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The Elaborate Game
The Elaborate Game
The Elaborate Game
Ebook202 pages2 hours

The Elaborate Game

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Magic and miracles! After a slow start in living life, I began to experience more than twenty different kinds of delightful happenings that Id like to share with you.
Ive been dissatisfied with what Ive encountered in Christian churches of various denominations. After reading The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age, by Levi Downing, as well as Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch, I did gain some clarity that I hope to share with you in this autobiographical, honest, loving story.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateAug 16, 2013
The Elaborate Game

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    The Elaborate Game - Robert Lawson

    Copyright © 2013 Robert Lawson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7917-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7918-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 8/14/2013

    Table of Contents







    Love of Life

    Aquarian Gospel



    Mexican Mafia


    Suicide Bombers

    My Intention

    Need to Conform to Same Standards

    Give me some slack

    The Big Lie

    Are You 100% Sure?



    Some Benefits

    The Big Truth

    All I’m Trying to Say…


    Meditation Techniques

    Chakra-Opening Exercises




    The Ultimate Putdown

    God Bless America?

    Some Choices



    Truth Test

    More Choices

    Chosen Race

    Child Molesting/Abuse


    Vast Unknown






    Buying a Well Rig

    IV. AFTER 30

    Teen-age Daughter

    Miracles and Magic



    Auras and the Pastel Pool

    Meditation and Healing,

    the Red Rose





    Magic Healings


    Tony and Carol

    Wings of Angel


    The Ten Commandments

    Your Church

    More Miracles


    Health Easy?

    Not So Easy Now




    Dead Sea Scrolls

    Christian Science and Book of Mormon






    Previous Lives

    God’s Mercy



    Cost of Health Insurance


    On a Lighter Note

    New Game Rules

    Reference Info



    Paco, a transcription

    X. Epilog II

    "What are the Akashic records?



    Is it possible for history to get interpreted so that the normal logical path has broken down and a new path established which is accepted by most people but provides control by a select group who make interpretations of what is truth and morally correct action and thinking? But is actually illogical and many who try to make sense of it end up in mental institutions?

    Suppose we are not born in sin and we are not doomed to hell if we don’t get baptized and believe in Jesus.

    What if we are reincarnated over and over again, evolving toward Godliness a little more each time, and between incarnations, we are given time to map out the next life and what we hope to achieve in that life to come.

    What if Jesus was not born the Christ, but indeed did become Christed (as others may have in the past) and he chose to demonstrate the possibilities of man. He became the perfect Son of God. His body became transmuted into higher form. He did not want people to put their effort into praising him as much as he wished for them to develop love for their fellow man.

    Perfect Love (Christ) is God’s only Son and God sent Him to us to show us the way toward one day becoming perfected ourselves. (He did not give his only Son since he still has his Son.)

    People need not feel that they are so inferior that they cannot speak to God directly with their prayers and thanksgiving.

    Money shared with those in need will benefit mankind much more than that which is placed in collection plates for various religions to assure the continuation of their particular brand of religion.

    That said, how shall I expand this into something that is readable, believable, fun to read, and worthwhile for the writer and readers?

    Should it be in fiction form? Should I do research and show many references to prove or show logic for various points? What do I hope to accomplish with this work? Whom could I count on as allies in this endeavor? How about meditation, healing, and the benefits that are available to us all? Is there a time of day when I should proceed with this? Perhaps I could gain spirit guidance of some kind.

    How about also addressing some of the common sorts of questions that people pose when terrible things or just inconvenient things happen, and we wonder why God allows these things (if he is so loving).

    Also, it might be neat to determine and explain many of the tenets of various religions, how they came about and is it still (if it ever was) advisable to follow these policies? (Fish on Friday sort of thing)

    Is there a hell? What is involved in possession of a person by an unknown entity? People who see and hear things that the rest of us don’t, what is involved in this? What of Saints?

    I don’t have a PHD; I did not study Hebrew or any of the antiquity-languages. I do find it hard to believe that any portion of population is doomed because their religion is not the same as mine. On the other hand, any religious belief that condones killing of people whose religion is different from the killers’ religion can’t be all that good!

    I just completed a three-session lecture series about the Dead-Sea Scrolls. I found it to be somewhat ho-hum, although one speaker kept saying how exciting it all was. It was probably more his manner of talking, but I had a hard time staying awake while he was speaking. His co-lecturer spoke somewhat differently, and I found him entrancing. Part of it was his including many anecdotes in his talk. The one thing I found surprising was that he seemed to be quite clear about the scrolls showing that Martin Luther was correct in his attitudes.

