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Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church
Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church
Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church

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About this ebook

God is continually speaking and revealing certain key truths and phrases of revelation, and whether we are new believers or ministry leaders, the language of revelation and truth can empower us to become part of Gods restoration. But first we must understand this language.

The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church is a necessary tool for all who desire to be part of Gods present-day apostolic and prophetic movement. With over five hundred well-researched, comprehensive entries, it offers an insightful way to learn about the revelations needed for the body of Christ to fully embrace the model of the church seen in the book of Acts.

Learn phrases and words central to the language of revelation:

Transfer of wealth, seven mountain kingdoms, anointing, impartation, activation, signs and wonders, prophets in the marketplace, Elijah company of prophets, apostolic covering, Joshua assignment, and much, much more.

Also unlock vital words of the Bible in these fields:

Eschatology: Armageddon, rapture, end times, millennial kingdom, Antichrist, and great tribulation.
Apostolic terms: deliverance, healing, apostolic order, commissioning, and ordination.
Prophetic terms: open doors, Gods timing, Gods release, prophetic warfare, and prophetic praise.
Movements: apostolic and prophetic movement, kings and priests movement, saints movement, glory movement, new wine movement, and kingdom now movement.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: special faith, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecy, and discerning of spirits.
Works of the Holy Spirit: demonstration of power, power evangelism, holy laughter, and slain in the spirit.
Key Hebrew and Greek terms: parakletos, sozo, kabod, hoius, tecknon, and apokulupsis.
Common but misunderstood terms: grace, salvation, calling, and deliverance.

The Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary is needed for todays church, and it promises to be unique, relevant, and full of revelation.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 17, 2013
Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary: Language of the End-Time Church

Abraham S Rajah

Abraham S Rajah has been called to father and pioneer the kings and priests movement, which focuses on identifying and raising those called into the fivefold ministry and marketplace. He has been graced to walk in the office of apostle, prophet, and teacher, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit confirming his blessing. He was born and raised as a Muslim until he had an encounter with Jesus Christ, and he was a lawyer before the Lord called him full time to the church. He lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, with his wife and three kids.

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    Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary - Abraham S Rajah

    Copyright © 2013 Abraham S Rajah.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/12/2013


    Words Of Thanks/Acknowledgements


    Author’s Note

    -A-    Abraham’s Blessings To Authority

    -B-    Babylon System To Breakthrough

    -C-    Calling To Crucifying The Flesh

    -D-    Day Of The Lord To Dunamis

    -E-    Edify/Edification To Extremes

    -F-    Faith To Fruit Of The Spirit

    -G-    General Will Of God To Great Tribulation

    -H-    Hallelujah To Honouring The Mantle

    -I-    I Am That I Am To Interpretation Of Tongues

    -J-    Jehovah-Nissi To Justification

    -K-    Kindness To Kings And Priests

    -L-    Last Hours/Days To Love

    -M-    Magic/Witchcraft/Sorcery To Movement

    -N-    Nabi To New Truths

    -O-    Occult To Orphan Spirit/Mindset

    -P-    Parakletos To Pursuing Holiness

    -R-    Rapture To Running With The Word

    -S-    Sacrificial Giving To Supernatural Boldness

    -T-    Tear Programme To Types Of Prophets

    -U-    Unbelief To Utterance Gifts

    -V-    Vision To Visitation

    -W-    Waiting On God To Worship

    -Y-    Yielding To The Holy Spirit

    -Z-    Zion To Zoe


    About The Author

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    by Abraham S. Rajah

    Apostolic & Prophetic Handbook Series (the God Wants You To … Series):

    Vol. 1   Prophetic Handbook: God Wants You to Prophesy: (5 Steps to Get You Prophesying)

    Vol. 2   Deliverance Handbook: God Wants You to Cast out Demons and Live Demon-Free

    Vol. 3   Healing Handbook: God Wants You to Heal the Sick and Live in Healing

    Vol. 4   Prosperity Handbook: God Wants You to Prosper and Prosper Others

    Vol. 5   Signs and Wonders Handbook: God Wants You to Move in Signs and Wonders

    Training by Equipping, Activating,

    and Releasing (TEAR Programme) Series

    Vol. 1   Believers Handbook

    Vol. 2   Leaders Handbook

    Vol. 3   Ministers Handbook

    To God and His end-time army of kings and priests.

    To the fathers and mothers in the faith who have pioneered movements and stood against traditions and norms. You brought us what is fresh and cutting edge as you heard from the Holy Spirit, and this work was made possible by your courage. You are the men and women of God that have brought the words in this book to life.

    To my three soldiers, Abigail, Elijah, and Zion Abraham.


    I am grateful to my wife for her support and encouragement and for her assistance in the word processing and proofreading of the manuscript.

    To my three little soldiers, who often bore the sacrifice of my long hours spent writing, I salute you.

    To my editing team, apostle Motumi Motseari and Rodney Reddy, your efforts are a large contributing factor to this piece of work.

