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Unrecognizer 2: The Sevouble Feature
Unrecognizer 2: The Sevouble Feature
Unrecognizer 2: The Sevouble Feature
Ebook473 pages5 hours

Unrecognizer 2: The Sevouble Feature

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About this ebook

Lucid psychosis and daydreams traumatic. You can smash the TV, but you can't smash the static." Torvi waits in a straitjacket at Yorubico Insane Asylum, all alone, chanting this, with nothing but an unsmashable barricaded TV set. Can't even change the channel, and the news does torment. He's living a trip, triple dog daring you to ride the waves of the static like electric wind and will he ever escape? Find out in this 7-part sequel, capturing a subvibe American spirit and molding a bizarre futuristic drugscape like clay. Mindblowing sci-fi! Crime in outer space! A wicked project that delves into like the reverse engineering of plot tangles! The de-criminalized drug Unrecognizer once again negates the symbolic.
Release dateJul 18, 2013
Unrecognizer 2: The Sevouble Feature

Rheo Palaeo

Brandon M Whittiker. He's an escapist daydreamer running wild on his own canvas of a futuristic science fiction action universe, all under the pen name of Rheo Palaeo. The plot he weaves is intricate, neat, and renegade rebel to the core. Will there be a sequel?

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    (Reviewed by Paul Lappen for the Kindle Book Review)This novel is set several hundred years from now, when Mankind has spread out throughout the galaxy.Nearly every political and sociological way of life, from anarchism to communism, has been tried somewhere. A series of wormholes, both natural and artificial, has aided Mankind's expansion. Earth is no longer the "center" of Mankind. Rumors start to spread of a new, and very powerful, drug called Unrecognizer.It temporarily disables the part of the brain that understands human speech, and the part that allows a person to speak. That's why it is also called Mute. A sort of cult has grown up around the drug. In some places, it is practically worshiped. A first-time user of the drug is called a "newborn." Of course, smuggling the drug can be very lucrative, and very dangerous, as one character discovers, the hard way.Another side effect of the drug is that it gives some people strong psychic and telekinetic powers, with little or no distance limit. Can the pro-Unrecognizer forces get past corrupt police and politicians on nearly every planet to spread the drug far and wide, and maybe bring about a new system of galaxy-wide government?This story easily gets four stars, maybe 4.5 stars. It has some interesting economic and political ideas, and it's also a good story. The reader won't go wrong with this one.(The Kindle Book Review received a free copy of this book for an independent, fair and honest review. We are not associated with the author or Amazon.)

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Unrecognizer 2 - Rheo Palaeo

2013 by Rheo Palaeo. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

Published by AuthorHouse 07/16/2013

ISBN: 978-1-4817-7737-7 (sc)

ISBN: 978-1-4817-7736-0 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2013912861

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Poetic Preamble/Preface/Phantasmagoria/Cradleclayed

INTRO: the Coin

RAW DATA: Characters and Stuff

PROLOGUE: Timeline


Alien Bible Doppelganger

Chapter 1:   Intro/Holy Fish!/And Lint

Chapter 2:   Pardoned and Compensated

Chapter 3:   Brikya

Chapter 4:   This Fuse

Chapter 5:   Leak/Control the Weather?

