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Tracey Tea Pot: Mum Goes to Hospital
Tracey Tea Pot: Mum Goes to Hospital
Tracey Tea Pot: Mum Goes to Hospital
Ebook26 pages15 minutes

Tracey Tea Pot: Mum Goes to Hospital

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About this ebook

Tracey Tea Pot loved her life. She lived on Patterson farm near Parsnip Wood. She had a warm, loving nature and loved to listen to the familys tales and stories. Her pride of place was in the kitchen on top of the stove.

Tracey Tea Pot had been worried lately about Mum. She hadnt been herself recently, and the last few days, she had looked tired and worn out. What is wrong with Mum? Join Tracey Tea Pots adventures and enjoy her familys stories.
Release dateOct 28, 2014
Tracey Tea Pot: Mum Goes to Hospital

Linda Patterson

Linda Patterson grew up with cats, but developed an allergy to them by the time she was a teenager. Despite this, she brought cats back into her life after her marriage to a cat lover. These later experiences inspired her to write this book.As a small child, she and her brother were encouraged to tell stories at the dinner table. She continued telling stories graphically for thirty years as a designer and then in direct marketing where she fell in love with writing. Years later she combined her visual talents, verbal story telling and writing skill by producing stories for a public television magazine show.She resides in North Carolina with her two cats, Ebon and Riley.

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    Tracey Tea Pot - Linda Patterson

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    © 2014 Linda Patterson. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/25/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-9465-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-9466-0 (e)

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    Tracey Tea Pot loved her life. She lived on Patterson farm near Parsnip Wood.

    She had a warm, loving nature and loved to listen to the family’s tales and stories.

    Her pride of place was in the kitchen on top of the stove.

    Tracey Tea Pot had been worried lately about Mum. She hadn’t been herself recently, and the last few days,

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