognize mistakes as stepping stones to learning and honing my skills.

    I allow myself to nourish myself healthy.

    I breathe as a calm relaxed person.

    I am grateful for all that I am.

    I am at peace with my past.

    I release all worry, all thoughts of past and future.

    I take the leap of life.

    Today I will take one step toward my dreams.

    I feel good about the way I live my life.

    Everywhere I go, I experience happiness in mind, body, and spirit.

    There is enough for everyone.

    I am the only person who has control over my eating habits. I can always resist something if I choose to.

    Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.

    I am grateful for my life.

    I don’t worry about the things I can’t control.

    I am blessed with good health.

    I surround myself with loving friends.

    I am a brilliant example of health and fitness.

    I realize I have the right to change my mind.

    My mind is clear and open.

    The universe supports me.

    I am very capable of taking good care of myself.

    It is safe to look within.

    Each morning I wake up feeling enthusiastic about the day ahead.

    When people get to know me, they really like me.

    I clearly see all there is to be grateful for in life.Through gratitude my world expands.

    I am grateful to be alive and healthy today.

    I am successful in all that I do.

    I feel so peaceful and calm.

    I experience perfect health.

    My heart is open to love, kindness, and the bliss of being genuinely happy.

    I am living a long and healthy life.

    Health is my birthright.

    I have abundant energy.

    I feel better and better each and every day in each and every way.

    I am a valuable human being.

    I love food.

    I flow with life.

    I enjoy eating whole and living foods and they are healing my body.

    Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.

    I choose act with poise and grace.

    I know I am doing the best I can (always have, always will).

    I deserve whatever good comes my way today.

    We are all family, and the planet is our home.

    Today I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my uniqueness.

    I get plenty of sleep every night. Every morning, my body is full of vitality and abundant energy.

    My thoughts are filled with positivity and my life is plentiful with prosperity.

    Nothing bad can happen to me.

    My body is relaxed. My mind is calm. My soul is at peace.

    I enjoy laughing every single day.

    I am willing to ask for help when I need it. I always choose the health professional who is just right for my needs.

    I love sport.

    My environment is calm and supportive.

    I know my success is real.

    I feel powerful and confident.

    I radiate self respect.

    I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success.

    I am a success in all that I do.

    Success in mine to be enjoyed.

    I feel better and better every day as my body heals.

    My body has overcome many physical feats and shows its beauty.

    I’ll now be the best me I can be.

    I am thankful that I get to live another day.

    With each breath I become more relaxed.

    I release the desire for control and I breathe in love and acceptance.

    I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.

    I observe my emotions without getting attached to them.

    My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.

    I have the perfect living space.

    I am a spiritual being that is divinely guided.

    Every day is a new day full of vitality, happiness and health.

    I am supported and loved by God.

    I observe my emotions without overreacting.

    I am loved by others.

    I treat my body well.

    Life is good, and so it is!

    I am very good at letting go.

    I love exercising and eating healthy foods.

    I put my own care as a priority.

    I can enjoy every little step I take.

    I create my own life.

    I can see the bigger picture.

    I attract and accept perfect health. It makes me feel good.

    It is good to feel.

    I think well of myself.

    I trust my capacity to love others.

    I deserve a trim, beautiful, fit and healthy body.

    I am surrounded by people who encourage and support healthy choices.

    Each night I go to sleep feeling fulfilled, thankful, and peaceful.

    I feel God's love within me - and all around me.

    I can always change my beliefs if they don’t serve me well.

    I practice unconditional love – for myself first.

    All is well.

    I think healthy thoughts.

    I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind.

    I am more than capable of bringing my dreams to life.

    I am a good person.

    Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

    I attract pure health and wholeness every day.

    Every day and in every way, I get better and better.

    I am overcome with gratitude for the bliss that fills my life.

    I always give my best and I am a good-hearted person.

    Everything in my life is exactly should be.

    I perpetually attract health.

    Every cell in my body is healthy and I am conscious.

    I focus and feed energy to what feels good.

    I turn negatives into positives.

    I am my own mother and father.

    I am a channel for loving peaceful energy.

    I think only positive thoughts and am always happy and joyous, irrespective of external conditions.

    My body appreciates how I take care of it and responds by staying healthy.

    I enjoy being alive.

    It will be a good morning!

    Every cell, every organ, every gland of every system in my body thrives in ultimate wellness and natural perfection.

    I observe my thoughts and actions without judging them.

    The divine guides all my actions.

    My body is me, and I am exactly as I should be.

    I speak my word with confidence.

    My body is a holy temple. I keep it clean and maintain its functionality.

    I pay attention and listen to what my body tells me it needs to be healthy and vital.

    I now go beyond other people's fears and limitations.

    I know that I have the knowledge and resources to achieve my dreams.

    I boldly act on great opportunities when I see them.

    My body is healthy in every way.

    I am at home in my body.

    Today is a sacred gift from Life.

    My legs support and carry me through my life.

    I am free of all diseases.

    I will try to be more understanding of others.

    I am worthy of positive relationships in my life.

    I feel comfort and relaxation flowing through me now, expanding with every breath.

    Each night I smile and feel deep appreciation for all the happy experiences of the day.

    I follow my inner guidance.

    My body and spirit are a perfect team and are always working together.

    I feel healthier and happier than I have in years.

    Every part of me easily and effortlessly lets go of hurt and negative feelings.

    My body is perfect for who I am today, and will support me in my life’s journey.

    I appreciate all the positive people in my life.

    I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.

    I am confidence in all that I do.

    Being calm and relaxed energizes my whole being.

    My life gets better all the time.

    There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other.

    I am grateful for my body’s continuous health.

    I remain active and exercise my body in ways that feel good.

    Every cell in my body is healthy. I am health conscious.