Chapter 6:   To Pilot the Ichthyo/Yawn

Chapter 7:   Grongite, Baby/8 Ball Early/Smoke Nausea

Chapter 8:   The Nora Cycle Spanner XVII/Come to Papa

Chapter 9:   Microwavable Chapters

Chapter 10:   Those Are Traps

Chapter 11:   Space Crime and Space Grime/Marker Theft

Chapter 12:   The Hydra Transport Arrives

Chapter 13:   Torvi, Back On Earth/Alien Bible Doppelganger/Alien Jesus

Chapter 14:   All Rats Did/Pondersome

Chapter 15:   Age of the Desk

Chapter 16:   Too Much Crime/Anti-Luxury Ghosts

Chapter 17:   You Need Arrest/Death Basic

Chapter 18:   Back to Torvi/Wormhole Baileya Multiradiata

Chapter 19:   The First Team Assembled/Orangish Tint

Chapter 20:   Laser Catalogs

Chapter 21:   Maelstrom

Chapter 22:   Arangu/Psychedelic Synagogue/

Halloween Colors

Chapter 23:   Safer Tho/Gigantesque

Chapter 24:   A Competitive Advantage/Capitalist Edge/Interdimensional Coke

Chapter 25:   Hiding Out Brewski/Umzuh

Chapter 26:   Amen to That

Chapter 27:   RFZ-5/Burbujas

Chapter 28:   Mojfyx’s Vow

Chapter 29:   Talking to Slag/Thregum

Chapter 30:   Zagronimus’ Feat

Chapter 31:   Yliru/The Lakra and the Yellow Winged Moth

Chapter 32:   Worth Planets/Buzz of Om

Chapter 33:   Piece of Cake, Bro

Chapter 34:   Blip Yes!/Exit Stage Left/Knuckles

Chapter 35:   Smash the Static/Glowering Dreg

Chapter 36:   Recognize That Face/Smooth Sailing

Chapter 37:   What Puzzles Me/Whatever

Chapter 38:   The Futuristic Bird/Lone Wolf

Chapter 39:   Coast On Thway

Chapter 40:   Hepta Finance Universal Bank

Chapter 41:   Broken Arcade/Billfolds Awful Thin

Chapter 42:   Coast On Dendro/Rayjra/Don’t Forget Amza

Chapter 43:   Catch-and-Release

Chapter 44:   Help Us!/57

Chapter 45:   Freeze, Sucker!

Chapter 46:   Where Torvi Went/Type 7 Omrentonites

Chapter 47:   Blurry Blue Lines/Process May Be

Chapter 48:   Medals of Silence/Limon Verde

Chapter 49:   Redeeming/You or I/Krol/Pale Blue Motorbike/Whatever Whatever/Slag’s Apartment

Chapter 50:   Tracking the Lightning Dove

Chapter 51:   One More Chapter/Stand Back!

Chapter 52:   Back to the Glow/Full


The Void Lock

Chapter 1:   The Lunacrious Elevator at Om Hra Kli

Chapter 2:   Yexo Nii Temple Building/VCR Rain/Fortnights

Chapter 3:   The Faskorm Facility Greenhouse/Vligdemn

Chapter 4:   Are You Chipped?/So, Yeah

Chapter 5:   News Report: Faskorm Burns

Chapter 6:   Turn That Off/Card Catalog

Chapter 7:   Zagronimus in Heck

Chapter 8:   Sleek Limo/Mysticism of the Mystic

Chapter 9:   Zimon K. Ridzarate/V9/Aquarium Goldfish

Chapter 10:   At Your Service, Boss/The Void Lock

Chapter 11:   Welcome, Welcome

Chapter 12:   Zimon’s Phone Call to Nalrumi

Chapter 13:   Unrecognizer Tears

Chapter 14:   Zagronimus Is Still Talking to Zayas/Scraggled Lightning Shock

Chapter 15:   Zimon and Blyr/Bones of the Dead Rat

Chapter 16:   Catching the News/Yuahu Ethfik Bridge

Chapter 17:   Nalrumi’s Workshop

Chapter 18:   The Void Lock/Zagronimus Met Slag

Chapter 19:   The Electro Plug Motel/Elsewhere

Chapter 20:   Germ Warfare/It Started With A Space Farm

Chapter 21:   Kody’s Palm/Exygwa

Chapter 22:   Police Radio/The Black Mylo Distancer/

Fru Zipt Taxi

Chapter 23:   Card Game with Grokker

Chapter 24:   Hiding Out/Meskja

Chapter 25:   Kody’s Stare

Chapter 26:   Whoa! You’re Pretty

Chapter 27:   Kody and Meskja Hit It Off/Third Person

Chapter 28:   Unrec Speakeasy

Chapter 29:   My Friends Would Hate This

Chapter 30:   Dead Ideas

Chapter 31:   Kody’s Coming With

Chapter 32:   Grij/Abused Limo Driver/the Nerve

Chapter 33:   Talking to Grij

Chapter 34:   Dropping Off Kody

Chapter 35:   Twirling Limo

Chapter 36:   Abducted/Who Are You?

Chapter 37:   Zayas Awakens

Chapter 38:   Zigfronskenator!?/Kody’s Fight

Chapter 39:   Aboard the Void Lock/the Demon Hyeto

Chapter 40:   The Lost Soul Ridzarate

Chapter 41:   Like a Blipping Stereo!??

