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Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy
Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy
Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy
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Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy

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About this ebook

The law of attraction works in our lives all of the time and has been written about in many books, giving us various views on the way we interpret this subject. Pamela Hamilton and W. T. Hamilton, who are mother and son, clearly write with different views. W. T. offers his ideas with a light humor attached to his life experiences and offers you inside depth to help you succeed in business as well as your personal goals. Pamela writes with more exploratory details and uses particular points from the inside info she has examined and learned on the way.
The differing approaches the authors present here complement each others vision and opinion of this subject in ways that can bring you to the ultimate goal in your life successfully.
Within these pages you can find clear insight to change those distinguishable parts of you that get in your way. You can change your perspective and the way you think by using spot-on concepts, creative plans and ideas that can move you forward through your own desired intention.
W. T. and Pamelas wish is that you have fun with these ideas, because life is exciting.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 5, 2014
Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy

W. T. Hamilton

How different would your life be at this moment if you had complete power over it? What would you change in your life? What if you had all the money you needed—what would you do with it? What if you had wonderful relationships that are honest and loving toward you? How would you feel? What would your life be like if you had an abundance of health? What if you were told that you do have complete control in all parts of your life? Wouldn’t it be worth your while to look into it?

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    Your Invincible Power - W. T. Hamilton

    Copyright © 2014 Pamela Hamilton and W. T. Hamilton.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8996-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8997-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/10/2017

    When we think of Heaven we may relate to it as paradise, or bliss, or an abode of God, then again our portrayal may assimilate with a place of supreme happiness; a Shangri-La, or The Garden of Eden. Our thoughts venture to some sort of Utopia. I have come to know Heaven as something deep within our being, Our Soul. Our Spirit. It is the essence of love and happiness and all of the descriptions above and more. Love is Happiness. This ideal is the central nature of every human being living on the Earth. It is a vital element of our existence. All we need to do is reach deep within the core of our being and bring it to the surface. We have this ability to do so now, every single one of us. It is in the interest of our best well-being to bring this forth. This is what we have come to the Earth to do. If we succeed in our endeavors to do so, we can bring all of the love, all of the happiness and everything glorious into our lives now. We can reside in Heaven here on Earth. This is Our Invincible Power.

    Pamela Hamilton.

    Dedicated to the memory of my parents and sisters, Emily, George, Yvonne and Janice. I have been so fortunate to have had such a positive family. I know you are always with me in spirit.

    Books by Pamela Hamilton and W.T. Hamilton

    Your Invincible Power

    How to Tame the Ego and Fuel Your Ambition

    Your Invincible Power

    How to Remove the Mental Hurdles and Limitations

    Your Invincible Power

    How to Say Goodbye to the Drama

    Your Invincible Power

    How to Create a Positive Relationship with Money

    The Change 10

    Insights into Self Empowerment

    Love, Life and Beyond

    (A Novel)



    1. The Miracle of Us

    2. Changing our thoughts.

    3. If you do the same thing all the time why do you expect different results?

    4. Cause and Effect

    5. Every Day I Drink The Coffee!!!

    6. Gratitude

    7. How Does a Sports Team go from Worst to First?

    8. Think Wealth

    9. Does your bank statement make you happy or sad?

    10. Think Health

    11. Sometimes you hear Bob Marley in the strangest places

    12. Your Talents and Creativity

    13. Relationships

    14. What are you Chasing?

    15. Your Invincible Power




    About the Author


    Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.

    Charles Haanel (1866-1949) The Master Key System.

    Think about this quote from ‘The Master Key System.’ How different would your life be at this moment if you had complete power over it? What would you change in your life? What if you had all the money you needed, what would you do with it? What if you had wonderful relationships that are honest and loving towards you? How would you feel? What would your life be like if you had an abundance of health, physically and mentally and if you were full of energy? What if you were told that the quote above is absolutely scientifically correct and you do have complete control in all parts of your life? Wouldn’t it be worth your while to look into it?

    When W. T and I first discovered this new thought system we were in awe of it. We had discovered something unique and wanted to share it. We had been given an opportunity to change our lives and felt the need to pass this on, giving you the same opportunity we have discovered.

    Through our own experiences and the astonishing events that have taken place since we have discovered this new way of thinking, we have designed an easy and reliable way to not only change your views, but to change your life in a magnificent way. These events have been a testament to us of the truth which we present within these pages.

    In a fun way W. T. will bring to you important strategies and scenarios with easy to follow methods. He will take you through his own growth to success. I will facilitate my own observations of the masterworks of the great ones, and also of the teachers of today who pass these truths on, with guidance for our benefit. We only ask that you can open your mind, eyes and heart to these procedures which, we promise, will assist you and will transform your life the way it has ours.

