Grace That Saves: Embracing the Truth of God's Unmerited Favor
By Jay R. Leach
About this ebook
True Christianity is under siege in America today! Satan has spread two of the most evil deceptions in his arsenal, secular humanism [No God] in our society and institutions and religious Christianity [No -- Spirit] in the churches. Both deny Christs finished work of grace (divine favor). Things are looking bleak to many people seeking reality!
They realize that Satan and his kingdom of darkness are behind Americas chaotic world systems. Notice, our world of politics, world of social action and justice, world of education, world of finances, world of marriage and the family, world of sports, even the world of weather are distorted and corrupted. For the past century, we have stood by blindly as Satan has secularized our society and religionized many of our Christian churches. Gods people must stand in the gap for this great nation!
There is hope! God is meeting the needs with abundance of living grace, through the restored power of the Holy Spirit and restored truths of His Word; making leaders and their people the true salt and light through inward transformation and embracing the restored teaching and reality of living grace [the finished work of Christ], and right relationships in Him. Thus, God is rising up anointed Para-ministries among professing Christians; and churches who are hearing what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Nothing is too hard for God!
Jay R. Leach
Jay R. Leach is the president of the Bread of Life Ministries International, which he and his wife, Magdalene, founded in 1998. He is senior pastor of the Bread of Life Christian Resource Center and Church and president of the Bread of Life Bible Institute. He has served several Baptist churches in Eastern North Carolina over the past thirty years as pastor. The Leaches reside in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and are the parents of five adult children.
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Grace That Saves - Jay R. Leach
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© Copyright 2014 Jay R. Leach.
Cover By: Magdalene J. Leach
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CHAPTER 8 A Restored Concept of Ministry
Chapter 12 Grace Walk
I dedicate this book to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and for His service. I trust it will be used in His hands as an instrument to help prepare the Bride for His soon return. I thank Him for those He has brought into my life who have exemplified to me His grace that saves.
- My wife, Magdalene, who has shown me great grace. Who can find a virtuous woman? . . . . The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her . . . . (Proverbs 31:10, 11). The peace my heart has in trusting my wife has allowed me to understand the grace that comes in trusting our Lord.
- To the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers of the Bread of Life Ministries comprising: The Bread of Life Christian Center and Church, The Bread of Life Bible Institute [1 School in 8 Locations], and the Bread of Life Church and Ministries Fellowship. Your constant encouragement and support continually remind Magdalene and me of the depths of sacrifice and commitment involved in being faithful to those people God has put within our reach.
- To my fellow followers of Jesus Christ who have entered into the mystery and joys of the Bread of Life Church, I want to thank you for seeing and joining the vision with us as we continue to define what it means to follow Christ in authentic Christian Community. Thank you for allowing us time to share these concepts with the broader body of Christ—not only to teach and write about them, but more importantly—to live them!
It has often been expressed that the primary leadership of the Reformation [Restoration] did not go far enough in their restoration of the New Testament Church. Martin Luther got it right on how we are saved [justification]. The just shall live by faith
(Galatians 3:11), was one of the revelatory truths of God’s Word that rallied the Reformers. We praise God for the reformer John Wycliffe who believed that the people should be able to read the Bible in their own language; and by the grace of God he worked hard to get the truth of God’s Word into the hearts of the masses. That is an on-going mission which must be repeated in each new generation.
Notice, a half century after the Reformation began the church was in crisis, because it misunderstood that justification or salvation is of God through grace alone—believers coming out of the Medieval or Dark Ages were taught that sanctification [spiritual maturity] was accomplished through works of the flesh. They were constantly reminded how much their relationship with God depended on their works. The sad news is many local churches continue to practice this pre-Reformation church model of ministry to this day.
This theological error has come full circle today. The results of it is witnessed in every city, town and village of America were citizens no longer believe God is relevant, that He no longer loves and cares, that He created the world and left it to feign for itself. Add to that the many local churches that rely upon legalism and performance in the flesh, rather than upon God’s grace alone through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. He leads, guides, and teaches the restored truths of the Gospel of Grace. Teachers were raised up during the Reformation to help Christians know what they believed and why they believed it. Today, God is meeting that need by raising up desperately needed teachers for that very purpose.
The Bread of Life Bible Institute and thousands of Para ministries across America and around the world are established and Spirit-led for such a time as this.
Magdalene and I were led of the Spirit to establish the Bread of Life Bible Institute fifteen years ago specifically to equip the saints for that purpose. If the churches would return to their Christ-given mission, biblical world view and teaching ministries, millions would be added to the churches.
The apostle Paul encountered the same insidious error and addressed the problem in Galatians 3:1-3:
You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
Foolish does not necessarily indicate a lack of intelligence but the lack of godly wisdom. Paul wonders if some kind of evil spell had prevented the Galatians from remembering the gospel of the crucified Christ, which had been clearly preached to them. He then contrasts obedience to the law with faith. Perhaps he had in mind Romans 20:17 when he said, So then faith comes hearing, and hearing the Word of God.