Chapter 42:   The Very Last Door

Chapter 43:   Funeral of Zayas/Fazareth and

Aquesna/Ride Those Waves

Chapter 44:   Zagronimus Goes Rogue/Hyeto

Chapter 45:   Coast With Cash

Chapter 46:   Totally False/Beach House Somewhere

Chapter 47:   Like 20 Years Later… /Lemma Cried

Chapter 48:   Grokker Palace/Check It Out

Chapter 49:   Drack’s Nelo 1700/Woffee

Chapter 50:   Home in Blamp/Tapped Out

Chapter 51:   One More Chapter/Fyvem/

Gears Insane


the Psychic Roundup

Chapter 1:   Plymo/Zain

Chapter 2:   Fired/Very Lethal

Chapter 3:   Nonlethal Nerve Gas/Immediate Detention

Chapter 4:   Hyeto Defended His Temple

Chapter 5:   Psychic as a Spider Web Death

Chapter 6:   Levitating in the Transport/the Ghasta Wyke

Chapter 7:   Drack, Kody’s Adopted Son/Senator Crast

Chapter 8:   The Rheo Transformed

Chapter 9:   Risp, Thuz, and Hypso

Chapter 10:   Kody’s Map

Chapter 11:   Talking to Poztag/Dlagzmathered

Chapter 12:   Talking to Poztag


Luxurious Edition!

Chapter 1:   Who Do You Work For?

Chapter 2:   Red City Mute Mining Corporation

Chapter 3:   The Jolt of the Electrophico Wave

Chapter 4:   Rezenka

Chapter 5:   Mazzetti

Chapter 6:   Swake

Chapter 7:   Prison Bus Disappearance

Chapter 8:   Help From Coast/The Plant Zone Shifter

Chapter 9:   Kody Appears/Poker Night

Chapter 10:   Hiked Into Town

Chapter 11:   Thil Arrived

Chapter 12:   Reach for the Controls/Scenarious

Chapter 13:   Election Party

Chapter 14:   Space Traffic Head Commissioner/ROM vs RAM

Chapter 15:   Plantobius Saga/The TV Pukes, Yeah!/Goodnight

Super Ultra Version Additional Section

Flight Sweet Flight

Chapter 1:   Intro

Chapter 2:   Ogu and the Wired Prophets/

Frumjis Ligzeja Attack

Chapter 3:   Backstage After the Show

Chapter 4:   Talking to Nyf/R-3/Pril Speaks

Chapter 5:   The Flying Fish

Chapter 6:   Warning Speech/R-3 MBM

Chapter 7:   The Gathering of Friends/Scuba Gear Emporium/Dive


Chapter 1:   Ants’ Spiracles/Once Again

Chapter 2:   Fwha Skyscraper

Chapter 3:   At the Electric Helm/Hacker

Message/Zel’s Setup

Chapter 4:   Cash in a Briefcase/Red City Mining


Chapter 5:   The Last Second/The Yellow Winged

Moth/Scot Free

Chapter 6:   Unrealizer/Plud/Gunpoint

Chapter 7:   And Fast/The Gray Bats/Chase

Chapter 8:   Gate Close/Sick and Twisted Spin

Chapter 9:   Whik’s Tale/Grathe, Maintenance Tech

Chapter 10:   The Righteous Knees/Likely So/Kavion Cigarette

Chapter 11:   The All-Seeing Eye of Zel/

Learning Cadets/the 374

Chapter 12:   Lemma/Psychiatry Offices/

Talking to Khyon

Chapter 13:   Lur

Chapter 14:   Message From Lur/Unrecognizer Fleet

Chapter 15:   Escape/Nothing But Snow

Chapter 16:   The Blue Dice Casino Cruise Ship/

Welcome, Mek/Flip

Chapter 17:   Zif’s Place

Chapter 18:   The Tale/Sex

Chapter 19:   The Forming of a Ragtag Unrec Fleet/

The Nezyura

Chapter 20:   Thil Awoke/The Devil Kite/Wreckage Ablaze

Chapter 21:   The Plant Zone Shifter/Major Tom

Chapter 22:   4 Cubes of Yellow Mute/Dou’s Score

Chapter 23:   Scattered/Sunset/Unrecognizer

Fleet of Lur, Canyon, and Sera

Chapter 24:   Deo’s Point of View/Desymbolizer!!!!

