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The Shaping: Of the Vessel by the Potter's Hand
The Shaping: Of the Vessel by the Potter's Hand
The Shaping: Of the Vessel by the Potter's Hand
Ebook79 pages31 minutes

The Shaping: Of the Vessel by the Potter's Hand

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About this ebook

An Anthology of Growth, Creativity and Mind-Space. n Bundel oor
Groei, Kreatiwiteit en Kopruimte.
An Anthology of Verse, containing verse in the Authors mother tongue,
Afrikaans, and English. These poems are all written in different styles:
depicting, in dialogues, monologues, Shakespearean, film-inspired,
dream-inspired, dubious, philosophical, impressionistic, and finally
(thought youd never get here!) deeply personal.
Intended to accompany the Authors Honors Art Exhibition, themed:
SPACEin this case, Mind Space. what transpires in our minds, that we
cannot express through words? . . . and silently keep it in our own Mind
Space . . . sometimes wrongly. Graze deeply, criticize, but know, this is
not one perfect specimen, it is snapshots of the same raw Pot, caught in
the process of being formed.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJun 13, 2013
The Shaping: Of the Vessel by the Potter's Hand

Mariya Louw

MARIETJIE LOUW (B.Ed. CPuT.), has been a writer since she can remember. when she was five, her mother helped her to write a letter she dictated, which was published in the Huisgenoot of 1991(?). At seven, she wrote a short poem about Tyd (“Time”) that was published in her school’s own paper, Die Horison. Countless more little notebooks had been filled by her during her primary school years, in Grade 8 she entered a poetry Competition, and published Thoughts. During high school, many a teenager’s Sturm und Drang time in life, she poured her heart out via her pen . . . Even the trials she has faced in life up and until now, have mostly ended hopeful, for her faith that carries her through, and helps her make sense of the trials and tribulations of life.

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    Book preview

    The Shaping - Mariya Louw


    Poems written in 2002

    missing image file

    On being taught

    Creative Writing, 2002

    Of all the days gone by

    I can still hear the cry

    "Everything I’ve been taught,

    Just added up to naught."

    Every word uttered today

    made things turn out this way

    I don’t know if it’s all that bad

    because my instincts tell me I should not be mad

    (added 2011)

    even though I knew then less than I know now,

    I still think I knew nothing—as I know now

    that being with you was not only a solution

    to the loneliness

    but another problem

    too hard for me to solve at the time

    for failing the test once and twice again

    I may ask once again

    out of frustration, questioning where we are going . . .

    are we being taught what we aught?

    A Friend

    I have a friend

    He is incredibly hilarious

    He always makes me smile when I am down,

    I think he is a good friend.

    and I need him just like he is.

    Friends are there to help us in times of worry and sadness.

    Friends are there to bring heaven a little closer to our hearts

    We need friends to survive our lives.

    We sometimes need God to survive our

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