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Billionaire Bachelor: Sean: Diamond Bridal Agency, #2
Billionaire Bachelor: Sean: Diamond Bridal Agency, #2
Billionaire Bachelor: Sean: Diamond Bridal Agency, #2
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Billionaire Bachelor: Sean: Diamond Bridal Agency, #2

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About this ebook

Sean wants a family. Sabrina wants to be the one to raise her children. But how can two people states away find each other? 
Sean is busy running his construction company, both in the boardroom and on the job site. He doesn't have time to find a woman. Much less one who meets his specific requirements. But he needs at least one heir to the fortune he's built. Not getting any younger, Sean turns to the Diamond Bridal Agency and their satisfaction guarantee. 

Sabrina isn't lazy or stupid. She's worked since she was a kid and earned her degree, but she's harbored a deep desire for years. Her mother told her she's crazy and none of her friends understand. She wants to be able to raise her kids, children she doesn't even have yet. The idea of turning them over to babysitters and day care makes her stomach churn. And her desire is so strong she's willing to marry someone three times her age if she has to,in order to get it. Not knowing where else to turn, Sabrina signs up to be a mail order bride, hoping things will work out the way she's dreamed. 

Buy your copy of Billionaire Bachelor: Sean today to see the sparks fly and see how Sabrina and Sean manage.

Release dateSep 24, 2018
Billionaire Bachelor: Sean: Diamond Bridal Agency, #2

Melissa Stevens

Melissa was born and raised in Arizona, she’s spent her entire life living across the southern half of the state. She’s found that, along with her husband and three children, she prefers the small towns and rural life to feeling packed into a city. She started reading at a very young age, and her love for series started early, as the first real books she remembers reading is the Boxcar Children series by Gertrude Chandler Warner. Through the years she’s found that there’s little she won’t read, and her tastes vary from westerns, to romance, to sci-fi / fantasy and Horror.

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    Book preview

    Billionaire Bachelor - Melissa Stevens

    Chapter 1

    Dear Mr. Callahan,

    After careful consideration of your needs, and evaluation of the options available, the Diamond Bridal Agency is pleased to inform you that a bride has been located who matches your unique requirements. All communications have been kept private, as is our policy. Communications from the agency will cease after this missive and we request, for the security of our other clients, that you destroy this message after reading it.

    Your satisfaction is guaranteed. To comply with your request for haste and privacy, your bride will arrive on the 15th day of July, via private jet to William P. Hobby Airport. Please do not hesitate to contact me should there be any issue with your bride. Her name is Sabrina White and she understands the stipulations of the contract.


    Mrs. Alveda Creed, Diamond Bridal Agency.

    Sean sat at the bar in his kitchen sipping his coffee as he read the letter a second time. He’d been on a job site in Florida for nearly a week and had arrived home to a stack of mail late last night. He was just getting a chance to go through it when he’d noticed the unique, hand written envelope in the pile. He’d opened it first. He blinked and yawned then picked up his phone and checked the date. Fuck. July 15th was today.

    Picking up his phone, he sent a message to Harriet, his assistant, to investigate private flights landing today from Dallas, where the headquarters of Diamond Bridal Agency was, then picked up the letter again and read it one more time. The only detail he had about his bride to be, or he could call her his fiancée, was a name. Sabrina White — assuming it was her real name — neither name was unique enough to give him much hope, but using his phone again, he put the name into Facebook and hit search. After scrolling through four screens of faces he gave up. With nothing more than a name, there was no way to guess which might be the right one, if she even used the social media site. The only reason he did was for business purposes. Not just advertising, but also checking out possibly employees and clients.

    He finished his cup of coffee while sorting through the stack of mail, throwing away the junk and setting other things aside to be dealt with later. With that done, he poured another cup and took it with him to the bedroom to get dressed. His day had been busy before and just got busier. He’d put off meeting with clients for the last two weeks, while he sorted out problems at different construction sites in three states, and people were not going to be happy at being delayed even more. By the time he was ready to leave, Harriet had messaged him back. The only flight from Dallas scheduled for today would land in a little over an hour.

    Sean called Harriet, had her cancel everything she could and postpone anything that couldn’t be canceled until this afternoon. It wasn’t ideal, but it would have to do. He’d ask Sabrina when he met her if she wanted to have a wedding and invite people or make it a private ceremony. Either way, they’d have three days to get it set up. It wasn’t something they had a choice in. It was Texas state law. If he’d received the letter sooner, special arrangements could have been made, but it was too late to bemoan that now.

    Instead of walking the block and a half to the office like he normally did, he had the valet get his truck. He headed to the airport instead. He’d considered hiring a limo and trying to get some work done on the drive, but decided he didn’t want to. He wanted the distraction of driving to keep his mind on track, and not coming up with every possible thing that could go wrong.

    Chapter 2

    Sabrina waited until the small, neatly appointed plane stopped, then stood and gathered her things. Not that she had much. Just her purse, which held the small package the agency had given her before she’d boarded the plane and the packet of information on her soon to be husband. Not that there was much information there. It simply gave her his name, and his basic requirements. He wanted someone to be a homemaker, to cook, manage the home, and make a comfortable life for him. Oh. And the most important part. He wanted children. That was one part of the agreement she had no problems with. It was a big part of why she’d decided to contact the agency. She wanted children, but found that there were few men willing to date someone like her, who wanted what she did. To settle down and raise a family.

    She’d dated some, but soon realized that most men wanted a career woman, someone to go out and help the family live large. Sabrina couldn’t fault them for that, but she wanted children and felt it was important to be there for them and to raise her children. She hoped that Mr. Callahan felt the same way. Her mother had been pushing for her to find a career and start making a name for herself. Sabrina couldn’t get her to see that wasn’t what she wanted. Desperate for something to finally start moving, and to get her mother off her back, she’d answered the ad looking for eligible women, looking for long term commitments and happiness. What she’d thought would be a dating agency ended up being a mail-order-bride company. She’d been nervous, but decided why not? If they could find her what she was after, then it was worth it.

    She knew first hand that most people found her unattractive and unappealing. Brian had even told her once that she was so unattractive he couldn’t even fake it. That had stung, more than she wanted to admit. And it had stuck with her. She still couldn’t think about it long or she found herself blushing with the intense shame she’d felt then.

    By the time the lone flight attendant opened the door to let Sabrina off the plane, she was ready. She took the short flight of stairs down to the tarmac and looked around. Her hair and clothes stuck to her and though it was early, there was already a promise of the heat of the day in the thick, humid air. Without delay, she ducked inside the glass walled building to wait for her luggage to be delivered.

    Inside, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimmer room,

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