Chapter 25:   Stay In Formation/Space,

Almighty Space!/Breakthrough

Chapter 26:   They Rifted There/Realm Street

Chapter 27:   The SS Blikko 3/Froze

Chapter 28:   Umjra’s Downfall/Mutiny Afoot/3?/Nevermind/Laundry

Chapter 29:   Brayk’s Point of View

Chapter 30:   The Planet’s Dirty Surface/

Blank Grand Immensity

Chapter 31:   Fell Into Place/the Blues

Chapter 32:   1967 Cadillac Eldorado

Chapter 33:   Yellow Mack Dump Truck/Nope

Chapter 34:   Unrealizer Stickers

Chapter 35:   Pay Phone/Hell On Rezenka

Chapter 36:   The Source of Brayk

Chapter 37:   the LFS


Tiznel Lived on Rezenka

Chapter 1:   Ice Cold

Chapter 2:   Ah, the Cold Hands of Death

Chapter 3:   Cold Hard Cash

Chapter 4:   Smyle

Chapter 5:   Hites

Chapter 6:   Cooperative Arrest

Chapter 7:   Until He Was Dead for the Rest of His Life

Chapter 8:   To Put an End to This Madness

Chapter 9:   The Undertaking

Chapter 10:   Loaded Into the Cold Black Hearse/

Speed It Along

About the Author

Poetic Preamble/Preface/Phantasmagoria/Cradleclayed

In the language of 1st Key Earth,

I, the ghost of Rheo Palaeo,

food for worms,

am an outer space future dead soul,

who used to own a bar called the Rheo,

retro beauty, fossilized joy,

in the City of Stro,

on the snowy Planet of Theen,

but who now interviews other dead characters

to write these non-fiction books,

and who, of course,

wants to dedicate them all,

every last chapter and page,

to classic classic

sweet sweet Classic Rock,

and to say,

welcome to the phantasmagoria,

yes, welcome…

to the phantasmagoria,

and how

the stars fill the sky,

but then they hide behind the Sun,

and how

aliens are more creative than us,

not with those ships with dull everything white and gray,

but with ships of bizarre-colored and even more bizarre-textured interiors,

and the aliens listened to Strange Brew by Cream,

Bru, the barkeep’s theme,

with looks of bewilderment sprashed across their purple orange faces

or whatever.

It was also I who compiled Unrecognizer,

the book with the red white and blue pyramids,

the book that included experiments

on the drug,

done by the military,

and pages and pages of experiences,

along with teaching and learning methods,

documented by generations of recreational users.

Unrecognizer the drug,

Unrecognizer, originated in America,

on Earth.

Tongues, another futuristic space drug…

I’ll take one now…

to show you what they do.

"Ukzedier, Life in Eternity.

Sky was ceiling.








And how come nobody came to my Unrecognizer book-signing? Maybe it was because I didn’t get to hold one.


But if you did… you interject.

It would go like this, I say.

Let me hit character.

I’ll be as narraty as…

Narrational, you insist.


You see me standing on a stage, going, Come one, come all, and a bunch of bull like that or whatever. The Magical Mystery Tour is dying to take you away, take you today.

Hey you, I point right at your nose. You wanna read? I ask.

Yes, yes, you nod. I want in, you say.

Well, you gotta pay first, I declare. Cash.

Look at this coin, you assert. Take a good gander. It looks like it came from a coral reef or something.

You say it like it’s a plus.

And not a minus.

Adds up, yo.

I feel ya.


That’s 2 in seconds flat.

Check it if you need to.

I stipulate that you pay cash, and here… I reply, you present to me… a coin from the Titanic. Easy call. Thumbs down. Then, I hold a thumbs up and shift it to down, right before your very eyes.

Well, you retort, I’m spending this blipper. ASAP. If not here, it’ll be elsewhere.

There’s an odd pause, as I contemplate your suggestion, that being the suggestion that you will take your money elsewheres. Both of us consider our options. You soon realize that your attitude is getting you nowhere.

Sir, can I please use this fine piece of currency to get into your book? you ask, more politely now. Does this not count as money?

Well, yes, my friend, it certainly does, I decide. Turn the pages at your own specified rate. Come on in.

I’ve calculated, down to the fractions of a cent, that this will not be yielding me a profit, but it will keep you off my back. Readers hassle narrators, as they funnel in like whiskey into a flask.

So, congrats.

You’re in.

:) smile like a Wal-Mart sticker on a white tile floor

Have a Nice Day.


Anyway, yo…

—put the jokers in the deck—

Come Sail Away, borrowed song track, courtesy of Styx. So I’ll be referencing classic rock throughout these pages. Why? Because I want to. It’s perfectly legal, from my understanding, so long as I don’t start typing the lyrics and stuff. Or something like that.

