Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World
By Cathy Pagano
About this ebook
Wisdom is women's gift to the world.
The divine Feminine Spirit is returning to our world, bringing with Her transformation and new life. As we transition from patriarchy to a truly new world order where women and men are equal and life rather than death is our most precious value, there is a powerful image that teaches us how to access Her Wisdom.
This image of awakening Feminine Spirit is an image of Conscious Woman: a Woman, clothed with the Sun, standing on the Moon, crowned with Stars, in labor, giving birth to the Savior.
This archetypal image of Wisdom is known as Sophia or Lady Wisdom. This goddess image of conscious woman can be incarnated in all women when we understand how to read this symbol.
As women leave behind the rules and behaviors deemed acceptable to patriarchy, we become who we were always meant to be.
Wisdom's Daughters.
This is a book about the value of the Creative Imagination and symbolic language, the myths and dreams of the divine feminine and how to attain psychological wholeness.
313 pages
Cathy Pagano
Cathy is a Jungian-trained psychotherapist, astrologer and Wisdom Coach. She is also an initiated priestess of the Goddess. These sacred stories of the seasons can be used for ritual celebrations.
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Wisdom's Daughters - Cathy Pagano
Wisdom’s Daughters
How Women Can Change The World
final%20choice.jpgCathy Pagano
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Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children, by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac. Fulcrum Publishing: Golden, CO. Copyright 1988, 1989, 1997 Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac. Used by permission.
Story Water by Rumi, with kind permission from Coleman Barks, translator.
Cover Art: Kerstin Zettmar, Aphrodite with Stars
Kerstin is a marvelous artist and healer from Rhode Island. Please check out her work @ www.zettmar.com
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-6582-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-6583-5 (e)
ISBN: 978-1-4525-6584-2 (hc)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923877
Balboa Press rev. date: 1/21/2013
Table of Contents
King Solomon and Lady Wisdom
Story 1. The Woman Clothed with the Sun
Chapter One Women Will Change the World
Story 2. Scheherazade
Chapter Two The Rebirth of Feminine Language: Reclaiming Our Imagination
Story 3. The Maidens of the Wells
Chapter Three Recovering a Feminine Standpoint: A Teaching Story
Story 4. The Marriage of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell
Chapter Four Enlightened Earth: The Mother of Us All
Story 5. How Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out to Dinner
Chapter Five Standing On The Moon: Another View Of Our World
Story 6. Charge of The Goddess of Wisdom
Chapter Six
Story 7. Sekhmet, Lioness Goddess of Egypt
Chapter Seven The Dress of the Sun: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
Story 8. Conscious Woman
Chapter Eight The New Birth
final%20choice.jpgWhen woman is lost, so is man. The truth is, woman is the window to a man’s heart and a man’s heart is the gateway to his soul.
To Lady Wisdom,
for calling me to her path.
And with love and gratitude to friends and family who made publishing this book possible.
final%20choice.jpgWisdom’s Daughters is my youngest child, and I’ve been pregnant with it for a long while now. You can imagine how delighted I am to finally give birth! It makes Wisdom’s Daughters my 5th child, and it brings to mind a dream I had while I was studying at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. I dreamed that I gave birth to my quintessence. I later found out the quintessence is the fifth element, the union of the above and below, the true essence of a thing.
In the dream, my quintessence was a beautiful girl named Megan, which means the pearl. Wisdom’s Daughters is also my pearl of great price. It has certainly grown luminous through the many obstacles I’ve faced birthing it into the world. But each of those obstacles slowed me down and forced me to relearn and refine Lady Wisdom’s lessons. I had to learn to do the work, not just understand it. I had to become a whole and free woman to guide other women to finding their wholeness and freedom.
Wisdom’s Daughters is about women waking up to our feminine powers and real inner freedom. And it is about women’s power to change the world. The stories, dreams and visions in it help us understand Lady Wisdom’s voice, because she speaks in the symbolic language of the Unconscious. I learned that to find our wisdom we have to be open to the imagination. We have to balance our left and right brain perceptions so we can see with new eyes. I hope this book feeds both sides of the brain: our masculine-oriented left brain that wants to understand things and our feminine-oriented right brain which gives us knowledge of life through the voice of the imagination.
