Transformed: God Has a Destiny for Your Life
About this ebook
Have you ever asked yourself what Gods plan is for your life? Brian Gingles explores the extraordinary claims the Bible makes, about the wonderful poem God wants to fashion out of your life, if you are willing to cooperate with Him. Transformed encourages you to discover how this can happen. It also seeks biblical answers to questions such as: What was Gods original intention for humanity? Did the fall of mankind destroy that plan? How can God heal our emotions and renew our minds? What are some of the key big, dangerous ideas that currently oppose biblical teaching? What part do tests, trials, and suffering play in our lives? What about the mystery of death? What is Gods ultimate plan for you?
Becoming a better, more purposeful, and focused individual is possible, with the help of the Holy Spirit. God has a much more exciting ambition for you than you might have fully realised. He wants to make you like Christ.
Learn what the Bible has to say about Gods extraordinary love for mankind and His wonderful grace in taking the unpromising chrysalises of our lives, to transform them into something free, clean, and beautiful in His eyes. Is it possible that God can change you from one degree of glory to another? Discussion questions at the end of Transformed offer the opportunity for further study.
We will also see that Gods plans for us do not end with the death of our mortal bodies. See how we will be changed forever when Christ returns!
Brian Gingles
Brian Gingles is a pastor and Bible teacher, having preached internationally for thirty years. He is currently a co-leader of Barnabas Fellowship of Churches, which has churches or schools in twelve nations. Brian and his wife, Caroline, live in Northern Ireland. Their grown children are Suzanne and Paul.
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Transformed - Brian Gingles
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Introduction: Is Change Necessary And Possible?
Chapter 1 Some Foundational Truths
In The Beginning
God’s Original Plan for Mankind
Paths Leading to Life and Death
Ways and Bents
Walking in God’s Path
Do You Want to Change?
Practical Applications
Chapter 2 The Necessity For Change And God’s Gracious Provision
Conviction of Sin
New Birth
Newness of Life
Deliverance From Evil
Chapter 3 Binding Up The Broken Heart And Developing A Heart That Is Pleasing To God
Emotional Healing and Wholeness
Chapter 4 The Christian Mind
A Personal Testimony
The Logos of God
The Human Mind
The Regenerate Mind
Renewing The Mind
Revelation and The Mind
The Battlefield of The Mind
Chapter 5 Pathways Of Deception (Big, Dangerous Ideas)
The Origin and Purpose of Non-Christian Beliefs
Consumerism and Materialism
Cultural and Social Postmodernism
Genetic Determinism
Moral Liberalism
New Age
Pseudo-Christian Cults
Overcoming Big, Dangerous Ideas
Chapter 6 The Price Of Discipleship – Our Part In Our Transformation
Disciplined Disciples
Tests and Trials
The Cross and Wholeness in Christ
Chapter 7 Transformed Into The Likeness Of Christ
God’s Original Purpose for Man
God’s Will Is to Transform You
Transformed into The Likeness of Christ
Chapter 8 God Is Glorified By Your Transformation!
In Christ
For The Glory of God
Chapter 9 Changed Into His Image (In The Twinkling Of An Eye)
A Spiritual Body
A Royal Priesthood
Joint Heirs with Christ
Eternity Is Forever
Study Questions For Each Chapter
References And Notes
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
(2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV)
A s a young man I was never interested in religion. By religion I mean the external traditions and trappings that most faiths, including Christianity, develop. I was, however, very interested in the possibility of a spiritual reality, which always seemed just out of my reach. In my more thoughtful moods, before I became a Christian, I would ask myself three searching questions. All three questions have, I suspect, concerned every human being on this planet, at some point in their lives.
The first question sounds simple but has profound implications. I sometimes wondered, Is there a God?
Is there an all-mighty, all-knowing Divine Being who has a plan for humanity and who is in ultimate control?
The second question was both personal and universal. It was this, How can I become a better person?
All of my attempts at self-improvement ended in frustration and disappointment. New Year’s Resolutions seldom lasted beyond January! Permanent, meaningful character development seemed frustratingly impossible.
The third question, which combines elements of the first two, was this, Is there any meaning or significance to my existence? Is there more to life than eating, drinking, sleeping and waking?
Dared I believe that I, and every other human being, might have an eternal and significant purpose?
Having discovered the answer to the first question I attempt in this book to explore the Bible’s answers to the second and third. The following chapters record my own journey of discovery, aided by the truth of God’s Word and the wise counsel of the Holy Spirit. You, the reader, will be delighted to share my joy and wonder at affirming that there is a loving, gracious God who has an amazing plan for our lives and who has both the desire and the ability to transform us into something infinitely better than we were when we first came to Him!
