Power Goals: 9 Clear Steps to Achieve Life-Changing Goals
About this ebook
The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Goals
If youve ever felt frustrated in the pursuit of your goals or have trouble setting them in the first place then you need
the life-changing system thats proven effective with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Now its available to you.
Power Goals guides you through a nine step process for setting and achieving goals mapping out the starting point, setting powerful goals, creating a vision, addressing your pre-programming, assembling a supportive team, taking action, handling turbulent situations, maintaining a positive attitude, and celebrating the achievement of your Power Goals.
This book will change your life in ways you never thought possible.
Bob Proctor, featured Teacher in The Secret
What is a POWER GOAL?
A Power Goal is more than just a goal. Its an extraordinary, transformative tool for success. Its a goal you set to change your life, attract new opportunities and put you in front of the right people. Its a goal that up-levels your every activity and relationship.
It is something SO BIG you have never come close to it before.
It is something SO SCARY you have no idea how to achieve it.
But it is something SO DESIRABLE you are willing to do anything to achieve it.
If you are ready to bring your life up a level, give yourself the gift of Power Goals. Combine the principles presented in Power Goals with determination and persistence and the results will be life-changing!
Get ready to transform yourself for success!
Christina Skytt
Christina Skytt, MBA, founder of the Power Goals Academy, with twenty years in international business and more than ten years as a top executive coach is passionate about empowering others to reach their full potential. www.powergoalsacademy.com
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Power Goals - Christina Skytt
Copyright © 2013, 2014 Christina Skytt.
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This book is dedicated to YOU. My intention is to open up a world of opportunities for you, towards the life that you deserve.
One committed decision will turn this book into a vehicle that can totally transform your life. Happiness, health and prosperity will flow to you with constant regularity by following the Power Goals setting and achieving instructions you are about to read.
Realize that you are the highest form of creation on the planet. No other form of life, so far as we know, has been blessed with the mental faculties that you carry within you every day. An Infinite Power flows to and through you; this power can be turned into any image you choose. Then, by depositing that image in the treasury of your subconscious mind, you will see it manifest in your physical world … ergo POWER GOALS. Christina Skytt has created a piece of literature that will stand the test of time and awaken many sleeping souls.
All of the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment, they blend in; it’s nature’s way of offering them protection. You and I are the only form of life that is totally disoriented in our environment, that is because we have been given the ability to create our own environment. In his classic tome, As a Man Thinketh, James Allen wrote You think in secret and it comes to pass, environment is but your looking glass.
Christina’s energy, along with her positive and enthusiastic attitude, is reflected on each page of this wonderful book. Power Goals is a clear, easy to understand, nine-step process. You are embarking on a program of self-development and will learn there is much more to you than meets the eye. You have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you. Power Goals encourages you to set aside some of the things that aren’t serving you … those things you may be tired of doing and tired of putting up with. By letting go of them, you will permit your genius to flow to the surface and accept the image of greatness your soul yearns for.
I want to congratulate you for making the wise decision of getting involved in Christina’s program. She is an experienced leader and a great career and personal development coach. Pay close attention to all nine steps she has outlined for you to follow.
No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding and application of wise thoughts that count.
Repetition is the first law of learning. I frequently read the same page in a book over and over again when I know it contains a jewel that has the potential of altering my behavoir and producing an improved result. I recommend you do the same because there is so much information in this book that can help you improve your life.
I am proud to count Christina Skytt among my friends, and I’m honored that she asked me to write the foreward for Power Goals. I love the title of the book because, in my opinion, they are the only type of goals that are worth trading your life for, and that’s precisely what you are doing – you are trading your life for your goal.
Treasure this book and use it wisely.
Bob Proctor,
Featured Teacher in The Secret and bestselling author of You Were Born Rich
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
—Pablo Picasso
At the age of 30, my life looked to others like the picture of success
– an enviable career, lots of friends, and a great marriage. But on the inside I was hurting badly. What I wanted more than anything else was to have a baby and the question why I couldn’t became existential. Was I not supposed to be a mom? What did life have in mind for me? Was it my relationship that was failing?