First and foremost, I want to thank my four children: Jennifer, Michael, Gregory and Jonathan. As I began to listen to Lady Wisdom, they were there testing me every step of the way. They challenged me to become a better person, and I learned to understand them through the eyes of Lady Wisdom. I also want to thank my women friends for exploring the unknown with me. When I first began learning about the Goddess back in the 70s, I never would have believed that women would still be under attack in the early decades of the 21st Century. Patriarchy has always disregarded women and our wisdom. But the Cosmic Story of our times is saying that a new day is dawning. Women are stepping forward with great wisdom to help solve the world’s problems. As we enter this new age, women will no longer be pressured to think and act like men, but as conscious women we will have the opportunity to show men the way to integrate the heart and mind, the spirit and soul of humanity.
May that day come soon!
Cathy Pagano
St. Nicholas Day, December 6, 2012
King Solomon and Lady Wisdom
final%20choice.jpgThere was once a king in Israel named Solomon, a son of King David, the shepherd boy who slew a giant, and Bathsheba, the beautiful one who stole a king’s heart. After David died, his son Solomon became king of Israel.
The first thing Solomon did after he was crowned was to go to the sanctuary of Gibeon, a holy place where the Hebrew god, Yahweh, spoke to a seeker in dreams.
And that night, Yahweh came to Solomon in a dream and said: Ask of me what you will and I will grant it to you.
And in the dream, Solomon said: You showed great mercy and kindness to my father David while he was king, for he loved you. And now you have shown him even greater love by letting his son sit on his throne after his death.
You, O Lord, have now made me king over a great people, and I feel like a little child. How can I rule over them if I don’t know how?
Therefore, I ask you for an understanding heart to judge your people, so I can discern between good and bad. I ask you for the Wisdom to judge your people and be a good king.
And Yahweh was pleased with Solomon for asking for this gift. And Yahweh said: Because you have asked for Wisdom and have not asked for a long life for yourself, or riches, or power over your enemies, but instead seek Wisdom, I will give you what you ask for. I will give you a wise and understanding heart. And no one before or after you will be remembered as you are – the wise king.
And then Yahweh added: And I will give you the things you have not asked me for, both riches and honor, and there will be no other king like you in all your days. Just promise that you will walk in my ways, and keep my commandments as your father David did, and I will give you a long life.
Then Solomon awoke, and remembered his dream. And went back to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and gave thanks.
Now soon after, two women came to Solomon for judgment, for he sat in his judgment hall and his people could come before him to ask for justice.
And one of the women said: Oh great King, this other woman and I live together in one house. Not long ago, I gave birth to a child and three days after, this woman also gave birth to a son. And in the night, this woman must have mistakenly smothered her child, for she came to my bed and stole my living child, while she left her dead son with me. And when I awoke in the morning and saw that the child was dead, I thought at first that was my son, but when I looked closely, I saw that it was not. This woman took my son and left me her dead son.
Now the other mother spoke up: No, great King, this is not the truth. The living child is mine, and this woman speaks out of her grief and guilt. This is my son.
And the first mother cried out that it was not true. And so the mothers argued before the king over the living child.
Now Solomon looked at the women and said: Both of you say that this is your son. How will we find the truth?
And Wisdom whispered in Solomon’s heart and he listened. Then Solomon called for his sword. And he stood with the sword in his hand and said to his guard: Divide the living child in half, and give one half to one woman and the other half to the other woman.
Now, when the true mother heard this, she cried out in pain. No, no. Do not kill the boy. Give him to this woman. Only let him live.
And Solomon asked the other mother what should be done. And she said: Divide him in two.
Then Solomon looked at the women and took the boy in his arms and gave the child to his true mother. I will not slay this child, but I give him back to the mother who loves him.