But right now, during that piano intro, Kody boots up the 374. The console comes to life, humming with energy. Rising in pitch, vvvvvvvvvv…

Kody feels us watching ’em.

‘What’s the big idea?’ he thinks.

This, Kody. This.

Might want to hang onto that one.

That’s straight from the Answer Key.



Noik—sent by Smyle to bust up Hites’ tattoo parlor

Smyle—Hites’ business enemy

Gokter—a white whiskered wit

Tiznel—a hearse driver on Rezenka

Mass Transit Route 6—a Rezenka highway

Plo—an Unrecognizer dealer in the City Frank on Rezenka

Rezenka—planet owned by a man named Rezenka, kept with all the technology and style of the Earth in the 1980s

Azaz—Desymbolizer thug

Xeru—Desymbolizer dealer

Jeol—Desymbolizer agent

Hup—Desymbolizer agent

the Riskmath Satellite—a spy satellite

Yoxni—Surface Captain in Hepta Ground Station

Plisko—Surface Cadet on Hepta

Scathra—a Desymbolizer distributor amongst other things

the Bone Dragon—Scathra’s ship

Loio—chick pilot of the Nora Cycle Spanner XVII

the Vortex Souls of Stro—the first supergang in Stro history

the Soul Rift—a club, a place where all the Stro gangsters would meet

Torvi—leader of the Deadest of Anvils

Umjra—leader of the Righteous Knees

The Righteous Knees—Stro gang, Kings of Unrecognizer Turf

Maztha—one of Lieutenant Rewakt’s B-League Fighter Pilots

Hisska—one of Ifron’s A-League Fighter Pilots

Lur, Canyon, and Sera—recruiters for the Zayas Enterprise Unrecognizer Fleet

Major Tom—an arcade at a laundromat in Stro

Brayk—a Mute distributor during the Dry Spell

Dou—an Unrealizer dealer

the Devil Kite—Deo’s ship

Rewakt—one of Ifron’s grey uniformed Lieutenants

Zif—the man who lived upstairs from the bar called Heck

Samos—a stranger in the bar

Tenri—barkeep at the Hepta City bar called Heck

Lur—one of Zayas’ representatives

Zagnik—a laser company

Khyon—ran Unrecognizer speakeasies in the Fwha Skyscraper

Magnis, Noyz, Grathe, and Whik—crew of the Syktralia

Vlig, Uklo, and Nirr—the Gray Bats

the Gray Bats—Unrecognizer gangsters in Stro with snowmobiles

Koshrum—an Unrealizer user in Stro

Mek—a schizophrenic in Stro, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a soft flowing beard

Jrolie—just some old fogey who ran a shady warehouse in the old part of Stro

Zuk and Fog—Plud’s crew

the SS Rhipp—Plud’s ship, used for shipping Mute

Plat, Kliv, and Faura—psychics fleeing the holocaust

Senk—a psychic fleeing the holocaust

Adyolak—planet of swamp mines

Encephalo drones—automatic police fighter vehicles

Helum—crooked cop

Troia—crooked cop

Othlik—guard at the front security desk of the Fwha Skyscraper

the Plant Zone Shifter—Plantobius’ ship

Ogu and the Wired Prophets—rock band on Pril

Ogu—the lead singer and songwriter for Ogu and the Wired Prophets

Roff—one of the Wired Prophets; writes killer hellacious guitar riffs

Thyznik—their bass player

Jiyo—the Wired Prophets’ chick drummer

Gloik—their keyboard player

Nyf—representative for Plow Blade Records

Busk—city on Pril


Vuktu—planet with an outlandish orbit

Frumjis—Unrecognizer Company goon

Ligzeja—plant creature from Planet Trippethi

Scuppy—operated the Flying Fish

Nuz—Rezenka hobo

Jorak, Thred, and Mara—Rezenka Skrone County tent-dwellers

the Hunjinite Demons—a book that Zagronimus was in the process of writing when he was possessed

the Airship SS Anvil Cloud—Rezenka’s official government airship

the Rheo—my old Classic Rock themed bar in Stro

Deng and Dag—thugs for the Unrecognizer Company

Ilzio—a lower level drug-dealer on Planet Enx.

