Angelic Intervention: Tools for Healing
By Judy Lekic
About this ebook
As Earth continues to grow and evolve, there is a strong urgency to become empowered as a spiritual being. Angelic Intervention reveals detailed methods you can use to personally master your negative beliefs, remove your fears, and resolve the emotions that have kept you from actualizing your goals and potential.
In addition to gaining the awareness of how to reconnect to your divine spark, you'll learn how to use the Seven Universal Resources that are unique to you, connect to unconditional love, remove unwanted emotions, change old beliefs, and many more beneficial techniques.
You will be introduced to 19 different angels that are here to help you heal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual problems that you might be facing. These angels all hold a different color and vibration. The vibrational color enables you to change your vibration to a positive level. By working with these wonderful angels and their energy, you will be able to move negative energy out of your body. This will enable you to move to your natural state of well-being.
For anyone wanting to become empowered, Judy details learnable techniques that can enable you to see your true life's purpose. Earth continues to grow and evolve, there is a strong urgency to become empowered as a spiritual being. Angelic Intervention reveals detailed methods you can use to personally master your negative beliefs, remove your fears, and resolve the emotions that have kept you from actualizing your goals and potential.
For anyone wanting to become empowered, Judy details learnable techniques that can enable you to see your true life's purpose.
Judy Lekic
Judy Lekic is a clairvoyant, medium, and medical intuitive who works with the angelic realm. She is the author of Angels, Show Me the Way. Judy travels extensively teaching others how to become empowered. She gives workshops that teach you how to connect with your angels. She developed the Clear Heart Technique, which helps you discover and release your limiting beliefs and outdated programs that keep you stuck.
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Angelic Intervention - Judy Lekic
Angelic Interventions
Tools for Healing
Judy Lekic
Copyright © 2014 Judy Lekic.
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13989.pngTable of Contents
Chapter 1: Angels Help
Chapter 2: Reviewing Your Life
Everything is Energy:
Self Anger:
Vibration and Illness:
Exercise for Headache Relief:
Blocked Energy Creates Illness:
Leaning to Tune In:
Chapter 3: Techniques for Growth
Are You Connected?:
Sara’s Challenges:
How to Connect to God:
Adding Universal Resources:
Removing Unwanted Emotions:
Soul Clearing Process:
Frightened Rabbit:
Change Pre-Existing Negative Patterns:
Exercise for Changing Old Beliefs:
Chapter 4: Healing With the Angels
Healing With Vibrational Colors:
Instructions on How to Work With the Angels:
Chapter 5: Use these Angels and color vibrations to heal mental issues.
Alzheimer’s/dementia, brain tumor, Parkinson’s
Depression, nervous breakdown
Obsessive/compulsive behaviors, addictions
Chapter 6: Use these Angels and color vibrationto heal physical issues.
Allergies, asthma
Archangel Raphael
Blood Disorders: anemia, arteries, low/high blood pressure, heart problems
Back problems, bones, sciatic, tight muscles
Archangel Gabriel
Bronchitis, colds, laryngitis, respiratory problems, sore throat
Archangel Chamuel
Cancers: brain, breast, cervical, colon, kidney, liver, lung,
Heartburn, stomach problems, ulcers
Intestines/colon problems, constipation
Archangel Zadkiel
Kidney problems
Archangel Raguel
Knee problems, neck problems
Urinary infection
Chapter 7: Use these angels and color vibrationsto heal spiritual wounds.
Archangel Jeremiel
Blocks to psychic awareness, life review
Blocking other people’s energy, psychic attack
Archangel Haniel
Disconnected from divine magic & psychic abilities
Archangel Michael
Clears negative energy, entity removal, protection
Chapter 10: Actualizing
Appendix I
Appendix II: Angels and Their Purpose
Angelic power
Who are angels
Angelic Origins
Middle Eastern Religions
Protestant Christianity
Biblical Creation
Purpose of Angels
Angels as Heavenly Spirits
Other Sources
Angelic Presence
About the Author
Part I of this book details many unique tools for discovering the blocks that have kept you from fulfilling your life’s dreams. There are exercises that you can utilize to enable you to connect to Source energy and Universal Resources which will enable you to gain more clarity for your life.
Part II demonstrates how to heal with the help of the angels and their vibrational colors. Everything is a vibration including emotions and colors. When you hold a negative vibration in your body long enough it can result in illness. The negative vibration also has a color to it. By bringing into your body a higher vibrational color, you can change the vibration of your illness and begin to heal on a mental, physical, emotional or spiritual level.
This part of the book details many different angels that hold a color vibration for healing. Many people that store negative emotions in their body store them in the same organs. For example: the live is known as the seat of anger. This means that many people that store anger in their body tend to store it in their liver.
Illnesses are detailed in this section with many of the possible emotions that are connected to these illnesses. By working with the associated angel and their color, you can change the vibration of the illness enabling you to return to a state of well-being.
Thank you to all of my students and clients for teaching me so much. I want to thank all of the archangels and angels that I work with for giving me the guidance to assist me in my own spiritual growth. Their help has challenged me to seek new horizons.