    Charles F. Haanel was a great business man, a leader, philosopher and visionary of his time. People of today have called him the ‘Father of Personal Development.’ Well known for his classic, ‘The Master Key System,’ published a hundred years ago. ‘The Master Key System’ is one of the finest studies in self improvement and higher consciousness, and is still as popular today as it was one hundred years ago. This master works helped W.T. and I to change our way of thinking and therefore our lives. We have brought to you many of his ideas also, ideas that have made many millionaires and billionaires who they are today.

    If you follow these ideas we are presenting to you, our hope is that you will be guided, as we are, to many truths, gain valuable insight into the way this natural law works, and learn how you can succeed in acquiring abundance in every way. Do you want to be rich? I believe we all do. From the words of the great ones we hope to shed a light on the questions we are all asking, the main one being, ‘Why am I here?’

    Eighty-five percent of Earth’s entire population live in negativity from not only where we stand at this moment but to the far reaches of the Earth. And so our negativity draws us away from the good life we were meant to live. To substitute our negative thoughts for positive thinking takes some effort, however, you will see great changes start to appear in your life from the moment you begin to substitute this negative thinking you have constantly lived with up until now. We know, we have come from that place and we have seen and are seeing major changes in our own lives and in our environment daily in the most awesome ways.

    Changing our views to the positive eventually transforms our energy fields from conflicting to unequivocal gratification, from poverty to riches, from disease to health, from loneliness to happy relationships. All of this is factual and has been proven to an exact science.

    We live in the negative because we have never been acquainted with another way of thinking. We cannot be in control of our lives if we don’t understand the powers we possess. Since we haven’t been introduced to this way of thinking we let negative thoughts rule us. When we take this positive pathway, we begin to learn and understand about our deeper self from lessons that come our way. A door is opened and things become clearer to us. We see the hurt and pain that we contribute to ourselves daily and we begin to heal.

    To put a spotlight on this hidden virus of negativity we have to delve into our own consciousness, and our beliefs, by taking control of our thoughts.

    This starts with the understanding that we have a higher power which is with us throughout our lives and is waiting to help us reach special creative goals we have been given. We are all on a journey and when we understand our own power, life will support us perfectly in our quest. We are all a work in progress and we all deserve to be rich in every part of our lives. It is our right to be rich and abundant.

    We are all in the process of evolving. We cannot ‘not’ evolve. Gradually our collective psyche is seeing a new way of thinking and we will eventually collaborate at a higher energy rate—it is happening at this very moment, we are moving forward. Our spiritual teachers tell us about these exciting times, therefore, we come to understand that the entire human experience is changing and beckons to us to change with it. We are beginning to feel this attraction of change. It is drawing us ever closer. There is a great future cloaked in wonderful experiences, creativity and transformation, awaiting each of us if we claim it, which urge us on.

    Our desire is to help you to become aware of these gifts, to evolve to a new you, to accomplish great goals by assisting you with new concepts, methods, and procedures to make the changes you desire.

    Our hope is to deliver concrete material which will help you turn your life in the direction which you desire. The life that you deserve, a life full of abundance, health wealth, happiness and love weaved in fun.

    Your friends,

    Pamela Hamilton and W. T. Hamilton.


    The Miracle of Us

    We are sending our thoughts of greater or less intensity all of the time, and we are reaping the results of such thoughts. Not only do our thought-waves influence ourselves and others, but they have a drawing power-they attract to us the thoughts of others, things, circumstances, people, in accord with the character of the thought uppermost in our minds.

    William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) Thought Vibration.


    Every human on earth is made of energy. We are made up of cells, which are made up from atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles. Which is Energy! This means our thoughts too, are energy. They are not a static substance which stays dormant and dissipates in the air as we have always imagined. They are potent because the energy they retain is the most powerful energy in the Universe, and this energy is within our control since our thoughts are completely under our control.

    Only you can govern your thoughts. No one else can make choices in your life but you.

    People can try and will influence you but only you can think what you want to think, therefore, take action upon the conclusion of those thoughts.

    Thoughts are powerful energy that can bring us to the invincible life we’ve only dreamed of until this point in our existence. But before we can possibly use this power to our advantage we first have to understand it, we have to learn and allow this knowledge to penetrate. If we fail to come to an understanding of this knowledge, then we are missing the greatest gift that has ever come our way. It is like a person being given a beautiful new car, completely loaded with all the

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