Thadeus—pilot of the White Rat fighter vehicle, stationed on the Yagro Zer 24 supership freighter

Deo—rogue spy hacker

Oja—community leader on RFZ-5, home to the philosopher utopia island chain

Ralu—works at Hites’ tattoo parlor, Ye Olde Mappe Parlour

Hites—runs a tattoo parlor on Rathia Trading Station; is a computer savvy friend to Torvi

Rathia Trading Station—a trading station in space

Jilop’s Standard Inventory—outer space pawn shop

Fyvem—dumptruck driver in the Black Goggle Mines

Drack—racecar driver

Aquesna—Zayas’ daughter

Fazareth (Fazzy)—Zayas’ son

the Red Icthyo 374—Kody’s hydrogen gill ship

the Stro Police Headquarters, 13th Precinct—the headquarters of the police dealing with happenings in the vicinity of the Electro Plug Motel

Mute—drug that prevents speaking or understanding auditory language stimuli; it also makes some more psychic

Unrecognizer—drug that makes one feel innocent and new, forgetting what things are called and what they are for

Pyne Brugnis and Lismuth Fripson—mercenary spies for the Unrecognizer Company

the Cigar Convention—an event touring Hepta City

Grij—abused limo driver

Hipsky—bar tender at the Electro Plug Motel bar, an old Unrecognizer speakeasy

Grokker—works for Zayas

Miss Nasilia Wur Rumabi—a psychic advertising in the classifieds

Stro News—a newspaper in Stro

Doctor Faskorm—CEO of the Faskorm Lab Company

the Electro Plug Motel—a motel in Stro

Fru Zipt Taxi—Fru’s business

Fru Zipt—taxi driver in Stro

Caught Somewhere in Time—Iron Maiden track to go with this list

Nalya Soe—a stripper and prostitute on the Blue Dice Casino Cruise Ship

Robner Space Ships Servicing and Repair Shop—a shop in Stro

Xolo’s Space Products Emporium—shop robbed by Zimon, Thil, and Blyr before Thil took off alone with her own new ship, the S.S. Blikko

Nalrumi’s Workshop—a secluded complex in the green tree forest on Psoi Jun Vwi

Yuahu Ethfik Bridge—a bridge in Stro where Zimon and Blyr murdered Vyon and Lawk

the Glow—a bar/diner in Stro

the Police Force of Stro, 13th Precinct—precinct of the Glow

Kifoe—the planet where is located the Faskorm facility

Frombis—a good friend of Slag’s who was eaten up by a dog on the day that they unveiled the TOH

Nalrumi—a crooked locksmith with a workshop on Planet Psoi Jun Vwi

Universal Space Credits—the Universe standard currency, spendable just about anywhere

the Void Lock—a high-security armored space transport owned by Zayas Enterprise, the tip of the submerged iceberg of the vast crime syndicate

V7—a grandeur trip drug

Holy Blip Space!!—futuristic exclamatory

the Heptarian Psychic Police Force—organization founded and headed by the first famous and powerful ultra-psychic Zagronimus

Norua—Zayas’ officially sanctioned and professionally trained cigar rolling specialist

the Anti-Drug Mafia—an anti-drug vigilante political group

Meskja—member of the crew of the BMD

Frayo—the Captain of the Black Mylo Distancer

Clora—member of the Anti-Drug Mafia and the crew of the Black Mylo Distancer

Heck—bar in Hepta City with red neons that say Hellfire Society of Heck

Tongues—makes you snilent, far from silent, and staircase spiralant

Yariliachbidium Chosphate—a poison gas, requiring gas masks, breathed by the plants in the Faskorm Facility Greenhouse

Dajisk—member of the Anti-Drug Mafia

the Black Mylo Distancer—an Anti-Drug Mafia cell’s ship

The Faskorm Facility Greenhouse—a greenhouse where plants used to make Omrentonites are grown

Lujinia—technician in the Faskorm labs

you archaic Suns of Glitches—a curse uttered by Zagronimus

The old Ultimate States on Earth—the United States of America, expanded to include much of Central America, the more populated parts of Canada, and random patches of Africa cut into square-shaped territories, sliced like cake

Yexo Nii Temple—secret psychedelic temple built by Zag on the planet Yexo Nii

Zayas Enterprise—the main tier of the gargantuan crime syndicate

Viz, Yobrin, and Klee—Torvi’s old Earth friends; Klee is Torvi’s ex-girlfriend

Frimka, Thrimka, Pezra, Zerma, Zalfina, Turnok, Codel, Poula, Delthrasbic, and Peyerplo—the 10 gods of the Unrecognizer god-scape, seen on totem poles Universe-wide