For the first time in my adult life, I had no control of my situation. No matter how hard I tried, I could not influence the outcome. I was doing everything
and investigating all possible solutions through doctors, homeopaths, blood tests, temperatures, psychics, adoption, and eventually IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). But all I got out of it was a horrible roller coaster ride of hormones, hopes, and grief. My mind was overwhelmed with frustration and sadness, as my body rejected one egg after another. I was too embarrassed to talk about it and I never shared how I really felt. I was happy for my friends when they had babies… but at the same time, I was crying my eyes out.
On top of this, I was in a job where I was working 60-100 hours per week, travelling 80% of my time, being so exhausted when I came home that there was no energy left. My emotional life was a mess, strained to its limit.
Now, I was brought up in a demanding family… and all my life I had been driven by other people’s high expectations. I started school one year early, and was sent away to boarding school in England at the tender age of 12. The decision, of course, was not mine – and I was totally homesick, crying myself to sleep each night. By the time my parents visited at mid-term, I had made up my mind to go home, and was waiting for them with my bags already packed. But my father ruled that I was to stay. The last thing he said was, If you accomplish this, you will be able to accomplish anything in life.
So I stayed.
I attended high school in the United States, and after graduating, I was accepted as the youngest student to the Stockholm School of Economics – where the highest grades are required. Once again, I was doing everything that was expected of me. But were these my goals or somebody else’s? Was it just the fact that, in my family, everybody
had gone to that very same school, and many of my friends wanted to go there?
I was living a life without listening to my own voice or setting my own goals. I kept on doing everything that was expected of me and I did it without any type of reflection on what I REALLY wanted.
On one of my business trips, I met with a colleague and told him my story. He gave me a book on personal development and, for the first time, I started to reflect on my situation and my life. That was my turning point.
I started asking myself questions like: Is this the life I have chosen, or has it been chosen for me?
… What do I REALLY want in life?
… Is this the relationship I want for the rest of my life?
… Am I doing work that I love?
… Where do I want to live?
… Are my friends really friends that I can count on or are they just acquaintances?
I finally realized that I had to take ACTIVE RESPONSIBILITY for my life. For the first time, I set goals that were truly my own, not influenced by others. They were big. They were bold. And they were even scary. But they were mine, and they gave me a feeling of power I had never felt before, from just setting goals. So I called them my POWER GOALS.
Power Goals are life-changing goals that lead you to your true purpose. Since I started applying Power Goals to my life it has become truly fulfilled. The first Power Goal resulted in the birth of my daughter, Alexandra – and like magic, I now have four wonderful children. Because of my second Power Goal, I am now remarried and in a true and loving relationship. My third Power Goal resulted in me leaving the corporate world, starting my own business, and now having full freedom of time, money, and location.
But reaching these Power Goals was not only easy. There were clear obstacles along the way. In chapter 7, I will address TURBULENCE – both internal and external. My own turbulence included the difficulty in having children, the struggle with my marriage that ended in divorce as well as leaving the safe
corporate world and throwing myself into the uncertainty of starting my own business. All of this challenged my old paradigms and in chapter 4, I will discuss PARADIGMS that control us.
Another turbulent factor was to realize that people who I thought were friends did not support me during the toughest years. In chapter 5, I discuss how to create a SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT.
Along with all these challenges, I also had severe health issues and was close to passing away over and over again. With more than 300 blood clots and many months in the hospital I could have given up on my Power Goals, but I was so committed and I was eventually able to achieve them. In this book I address the power of PERSISTENCE.
After my own experience I started sharing the concept with others – using their successes and feedback to fine-tune my system. Now, I have worked with hundreds of clients in executive coaching during more than 10 years and I have experienced the incredible power of setting and achieving Power Goals. I know for a fact that people can attain unimagined levels of success. We are all meant to live an amazing life.
