The Red Horse: War Against God’S Government
About this ebook
Symbols are a part of our society. But where words change biblical symbols remain the same. In her study of symbols, author Connie Anderson used a literal meaning of a word, unless the word is a number or symbol. Fish for instance is associated with the words of Jesus, who invites us to be fishers of men, not real sharks, crabs, or clown fish. Symbols anciently explained events in world history.
Indicating God is revealing his plan, Anderson details the differences between how the Holy Spirit guided the world as the Berlin wall fell in Germany, the Iron Curtain was raised in Russia, and one man took on an armored tank on Tiananmen Square in China ~ along with a vastly different outcome as Lucifer instigates bitterness and revenge on September 11, 2001. Anderson unveils the scene in Heaven, as the Heavenly courtroom is opened to view. She hopes to provide prophecy as a comfort as Michael stands up to defend those whose names are in his book. You are protected by your Bridegrooms friends on 200,000,000 white horses.
The Red Horse shares her faith in finding symbols that God cares and the devil destroys as she examines the laws of God and reaffirms Jesus has sent us many comforters!
Connie Ordelheide-Anderson
CONNIE ORDELHEIDE ANDERSON returned to Nebraska where she is fifth generation homesteader, bird watcher, retired Dental Hygienist, professional artist and Red Hat Lady. Connie came seeking to find her Grandmothers’ peace of mind and found contentment in God.
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The Red Horse - Connie Ordelheide-Anderson
Copyright © 2014 Connie Ordelheide-Anderson.
Bible symbols by Connie Anderson
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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ISBN: 978-1-4908-2488-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4908-2487-1 (e)
WestBow Press rev. date: 05/02/2014
Our Story Begins In Heaven The Lamb Of God Opens The ⁷th Seal
The First Angel Sounds
The Second Angel Sounds The Curse Of Gods Wrath Began On September 11, 2001
Comfort Ye My People Walter’s Story
The Third Angel Sounded Beware Of Envy And Bitterness!
The Fourth Angel Sounds Lucifer Brings Darkness
A Piercing Shrill Splits The Air Woe, Woe, Woe
The Fifth Angel Sounded Union Of Church And State Again?
Lucifer Is Revealed As The Destroyer
The Sixth Angel Sounded Hear The Voices Of Power!
The Seventh Angel Sounds We Recognize Jesus Christ As Michael Has Been Victorious Over Lucifer And Babylon!
Heaven Is Opened The Red Horse Appears
Ellen White Prophecies Being Fulfilled And Yet To Be Fulfilled:
Introduction To Bible Symbols
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
(Proverbs 25:2).
Symbols are a part of our society. Where words change Bible symbols remain the same. Prophets spoke then repeated themselves expanding their thoughts. This created added value to a symbol and created what I call a prophetic function. For instance the text below we have the words, days, voice, angel, seventh, mystery, God, servants, sound, begin, declared, finished and prophets.
The Bible must explain its own symbols. A Bible word search may give you a word like fish. But Jesus said, I will make you fishers of men,
not fish. Fishermen may catch a sea creature. God catches us with His Holy Spirit but that does not change God or his Government. He may make you the bait!
"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets." (Revelation 10:7).
These mysteries are for us in the days the very last days of earth’s history. Listen for the change of voice in Bible poetry. Words can be literal like the number seven. However seven is also a number with a spiritual meaning that points us to our creator who completed his work of creating in six days and rested on the seventh day. Seven is a number and perfection. The seventh angel completes the mystery of God. Listen for the change of who is sounding what? God is not silent, he is thundering from Heaven like he did on Mount Sinai. He invites us to search out a matter.
eBook best viewed in two pages scrolling.
THE CREATOR NOTICED REBELLION IN HIS KINGDOM: A created human like robot began to undermine the Government of God. Rebellion vexed the Spirit of God. Lucifer wanted to sit on God’s Throne and be God.
GOD’S SOLUTION: Give Lucifer a created being and his angels, time and space, to prove they can create and manage our planet without moral boundaries. (How is that working for you?)
PLAN: The Blood Sacrifice of God the Son, would prove beyond a shadow of doubt, his blood is alien, with twenty four chromosomes of living blood a fact since 1982, ask a Jew.
RULES: The Creator must abide by His Laws he wrote in rock on Mount Sinai. Lucifer can lie, steal, cheat and think to change the times and Laws of God.
TIME LIMIT: Approximately six thousand years.
JUDGMENT OF EVIL: Ultimately the Heavenly Courts make a unanimous vote for Michael over Lucifer. (Daniel 7: 25-27).
OUTCOME: Everyone is granted Freedom purchased by the Son of God to obey or not obey His Commandments.
NO EXCULSIONS: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
(1 John 1:8). Adam and Eve brought a death sentence on created beings, in committing the original sin of disobedience against Jesus Christ their Creator.
REALITY: The World’s longest prophecy proves the Bible is true. On 9-11-2001 a 2300 year prophecy ended that began in 457 B.C. with the decree of Artaxerxes. Jesus moved out of the Holy Place in Heaven, to enter the Most Holy, as Our High Priest in 1844 exactly 2300 years since 457 B.C. His blood and mercy is now seen as the only blood sacrifice that can redeem us. 9-11-2001 ends the Last Day of Atonement in Heaven~ The principle is found in Isaiah 63:10, "But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them."
GOD IS RARELY SILENT: The day he watched his son die at the Place of the Skull, Golgotha God was silent! He knew how few contemplated the meaning of His suffering and the suffering of His Son. Freedom is not free! Jesus purchased your freedom of choice with His blood, on Calvary. Follow HIS WORD in Revelation 8:1.
Chapter I
Our Story Begins In Heaven
The Lamb Of God Opens The ⁷th Seal
1.jpgAnd when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
(Revelation 8:1).
"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,