Picture a butterfly chrysalis. You would scarcely believe that something so beautiful and free as a butterfly could spring forth from something so ordinary and restricting. Now, picture your own life. It may be even harder to believe that your inner self might be transformed – even by the power and grace of God. Dare we believe that we could become spiritually transformed into His workmanship, into people full of light, purity, freedom, beauty and power? And can we believe that God has an even more astonishing plan for us than merely improving on the desperate person who gladly grasped His offer of salvation? How could you or I ever fulfil God’s stated plan for us, to become the likeness
of Jesus? The Bible makes such a promise and if it is indeed true, as I am convinced that it is, then how can God perform this astonishing work in us?
Our transformation can only begin when we personally accept the truth and power of the words of Christ¹. What is the truth about individual transformation, as taught by the Bible? The New Testament provides the answers, and we will explore these in detail throughout this book. The Old Testament also contains promises of personal, individual transformation, as it anticipates the ministry of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. One example of these Old Testament promises is expressed in Isaiah 61:3. Here we are encouraged to accept that we need not be permanently shaped by our sinfulness, by genes or by negative circumstances; rather we can be transformed by God for His glory:
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
Although there is a specific context to these promises ("them that mourn in Zion") there is nothing in this passage that is not promised repeatedly, throughout the Bible. Indeed, Jesus quotes these words at the beginning of His ministry, as His divine manifesto. These promises are made by God to the individual – Jew or Gentile – who seeks God through salvation in Christ with all of his or her heart. God’s promise to such a person is this: you provide the ashes and He will transform them into something beautiful, for His glory. This is Good News!
It is said that when the master sculptor looks at a block of stone he already sees in it the statue or carving that he will create. We may look like unpromising blocks of stone in our own eyes but when the Master Craftsman looks at us, He already sees Christ formed within us! He sees us not just as we are but as we will be. You may struggle with faith for yourself but God has no difficulty in believing that He can transform you, if you are willing.
As we shall see, God has guaranteed your ultimate transformation into the likeness of Christ, in His divinely inspired book, the Bible. Search it for yourself to see the wonderful promises He is making to you. I have now followed Christ for over thirty years and, to my great joy and excitement, I have observed – in my own life and in the lives of others – the miraculous transformative power of these promises made real in believing individuals by the work of the Holy Spirit. In a world full of empty claims, Christianity, when wholeheartedly lived and faithfully applied, works! Any promise of any kind is only effective when backed up by the means to make good on it. When we believe that the promises of the Bible have all the weight, authority and resources of heaven behind them we can stake our lives and our eternal destinies on them.
Since becoming a Christian in October 1978 I have experienced first hand the power of God, moulding me more and more into His workmanship
³. Anyone who knows me will confirm that this process is not yet finished! But it is my confident hope that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it. And He can do the same for anyone who puts their full trust in Him. As well as the evidence of my own experience, I have also counselled many Christians during more than thirty years of ministry. I have been thrilled to witness the power and effectiveness of the truths explored in this book, as precious individuals and couples have faithfully embraced them and applied them to their lives. Christ is never a disappointment when sought earnestly and humbly.
As we begin to explore this hope for personal transformation, some questions are natural. What is God’s goal, His creative vision for us? And how will He transform us? Why does He want to transform us? How long will it take? Can we play a part in this process? I seek in this book to communicate – as clearly and faithfully as I can – my understanding of the biblical answers to these questions which, when answered with genuine faith in God’s truth, can bring amazing changes to our lives.
Chapters 1-4 seek to answer the questions posed earlier. What is God’s goal for us, as He changes us? Why and how does He do this? How long will it take? Can we play a part in this process? Chapter 1 answers the question: what is God’s plan and purpose for humanity? Chapter 2 presents us with the necessity for change, and how God has provided for it. Chapter 3 considers how God heals, transforms and renews the wounded heart. Chapter 4 explores God’s plan for our minds – a much neglected subject. Chapter 5 goes on to discuss some of the main ideas, influences and beliefs that lead many away from the knowledge of God and therefore, away from the hope for genuine and lasting transformation. Chapter 6 considers the part we are to play in this process of transformation. Chapter 7 seeks to answer the question: what is God’s prototype for our eventual transformation? Chapters 8 and 9 consider the glory of God and the effect of Christ’s Second Coming on us.
In each chapter I try to give practical approaches and biblical answers for the reader. There are also Study Questions as well as References and Notes at the back of the book, for those who wish to use it as a stimulus for discussion or for further study. I trust that all of these thoughts will aid your understanding of the path of truth: the path of Christian transformation.
