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Make the Shift to Success: 7 Steps to Lifetime Success
Make the Shift to Success: 7 Steps to Lifetime Success
Make the Shift to Success: 7 Steps to Lifetime Success
Ebook171 pages1 hour

Make the Shift to Success: 7 Steps to Lifetime Success

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There are not many people who have the consciousness of mind to realise ones past doesnt equal their future. In Make the Shift to Success Bode Olowookere gives a very systematic approach to start living your lifes purpose with passion and to begin turning your life around regardless of past adversities. Read this book as if your life depends on it!

Mac Attram Co founder & Director of Sales Partners UK and a Multi-Award winning Business coach, Trainer & Author

How to get the Success You Desire &

the Life You Deserve

Make the shift to success today. If you want and deserve more, this book is for you. You can become successful by tapping into your life purpose and finding ways to monetize your passion.

This book will help you make the transformation to success in 7 simple steps.

How did he move from being a homeless underdog with dyslexia to making the shift to success?

Find out in this Book!

Release dateDec 18, 2013
Make the Shift to Success: 7 Steps to Lifetime Success

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    Make the Shift to Success - Bode Olowookere

    2013 by Bode olowookere. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/17/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-8144-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-8145-3 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Praise for ‘Make the Shift to Success’


    Part 1: Learning to Live by making the shift

    Learning to live

    Making the Shift


    Live your Purpose and Live it with Passion

    Take control of your life by taking control of your mind

    Your choices determine your success and happiness

    Create an Environment for Success

    Develop Smart Habits to Accelerate your Success

    Unleash Your Maximum Potential

    Have Faith in Yourself

    Part 3: Live a Healthy Life While Building Relationships and Wealth

    Live a Healthy and Energized Life

    Build Successful relationships

    Manage your Money and Create Wealth

    Chapter 4

    Make it Happen


    About the Author

    Additional programs, products and services

    Free Resources

    This book is dedicated to:

    Sir Olateru Olagbegi the II KBE of Owo, a legendary king and a great man—my granddad. You left a legacy behind to your 126 children and 300 (and growing) grandchildren and great grandchildren. I wish you were alive to read this book. You lived an amazing life and you left a huge mark on all of us. God bless you.

    And to Morayo Olowookere, my daughter: the driving force in my life. I believe that you are a child of signs and wonders; you will become an ultimate success and a blessing to your generation.


    I want to first of all give thanks to God Almighty, and to my older brother, Segun; my older sister, Aramide; Foster Mum, Penny, and my Mum and Dad, family and close friends.


    Bode’s passion to help others absolutely sings out from him. He has changed his life around through sheer determination and by practicing the principles of this book. He has committed to changing his own life for the better in order to change the world, too, and to share the benefits with others. He is an inspiration to a generation—and more. He uplifts everyone with positivity and practical techniques that put his philosophy into action to get results.

    Linda Innes - Life coach, NLP Trainer & Writer

    Bode Olowookere writes in his début book ‘Make the shift to Success’ Self trust is the foundation of greatness’, and in this passionate piece of mastery he does just that. He trusts in himself to share his story sincerely and his seven steps to success to make a difference to those people who choose to purchase, read and learn from it. It is an easily digestible guide on success and personal development, touching on various areas such as health and wealth. I read it form cover to cover in one go as it was so engaging and a welcome reminder of why I do what I do and my purpose on this earth."

    Lavinia D. Osbourne - Financial Empowerment & Success Coach Butterfly Wealth Creation

    An amazing, read with some excellent success tips, real life stories including stories from Bode’s personal experiences which most people will be able to relate to. I read this book in 3 days! I think anyone who would like to make a positive change in their life will also do the same.

    Segun Olowookere - Motivational Finance Trainer & Entrepreneur

    In the current challenging and uncertain times, Bode Olowookere manages to ‘reduce’ his core principles to achieving Lifetime Success into a concise and easily digestible format. In addition to the clear and committed blueprint encapsulated in The 7 Steps, the recounting of his inspirational personal journey and a liberal seasoning of simple and practical exercises make this book invaluable to the Young Entrepreneur. Make the Shift to Success Now!