So if you too have ever had thoughts like these:
• I need to find some balance between work and the rest of my life.
• The spark has gone out of my career – I feel like I’m meant to be doing something else.
• I have so many big ideas, but I don’t have a road-map on how to get there.
• Am I working towards my own goals, or someone else’s?
… then maybe it’s time for you to experience the life-changing magic of making your own POWER GOALS.
I will guide and empower you through the nine step process for setting and achieving goals – mapping out the starting point, setting powerful goals, creating a vision, addressing your pre-programming, assembling a supportive team, taking action, handling turbulent situations, maintaining a positive attitude, and celebrating the achievement of your Power Goals.
I will also provide you with useful information on;
• Responsibility;
• Choices;
• Visualization;
• Affirmations;
• Self-discipline;
• Persistence;
• Attitude;
• Gratitude;
• Positive thinking;
• Masterminding
Imagine the the results that would be produced if everyone took active responsibility for their lives. Imagine if everyone was clear about their goals and kept on going and were persistent in spite of challenges. They would stop whining and complaining and just get on with creating the life that they want. The greatest contribution you can make towards creating such a world is to grow in self-awreness and manifest your own dreams through your Power Goals.
Whatever you have experienced so far, remember that there are no mistakes – only opportunities to learn from. As Marianne Williamson says As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Allow yourself to shine and make the most of your life.
My driving force with this book is to inspire as many people around the world as possible to have a more fulfilling life. It’s a book about finding your true potential, limitless happiness, and full creativity by being brave enough to set your own Power Goals. It is time to start living the life you have dreamed of; the life that you deserve.
If you are not 100% happy and fulfilled as it is, and your way is not making you as successful as you wish, this book will be life-changing for you. Turn the page and challenge yourself into setting and achieving Power Goals. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great luck with your new and exciting life. Prepare to be successful!
To live is to choose, but to be able to choose well, you need to know who you are, what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
—Kofi Annan
Congratulations! By picking up this book, you are giving yourself the power to get clear on what you really want to focus your energy on and since you are joining me on this journey, you have shown that you are willing to stand up for yourself and take responsibility.
Life is not a dress rehearsal – we are meant to live our life to the fullest; walk it, talk it and share it. We are meant to be happy and treat ourselves well. Power Goals is the way for you to structure your wants
and give yourself the responsibility to follow through. Only when you have the focus set will it be possible to reach the target.
If you are in an airplane that is about to crash, who will you help first - the child next to you or yourself? Always put the oxygen mask on yourself first or else you may not be able to save either of you. There is so much real power within you so love yourself for who you are and make sure that you are the most important person in your life. Loving yourself is the key to all other life principles. You must truly learn to love everything about yourself. When you start treating yourself well, others will treat you well. This is easy to say, but not so easy to do. That’s why this book will be great for you.
The ultimate state to strive for is what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls the flow state.
During flow, people typically experience energized focus, deep enjoyment, reactivity, and a total involvement with life. By taking responsibility for your life, finding out and setting your Power Goals accordingly, you will prove that you take yourself seriously and flow will be there for you to enjoy.
If you want to be successful, you have to take full responsibility for everything you experience in your life. This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health, your income, your debts, your feelings – everything! This is not easy.
—Jack Canfield
Most people do not take responsibility for their own life and tend to blame their failures or shortcomings on circumstances. Many people take better responsibility for their cars than for themselves, their bodies or their mind. Countless men and women complain about unhappy experiences in their past. Others are still angry about something that someone did or didn’t do thirty or forty years ago. Although it’s easier to blame people or circumstances, we must realize the problem lies within ourselves.
Have you been conditioned to blame everything that is happening to you that you don’t like on your parents, friends, boss, clients, the weather, lack of money, your spouse, your children, or anything else in your environment? Well, it is time to stop…now. You are the only person that can be held accountable