And the people of Israel heard of this judgment and understood that Solomon’s wisdom came from their great god, Yahweh, and they feared and honored him.
Wisdom’s Daughters
final%20choice.jpgIn this crucial time of our Earth walk, it is essential that we women reclaim our ability to nurture, create, and renew life. It is our responsibility to heal ourselves, reclaim the healing power that is ours, and thus form a solid foundation for transformation on other levels of life.
The world will be saved by the western woman.
Wisdom is a Lady
What would you ask for if your God promised you anything you wanted? Who amongst us would pick Wisdom, as Solomon did, when offered that miraculous gift? How many of our leaders have asked for a wise and understanding heart above all else? Perhaps we don’t ask for Wisdom because we don’t feel the burden of responsibility that Solomon felt for his people. But in this time of great transitions, if we don’t take responsibility for ourselves and our world, who will? Freedom implies responsibility.
If there was ever a time in our human history when we need Wisdom, it is now. We are living in extraordinary times, a moment of collective destiny where the human race can and must participate consciously in our own evolution. This evolution is both personal and collective, opening us to new capacities for co-creation and offering us new possibilities for cultural transformation. For the cultural paradigm that we live in is dying, but it is not going gracefully. We need a new way to understand our world and our place in it. And then we have to create a new and more viable way of living here on our beautiful planet, Earth.
It’s true we live in chaotic and changing times, and so people live in fear of war, disease, poverty, death, violence and the unknown. Because the human psyche processes life through stories and images, our unconscious is bringing up ancient images of apocalypse, earth changes and End Time scenarios. People have been content to remain unconscious of the damage done to our environment, but we are already living with the results of these misguided policies. But to allow ourselves to fall into more unconsciousness and despair is unimaginative and lazy. We have been given the supreme gift of free will and so our choices do matter. What if, by choosing to follow Lady Wisdom’s call, we learn to turn our god-like Creative Imagination to transforming our society and re-creating the world rather than continuing our wars and our conspicuous consumption? We do have it in our power to create a heaven on earth if we so choose. It seems we might only have a small window of time to accomplish this. As of now, the patriarchal paradigm that has shaped our worldview and brought us to this crisis point does not want to transfer its power to the children who will have to live in the future world.
We who are living in these most interesting times have a challenge before us—will we be strong enough and committed enough to use our free will to create peace here on this beautiful Earth of ours? Or will we continue to allow the death and destruction that is rampant in our present world to rage on until we are all lost. If we are all really interconnect, perhaps the fires that raged in Arizona during the early summer of 2011 were caused by humanity’s rage at the state of our world. Each of us holds the world in our hands through our choices. Isn’t it time to take responsibility for those choices and evolve into a greater vision of who we might become?
If we choose to take up our responsibility to all of life, then we absolutely have to be ‘wise as serpents and harmless as doves’ (Matthew 10:16). Unfortunately, the mystics know that Lady Wisdom cries out in the streets for us to come to her so she can give us her gifts, but most people ignore her. Could it be because Wisdom is a Lady?
While we haven’t seen great wisdom in society’s leaders, more and more ordinary people are looking for meaning in their lives, and that’s when Lady Wisdom begins to be sought after. My experience as a counselor is that women search for wisdom as they search to understand themselves. And that fact gives me hope that we will, indeed, create the right kind of change in our world. Like Solomon’s judgment, most women would know who that baby’s mother was.
With the complex issues facing the world today, I believe that women’s freedom and equality is the most important challenge we face, because it is not only a social issue but a soul issue. Our world is facing tremendous challenges that will force us to change our worldview, and it is women, who so often champion the soul’s perspective on life, who will help find the right solutions to those issues. If women and our unique ways of perceiving life are not respected and granted equal validity on the world stage, perhaps we won’t make the absolutely necessary changes we need to make so life can continue to evolve here on our home, the Earth. Women will shift the balance of power, and the old power structures do not want to give up power. Perhaps that’s why women’s rights are under attack again.