Phoebe—chick that deals Omrentonites, V7, and Tongues, in the City of Stro

Hyra—the cat Coast picks up at Rayjra’s

Gumyranik—a Dendro psychic

Yijera—a Thuzkil girl

the Thuzkil—a bar in Thuzkil City

Thuzkil City—a city on Dendro

Hunjinite—an extremely rare and valuable mined material used by the Hepta Finance Universal Bank to back their currency

Hepta Finance Universal Bank—largest bank ever constructed, in Hepta City

the Onyx—the Orbit-to-Ground transport that comes with the Nora Cycle Spanner XVII

Thway—location planet of the Mute de-compaction facility and a Psychic Station/Base

the Lightning Dove—Tuuth’s expensive ship

Yorubico Insane Asylum—an asylum on Tsylon in Jikma Desert City

Lorenzo J. Lazarus—the Orbit-to-Ground transport purchased for the Red Ichthyo 374

Rayjra—hacker that lives on Dendro

Great Synagogue of Arangu—a trippy place with a psychedelic altar

Rugo, Shuya, and Gyth—community leaders on RFZ-5

the Wind Scorpion—Zimon’s pirate ship

the Unrecognizer Van—van stolen by Zimon, re-done with Unrecognizer symbol theme

Lyo and Lysi—dual moons of planet Coela

Thregum—in shipping, uses Unrecognizer

the ‘Heptarian fly-trap’—a plant that eats birds and lives on the elevator at Mr. Floyd Zayas’ space station business complex

Yliru—girl on RFZ-5

RFZ-5—beach island philosopher utopia

Airga, Slev, and Thorma—repair crew called to repair the messenger satellite at the Wormhole Baileya Multiradiata

Brinthoi—a random planet with weird like carrot trees

Demon Mute—an upgraded version of Mute

Krothy—clerk in an outer space pawn shop

the Ptero—a private but very militaristic super freighter, mass Unrecognizer smugglers

Warf City—a factory town in Hepta’s 4th Desert Plain

Arangu—planet in the Fourth Shipping Route where they keep Krol’s Alien Bible Doppelganger

Wormhole Baileya Multiradiata—wormhole somewhere between Hepta and Theen

Amza—a lower level police officer

Mojfyx—a new police recruit

Langren—the leading psychic who worked in Hepta City with the Forsa team

Urmtha—the leading psychic who worked in Hepta City with the Mhijhalil team

Blasphero—a red liquid, awareness-heightening when drank

Plud—Slag’s friend that used Mute all the time

The Lost Mines of Sorrow’s Breath Star Chain—a chain of stars, heavily mined

Puntz, Ropp, Zagronimus, and Rethi—psychics from the Forsa, working in Hepta City

Pid, Huk, Finc, Zumb, Trin, and Thrik—psychics from the Mhijhalil, working in Hepta City

Fou, Shor, Yud, Lee, and Briv—psychics from the Nezyura, arrived to Hepta on the Hydra, boarded a passenger train to Blamp

the Glow—a bar and diner on the edge of a warehouse grid in the city of Stro

Srala—barkeep at the Glow

Jri—waiter at the Glow

Frenj—dishwasher at the Glow

the Nora Cycle Spanner XVII—Kody’s grandfather’s ship

the Red Ichthyo 374—Kody’s freighter ship that carries one unit

Flipoc—the rat that lived on Kody’s ship

Mru—a secretary at the Wradbell Laser Guns and Weapons Franchise headquarters office

Skoch—playing pool on the Blue Dice Casino Cruise Ship, connected in deep with stock in the Red City Mute Mining Corporation (practically owns the company)

Thyno—playing pool with Tuuth, a freighter for Skoch’s company

Omrentonites—in some forms, it is a fine blue putty that, when chewed, makes everything appear flat like paper

Fhi’s Drug Dogs—a TOH psychic anti-corruption team, working with the military police

the Blue Dice Casino Cruise Ship—an outer space casino cruise ship

Krol—distributor for Wradbell

Tuuth—laser salesman

Wradbell Laser Guns and Weapons Franchise—a franchise employing Tuuth the salesman and Krol the distributor.

