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Rewriting Your Family History: Principles of Dealing with the Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry
Rewriting Your Family History: Principles of Dealing with the Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry
Rewriting Your Family History: Principles of Dealing with the Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Rewriting Your Family History: Principles of Dealing with the Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry

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Most families have one negative heritage or another associated with them. Some have struggled with these evil foundations for centuries. Others have accepted persistent reproaches as their lot in life. Yet others, in an attempt to change the tides of calamities, have sought for solutions in places that compounded their situation.
What do you do when you notice the scourge of premature death in your family? How do you explain the persistence of poverty in the midst of plenty? Why do some family members work like elephants and eat like ants? Why are women in certain families unable to keep their husbands? Why is divorce a mark of identification for some families? These are the concerns we have chosen to address in this book on principles of dealing with evil heritage
Release dateJan 17, 2013
Rewriting Your Family History: Principles of Dealing with the Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry

Dr. Steve Ogan

Dr. Steve Ogan is a former lecturer in the Department of History, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Ibadan. He is an anointed teacher and a much sought-after marriage counselor, evangelist, and poet. His ministry is a blessing to many people around the world. He oversees the High Calling Outreach, a literature evangelism ministry. He is married to Atim Sofori Ogan, and they have five sons.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have learned something new regarding family foundations. I will apply the principles I have read to bring change into my life and family.

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Rewriting Your Family History - Dr. Steve Ogan



Principles of Dealing with the

Evil Heritage in Your Ancestry


A Self-Help Manual



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© 2013 by Dr. Steve Ogan. All rights reserved.

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Published by AuthorHouse 12/17/2012

ISBN: 978-1-4772-5118-8 (sc)

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Chapter One

Family Histories To Rewrite

Chapter Two

Locating Evidence Of And Evil Heritage In A Family

Chapter Three

How An Evil Heritage Is Established In A Family

Chapter Four

Principle Of Spiritual Mapping

Chapter Five

Principle Of Repentance

Chapter Six

Principle Of Renunciation

Chapter Seven

Principle Of Breaking Evil Covenants In The Family

Chapter Eight

Principle Of Breaking Curses In The Family

Chapter Nine

Principle Of Destroying Evil Family Altars

Chapter Ten

Principle Of Raising A New Family Altar

Chapter Eleven

Principle Of Entering Into A New Family Covenant

Chapter Twelve

Principle Of Dealing With Satanic Litigations And Terminating Spiritual Sanctions

Chapter One


Most families have one negative heritage or another associated with them. Some have struggled with these evil foundations for centuries. Others have accepted persistent reproaches as their lot in life. Yet others, in an attempt to cha\nge the tides of calamities, have sought for solutions in places that compounded their situation.

What do you do when you notice the scourge of premature death in your family? How do you explain the persistence of poverty in the midst of plenty? Why do some family members work like elephants and eat like ants? Why are women in certain families unable to keep their husbands? Why is divorce a mark of identification for some families? What can be done to deal with the challenges of pain and anguish borne out of contrary expectations in families? These are the concerns we have chosen to address in this book on principles of dealing with evil heritage. But with many good works on dealing with evil foundations, is the book really necessary?

One is right to wonder why another book on the same subject is necessary. As an academic, I learnt to keep my pen on hold if I have no new idea or a new way of presenting an old idea in a given area of scholarship. Really, there is not much that is new in the volume in your hand, except in the way the issue of dealing with evil foundations is presented here.

Unlike the previous works, this one concentrates on helping individuals with the tools of dealing with the evil heritage in their families themselves. Philippians 2:12 instructs us to work out your own salvation [deliverance] with fear and trembling. We have avoided the debate on the theological necessity of dealing with foundations. This debate is diversionary in our context and need not detain us here. There are many people with challenges and they are looking for practical solutions to their problems.

Consequently, we have concentrated on providing readers with the systematic principles for dealing with evil foundations. Often many individuals are constantly looking for someone else to help them solve problems they can solve themselves. They pay huge sums of money often demanded by so-called deliverance ministers to get their spiritual problems solved. True, there will always be a need for individuals and families to call for external help to deal with certain foundational problems they may not be able to handle themselves. Nevertheless, many people have been exploited and cheated by mercantile deliverance ministers who, in many ways, are also very ignorant of the priesthood of all believers.

This book is slightly different from previous ones because it is designed as a self-counselling manual. It gives the readers the tools for doing it themselves. It is also packaged to enhance easy and quick reading. No one with a pressing problem has the patience to read a huge treatise, even though this is necessary. Apart from the first two chapters, which deal with the evidence of faulty foundations and how these are established, all the other chapters directly provide the tools for dealing with these foundations. The book outlines a sixteen-point agenda in the format of principles for breaking evil foundations. These principles are relevant for dealing with foundations at all levels. They are relevant for dealing with individual, family, corporate and national foundations.

My prayer and hope is that this volume will become a good compliment to the already existing books on the subject and that, above all, it will equip you to deal with the seemingly intractable foundational problems in your family. Let us begin by briefly outlining the family histories that must be rewritten.


1. A History of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Certain families are notorious for alcoholism. There was a given family which had four generations of drunkards a great grandfather, a grandfather, a father and his sons and daughters. It was not unusual for all the living members of this family to be drunk at the same time. The amazing thing was that even the women who were married from other families turned out to become drunkards like their husbands. This amazing heritage of alcoholism had a history. It was discovered that several years ago, some men within the family intercepted kegs of wedding palm wine meant for the community. They ran into the bush with the community wine and there consumed the entire thing. It was said that the community proclaimed a curse on the family. This was how this heritage of alcoholism began. Leviticus 10:9 says, Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations.

2. A History of Poverty and Hardship

The heritage of poverty is peculiar to many families. Poverty is generational in nature. It is often handed down from generation to generation. This ought not to be, because the scourge of poverty can actually be broken by total reliance on God, diligence, discipline and a life of sacrifice. There is no foundation of poverty that cannot be broken if the situation is addressed both spiritually and physically. Many rich families have turned out to become poor because of the wickedness of covetousness.

Jeremiah 22:13 says, Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbour’s service without wages, and giveth him not for his work.

3. A History of Immorality and Sexual Perversion

There are families with notorious sexual perverts. Sometimes both men and women within the family display a level of sexual immorality that is unprecedented. The scourge of incest, prostitution, lesbianism and homosexuality are usually associated with such families. Marriages are unstable, children are born out of wedlock and separation and divorce are rife in such families. The heritage of sexual perversion can be seen in the family of Judah, who unknowingly had sexual intercourse with Tamar, his daughter-in-law. This was the heritage to which David and Solomon belonged. David was married to several wives. He was ensnared by adultery with Beersheba. This eventually led him to murder of Beersheba’s husband. Solomon, David’s son by Beersheba, carried this heritage of sexual perversion to heights unknown. He was married to 700 wives and had 300 concubines. As part of this heritage, Amnon, another son of David, raped his own sister, and Absalom slept with his father’s wives in full view of the whole nation. He did so on the roof of the house as an act of ritual sex and worship to the sun and moon gods. And Ahithophel said unto Absalom, Go in unto thy father’s concubines, which he hath left to keep the house; and all Israel shall hear that thou art abhorred of thy father: then shall the hands of all that are with thee be strong. So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house; and Absalom went in unto his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel (2 Samuel 16:21-22)

4. A History of Assassinations and Murders

This is a heritage associated with certain families. Their rising stars and prophetic voices are usually cut down by the

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