Social and economic equality between the sexes is not enough though, if by equality we mean what we find in America and the West today. As women entered the workplace, we were expected to act like men, and so we have learned the masculine qualities of individuality, rationality and focus. But for true equality to blossom, women must discover our unique feminine standpoint and own our unique feminine voice. When we feel confident in our standpoint, our new social structures will respect and value what we discover.
Women, in ever larger numbers, are searching for our lost wisdom. Don’t forget, western women have only been given the right to vote in the last century, while there are large numbers of women who still don’t have that right. While our Islamic sisters are being pushed back into virtual slavery by fundamentalist Islam, western women and our rights are under attack in the United States. Women have learned that we have to act in the appropriate, patriarchal-approved ways to be listened to and valued. We all know that outer freedom does not guarantee inner freedom just as outer tyranny does not invariably block inner freedom.
Many women are working hard to claim our inner freedom from old complexes, beliefs and fears that have been passed on from mother to daughter for generations. These beliefs developed from a patriarchal view of women, one that believed that women and our wisdom were not only irrelevant, but sinful. And so women’s wisdom has been ruthlessly repressed. Until now.
The first thing women discover as we search for our feminine Self is how to let go of these patriarchal (rule by the Fathers) projections and expectations that have constrained us for the past 4,000 years. C.G. Jung defined the Self as the archetype of wholeness, the unique and individual spark of Spirit that is our truest nature. To really become relevant in these changing times, women must search for our wholeness, for that is where our native wisdom will be found. We do this when we trust our own instincts, listen to our intuitions and are honest with our feeling and then use our rational mind to make the right choices. Women have to step outside the box of collective convention (the Father’s House) and learn to be free. Our still-patriarchal culture wants all of us to believe in its version of reality, a way of understanding the world which subjugates our feminine gifts to its service, gifts that are used, but often not valued.
These gifts of feminine consciousness are still viewed as less important than the masculine gifts of rationality and focus, individuality and scientific facts. When are feelings taken into account when deciding on issues of war and peace? When is intuition honored? Why are psychic abilities still characterized as witchcraft or worse? Where are patience and endurance valued? When do we value the whole instead of the separate parts? When I was growing up, I wanted to have a man’s freedom and power to affect change in the world. My heroes were mostly male, since there weren’t very many powerful women in my life. They inspired me and I worked hard to become a good Father’s Daughter, sharpening the sword of my intellect, striving to live the values that both church and state promoted, getting my degrees so I could become a useful member of society.
But I soon realized that I hadn’t been given the equal respect for my own deep feminine wisdom in my personal life, nor did I see any feminine wisdom respected and used in decision-making by our cultural institutions. Women’s wisdom, which springs from compassion, feeling, cooperation, endurance and intuition, is still too often disregarded in personal relationships as well as in cultural settings, and so we all lose out on valuable opportunities to change our world for the better.
Our Lost Wisdom
What is Wisdom, you might ask? How can I possibly possess it? An ancient writer spoke of her this way.
For in her is the Spirit of understanding;… loving that which is good, quick, beneficent, gentle, kind, steadfast, assured, secure,… intelligible, pure, subtle: for Wisdom is more active than all active things;… For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God’s majesty, and the image of his goodness… For she is more beautiful than the Sun, and above all the order of the stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it. For after this cometh night, but no evil can overcome Wisdom. Wisdom 7:22-30
My five-year-old friend Ava explained wisdom this way to her father when asked about loving her slightly older brother. Wisdom is when you know you love them in your heart, but you haven’t figured it out on the outside yet.
I believe we are all searching for our lost wisdom.
For a long time now, Lady Wisdom, adorning our public buildings as the Greco-Roman Wisdom-goddesses, Minerva and Pallas Athena, could only be channeled through a masculine, left-brained mode of perception if women wanted to be taken seriously in our culture. Women who go into politics, law, medicine, science and finance—considered masculine professions—find they have to toe the patriarchal line every day. While they use their intuition and feeling whenever possible, they have to fit their feminine perceptions into an already structured reality.
