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Once a Girl, Now a Woman
Once a Girl, Now a Woman
Once a Girl, Now a Woman
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Once a Girl, Now a Woman

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About this ebook

Have you ever travelled down a road that has been little explored? Have you been driven to tears by feelings of isolation, by the feeling that you are somehow different? Do you hunger for truth? You are not alone.

It is no coincidence that youve found this book, that youve picked it up, or that youre reading it now. You are here at the exact moment you were always meant to be. It is time you came to understand the beat of your own heart, the music in your soul, the peace in your mind, and the healing abilities of your precious body temple.

In her deeply inspirational work, Once a Girl, Now a Woman, author Nicolle Rowe taps into the deepest recesses of her soul and brings forth the truth and the wisdom youve been craving. By sharing some of her most intimate moments of growth on her journey to an eternal self, Nikki has found the entrance of a path leading past the ego and to the soul that only you may tread.

You can experience a conscious awakening and gain an understanding of yourself that only you can discover.

Release dateJun 18, 2013
Once a Girl, Now a Woman

Nikki Rowe

Nikki Rowe is an Australian born Author, raised in Qld, a mother of a young boy and a unique story that hasn’t been walked by many. She is a published Author, Artist and CRPS warrior. Turning her pain into power through creation and giving meaning for the chaos.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Your words are poetry, inspirational by nature and give so much hope to the world. Thank you for your guiding insights into the loving spirit that nurtures the nurturer.

    "I don't think anyone is ever ready, but when someone makes you feel alive again, it's kind of worth the risk."

    So much good as come from your message. Much love to you and your family!

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Once a Girl, Now a Woman - Nikki Rowe

Copyright © 2013 Nikki Rowe

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ISBN: 978-1-4525-1040-8 (sc)

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Chapter 1 Recognise

Chapter 2 Understand

Chapter 3 Control

Chapter 4 Listen

Chapter 5 Cleanse

Chapter 6 Forgiveness

Chapter 7 Heal

Chapter 8 You and Yourself

Chapter 9 To the Future and Beyond

About the Author

To my love, my life my soul, my heart—Xavier,

my boisterous three-year-old.


Be yourself, understand yourself, accept yourself, and love yourself.

If you have picked up this book, it is no coincidence; you have come to find/create yourself.

This book is for all the beautiful souls in this world who have come to find themselves, create themselves, and live for themselves.

This is my journey, in which I am speaking my deepest thoughts and trusting that my readers will understand me.

If I can heal one soul through my words, then my job is done.

Peace. Love. Gratitude.



Without my son, Xavier, this book would never have been

completed. Most ask, How did you do it? I respond with, How could I not learn a new way of life with such a courageous little soul to live for?

Thank you to my beautiful mother; many of us say we have the best mothers in the world, and I am definitely among them. Throughout my darkest nights and gloomiest days, she has helped me, encouraged me, and inspired me to continue on my journey. This woman has seen the darkest of days and still knows how to smile contagiously. Having such an inspiring woman support and love me unconditionally has given me the strength I needed.

To my dad (Scoot), you are truly a blessing in our little family’s lives. Thank you for your unconditional support and love of life, with an added big thank-you to my father in heaven for sending such a beautiful soul to complete what you couldn’t.

Last but not least, my brother—thank you for helping me realise my true potential. You broke me and helped raise me, and for this, I will always love you. You are a blessing in my life. We have a brother–sister bond that will continue to grow throughout our entire lives. I’m so proud of you.

Jessica Thehu—if you have met this lady, hold on to her tight. She is a one of the most enchanting ladies I know. She is my best friend, my soul sister.

My cherished friends and family are true beauties, and I am blessed to have them as a part of my life. My ladies got me through my days and nights—filling my heart with laughter and love and helping me believe in myself when the darkest nights were filling my world.

I also thank the people I loved and lost; they will always hold a place

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