The Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (Mspi): Guidebook / Cookbook
By Tamara Field
About this ebook
In retrospect, the physician was right, even though I regret that I did not continue breastfeeding, with the demands of a new infant, and trying to figure out a complicated diet, would have been completely overwhelming. I knew though, that if I had any more children, I would try any diet possible in order to breastfeed. So, during the first few months of my pregnancy with my second son, Nate, I began preparing for the MSPI diet.
Determined that I would not lack for good things to eat, and that I would find chocolate that was acceptable on this diet, I started shopping. Little by little, I found many alternatives for the food I previously enjoyed (the only exception being cheese!). I found chocolate, cake, brownies, casseroles, pasta, rice milk, rice, breads, fast food, eating out, and so much more, even a substitute for ice cream! It just took a lot of planning and a bit of ingenuity.This book is intended for the mother that has just heard her infant has milk soy protein intolerance and to begin the diet right away. This will help the mother find food she can eat, and thus continue breastfeeding her child.
Tamara Field
Tamara Field had two sons who both had Milk Soy Protein Intolerance. After helping her first son through the intolerance she was able to successfully master the MSPI diet during her second son's infancy, and thus was able to breastfeed. Tamara has a bachelor of science in Nursing, and is an Operations Director of inpatient care for Alegent Creighton Health Midlands Hospital. She also holds a doctorate of music degree in Vocal Pedagogy and Performance and continues to sing professionally throughout the midwest.
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The Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (Mspi) - Tamara Field
2001, 2013 Tamara Field. All rights reserved.
2nd Edition, 2013
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/12/2013
ISBN: 978-1-4918-3809-9 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4918-3808-2 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013921587
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Ingredients to avoid on the Milk Soy Protein Intolerance diet
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To all my boys . . . my husband, Larry for your support, and encouragement. To Max and Nate, who at 15 and 17, are so far from the infants I first wrote about. I am so proud of you both and love you each so dearly.
Macklem_Monique.jpgMilk Soy Protein Intolerance is commonly acknowledged and diagnosed by both pediatricians and family physicians. In the medical field this occurrence is also known as eosinophilic gastroenteritis. MSPI is diagnosed by the history of an infant with irritability (colic-like behavior), poor growth, abnormal stools; some of which visibly show blood. Confirmation of the diagnosis is often made by a biopsy of the intestinal tissue showing an increased amount of eosinophilic cells, eroded intestinal villi, and hemorrhagic tissue. An increase in the level of eosinophilic cells may also correlate with an allergic response of the intestinal tissues due to the introduction of an allergic compound. Many physicians request that parents alter the infant’s formula or the mother’s diet (for breastfed infants) prior to having a gastroenterologist perform an invasive biopsy, then if the symptoms diminish, or even cease, the diagnosis of MSPI is assumed.
Both formula-fed and breast-fed infants can develop an intolerance to cow’s milk protein and also soy protein. For infants fed with formula it is easy to change to a different formula, but more specialized formulas are more expensive. For many families the cost of these formulas are prohibitive. For an infant who is breastfed the mother’s diet must be altered to avoid milk and soy proteins in order to continue breastfeeding. This approach is certainly a less costly solution to the dietary demands of an MSPI infant.
As a pediatrician who suspects MSPI, I first advise the breastfeeding mother to eliminate all dairy products from her diet, then if the infant=s symptoms decrease I advise the mother to continue with the dietary restrictions. If these measures help, but the infant is still fussy, irritable, or having blood streaked stools, then I also suggest removing soy products from the mother’s diet. To date, I have had only one handout to give to mothers on the dietary restrictions for MSPI. This consisted of a list of the following foods: plain fruit, vegetables, meats, a certain type of french bread, and a list of ingredients to be avoided on the MSPI diet. All packaged or processed items with milk or soy proteins must be eliminated. I cannot imagine what hope I offered to these mothers as I sent them out of my office.
This book offers a realistic approach to MSPI and the breastfeeding mother’s dietary restrictions. This guidebook and cookbook goes beyond offering the standard information about MSPI, it offers guidance on products, manufacturers, and foods or products that may be substituted for those commonly used items that must be avoided on this diet. In addition, it offers support and knowledge to the mother who must make the immediate and drastic changes necessary in her diet to continue breastfeeding her infant and easing the symptoms of MSPI.
Monique L. Macklem, M.D.
Dr. Macklem is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatricians and also an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Creighton University in Omaha.
I first heard of Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI) in January of 1997 at the office of a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who had just performed a procto-sigmoidoscopy and biopsy on my 7 week old son. He told me that Max’s digestive problem was MSPI and that it would be much easier for me if I stopped breastfeeding now and put him on a special formula. Of course, at that moment my head was spinning; I had finally found out the reason my son had been screaming the first 7 weeks of his life and though I wanted to continue breastfeeding I did not want to cause him anymore pain. The Doctor told me that there was a diet I could follow to continue breastfeeding, but that it was very difficult to follow. Wanting to make the best choice for my son I stopped breast-feeding that day and started him on formula.
In retrospect, the physician was right, even though I regret that I did not continue breastfeeding, with the demands of a new infant, and trying to figure out a complicated diet, would have been completely overwhelming. I knew though, that if I had any more children, I would try any diet possible in order to breastfeed. So, during the first few months of my pregnancy with my second son, Nate, I began preparing for the MSPI diet.
Determined that I would not lack for good things to eat, and that I would find chocolate that was acceptable on this diet, I started shopping. Little by little, I found many alternatives for the food I previously enjoyed (the only exception being cheese!). I found chocolate, cake, brownies, casseroles, pasta, rice milk, rice, breads, fast food, eating out, and so much more, even a substitute for ice cream! It just took a lot of planning and a bit of ingenuity.
Now, in 2013, as I write this second edition, there are