But the world is changing. Women are healing our inner wounds, and learning to express our feminine being without fear or shame. Women have a need to get to know ourselves, after long centuries of being subjugated and twisted by patriarchal expectations. When women look within and acknowledge our strengths and recognize our weaknesses and wounds, we begin to untwist ourselves. We stand up for ourselves, our feelings and our beliefs. We stop trying to become a man’s perfect fantasy. We become our own fantasy! The woman we always wanted to be. We stop being afraid to excel, and since we’ve learned to listen within to our own wisdom, we find solutions to our problems. We remember that we are here on Earth to be whole, not perfect, as is so often expected of each of us.
As women heal the wounds inflicted on our feminine being, we become living examples of new ways of being for our children and men. Feminine consciousness within men is just as twisted and wounded – maybe even more so, since the patriarchy looks down on men who are in touch with their feminine soul. While there are many women who still uphold the values of patriarchy and will defend them to their deaths, there are also men who have reclaimed their feminine consciousness and are examples of the new masculine King who works in harmony with Feminine Spirit.
Our culture has not served us well. By devaluing the feminine aspects of life, we created an out-of-control life-style that is killing the Earth, and killing us. And so, it is most especially women’s purpose, our unique purpose, to achieve our inner freedom and learn to embody Wisdom, helping to create a new society that equally values and respects both women and men, feminine and masculine consciousness and most especially Soul and Spirit.
As women regain and express our feminine powers, and become wise women, we need an archetypal image that allows us our shadows as well as our light. Women have learned to understand the bright light of the Sun, for we have been Father’s Daughters, daughters of the patriarchy, for a long time now. We are unique individuals as much as any man. But still… We sense that we can be more.
There are many ancient forms of the Divine Feminine, goddesses that women can learn from, and in turning to these ancient powers, women have become more comfortable with our innate feminine powers. But these ancient goddesses are just that—ancient. Their images come from different times and different cultures. We need to discover an image of the Divine Feminine that can help us find our unique purpose in these tumultuous times of change, one that embodies the returning Goddess-energy that so many people are feeling.
The Woman Clothed with the Sun
In the many cultural stories that speak about the changing of the ages, it is always Feminine Spirit that brings about the transition to new life, for Feminine Spirit knows the rhythms of life, death and rebirth and is the ‘opener of the way’. Living in a world of duality, we must allow masculine and feminine energies to inhabit their unique attributes. Our job is to understand how these different energies work together and how to best use them. In times of cultural transformation, our right-brain, feminine consciousness is our best guide, for it opens us to the Creative Imagination, the realm of possibility.
The return of the Goddess awakens the transformative energy that births the changing of the ages. While other cultures understand this Divine Feminine energy through their own mythological traditions, we westerners have lost touch with our mythological roots. Largely ignored in the western religious story of the changing of the ages is an image of Lady Wisdom, who mediates this transformation to a new world age.
In this story of world-wide spiritual transformation, there is a powerful image of conscious woman, an image of the archetypal Feminine Spirit who transforms the old world and gives birth to this new age. I am drawn to this archetypal image because I believe it speaks to our modern sensibilities. And I know that this archetypal image gives us instructions for opening to and incarnating Wisdom.
This image of the awakening Feminine Spirit is an image of the Cosmic Woman: A Woman, clothed with the Sun, standing on the Moon, crowned with Stars, who is in labor, giving birth to a Savior. In earlier times and different traditions, this archetypal image was understood as Lady Wisdom. Today I feel this Goddess image of conscious woman can be incarnated by women everywhere. This Woman clothed with the Sun is Lady Wisdom, who calls all women to become her daughters.
