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Heaven: The Place We Long For
Heaven: The Place We Long For
Heaven: The Place We Long For
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Heaven: The Place We Long For

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For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one that is coming. – Hebrews 13:14

Is heaven a reality to you, or does it still appear far off and uncertain?

The goal of this book is to whet your appetite for heaven. A careful look at Scripture reveals that heaven is what every born-again believer is longing for. Our time on earth is only in a temporary dwelling place, and heaven is the true home of all God’s children. A study of heaven can change how you approach each day, and even how you view others around you. As real as this life is, we are assured that heaven is just as real. While we must not neglect our present God-given duties, we must at the same time be preparing for our future home and should even be looking forward with great anticipation to our eternal home.

About the Author
Dwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him, and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody’s name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

PublisherAneko Press
Release dateDec 1, 2018

Dwight L. Moody

Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) was a highly acclaimed late 19th century evangelist and preacher. Among other schools and institutions, he founded the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago in 1886 and the Bible Institute Colportage Association, now Moody Publishers, in 1894. He is author of several books, including Christ in You and Spiritual Power.

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    Book preview

    Heaven - Dwight L. Moody



    The Place We Long For


    Preface to First Edition

    Publisher’s Note to Second Edition

    Heaven: Its Hope

    Heaven: Its Inhabitants

    Heaven: Its Happiness

    Heaven: Its Certainty

    Heaven: Its Riches

    Heaven: Its Rewards

    Dwight L. Moody – A Brief Biography

    And the city had no need of the sun neither of the moon to shine in her, for the clarity [glory] of God has enlightened it, and the Lamb is its light. (Revelation 21:23)

    Preface to First Edition

    This little book presents a subject that is very dear to me. It has been carefully revised and offered in the hope that it may give comfort and edification to many and that the weak may be strengthened, the sorrowing consoled, and the despondent encouraged to look with increased faith to that fairest of fair cities in the Better Land – the home of the Redeemer and the redeemed.

    D. L. Moody

    Northfield, Mass., 1880

    Publisher’s Note to Second Edition

    The unprecedented sale of Heaven has reached almost ninety thousand copies in the four years since its first publication. It has caused the plates to become very worn, so we have taken this occasion to make entirely new electrotype plates to carefully revise the book and to materially improve its mechanical execution. That it may in its improved form go forth to an enlarged mission of usefulness is the hope.

    The Publisher

    Chicago, January 1, 1885

    The Home of the Soul

    That unchangeable home is for you and for me,

    Where Jesus of Nazareth stands;

    The King of all kingdoms forever is He,

    And He holdeth our crowns in His hands.

    Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful land,

    So free from all sorrow and pain;

    With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands

    To meet one another again.

    – Ellen M. H. Gates (1865)

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    Chapter 1

    Heaven: Its Hope

    We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you for the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens. – Colossians 1:3, 5

    Many people imagine that anything said about heaven is only a matter of speculation. They talk about heaven much as they would about the air, but there would not have been so much in Scripture on this subject if God had wanted to leave the human race in darkness about it. We are told that Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

    What the Bible says about heaven is just as true as what it says about everything else. The Bible is inspired. What we are taught about heaven could not have come to us in any other way than by inspiration. No one knew anything about it except God, so if we want to discover anything about it, we must turn to His Word. Dr. Hodge of Princeton says that the best evidence that the Bible is the Word of God is to be found between its own two covers. It proves itself.

    Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto those that put their trust in him. (Proverbs 30:5)

    In this respect it is like Christ, whose character proclaimed the divinity of His person. Christ showed Himself more than a man by what He did. The Bible shows itself more than a human book by what it says.

    It is not because the Bible is written with more than human skill, far surpassing Shakespeare or any other human author, or that its knowledge of character and the eloquence it contains are beyond the powers of man that we believe it to be inspired. Men’s ideas differ about the extent to which human skill can be carried, but the reason we believe the Bible to be inspired is that it is so simple that even the humblest child of God can comprehend it.

    The exposition of thy words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple. (Psalm 119:130)

    If the proof of its divine origin lay in its wisdom alone, a simple and uneducated man might not be able to believe it. The Lord told Isaiah:

    I have not spoken in secret in a dark place of the earth. Not without substance did I say unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me [in vain]; I am the LORD who speaks righteousness, who declares things that are right. (Isaiah 45:19)

    We believe it is inspired because there is nothing in it that could not have come from God. God is wise, and God is good. There is nothing in the Bible that is not wise, and there is nothing in it that is not good. If the Bible had anything in it that was opposed to reason or to our sense of right, then perhaps we might think that it was like all the books in the world that are written merely by men.

    Like mere human lives, books that are only human have a great deal that is foolish and a great deal that is wrong in them. The life of Christ alone was perfect, being both human and divine. Not one of the other religious volumes, like the Koran, that claims divinity of origin, agrees with common sense. There is nothing at all in the Bible that does not conform to common sense. What it tells us about the world having been destroyed by a deluge and Noah and his family alone being saved is no more extraordinary than what is taught in the schools – that all of the earth and everything on it came out of a ball of fire. It is a great deal easier to believe that man was made after the image of God than to believe, as some young men and women are being taught now, that he is the offspring of a monkey.

    Like all the other wonderful works of God, this Book bears the sure stamp of its Author. It is like Him. Though man plants the seeds, God makes the flowers, and they are perfect and beautiful like Himself. Men wrote what is in the Bible, but the work is God’s, for all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16). As a rule, the more refined people are, the fonder they are of flowers, and the better they are, the more they love the Bible. The fondness for flowers refines people, and the love of the Bible makes them better. All that is in the Bible about God, man, redemption, and a future state agrees with our own ideas of what is right with our reasonable fears and with our personal experiences.

    All the historical events are described in the way that the world looked at them when they were written. What the Bible tells us about heaven is not half as strange as what Professor Proctor tells us about the hosts of stars that are beyond the range of any ordinary telescope; yet people often think that science is all fact and that religion is only fancy. Many people think that Jupiter and many of the stars around us are inhabited, but they cannot bring themselves to believe that there is life for immortal souls beyond this earth.

    The true Christian puts faith before reason and believes that reason always goes wrong when faith is set aside. If people would read their Bible more and study what it says about heaven, they would not be as worldly-minded as they are. They would not have their hearts set on things down here, but would seek the imperishable things above.

    If ye then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where the Christ sits at the right hand of God. Set your sight on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:1-2)

    Earth As the Home of Sin

    It seems perfectly reasonable that God should have given us a glimpse of the future, for we are constantly losing some of our friends by death, and the first thought that comes to us is Where have they gone? When loved ones are taken away from us, how that thought comes up before us! How we wonder if we will ever see them again, and where and when it will be! That is when we turn to this blessed Book, for there is no other book in all the world that can give us the slightest comfort; no other book can tell us where the loved ones have gone.

    Not long ago, I met an old friend, and as I took him by the hand and asked about his family, the tears came trickling down his cheeks as he said, I haven’t any now.

    What? I said. Is your wife dead?

    Yes, sir.

    And all your children too?

    Yes, all gone, he said, and I am left here desolate and alone.

    Would anyone take away that man’s hope that he will meet his dear ones again? Would anyone persuade him that there is not a future where the lost will be found? No, we need not forget our dear loved ones, but we may cling forever to the enduring hope that there will be a time when we can meet unfettered and be blest in

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