Destination Laughter: Are We There Yet?
By Donna Petty
About this ebook
Through a collection of humorous and inspirational short stories, Christian humorist Donna Petty reminds us that on this journey we call life, we may experience little bumps in the road, detours, wrong turns, and unexpected delays. Sometimes our journey will be more light-hearted and whimsical, with winding country roads filled with exciting roadside attractions, majestic sunrises, and glorious sunsets. But everything we encounter, as we make the journey, can bring us a little laughter and a big message from God. Where are you on this journey? Are you ready for a little laughter and a big message from God? Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride. As you travel through these stories, you will arrive at Destination Laughter, and you will not have to ask are we there yet?
Donna Petty
Donna Petty is a Christian comedian, humorist, storyteller, and speaker with over twenty years of experience working in women’s ministries, evangelism, and outreach programs, within the local church. Donna and her husband Fred live just outside of Fayetteville, North Carolina. They share their home with their very spoiled dog, Harley.
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Destination Laughter - Donna Petty
Copyright © 2014 Donna Petty.
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ISBN: 978-1-4908-2231-0 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014900292
WestBow Press rev. date: 01/14/2014
Chapter 1 And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
Chapter 2 Puppy Love
Chapter 3 If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Don’t Let Me in the Kitchen
Chapter 4 You Can Learn a Lot in a Car Wash
Chapter 5 It’s Not Easy Being Single in Church
Chapter 6 The Dentist’s Office
Chapter 7 The Not-So-Empty Nest
Chapter 8 Results Not Typical
Chapter 9 Where in the World Is Daddy?
Chapter 10 On the Road Again—with Mama
Chapter 11 Because He Lives, I Can Face Today
About the Author
This is the day the LORD has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
If a merry heart doeth good like medicine,
Laugh ’til you feel better.
If laughter is contagious, let’s start and epidemic.
I believe people need to hear about God’s love and His amazing grace. I believe laughter is a gift that God has given us, and it’s my desire to use that gift to reach people for Jesus and encourage believers to take time to laugh. Proverbs 17:22 says, a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
I have enjoyed sharing laughter with friends for as long as I can remember. When I felt God call me to take this gift of laughter and my somewhat warped sense of humor and venture out into the world as a Christian comedian, humorist, and inspirational speaker, I asked the Lord if He was sure He wanted me to start a new career path at this stage in my life. Let’s face it, to start calling myself a Christian comedian, and speaker at this stage in my life sounded a little crazy. What would my friends and family think? To start a career as a Christian comedian and speaker at my age would take a miracle. And that’s when I felt God say, Remember Moses? Remember Noah? Remember Abraham and Sarah? If you had done it earlier in life, you may have tried to take credit for it.
God reminded me it will take a miracle. But that’s okay. He is still in the miracle business.
God has called me to live my witness, wear my witness, and share my witness with comedy that includes inspirational messages. When God first called me to step out in faith, I said Okay, Lord,
but I only went in ankle-deep water, where I knew I would be safe. He let me play there for a while, but now He has told me to step into the deep water. It’s a little scary, but I know He will provide me with some God-sized water wings to keep my head above the water. And if I do feel myself sinking … well, I know God has scuba gear, too. Either way, I would rather be in over my head with God than on dry land without Him.
God, being the Great Physician, offers the healing that can give us a happy heart and a cheerful mind. The prescription is written in His Word. We only need to follow His instructions. As a Christian comedian and speaker, I am honored and humbled He allows me to share His Word locally, nationally, and as it says in Acts 1:8, to the ends of the earth.
First, above all else, I want to thank my Lord and Savior for the wonderful gift of salvation He has provided for me. I know it is only through His grace and faith in Him that I am saved. I also want to thank Him for patiently waiting for me to answer His calling for my life. For years I listened to the Enemy’s lies as he tried to tell me I had missed my chance to use the talents God gave me to serve the Lord and tell others about Him. But those days are over. The Devil is a liar. This book is proof God can and will use anyone who is willing to say, Here I am, Lord. Send me.
To my wonderful husband, Fred, words cannot express how grateful I am God has seen fit to allow us to share a life together. Years before we met, I prayed for a husband who would love Jesus the way I love Jesus. God, being an ever faithful and on-time God, brought you into my life. You have been a constant source of strength and support to me and our entire family. For that, I say thank you, and I love you very much.
To my sons, David and James, I want to say how proud I am of you. Over the years, I have watched as you went from being those precious little boys God entrusted into my care to the fine young men you are