The Greek word for hear
can also be translated listen
or obey
(see Romans 1:5; 16:26).
• Paul reminds the Galatians that their Christian life was begun in the Spirit by grace through faith alone (see v. 2; 2:16).
• He had seen that the Galatians were mistakenly trying to be made perfect through the flesh or achieve perfection [sanctification] through their own efforts [as perceived through their five senses] particularly at that time through circumcision.
If salvation is of the Lord and it is, then, it is of grace in its entirety, meaning:
• Believers are saved by grace through faith.
• Believers are justified by grace through faith.
• Believers are sanctified by grace through faith.
• Believers are glorified by grace through faith.
Christians are too conscious of sin [walking on egg shell syndrome] and too unconscious of grace! The revelation which formed the Protestant churches had as its objective the Restoration of all the truths of God’s Word lost during the Medieval, Dark Ages of the Church. Historians named it the Reformation.
Restoration and reformation are probably distant cousins, but they are two very different words in meaning. Restoration refers to the original state [restored with original materials, while the reformation refers to improving or fixing up [with replacement materials not necessarily of the original materials].
From the very beginning with the reformers and state churches before them; the Church fathers wrote creeds, laws, and rules of order and conduct to guide the church, which through the years have evolved into an agenda void of the Churches’ biblical purpose and mission, the Great Commandments [ love agape
] and the Great Commission [to make disciples
]. They left their first love, Jesus Christ!
Evangelism [soul-winning] and edification [making disciples] are considered old fashioned, no longer relevant to the presumed needs of many churches today:
• In order to pursue their agenda the culture and many traditional churches across this nation have denied the Bible as the infallible Word of God; and have forfeited the biblical world-view, Christ-given mission and biblical purpose for existence.
• Like the Galatians they are turning their backs on the finished work of the crucified Christ, which has been clearly portrayed and preached to them.
• It was Christ who commanded that His disciples go into all
the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).
• It was Christ who commanded that His disciples go
and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…
(study Matthew 28:19).
• It was Christ who promised His presence with us (His disciples) even to the end of the age (v. 20).
• It was Christ who promised that we (His disciples) shall receive power [supernatural power] when the Holy Spirit has come upon you [us]; and you shall be witnesses of Me in Jerusalem [your family], and in all Judea and Samaria [your community and other areas of influence which incorporates all races and ethnicity] and to the end of the earth
(see Acts 1:8). Brackets are mine.
I realize that some of the truths of God’s Word; which I will be discussing in this book will ruffle some feathers individually and corporately; however, those points will be authenticated with the Scriptures. Pray with me and let’s trust Christ for "grace and truth." Are you and your Church on purpose and mission today?
I have added a study guide at the end of each chapter; to help reinforce and stabilize your daily walk with God while applying these truths of God’s Word.
Jay R. Leach
Fayetteville, North Carolina
"For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast"
(Ephesians 2:8, 9).
Grace seems too good to be true! Why hasn’t this been taught to us before? This is the typical response from Christians who have attended many of the traditional churches for years when confronted with the truths of God’s Word concerning [grace], the finished work of Jesus Christ. It does seem too good to be true. But it is true! Liberty, freedom, joy, passion, hope and every spiritual and material blessing are produced by a true revelation of grace.
Unmerited Favor
Salvation is of the Lord
(Jonah 2:9), therefore salvation is by grace. And if by grace, then it is not by works
(Romans 11:6). Most of us are very familiar with the definition of grace as unmerited favor of God.
But through the truths of God’s Word, revealed as we read the account of Jesus’ suffering as foretold by the prophets and in the Psalms (and fulfilled in the Gospels) we realize that we can give only a limited definition of grace. In Titus 3:4, 5 we can define grace as the kindness and love of God our Savior toward humankind… . Not by works of righteousness which we have done.
In the Scriptures, grace is contrasted or set against the Law of Moses. Under the Law of Moses, God demanded righteousness from man; but under grace, God in Christ gives righteousness to man. John 1:17 says, "The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." Yes, Jesus Christ is grace—and becomes ours by faith.
The Most Powerful Message
The most powerful and liberating message ever given to the human race is the Gospel of grace. It is the foundation upon which the Christian’s redemption and life is established. This wonderful truth emphasizes what Christ did for us on the cross and what the Holy Spirit does in us in our daily lives. Keep these phrases in focus throughout your study of this book, (for us) and (in us).
The apostle Paul declares that we have become new creations in Christ, which has great implications for our lives. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he [or she] is a new creation; old things have passed away… . all things have become new… . That we [in our regenerated spirits] might become the righteousness of God in Him
(Study 2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Christ has taken our sins and given us His righteousness (v. 21). Notice what the apostle Peter has to say about it. He writes, "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust" (2 Peter 1:2-3). This describes our new legal position in Christ—how God sees and relates to us."
In Christ, all things have become new pertaining to our spirit. This includes:
• being fully accepted by God,