Our times are the forerunner of a new world age, and the times call on us to honor Lady Wisdom, who in Gnostic Christianity is the equal partner of Christ. But Lady Wisdom is not associated with any one religion. We find her in all traditions. Lady Wisdom is the image of the Anima Mundi, the World Soul (Earth’s consciousness) and the source of the Collective Unconscious, the library of our collective memories and skills. As such, she belongs to all of us and is within all of us. I believe she is calling women out of the Father’s House so we can give birth to a new collective paradigm, a new way of doing to match her deep being that embraces partnership over domination, love over power, unity over divisiveness, peace over war, and our collective benefit over individual profit.
In leaving the Father’s House, women are not rejecting the masculine energies of life, but by re-connecting to our own unique feminine gifts, we are re-integrating both feminine and masculine energies at a newer, higher level of consciousness. Women are learning to re-balance the two lights in our sky: Earth’s bi-polar consciousness—the Sun and Moon. Perhaps we will entrain with the Earth once we learn to use both sides of the brain fully. We are becoming this Woman clothed with the Sun, finally able to access our feminine wisdom freely and consciously. This wisdom gives us the insight to make life-enhancing decisions, to understand complex situations and to consciously co-create new directions for our culture. This wisdom gives us spiritual insights into life.
We are called to be social artists, people who use our creative vision to enhance and strengthen our common lives, our one world. Our job now is to bring this knowledge and wisdom into the public arena. But we have to face the fact that our womanly wisdom is still viewed with suspicion by the patriarchy. We have only to look at the reaction to Chief Justice Sotomayor calling herself a ‘wise Latina woman’ to realize how deeply afraid patriarchal men are of sharing their power and privilege. Our most powerful institutions, which control our civilization, are still solidly entrenched in this kind of patriarchal thinking. We live with an unbalanced perspective on life, one that often disregards feminine qualities and values, or else uses them to support our culture’s masculine values. We live in a dying paradigm that disregards the Soul and therefore also the Feminine Spirit. And it has led us to the brink of global annihilation.
What the World Needs Now is Wisdom
The truth is: Wisdom is what we most need right now in our world.
Women, in breaking away from the patriarchal structures and strictures of life, are recognizing our gifts and re-discovering our wisdom. Wisdom itself is encoded in both our physical and soulful DNA, and as you will see, is available to us within our own bodies, minds, souls and spirit. Wisdom belongs to all humanity, and yet the truth is that women and feminine consciousness connect most easily to it. That is why I believe it is women’s gift to the world. That is why it is so important for women to leave the Father’s House–-leave behind the rules and expectations of being a proper wife, worker, mother, friend, as well as the rebellious roles we play out against those rules—being wild, irresponsible, addicted, promiscuous, stupid, angry, or crazy. We need to step outside our collective expectations and heal ourselves, so that we can learn Lady Wisdom’s ways and incarnate it in our lives.
To leave the Father’s House means to leave behind the old rules and perspective of patriarchy, to take responsibility for our own life and find meaning in what we do; to learn to understand our feelings instead of being overwhelmed by them or repressing them; to learn to listen to and trust our intuitions instead of ignoring them; to search for our personal visions and meaning in life instead of buying into the prevailing collective story of desire, power and consumption; to open ourselves to love in whatever form it comes to us, instead of continuing to get lost in the misery and need to possess and control love; to rediscover our creativity and give it to the world, whether it is our children who grow into conscious adults or our artistic creations that open others to healing and consciousness.
These are the gifts women find once we leave the Father’s House behind. We find our own talents, our own patterns of life; we find the source of the wisdom we need to live securely with our Mother, the Earth. The yin and yang of cosmic interchange is Earth’s bi-polar energy, and we all need to bring them into balance within and without. Coupled with the masculine values of action, rationality, individuality, creative genesis and discipline, feminine values empower the imagination, love and compassion, endurance and compromise. Wisdom encourages intelligent and fruitful dialogue over issues and opens us to think with our hearts, to love in a way that allows for our imperfections while demanding greater consciousness, to use our imaginations for life rather than profit. Wisdom takes the whole into account, while still honoring individuality. What wonders could we achieve here on Earth if we all asked for the gifts of Lady Wisdom?
