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Shaping Your Destiny: The Power to Change Your Life
Shaping Your Destiny: The Power to Change Your Life
Shaping Your Destiny: The Power to Change Your Life
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Shaping Your Destiny: The Power to Change Your Life

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The book is about how one can utilize the forces of the covenant to fulfill ones destiny.

Destiny begins with a dream, vision or purpose. You are created in the image of God, and because God gives dreams you can develop dreams. Whether you call dream for your life "vision, goal or purpose", it does not really matter. You start laying hold of your destiny by dreaming.

There are different kinds of dreams. There are dreams given sovereignly by God, such as the one Joseph had. There are also dreams that you have to develop yourself. Your dreams will determine your future and your ultimate destiny. Dreams are the seeds of your future. Where you are today is the result of the dreams you had in the past and where you will be tomorrow is determined by your dream today.

"Delight thyself in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4
When the Lord is your delight, He will give you the dreams of your heart. A dream is a divine revelation of the plan and purpose of God for your Life. When you commit your dreams unto God. He will bring it to pass. What dream do you have? Is it a dream of helping people? What about a dream of becoming a missionary in other countries of the world.

What about a dream of having a prosperous business that you can travel around and sharing the gospel with people. God wants to give you the desire of your heart, but you have to develop those desires. A desire of the heart is real and life changing. It will influence and help other people. You need to have a dream in order to succeed in life. Without dream you are bound for failure.

God wants you to have a positive dream, a positive life and a successful career or ministry. Your dream must be from the word of God. Josephs destiny was shaped by his dream. I believe your own destiny is being shaped right now as you are getting ready to dream.
Release dateDec 18, 2013
Shaping Your Destiny: The Power to Change Your Life

Itoro Abasiene

Though he was still in hot pursuit of academic excellence, Itoro Abasiene resigned as a senior technologist/ instructor in the university to answer a call to full time ministry. He has been privileged to serve as a missionary in Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia and has travelled extensively to minister in African countries and Europe .He has established Churches in many countries across Africa He is the founder and president of Overcomers Faith Ministries international and the Presiding Bishop of Overcomers Faith Chapel in Lusaka, Zambia. He is also the chairman of the Itoro Abasiene ministries which is geared towards making a difference in the life of the less privileged in the society. He is also the founder of Overcomers Faith Academy. Itoro is commissioned to make all men see and has the ability to motivate people to raise their level of expectation. He will cause your attitude to become positive and your self-esteem and confidence will grow. He is sure to inspire and challenge you. Itoro is a life coach, a sort after conference speaker and educationist. Itoro is married and they are blessed with two children Mfonabasi and Imaobong Towela and currently living in Lusaka Zambia.

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    Shaping Your Destiny - Itoro Abasiene

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/09/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-8537-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-8539-0 (e)

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    Dreaming Your Destiny


    The Power Of Decision


    The Power Of Faith


    The Power Of Focus


    The Power Of Question


    The Power Of Association


    The Power Of Values


    The Power Of Words


    The Compass Of Destiny


    The Power Of Pursuit


    Shape Your Future Now


    Wisdom Quotes To Shape Your Destiny




    The following personalities who have helped shape my Destiny.

    God               My Number One Father

    Jesus               My Number one Saviour

    Holy Spirit      My number one Teacher

    Idongesit         My number one and only wife.

    Mfonabasi         My number one Son

    Imaobong         My number one Daughter


    I am most grateful to the Almighty God through His grace this work was done and the Holy Spirit for inspiration and strength. Special appreciation to Rev Paul Momoh who has written the foreword of this book.

    All the great men and women God has brought my way to be part of my life and the entire leadership of Overcomers Faith Chapel, Lusaka, Zambia.

    I also extend my appreciation to the Board members of the Itoro Abasiene Ministries international for their commitment to make all men see and improve the quality of people’s lives.

    I thank my Mother Mrs. Hannah Etim Bassey for her sacrifice of releasing me and my family to be a blessing to the world and her continual prayer for us. My brother Bassey, Effiong, Etim and my sister Nkoyo.

    Special appreciation to Mrs. Gester Musonda for her commitment to my ministry.

    Finally, I solemnly express my love to my wife and children for the encouragement I have received from them. The good Lord richly rewards you all in Jesus Name.


    Days of vision, as prophesied for the last days, have certainly come upon this generation, and yet greater days lie just ahead of us. And there are some who have cast off their vision in the face of circumstances and oppositions that rose up to challenge their destiny. Many others are at the verge of this disaster, and there are those who may soon fall into this ditch, because they do not know how to shape their God revealed destiny to fulfillment.

    This generation is in dire need of men and women of purpose who will take no less than what God has prepared for them, and who will move with God’s timing to conquer their giants and possess their promised land. Only survivors, men who have been through the furnace that processes the beauty of destiny, know fully well the responsibility of pursuing and upholding that which God has apportioned in a destiny. Itoro Abasiene, is one man, among many that I know, who stood his ground to defend and direct the course of his destiny, following the vision God had revealed to him. Amidst obvious difficulties and confrontations, both devil orchestrated and man-made, that threatened the survival of his person and the call of God upon his life at the inception of his ministry, he followed through to see his work stand.

    And today, the revelations of his heart and the anointing upon his life, do provide gainful insights that will inspire and prepare this generation, as we enter into greater days of vision and destiny; days just ahead of us!

    Paul Momoh

    President, Faith Revival for Nations

    FReN International & Founder, FReNBI campuses in Africa.

    Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.

    —Orison Swett Marden


    Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. William Bryan

    Friends, I have exciting news for you. You are a child of destiny. If you are born again that is if you have received Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, God has a destiny for you. God has destined you for greatness and dignity. You have been redeemed to be glorified. Your destination is glorification.

    Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Romans 8:30

    God’s purpose or destiny for you is not failure, frustration or mediocrity. So, if you fail, it is your choice not your destiny. God wants you to end your journey on earth as a glorified and dignified Christian.

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11

    God has an expected end for you, that is your destiny. But it is your responsibility to discover it. Discovering your destiny in life begins with knowing your purpose.

    To be purposeless is to be powerless, because energy is only released when you are driving towards a well-defined destination. Men of purpose are men of power. Martin Luther King Jnr said if a man has no purpose for living, he is not fit to live. This book is written to help you discover your purpose thereby fulfilling your destiny. You will be inspired to live to your utmost in life. Remember you will not pass this way again, make your life count.



    Nothing happens unless first a dream.

    Carl Scurdburg

    Destiny begins with a dream, vision or purpose. You are created in the image of God, and because God gives dreams you can

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