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A Lay Preacher but Gods Word?: A Collection of Sermons & Notes on Life Changing Experiences Dating from 1994-2013
A Lay Preacher but Gods Word?: A Collection of Sermons & Notes on Life Changing Experiences Dating from 1994-2013
A Lay Preacher but Gods Word?: A Collection of Sermons & Notes on Life Changing Experiences Dating from 1994-2013
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A Lay Preacher but Gods Word?: A Collection of Sermons & Notes on Life Changing Experiences Dating from 1994-2013

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A Sinner was a 33 year old ordinary English working class man, content and happy with his family life. One day he curiously attends a Christian Fellowship in a local community centre. After many visits and much thought he eventually accepts Christ as his personal saviour. Two years later he finds he is given a preaching commitment. Here is his lay preachers notes of some 20 years, biblical expositions with historical and contemporary commentaries. It is a warts and all record, not only of serous scriptural sermons but also on church and personal life experiences some humorous some tragic. He is critical of much of established religion and the fact he reluctantly uses a pen name tells of his fears of the changing face of his country and shows his belief that much of its freedoms for Christians and free speech in general has been and is being lost.
He holds no theological exams or college training and does not qualify for what he describes as the hindrance of a dog collar, but believes in Gods Holy Spirit that has and does convict man if mans heart is willing to be open to Him. So are any or any part of these words Gods word? Thats for you with the Holy Spirit to decide.
Release dateFeb 18, 2013
A Lay Preacher but Gods Word?: A Collection of Sermons & Notes on Life Changing Experiences Dating from 1994-2013

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    A Lay Preacher but Gods Word? - A. Sinner

    © 2013 by A Sinner. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® and NIV® are registered trademarks of Biblica, Inc. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica US, Inc.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible—Public Domain.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/15/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-5141-6 (sc)

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    Table Of Contents

    Introduction And Acknowledgements

    A Christian Testimony 21/11/08

    My Ideas On How To Sermonise

    1 Do We Believers Act Differently? Nehemiah 5;14&15

    2 Can We Recognize The Lord’s Call? 1 Samuel 3;1-9

    3 Mans Wisdom Against Gods. Genesis 11;1-4

    4 Testimonies From The Bible. 2 Kings 5;9-16

    5 Relevant Scriptures For Today? Isaiah 55;23

    6 The Fall Into Sin, Hardship, But Faith! Genesis 3;17-19 & 22-24

    7 The Dangers And Reality Of An Existing Hell Job 33;8-22 & Mark 9;43-48

    8 Spiritual Warfare Psalm 23

    9 Nobody Can Hide From God Genesis 3;8-13

    10 Idols Judges 6;22-29

    11 1 Samuel 2;12-18 Eli’s Wicked Sons. Who Can Be Saved? Contempt, Conviction Of Sin And Repentance

