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Roar of Lions: How I Healed My Breast Cancer: an Insight into Spirituality
Roar of Lions: How I Healed My Breast Cancer: an Insight into Spirituality
Roar of Lions: How I Healed My Breast Cancer: an Insight into Spirituality
Ebook62 pages1 hour

Roar of Lions: How I Healed My Breast Cancer: an Insight into Spirituality

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About this ebook

Roar of Lions seeks to inspire you, whether you are going through an illness or a healing process or just going with the flow in life. Nature is vast and has lots to offer; with the intentions you put out there, anything can be achieved. The purpose of this book is to share with you the techniques that I have learned on my journey, with the hope that they can also help you in such a way that the roar of lions may disappear in your life. And I wish you as much success with your journey as I have had on mine.

The word cancer is similar to hearing roar of lions in the jungle and the encircling of lions continues until you start using the healing techniques.

Breathe freely and easily, so will your life flow freely and easily.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 2, 2013
Roar of Lions: How I Healed My Breast Cancer: an Insight into Spirituality

Nazmina Ladhani

Nazmina Ladhani is following an online degree course in metaphysics with the University of Metaphysical Sciences in California. She is an Ayurvedic master and did a diploma course at School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, Kannur District, Kerala State, South India. She is a qualified yoga teacher and followed the course at Chopra University in Carlsbad, California. Nazmina is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner and did a course at Well Systems Institute in Ottawa. She worked several years for the Federal Government of Canada and was born in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

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    Roar of Lions - Nazmina Ladhani

    Copyright © 2013 Nazmina Ladhani.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6901-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6900-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903048

    Balboa Press rev. date: 4/19/2013

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1 Personal Story: Entering the Jungle

    Chapter 2 Diagnosis: Roar of the Lions

    Chapter 3 Treatment: Entering the Lion’s Den

    Chapter 4 Facing the Lions

    Chapter 5 Recovery

    Chapter 6 Things to Know (Lymphatic System)

    Chapter 7 Lymph Nodes

    Chapter 8 How to Take Care of Yourself

    Chapter 9 Taming the Lions: Tips

    Tip No.1 -Turmeric Powder

    Tip No.2 -Yoga

    Tip No.3 -Living a Spiritual Life

    Tip No.4 -Learn to Breathe Properly

    Tip No.5 -Thoughts Can Be Very Powerful

    Tip No.6 -Forgiveness

    Tip No.7 -Laughing

    Tip No.8 -Kindness

    Tip No.9 -Detoxification

    Chapter 10 Added Tips

    Tip No.11 -Meditation

    Tip No.12 -Awareness

    Tip No.13 -Judging

    Tip No.14 -Nutrition

    Tip No.15 -Breathing and Energy

    Tip No.16 -Attitude

    Tip No.17 -Ayurveda

    Final Thoughts: Tamed the Lion

    Poem about 3 months at the Ayurveda School in India

    About the Author

    I would like to dedicate this book to the loving memory of my mother, Fatmabai, my brother Jimmy (Abdul), and my nephew Rafiq Rajabali, who have all died of cancer.

    I would like to thank Canadian author Susan Kingsbury, Azmina Jiwa, Fatima Thobani and Nicole Marois for inspiring and supporting me. And I would like to thank my special relatives Salim Jiwa, Micky Manji and Roshan Jiwa, as well as my friends, for being in my life.


    Any hurdle that comes in your life has to be considered a blessing, as it gives you an opportunity to change yourself. Change in life can affect you emotionally and culturally. There is a saying that change is good for you so you have to take complete charge of yourself. Change can also create lots of stress in one’s life. We humans are so habit oriented that change can be difficult. It takes us away from our comfort zone. It takes us away from the things we are used to doing every day. Change can bring us into a different environment.

    In order to adapt to change, one has to be in charge. One has to prepare mentally by thinking positive, as thoughts can be very powerful. But thinking positive is not easy, as it can be superficial while the negative continues to lie beneath the surface. In order to think positive, one has to release all the emotions from the body and get rid of all the past baggage that’s been obscuring one’s mind.

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