    One question he fielded was whether the scrolls showed whether the Jews or the Christians were correct. The question declared that not both could be correct, and that at least one of them was correct. His answer was that the true path seemed to be between the two extremes. Also, that the scrolls might improve the tie between these two religious groups.

    (later) I’m in the midst of Book two of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. Everyone should read at least the first of the three books. The second should be a must-read for all political figures or anyone choosing to have any effect on politics.

    I am convinced that it is God who speaks in the most part, the rest being essentially questions to God by the author. The first is essential toward one’s gaining a super-positive attitude toward all of life. The next one seems to contain more of suggestions to enhance our getting along with all of life, again in a positive way, and suggests some amazing solutions for the ills of the earth.


    I’d like to acknowledge my son-in-law Morgan Boatman and my cousin-in-law Danny Deaver for their reviews and suggestions. I also appreciate the friendship from our current pastor Jerry Huckman and she has had a look at what I’m saying here. And a thank you goes to my son John for his review and editing.

    For Louise, with whom I’ve spent most of my life


    I was planning to use a pseudonym. Some of my siblings and/or their mates may want to distance themselves from this work.

    Organized religious canons will be questioned. I intend this work to be an expression of Love and mean harm to no person or peoples, I do consider myself a Christian, but for the most part, the organized religious groups that I’m at all familiar with don’t cut the mustard, in my opinion.

    I hope you will hear me out before making a final judgment.

    I intend to share some fantastic experiences I’ve had and share my own spiritual beliefs.

    I include a thumbnail sketch of my life, and a how-to about meditating.

    In the Science page of the paper today, Images False, but Lasting, Fixed Ideas Create Wrong Impressions, By David Chandler, datelined Boston Globe, told of how we have assumed up to now that the cave men were stooped, hairy, club wielding, gorilla-like and fierce. This was based on a drawing made in the early 1900’s that was based on the first Neanderthal skeleton that was discovered. Trouble is that they now think this guy had a severe case of arthritis, and should not be considered as typical. The article also mentions other popular beliefs that continue because people saw a model put out as how it is and continue to hold to the outdated model. Reminds one of the justice system: A judge may have made a bad judgment long ago, but since it is a precedent, we should continue to honor this as a good judgment based on precedent. Also, how much of our current belief system is shaped by old ideas because we like the idea of tradition?

    This work reminds me of the children’s story The Emperor’s New Clothes. I feel kind of like the child who said He doesn’t have any clothes on!

    I recently read Book One of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I delighted in its clarity and content of total Love. I like to think that much of my postulates match many of those therein presented. I’m currently enjoying reading the second book.

    I. Truth and Miracles


    Who’s in charge? asked the leader of the EST (Erhard Seminar Training, put together by Werner Erhard) meeting. I must have been in some kind of mind-bend since I responded I am. and felt as though I’d given the precise, correct answer and I somehow expected the leader to be proud of me for being so insightful. Well, maybe he wasn’t so proud of me after all. He’d had me come up on his stage since I’d responded to his general question about was there anyone who was not sure that the things we feel and touch are really there: I’d indicated that I was not entirely sure. The next thing was that he shoved me up against a wall and asked Is that wall there? in a sort of agitated way.

    If you say so. I responded. This seemed to infuriate him even more, and my wife, in the audience, did not appreciate his shoving me against the wall, she said that she turned the leader off and did not hear anything else he said.

    At the conclusion of the seminar, an intensive two-weekend thing, the leader asked if there was anyone who did not get it. I and about six or seven more in a group of about five hundred raised our hands. I think the leader was almost seeing red to see my hand. When he got to me, he asked What did you get?

    I got nothing. I answered. Well, the way the program worked was that when you truly experience a thing, it disappears. So, to my response, the group clapped (as they did for any inane thing anyone would say). And the leader indicated that Nothing was what I was supposed to get, if I got It.

    So I was not entirely convinced, and when the thing was over, and we were amicably meeting in a shake-hands way with the members of the staff, this leader avoided me like the plague.

    That evening, in our bedroom, I heard this voice in my head say You got it! I don’t recall hearing a voice like that before and only once since.

    The essence of EST as I got it was that we should each be willing to be responsible for our current situation. This does not in any way imply that we should feel guilt about it. On the other hand, we should not try to blame others for our situation. One exercise EST had was to have everyone agree to a set of standards or rules for the seminar. Those who were

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