Jibi—didn’t take the job of piloting the Red Ichthyo 374

Universal Court System—the highest court system in man’s known Universe, located on the planet of Hepta

BLAK-SPAN Shipping—the company Coast Barrd owned and ran

Xio Drem Mining Company—the company that Balan Pordem was indebted to

Grandfather Balan Pordem—Kody’s grandpa, pilot of the Nora Cycle Spanner XVII

Stro—the only city on the snowy planet of Theen

the Punk Anvil Cloud—a hangout bar in the City of Blamp

Torvi—an Unrecognizer user who has his own ship, the Vaster Jay Seven

Nyle—a psychic of the TOH in Blamp

Brikya—quick to join the TOH, Telepathic Organization of Humans

Thoke Ale—multi-sourced brand of beer, company headquarters in Hepta City

Zew, Quazi, and Thiski—a whole line of grouchy bastards at the bar Thine Ale House

the PAF, funded by Heptarian taxes, the Psychic Art Force

the CM, Conglomerate of Minds—they share one mind, are able to see through each other’s eyes, and they can even view one another’s memories

the Psychic Spy Group, PSG

Futhra Kott—works for the ESPC, Extra Sensory Perception Company

Thastanipka Chopser—barkeeper at Thine Ale House in Blamp

the Sky Spiller Saloon—a western-style bar & grill

Tuuth—works for Wradbell Laser Guns and Weapons Franchise

Ocean Life Force VI, Stormcloud XIV, and Waterhead III—Dolphin Lords joke

Rheo Palaeo—narrator, cradleclayed

Kody Pordem—space trucker, based out of the City of Blamp on the Planet of Hepta

Coast Barrd—cargo trip booker and the man of BLAK-SPAN Shipping Headquarters, from Blamp

Fhi—humanlike alien, psychic hacker

Zel—humanlike alien rabbit-eared chick/Fhi’s girlfriend/computer programming genius. Runs the Mute de-compaction facility on Thway

Zimon—Captain of the Wind Scorpion

Lemma—Zimon’s girlfriend, of high power in Zimon’s Earth Unrecognizer Pad Empire

Thil—other chick, member of Zimon’s crew

Blyr—newest crew member of the Wind Scorpion, bunked above Ula

Ula—member of Zimon’s crew on the Wind Scorpion, based out of Zimon’s Earth Unrecognizer Pad Empire

Slag—Unrecognizer dealer in City of Blamp. Planet Hepta. Doesn’t own a ship

Zagronimus—key member of the Forsa Team in Hepta City. Planet Hepta

Rabxer Ridzarate—son of Zimon and Ula (Ula was pregnant when she drugged and fled from Zimon and left Blyr in the van floating into space, pills floating past his windows)

Mr. Floyd Zayas—head honcho of the crime syndicate Zayas Enterprise and owner of the Unrecognizer Company

Bru—pilot of the Yangtze, barkeep at the Glow, a war veteran, and a good ghost with temporary telekinetic powers in the hours immediately following after his death



—2100s, Ultra Post-Modern Age

Around the same time as the invention of air-powered cars, Earth is finally united under one world government.

Space exploration is a multi-national corporate endeavor, done by mining companies, primarily interested in obtaining resources for use on Earth.

Around 2150, scientists discover a way to make use of natural wormholes to travel to more distant points in space. Mankind, as a result, discovers, for the first time, inhabitable alien planets, and they are within reach.

This heralds the dawning of a new Manifest Destiny, allowing the expansion of human life into space for reasons besides mining.

On Earth, overpopulation is relieved, and the planet continues to thrive as the central headquarters for orchestrating the expansion, through free market organization.

—2200s, the Experimental Phase

In a major scientific breakthrough, humans harness the power of the wormhole, intentionally creating one of their own. It is the historical apex of human innovation. Like the pyramids. Like the slam dunk.

The miniature stapler.

Or the automatic flush.

It was the nuclear bomb. It was the blipping green arrow traffic light installment. Just like Sputnik even. In fact, it was more like that than anything. Ignited its own space race and everything.

Anyway, man-made wormholes allow travel to more livable Earth-like planets than before. Access to these planets allows for everything to be tried. It’s an age of societal experimentation. Non-sentient life sustaining planets turn out to be quite common in outer space, which is perfect for humans.

All forms of economic and governing structure have their fair shot at a planet’s operation. They try communism, mutualism, technocracy, and varied rural lifestyles. Even a zeitgeist or two, whatever the blip that is, if that means anything to you. Weaponless anarchic utopias spread like weeds, green and busting through the cracks, in betwixt of the bricks, like Happy Halloween, we’re weeds. They’re ruled by overpowering mob

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