    12 Struggling With God Genesis 32;22-32

    13 Taking Up Our Cross Mark 8;34-38

    14 Shepherds And False Shepherds Jeremiah 23;1-6

    15 Encouragement For Those That Have Never Seen-Us! Haggai 1;13,14

    16 God Forsaken Us? It Happened To Jesus! Psalm 22;1,2

    17 More Than A Christmas Story-His Return Isiah 7;13 & 14

    18 The Real Party To Come! Matthew 2;1-12

    19 The Christmas Story A Call To Be Part Of It. Luke 2;1-20

    20 A Call To Warn To Evangalise Ezekiel 33;1-4

    21 Nobody Can Fathom God Isaiah 40;28 And Ezekiel 1;4-28

    22 Witnessing & Tapping In To Gods Spirit Acts 9;3-9

    23 Are We Kept Apart For God? Judges 13;1-5

    24 A Step Of Faith, Are We Tested By God? Genesis 22;1,2 & 6-12

    25 Wandering In A Spiritual Desert Psalm 107

    26 Predestination And Foreknowledge. Choosing To Be Chosen John 15;16 & Matthew 20;16

    27 The Deceit Of Satan Genesis 3;12, 13

    28 Mans Righteousness Is Not Gods Righteousness! 7 Mark 16;15-17

    29 Trusting In God Not Man! Micah 7;1-10 & 16-20

    30 Repentance Genesis 4;1-8

    31 The Bread & Wine. Mans Tradition Or Gods Doctrine? John 6;26-69

    32 Where Is God In A World Of Hurt And Evil? Revelation 12;7-17

    33 Believers-Ordinary Folk With Faults And Failures. Mark 14; 31-51

    34 John 3;3-9 Born Again, How And Why?

    35 Noah’s Ark? God’s Ark! Genesis 6;11-22

    36 A Holy Gods Loving Character. God Is Love 1John 4;8 & Psalm 5

    37 Gods Love/Free Grace In Action. Luke15;11-32 The Prodigal Son

    38 Gods Love: Free Grace From Which We Have Been Saved. Ephesians 2;1-10

    39 Dangerous Doubt To Dangerous Disbelief. Exodus 32;1-10

    40 Natural Doubt To Glorious Saving Belief. Psalm 121

    41 Why Baptism? Gods Baptism! Matthew 3;11-17

    42 Sin, The Fall, Whats Wrong With The World?Hosea 4;1-19

    43 Understanding God? The Trinity! The Godhead! Colossians 2;1-9

    44 Perfection Exodus 20; 1-17 & Matthew 5; 17

    45 Beware Of Paganism 1 Kings 11; 1-6

    46 Home. Acts 7;52-60 & 8;1-4

    47 The Divinity Of Jesus Christ. Through His Miracles. Matthew 21;18-22

    48 Watch And Be Ready! Matthew 24;36-44

    49 Instructions For Life! Proverbs 1;1-33

    50 A Believer For Today? Daniel 1;1-9

    51 Demands (Wants & Needs). 2Corinthians 11;16-18 & 12;1-10

    52 The Cross. Psalm 22;16-18

    53 Saul, Are We Like Him? 1 Samuel 8;1-8

    54 Satan A Defeated Foe. Luke 4;1-17

    55 Final Judgement And Sentencing. Matthew 25;31-46

    56 Events. Revelation 5;1-7

    57 The One And Only True God. Genesis 14;17-24

    58 A Saving Gospel Not A Social Gospel! Galatians 1;9

    59 Gods Word & Book! 2 Timothy 3;16

    Dedicated to Jesus Christ the greatest ‘lay’ preacher of all time!

    Introduction and Acknowledgements

    I hope this book is not looked upon as an ego trip and I would be lying if I did not say any royalties from it would not be of any benefit to me, but the idea came about after I came across my old file marked ‘sermons’. I realised the amount of work that went into them could be used again and after all if we do hope and pray the Holy Spirit is in our notes when we as preachers preach from them, please God, the Holy Spirit is in these notes when read in book form. To help give hope and encouragement to all believers not just preachers. I also hope and pray especially, that it may help to open up the Holy Spirit into Jesus Christ’s saving grace to any non-believer that may read or browse this book, a book that is only meant to complement and point to His book The Holy Bible.

    Due to these notes holding some ‘criticisms’ of religion and as Islam is included, I have regretfully had to leave out or change the names of all churches, places and people including my own as author to protect churches, friends, family and me. This situation is a sad fact on modern UK governments that have created by letting aggressive and often volatile Islam have such a powerful hold on my country. I believe such a situation is a sign of the approach of the end times.

    I thank The Lord God… .

    for the main founding member of my first church Fellowship Elder Paul and his very genuine, enthusiastic and emotional preaching… .

    for older Elder ‘Storming’ Norman and his direct, sincere often fiery but honest preaching.

    for *Baptist Minister Arthur one of the founding Fellowship members, for his deep thought out preaching and his well organised way of creating preaching notes and delivering from them, which I have always tried to replicate…

    for the Pastor of my second church, a Free Grace Baptist (formally known as Strict and Particular Baptists, but now not so strict and not so particular, as I was accepted) not an ‘ordained’ Pastor or Minister, nor bible college educated, but a very scholarly and knowledgeable preacher but would only use the King James authorised version of the bible. He was a dedicated Pastor, husband and father to 4 children keeping family and a small congregation together, on part-time church wages, travelling some distance, to and fro from two chapels. Once he used to run not one, but two newspaper delivery rounds to help in his family income…

    for any authors, journalists, commentators, Christian or secular that I may have quoted from or touched on their work and have not mentioned them by name, this will be due to not remembering who they were or lost notes, please forgive me for my poor memory and insufficient record keeping…

    for the publishers, translators and commentators that have done Gods work for the King James Authorized Bible, New Geneva Study Bible, New International Version Bible and Good News Bible. I’ve used all these versions of the bible but mainly the New King James and NIV Bible.

    I also thank God for my loving wife, who patiently read all my badly written word processing, which came from me copying even worse my badly written often old hand ‘speaking’ notes, making it at times very difficult to put into the ‘reading’ word and difficult for her to proof read. I started rewriting my notes in 2008 and continued to put them together for a book, eventually a copy was ready to put to the publishers in early 2013. I hope and pray I have not left too many mistakes in mainly regarding scripture verse and chapter numbers, so please bear with me as we are all imperfect, lay preachers included, if not especially.

    However I thank God for the greatest teacher and perfect ‘lay’ preacher of all time my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

    * Arthur was the only bible college trained ‘ordained minister’ and Baptist preacher but was not a ‘minister’ at The Fellowship when I knew him as that church then leant more towards the ‘open’ Brethren tradition who rarely have ‘Pastors’ as such.

    For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord!

    2 Corinthians 4;5

    A Christian Testimony


    I was born in England London 1956, brought up Roman Catholic but had many criticisms and queries of its ‘religion’ from an early age, yet could see in my Mother and Father their personal relationship with Jesus.

    I left school with no qualifications apart from one in art, the art teacher put me forward to take it before my actual time, as I was leaving at 15 and he thought I was good enough to get a grade early which I did. Keeping any ‘art’ as strictly a hobby I found much work as a lad from working in the city as a messenger, to gardening and working for British rail as a labourer. Later in my life I worked as a taxi driver, self employed market trader, gardener and for the local council authority. Church? As a teenager I had more important things to think about, pubbing, clubbing and off to the footie to see Spurs my local football team.