    Mudimo Okondo - Founder of Okondowellbeing Ltd

    It takes skill, dedication, drive and commitment to drive forward in the new entrepreneur revolution and to tackle the issues of the modern world. I have known Bode for a number of years and I have watched him develop in to one of todays progressive modern day entrepreneurial thinkers. Buy or send a copy of this book to your friends and those you care about! This book will be the first of many Good luck Bode!

    Philip Terry - Director of PIP (UK) Ltd & Managing Partner—The Home Ownership Program

    Packed with a wealth of knowledge, teachings and most importantly, practical steps anyone can use, ‘Make the shift to Success’ will provide you with a blue-print to truly start living life at your full potential. If you’ve ever wondered how to start living life at your full potential, the life you’ve always dreamt of, this is how!

    Jessica O-George - CEO Jessica Mae Ltd, Personal Brand Styling

    Bode is great at bringing people together who share a vision and a passion, so that they can work together to create more. His events are really energetic and educational, and that comes from his desire to inspire more young people to carve their own future and take control of their lives and finances, and most of all LIVE THEIR DREAMS.

    Joanne Moore - Co-founder of The Property Wealth System

    We can have more than we’ve got because

    we can become more than we are.

    Jim Rohn


    Congratulations! This is the first step towards a more successful life. It takes someone with guts and determination to acknowledge their need for a better future. Take pride in taking action, for in the pages that follow, you will learn how to change your life to bring you much success.

    Many people dream of things: fame and fortune; having their own home, car, and kids; freedom, a good life, travel. It doesn’t matter what your dream is. You want to see it fulfilled. The only way to do this is by progressing one step at a time. Within the pages of this book you will find proven techniques, ideas, and strategies that will guide you and help you to achieve your dreams.

    Watch the company you keep—your friends, associates, heroes and role models and the books you read. Choose great minds and great people to guide you, and you will succeed.

    We are all here on this earth to make a difference—and we can do this by fulfilling our purpose. You have been created for a reason.

    There comes a time in life when we have to make the shift to fulfilling our life’s purpose, when we reach our maximum potential and make our unique contribution to the world.

    Some people declare bankruptcy and some people live in poverty. Why? They have the wrong mindset and attitude, and lack knowledge because they were not taught how to be successful. It is because of this lack of knowledge that just 10% of people own 90% of the wealth in the world, while the other 90% of the population share just 10% of wealth in the world.

    My late mentor Jim Rohn once said, Success is not something you chase, because what you chase eludes you. It’s like chasing butterflies. But rather, success is something you attract by the type of person you become.

    In order to improve my life, I had to become someone.

    There are many people teaching success strategies, giving out low-value information on how to get rich overnight, and selling ineffective programs that lead people down the wrong path, to failure. I even bought a few of these programs myself. I followed these programs faithfully, only to wind up failing miserably.

    I’m personally sick and tired of these marketers selling the myth that you can get rich overnight. I’m also tired of the school system selling the wrong formula for people to get ahead in today’s world. These reasons have led me to write this book. We live in a world where there is abundance. Why should you waste your life or energy going down the wrong track, pursuing a fruitless life, when you could be on the path to a great life?

    I have learned this the hard way. I have been able to overcome many setbacks and obstacles and I am now living my life with passion and purpose, on a mission to help humanity live more creative, purposeful, and driven lives. I will share with you the secrets I have personally learned on my journey and secrets that I have discovered and learned from many of the world’s top achievers and make them actionable for you.

    The old economy was about ‘what I could I do’ to make a living, while the new economy is about ‘what do I know’ to make a living. We have moved from the industrial age and have entered the information age—the age of the mind. Wealth and opportunities are contained in the person you are and the way you think.

    It is unfortunate that

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