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Kingdom Intercession
Kingdom Intercession
Kingdom Intercession
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Kingdom Intercession

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About this ebook

Kingdom Intercession identifies prayer as one of the most powerful gifts God has given to humanity. Prayer is a kingdom practice and it helps build our relationship with God as we communicate with Him. This book gives the reader examples of how to pray targeted prayers that are full of purpose and life. Kingdom Intercession is a collection of inspired writing to assist in developing a stronger and more effective prayer life. Each segment provides insight to different areas of prayer that will change your prayer life and relationship with God forever. You will also find that the Word of God is the cornerstone of prayer. Throughout the collection are scriptures that support the authenticity of praying. The topics have been tailored to walk you through an increasingly prayerful journey.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 28, 2014
Kingdom Intercession

Rhonda Anderson

Christian Author and Minister, Rhonda Anderson is a native of Richmond, Virginia. She is a spiritual inspirational speaker, prophetic intercessor and holds her degree in Theology. Rhonda is an avid Intercessor and she has been inspired to minister through her writing for the outreach of souls. It is her belief that getting to know God should be simple, clear and precise, as well as understandable to everyone. Writing is a focus point of her daily walk with Christ. She successfully published her first book in 2010 called “Eyes of Understanding”. Rhonda is a firm believer in Jesus Christ and in the power of His resurrection. She strongly holds that God will use whosoever, to do whatsoever, to fulfill His purpose. She is the mother of two adult daughters and the happy grandmother of three grand-children.

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    Kingdom Intercession - Rhonda Anderson

    Copyright © 2014 Rhonda Anderson.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ All rights reserved.

    Word definitions by Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, principal copyright 2003.

    Word definitions indicated by The Prophets Dictionary, Paula Price, The Prophet’s Dictionary, Revised and Expanded Edition (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2006).

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-4379-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-4380-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-4429-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014912159

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/20/2014




    Chapter 1   The Message

    Chapter 2   The Passion of Prayer

    Chapter 3   The Prayer Vessel

    Chapter 4   Spiritual Vision

    Chapter 5   Praying the Divine Target

    Chapter 6   Holy Communion

    Chapter 7   From the Heart of an Intercessor

    Connect with the Author


    To every human spirit seeking change in their lives

    To the intercessors and prayer warriors on the wall

    To the churches for the work of the ministry

    To my beloved family for your love and support

    To the future generations as a seed to sow

    Most of all, to my heavenly Father to use for his glory

    And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

    —Matthew 21:22


    T o my beloved parents, Roland and Carol Anderson. Thank you for always encouraging me to press forward. You have poured into my life and assisted in my training and development in my spiritual walk in Christ. Thank you for allowing God to use you to equip me. I am forever grateful.

    To Apostle Steve Foreman, a great leader and pastor. Thank you for your intense teaching of the Scriptures and how to search out the Word of God. Your impartations and methodology for feasting on the Scriptures have added to my life and prepared me for the work God has for me.

    To Bishop Melvin Williams, a spiritual father forever. Thank you for giving me the foundation I needed in my spiritual walk. You taught me many things, but most of all how to pray, worship, and sow into the lives of others. You are truly a gift from God.


    K ingdom Intercession identifies prayer as one of the most powerful gifts God has given to humanity. Prayer helps us to build our relationships with God as we communicate with him. Intercession promotes opportunity for God to respond when we intercede for others, nations, or the continents of the world.

    This book is a collection of inspired writing to assist in developing a strong and more effective prayer life. Each segment provides insight to different areas of prayer that will enhance your relationship with God as the Holy Spirit draws you closer to him. You will also find that the Word of God is the cornerstone of prayer. Throughout the collection are Scriptures that support the authenticity of praying. The topics have been tailored to walk you through an increasingly prayerful journey as the relationship between you and your Father in heaven grows.

    This assemblage has seven main objectives:

    1. Learn and understand that you are the vessel God uses when you pray.

    2. Discover a love and passion for prayer.

    3. Feed your necessity for spiritual insight.

    4. Gain knowledge on how praying the target produces results.

    5. Learn how applying God’s Word in your prayer dialogue generates effective prayers.

    6. Recognize the urgency for intercession.

    7. Understand how prayer and intercession plow the soil so the Kingdom of God message can be preached to the entire world.

    Kingdom intercession is not an isolated teaching but rather an integrated prayer method that builds a strong and more effective prayer life by applying biblical beliefs and knowledge to which we all have access.

    In our current hour, there is urgency for prayer and intercession. Both should be an essential part of our daily lives. Can you imagine how this world would be if everyone prayed to God without ceasing? Our existence here on earth would be transformed forever. Faith is the power behind prayer. Prayer and faith have the same characteristics; they are the substance of things unseen, and they both have power beyond things that are seen. When we pray, we must remember that prayer is more than just words; it is words with power.


    The Message

    K ingdom intercession is an inspired message, an urgent call intended for anyone who has ears to hear the call to prayer. Its aim is to encourage God’s people to spend more time in prayer, interceding on behalf of others. The overall goal is for God’s will to be done in the lives of his people. There is a great and increasing need for intercession as a key instrument for communicating with our Father in heaven so his will may be manifested on earth. Many people pray, but there are not many who intercede for others.

    Intercession is unique because it moves from individual focus to a shared center of attention. Intercession causes our prayers to stretch beyond our parameters to include others. Going beyond the inner core of our own personal desires allows us to tap into what God desires. Jesus knew his assignment on earth was to save God’s people. Our Father in heaven is not only concerned about the individual but also the multitude of people. God works in the multitude. Look at it this way. You can pick up one leaf at a time or you can use a rake to gather many leaves. This is what kingdom intercession does on a spiritual level, for the kingdom of God is not just for one person but also for the collective of people.

    Throughout the Scriptures, the kingdom is expressed not only from a geographical point of view but also from a spiritual perspective. Matthew 6:33 tells us, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. This Scripture informs us that things are added when we seek his kingdom and his righteousness. Seeking the kingdom of God should be our approach to and road map for everything we do in life.

    Kingdom intercession means proactively seeking our Father in heaven with all our hearts, minds, and souls to intercede on behalf of the people, governments, nations, and continents of this world. The need for intercession can be for various reasons, circumstances, and situations, but the supporting foundation should be praying for the will of God.

    Our Father

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