I should add, at this point, that there is no substitute for prayer and the reading of God’s Word, aided by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Crucially, God’s truth must not be seen as a formula - the five steps to happiness
approach! Rather, the Bible repeatedly makes the point that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s word to us and, as we apply this revelation persistently and steadfastly by faith to our lives – always allowing the Holy Spirit to help us - we will see fundamental changes take place. There is nothing dull or irrelevant about what the Bible promises you. As you believe in it and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit you will embark on the ultimate transformative adventure. Your life will never be the same again!
We must be patient with God and with ourselves. True and lasting change is always painful and costly, and it does not always come as quickly as we would wish! But do not despair, the ultimate goal is worth it all. As Jesus said, when we know the truth – really accept it and make it our own - it will make us free.
In The Beginning
O ur journey of discovery, in search of the answers to our questions, will assume as true the unique claims of the Bible. It is the only guide that is ultimately trustworthy. It is therefore the only text I have referred to in the body of this book. We must begin our search for the truth at the very beginning of human history. Why did God create man? And why did He create him to be and act as he did?
Creationism – the belief that God made the universe and all living things – including mankind – is a matter of faith. I am very aware that there are Christians who hold one of three general positions on the Creation story of Genesis. There are those who believe that every word of Scripture is to be understood literally, unless it is clearly a metaphor. If God is all-powerful, why could He not make the world and everything in it in six days? Then there are those who see the Creation story as part literal and part metaphorical where, for instance, time-scales are symbolic rather than literal. Before the Reformation, for example, some church fathers and leaders regarded the Genesis account as partly allegorical: Augustine, to mention just one, spoke of the six days of creation as signifying categories of creation rather than a literal time-span. Finally, there are Christians who have a faith in God but who believe also that Genesis is entirely allegorical – that it is a pre-scientific account of something much more complicated, which is gradually being explained by science. My personal conviction is that there is overwhelming textual evidence that Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 is to be understood as literal, historical narrative. The Bible makes it clear when it is speaking poetically or allegorically; we are, otherwise, to understand it literally.
The Bible asserts that God created the heavens and the earth by the power of His word. By this same word of power (Hebrews1:3) He sustains the universe. The Bible itself gives us some clear guidance on how we are to understand the divine act of creation:
"It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God’s word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen." ¹
The last part of this verse is open to some interesting discussion but two things are stated very clearly: that the material universe was created by God; and that, for the Christian of any period, faith works backwards in time as well as forwards. That is, the Creation story is a matter of faith just as much as the Second Coming of Christ is.
The same principle applies to the rest of the opening part of this chapter. God’s dealings with Adam and Eve are understood by faith and revelation, rather than by human knowledge or understanding. The assumption of this writer is that Genesis was inspired by God to communicate key truths to mankind. These truths include His purpose for creation, the unique creation of man, the relationship God wishes to have with man, and the origin and nature of evil. In Genesis the why
questions are more important than the how
or when
questions. I state this as one who is absolutely convinced of the inerrant Word of God.
God’s Original Plan for Mankind
Genesis is the biblical book of beginnings. It describes man’s creation and God’s original and eternal purposes for humanity. The insights offered in Genesis are highly instructive for anyone who wishes to know the Christian view of why we were made. It also gives us a context for knowing what God wishes to make of us, as He transforms us.
We learn, in Genesis, that man was made to have intimate fellowship with God, his Maker. The biblical view of man is that he is a threefold being – that there are three distinctive parts or aspects to our beings. Each human being is made up of body, soul (mind, emotions, will) and spirit. There are many significant overlaps, among and between these three aspects of human identity, but it does help our understanding to consider them separately. Adam was given a body so that he could exist in a material, physical universe. He was given a soul with which he could express worship and grow in his understanding and knowledge of God². Adam was also given a spirit with which he might relate to God, who is Spirit³.
Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; He breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live
We see here that, physically, man was created out of the same substance as the earth around him but that God then breathed His own breath (or spirit)⁵ into man to cause him to live, spiritually as well as physically. This life was to be lived in harmony with God and with the material, physical universe – over which he was to be steward⁶. In the New Testament we see an explicit reference to the threefold nature of man:
May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being – spirit, soul and body – free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Not only does this verse communicate a clear recognition of man’s threefold nature, it also gives expression to God’s desire, as stated by Paul, to redeem and transform each aspect of each human being. God’s desire for you, as a redeemed individual, is the life-long sanctification (the setting aside of worldliness and an increasing conformity to a godly nature) of your body, soul and spirit, preparing you for your full redemption in Christ. This redemptive