Wisdom is not a word we use very often anymore in our society, just as Lady Wisdom is so often ignored by the world. But it’s not because there isn’t plenty of wisdom around. I hear it flowing out of women all the time. The older woman walking her dog is secure in what she knows and isn’t afraid to say it. Mothers who listen to their instincts know it. Women who are turning to the ancient goddesses find it. But we have to name it to own it. Yes, we are wise.
The truth is that men also go in search of Lady Wisdom. These are men who have engaged in deep soul work and who have integrated their feminine and masculine consciousness. They have created the best of our western culture. And of course, Lady Wisdom shows herself to children who see the world through Spirit’s eyes. But there are still so many Father’s Daughters who do not even know there are other possibilities, as well as men who don’t realize wisdom is even there to be found. And the power structures of religion, government, finance and industry—the Fathers—too often denounce and disrespect feminine wisdom, and so our people are not taught about this vital aspect of life.
Lady Wisdom cries out in the marketplace, but no one listens.
In most traditions, the archetype of Wisdom is female. It is not only the Hebraic Wisdom that is feminine, but also the Gnostic, the Greek, the Native American, the Celtic. Men and gods desired Lady Wisdom, just as King Solomon desired the Queen of Sheba, who was the incarnation of Lady Wisdom for him. So it makes sense that when women search for our life’s purpose, we discover our connection to Lady Wisdom within ourselves.
My Connection to Lady Wisdom
Some are called by Lady Wisdom early in life. I was, even though I didn’t know her name at the time. The truth is, I loved the ancient and the fantastic; the ancient archetypal stories found in fairy tales, myths and modern fantasy inspired me more than our modern cultural stories. And the truth is these archetypal stories contain so much ancient wisdom. After I learned astrology, I came to understand why I was drawn to them. The Sun in my birth chart, which symbolizes my sense of individuality and purpose, is located in the House of the Collective Unconscious. This part of a birth chart symbolizes the Piscean ocean of mystical union, indicating that my life’s purpose is to dive deeply into the spiritual mysteries of life and bring back something new.
My Jungian studies helped me understand that my archetypal dreams were messages about my life’s purpose. I had to re-awaken certain archetypal energies within myself, so I could re-member and re-awaken my feminine powers. So I could hear the voice of Lady Wisdom.
Lady Wisdom came to me in dreams throughout the years. Dreams carry messages from Spirit; dreams show us the condition of our soul. They come to educate our conscious ego, showing us the things that ego doesn’t see. They come to us to transform our feelings. They show us the future, or perhaps other worlds. And maybe they even literally take us to other dimensions. We can’t yet say for sure. But I know that dreams have meaning. C. G. Jung believed that dreams come from different levels of our unconscious psyche. Some are from the personal Unconscious, and show us our shadows and our complexes at work. Some dreams come from our cultural Unconscious, where we work out our family lineage and any psychological complexes that are generational. Then there are the Big Dreams, the dreams that come from the Collective Unconscious, the World Soul, which entail multiple dimensions of reality. These dreams are archetypal because some basic principle of life is involved, some deep wisdom must be sought for and integrated into life. While archetypal dreams are unexpected and numinous, they are meant to instruct and guide the soul. So these are some of my formative dreams that I believe are the voice of Lady Wisdom.
The first two dreams I can remember from early childhood were recurring dreams. The first took me deep into the Collective Unconscious, into the waters that give birth to all of us, showing me its ancient beginnings.
I am under the ocean in a bathysphere. I am so cold, for this ocean is ancient beyond measure and it feels like the cold of outer space. I feel so ALONE. I look through the porthole and see giant, ancient whale-like creatures, swimming back and forth around me in the dark waters.
The second dream presented me with a fairy tale motif of finding the magical doll, which helps me with its wisdom and caring. This motif of the magical doll is found in many fairy tales, especially in different versions of Cinderella, which is a story about Lady Wisdom being rejected and devalued. By the way, Cinderella isn’t waiting