    I trust my capabilities.

    My body is strong and healthy.

    I easily express love.

    I only desire things that are healthy for me.

    I trust in myself.

    Kind people exist everywhere I go.

    I trust my willingness to be kind.

    I am able to achieve whatever I desire.

    I easily express myself.

    I am perfectly healthy in body mind and emotions.

    I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.

    I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love.

    I respect my body as a temple. It is holy, it is clean and it is full of goodness.

    I am creating a good life for myself.

    I deserve good in my life.

    I love and accept my body.

    I get plenty of sleep every night. My body appreciates how I take care of it.

    Deep breathing lifts up my mood and energizes my body.

    I have faith in myself and trust my inner wisdom to guide me.

    I am good at being creative.

    I release my hesitation and make room for victory.

    Universal Law dictates that my desires manifest, so I know that good is on its way.

    An aura of perfect health wellness surrounds my body and mind.

    I exercise regularly, do deep breathing and eat only good nutritious food.

    My body functions in health and harmony.

    I look at the world around me and can't help but smile and feel joy.

    I make my own choices and decisions.

    I treat my body like a temple. I only put healthy food in it.

    I am good enough just as I am.

    I have always done my best.

    I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.

    I am free to choose whatever I want.

    There are no obstacles on my path only road-bumps that I easily and swiftly leap over.

    I am likable, lovable and capable.

    There is always another way. There is always a solution to my problems.

    It will be a good day!

    I am grateful to be alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.

    My body is beautiful for what it can do.

    I allow my intuition to guide my actions to day with trust that I am guided toward my highest good.

    Every day I have the power to choose, and today I choose to be happy.

    I am free of anxiety, and a calm inner peace fills my mind and body.

    I have fun and laugh every day.

    I trust my own good will.

    My fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.

    Water is my favorite beverage. I drink lots of water to cleanse my body and mind.

    I am patient, diplomatic and tolerant.

    I am connected to divine love and wisdom.

    I am full of resources.

    I lovingly do everything I can to assist my body in maintaining perfect health.

    I love where I come from.

    I make room for fun and playfulness.

    I accept the good that is flowing into my life.

    It's only a thought, and a thought can be changed.

    I release all negativity that is blocking the divine expression of who I am.

    As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.

    I feel relaxed, focused and in full control of my body, brain and mind.

    I already have it all.

    I am my own best friend and cheerleader.

    The health of my body is my joyful responsibility.

    I am peacefully allowing my life to unfold.

    Flaws are transformed by love and acceptance.

    My joyful, peaceful energy is a blessing to those around me.

    What I really need is always provided for.

    I am safe.

    I am in charge, I now take my own power back.

    I can change my life.

    Doubt and hesitance show me a need to procrastinate till it feels right.

    I am forgiven.

    I am full of energy and vitality and my mind is calm and peaceful.

    I am very good at giving and receiving.

    When I am appreciative, I can receive more.

    My gratitude for health brings more health.

    Every day I’m getting healthier.

    I take care of me, so that those I love will have me forever.

    I love my family members just as they are. I do not try to change anyone.

    I love my body. My partner loves my body.

    Sometimes people mirror parts I do not yet accept.

    I heal with ease and joy.

    Everything I experience is either an obvious blessing or a blessing in disguise.

    Perfection can be found in all my flaws.

    Today my world is changing for the better.

    I can do anything I set my mind to do.

    I am taken very good care of.

    I eagerly anticipate my future.

    I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.

    The universe is blessing me with good health.

    I enter this day with an attitude of appreciation.

    Time is on my side.

    I state my feelings with confidence.

    I choose to be on my side. All of my thoughts are pointed toward my positive intentions.

    I am in alignment with the universe.

    Life loves me.

    All is well in my life.

    I take it easy.

    Everything is getting better every day.

    Happiness exists where I choose to look for it.

    There is always enough for me.

    I am willing to ask for help when I need it.

    I am glad to be me.

    I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, I love you, I really love you.

    I have excellent health practitioners that assist me in achieving and maintaining a strong, healthy body.

    I am positive.

    I easily attract love into my life.

    I take small steps everyday to be more healthy.

    An opportunity is simply a possibility until I act on it.

    Today, I honor my body.

    I recognize my many strengths.

    Universal power is individualized in me.

    I am safe in the Universe and All Life loves and supports me.

    I have the courage to live in the truth of who I am.

    I speak kindly of others.

    I rest in happiness when I go to sleep, knowing all is well in my world.

    I look very well after myself.

    I believe in and trust myself.

    I can afford to be generous.

    I face difficulty with courage.

    I’m optimistic about the future.

    I feel the glow of God’s love in every cell of my body.

    I am open to love.

    I respond peacefully in all situations.

    I am a blessing to the world.

    The universe supports me in every possible way.

    I speak with confidence and calm assurance.

    I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality.

    I can be happy, no matter what happens.

    I invite bliss.

    All I have to be is me.

    I am grateful that I can think, that I have free will to use those thoughts to change my life as I choose.

    I am enough.

    I am safe There is Divine protection surrounding me.

    I’m happy being who I am.

    I listen to my intuition.

    I surround myself with peaceful people.

    I am attractive, healthy, and confident.

    I am creative and bursting with brilliant ideas.

    I plan my work and work my plan.

    I think outside the box.

    I go for that which makes me feel good.

    I have earnest and loving relationships.

    With every breath, I become more relaxed, more focused.

    All negativity and stress are evaporating from my body and my mind.

    My feelings of self esteem are strong.

    I listen with love to my body's messages.

    My very being radiates health and vitality.

    Every system in my body functions exactly as it was intended to.

    I have a positive attitude towards my health.

    I feel healthy, fit, and strong.

    The more peaceful I am inside,

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