I give appreciation to my son, Troy. Troy gave me lots of encouragement and assisted me in the clarity of some of the angels in this book. In addition, Troy drew the angels that are used within these pages.
A special thanks goes to Dr. Anne Briggs for assisting me with the editing. Anne’s insights and clarity are greatly appreciated. I want to thank Angelo Keranen for his insights into some of the medical information. Angelo has been a firefighter/paramedic for over twenty years.
I was two years old when I first met my guardian angels, Mary and Phillip. I remember talking to them the same way that I talked to anyone. My first meeting was not flashy or epic—it was like I was meeting old friends.
With her porcelain face and long blonde hair, Mary radiated beauty. Her piercing blue eyes seem to penetrate past the physical and see everything I was or had ever been. Somewhere inside I knew Mary loved me deeply and profoundly, so differently from others around me. She was very gentle when she spoke to me and I had the feeling she understood that I would encounter many challenges during this lifetime. I felt as if Mary knew everything that I came here to experience and she hoped her love and guidance would help me through these challenges.
Phillip served as my second guardian angel. He stood farther away from me and did not speak to me very often. I accepted his presence as a normal part of my life. I felt protected knowing that Phillip was near at all times. This feeling of protection allowed me to have a sense of peace and comfort.
Mary talked to me a lot when I was little so I decided to share my experiences of them with my mother. Unfortunately, mom told me that I could not tell people about the Beings of Light
. I guess she worried that others might judge me as being crazy which would reflect back on her.
I had always been psychic, knowing what was going to happen before it actually occurred. I often saw dead people that were around and wondered why others did not see them or even feel the things I did. I was only two when I remember telling my mom that I was having three kids and no husband. She adamantly told me that was impossible and that I needed to stop making things up. I just knew inside of me that I was having three kids and no husband.
I wondered why my mother only used a little bit of her psychic ability. I sensed that she was afraid of knowing too much about her future or anyone else’s for that matter.
Early in my childhood, I was sexually abused by a family member. On many occasions, I prayed for God to protect me, but God did not seem to hear and my prayers went unanswered. Meanwhile, the sexual abuse continued. At the time, I thought, if God didn’t care enough about me to answers my prayers, there was really no reason to keep the connection alive; therefore I disconnected from God.
I never did understand why God didn’t love me. What was wrong with me? Why didn’t God answer my prayers? As time went on, it became harder and harder for me to discern the presence of Mary and Phillip. I assumed it was because my mom had told me to stop talking about my angels. Eventually, I no longer could see them. I felt completely alone.
Throughout the rest of my childhood, I began to ignore most of the psychic abilities, which isolated me even more. I figured that if God couldn’t love me, how could I love myself? Why bother staying connected to God and the angels?
As a teenager, I started noticing that my mother had gut feelings about certain things that later turned out to be true. She called it Mom’s intuition.
It seemed strange to me that Mom’s intuition
was acceptable, but my psychic abilities were unacceptable.
I grew up, married and had my first baby. Now that I was a mother it was okay for me to tune into my Mother’s intuition.
I knew the man I married would only be in my life to father my children and then I would divorce him. I knew that I would have two boys and a girl and I did.
Although my intuition continued to grow, it seemed limited. I was not able to foresee the details concerning major events that might occur in my life. I was still unaware of my life’s purpose. As a result I shrugged off my psychic awareness most days and let it settle into the background of the noise of everyday life and I stopped asking questions.
When I was twenty-six, my younger sister took me to see a psychic. I hadn’t a clue about what to expect. I did not even know what a psychic was. Supposedly, this stranger was going to tell me what was going to happen in my future.
Evelyn was a short, plump woman in her fifties with grey hair that she wore up in a bun. If I had seen her on the street, I would have thought her to be a housewife or perhaps a clerk at a quiet neighborhood bank. I had not expected her to be different than other people, but, somewhere in the recesses of my mind I think I expected her to look more mystical. She seemed too ordinary to have such an amazing gift.
Much to my surprise, Evelyn knew things about me that I had never told anyone. How could this woman, who did readings in a little room in her house, know intimate details of my life?
She told me, I see that you recently met man. Be wary of this man because he is lying to you. He is married and he told you he was not.
Later I confronted this man with my new information and he confessed proving Evelyn to be accurate.
The reading intrigued me. Evelyn used Tarot cards to get the information she shared with me. During the reading, I kept thinking to myself, If she can do this, so can I.
I have always had the belief that I can do anything anyone else can do, if I really wanted to. I immediately went out and bought a deck of Tarot cards and immersed myself in practice.
During the next few years, my intuitive abilities expanded as I studied and allowed my gifts to unfold. Once again I began to see, hear, sense, know, and feel my angels. Then came the ability to see other people’s angels, spirit, and loved ones who had passed. I learned how to converse with them. I began to feel more loved and peaceful while talking to angels and spirit guides. Talking and seeing deceased people was harder because I could feel the emotions that they were feeling.
In 2006, I began channeling the angels that are detailed in this book. Also described within these pages are many different healing techniques to help you grow. With the help of the angels,