    To the army of kings and priests that God is raising all over the world, I say only this: Arise, for His return is near.

    I release this into your hands with the prayer that God will use you and that your purpose in life will be seen to impact others.

    Abraham S. Rajah

    Sandton, Gauteng,

    South Africa


    What do you get when you combine the most relevant truths in the church today with easy-to-understand explanations? You get the dictionary you are now holding – the Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary. Based on scriptural foundations, its purpose is to provide essential biblical truths that will empower even the most beginning believer to a higher dimension of the Holy Spirit’s revelation.

    The Church of Jesus Christ is rising with a different type of people; these are the people that hear God and His voice, and they are speaking a different language, the language of revelation and truth.

    God, who cannot be expressed in human words, has spoken and is still speaking, revealing certain key truths and phrases of revelation. Using extensive research methods featuring the language of apostolic and prophetic pioneers from around the world, this dictionary promises to be fresh and cutting edge.

    In this dictionary you will find a glossary of vocabulary and terminology that every believer, who desires to be part of the apostolic and prophetic people and restoration, must come to know. God is raising up these people in these last days.

    These terms will commonly be used in the final move of the Holy Spirit as we prepare for the coming of our King. This final move is the apostolic and prophetic movement, or restoration, to be seen and manifested through the kings and priests of God.

    The key to the Apostolic & Prophetic Dictionary is its combination of simplicity and depth. For example, although some of the words and phrases have been explained from the Greek or Hebrew (because I believe it gives a richer meaning), this has been done carefully so as not to overwhelm the reader with too much information, as is often the style of an exhaustive concordance such as Strong’s.



    Some of the entries in the dictionary follow the word ‘see’ where the definition should be given. This highlights that they have been explained under the word or phrase mentioned after the ‘see’. For example,

    Spiritual Gifts: See Gifts of the Spirit

    Another handy feature is the insertion of ‘see also’, which appears at the end of some explanations. This is an indispensable connection of interrelated words or phrases which has been developed for the reader or researcher to obtain a richer meaning or deeper understanding.

    Words that appear bolded within the body of one explanation highlight that the word or phrase has been explained in the dictionary either on its own or within the body of another definition. It also highlights that the reader is encouraged to take a look.

    The Scriptures explaining the phrase or words have been put either in the middle of the text (if directly) or at the end (if generally relevant). It is the responsibility of the researcher to search the Word for a deeper revelation and understanding of the word or phrase.

    The language choice is that of the UK and South African English. Hence, some spelling may differ. For example: honor – honour; favor – favour; checks – cheques. My American and other differing English-style readers, please take note of this.

    It is worth noting that although some of the words in this dictionary apply in the context of the Bible and the secular world, I have chosen to confine them mainly within the context of the Word or kingdom of God.

    It is also worth noting that I have used creative license and have chosen to write ‘satan’ without a capital S in the text (some entries require capitalization, but not when I’m referring directly to satan). This is because I do not deem him worthy of such an honour.


    Abraham’s Blessings refers to the type of blessings God gave Abraham, especially the ones mentioned in Deut. 28: 1–13. This blessing is the empowerment or anointing given to Abraham and eventually to all believers to prosper in every area of their lives. All believers are the seeds of Abraham, which means when someone becomes born again, he or she is taken by God as the descendant or offspring of Abraham and is worthy of all the promises God gave to Abraham and his seed (Gal. 3: 8, 15, 29). The blessing is stronger and more powerful than any curse. Believers must meditate on this truth and speak it into every area of their lives. Abraham’s blessing is part of the blessing of the Lord, which is ‘the empowerment to bring back all that God had given to believer shad and lost in the garden of Eden’ (Gen. 1: 26–31).

    The opposite of the blessing is the curse of the law, and this is ‘the empowerment to fail and to be cursed in every area of life’. The curse brings with it poverty, lack, sickness, defeat, fear, etc. All those who have become born again have been spiritually released or redeemed from the curse of the law. This means Jesus has fulfilled all the requirements of the laws of God against mankind. However, this reality must be brought into the natural by faith and the Word (Gen. 1: 26–31, 28: 4; Deut. 28; Prov. 10: 22; Gal. 3: 13–14). See also Power to Prosper and Prosperity.

    Acting on the Word: See Acts/Actions of Faith.

    Activating the Supernatural: See Supernatural.

    Activation: This refers to the ‘act of triggering’ or ‘stirring up’ a gift or gifts within a believer in order for him or her to move in the grace of that gift or gifts. When activation is done, it releases the believer to move in that gift. Believers can be activated to speak in tongues, prophesy, operate in gifts of healing, deliverance, power to prosper, signs and wonders, etc. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit according to 1 Cor. 12: 4–11 and Rom. 12: 6–8, but they are activated by faith within the believer. Activation can come in several ways, such as by attending a service or conference where the gift is practiced, during a time of prayer or meditation,

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