    In fact Church just got to be a meeting place for a quick ‘mass’ on Sunday then off to the pub with the lads!

    At 19 after a year travelling including living in Australia, I returned to my home country found different work of all sorts for some years but settled with a job with the local Water Authority (now a company). I got involved in national politics on a local level with those that believed the great changes that were being introduced to our country should be radically halted.

    However, by the age of 24 after being engaged to a local girl, we got married. Resenting my home town which was changing drastically and to find housing I moved out of London to a small county town. In 1980 I found work with their local water Authority. Here my wife and I went on to have 4 children.

    Eventually at the age of 33 I turned my criticisms with Roman Catholicism to action and decided to leave my small connections with it. I had a problem however… . my children I had Christened, I wanted them brought up knowing something of Christianity so in 1990 I decided to send them to Sunday school at a community centre run by a local Christian fellowship.

    I found we were warmly welcomed even though I told them we are Catholic. I was pleased and surprised when given a bible to keep as my own, the first time ever, though I was given much religious instruction in my youth, especially by the Jesuits when at my secondary school back in London.

    I have so much to tell too much to write here, though to say when dropping off my kids I found myself staying for the services.

    It was not long when I started to feel convicted, not by the simple meetings, its prayers and hymns, moving that they were, but by the preaching (though I often found it uncomfortable listening), spoken by ordinary folk holding no title vicar or priest, and from a bible! Something which, in all my days in the Catholic church was a rarity. So much so I can’t remember it happening.

    You see though I held a very worldly life and was involved in many worldly things I did not believe I was a bad chap for I had more or less kept the law of the land (well not been caught breaking it).

    I had not murdered (though I believed with many of my political associates that certain individuals deserved death) I had not stolen (well only the occasional odd not needed small bits and pieces from work as others were doing).

    At these services I heard and read such scriptures that seem to point to me and me only… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Rom 3;23 but surely I also had done good things? . . . . all our righteous acts are like filthy rags . . . because of our sins Isaiah 64;6,7 but they must out weigh any bad I have done? Then God seemed to speak to me again from His word… It is by grace you are saved through faith not from yourself it is a gift of God—not by works so that no-man can boast. Eph 2;8,9.

    But I’ve always believed in God and Jesus then I knew that was not enough, so you believe in the one God. Good! Even the demons believe in that—and they shudder James 2;19. I needed to make a commitment put all my faith and nothing else in a saviour God, as one of the preachers one Sunday put it a God who clung to a cross for you personally, because of your sin and would have done so even if you were the only person on Earth, do you put faith in that God, for no other will do?

    I needed such a saviour to trust to put faith in, for I had been caught out, breaking not just mans law… but Gods perfect law! My so called ‘good works’ could never cancel them out. I did deserve death, eternal death!

    No sudden hallelujahs no flashing lights no visions just a slow but desperate realisation of needing a saviour!

    I went on in faith… baptised, Sunday school teaching, became a church deacon, holding a preaching commitment at my church and as a visiting preacher to others. Due to my service with the Territorial Army I then worked with the missionary organisation SASRA (Soldier and Airman’s Scripture Readers Association) amongst the military as a ‘scripture reader’ also with the outreach organisation Prison Fellowship.

    My atheist brother and wife found the Lord also after being confronted and challenged by my conversion, my then wife went on to do youth outreach for the Lord. My mother and fathers faith jolted to become even more personal with Christ when I literally brought the word of God into the family home. One of my sisters once annoyed at my witnessing went on to find her personal Saviour, then also her husband coming to the Lord.

    Over the years one of her then teenage sons went on to be baptised at their local Baptist church. What glory for the Lord!

    As for me now? Sadly my marriage of 23 years broken, the family home sold, my sons and daughters gone their own way in life. I thank God only one of my sons was damaged by self abuse, drugs, drink and violence. They know of the Lord, but as saviour?

    My worries concerns fears and frustrations about my country… . they are still with me and to me proven. Temptations still with me also, perhaps even more so of getting back fully into the world. However I have seen and still see the Lord with me in my mistakes helping me to cope with what at times I thought I couldn’t, work, money, family, home, anger and through the worst loneliness. Somewhat controversial to some, is I believe, the Lord is with me in a new loving relationship in my second marriage. I still take my salvation for granted, though I know I shouldn’t. However I can state that in my failings, that came to a head in 2005, my realization for the need to have faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for me and sinful mankind has never wavered. in fact it is as if its been confirmed! For God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God! Romans 5;21.



    Pray about what you believe the Lord has put in your mind. Pray before you read the scriptures and while you read them, pray before the service with the Elders, *pray with the service leader and the congregation about the sermon just before you start, if the custom (ask for it if not). *When I was not a Christian, seeing this happen was such a witness of integrity it really made me think and ‘worry’. These people really do want to know what God is saying to them.

    Pray constantly to the Lord for help with the sermon, what to put in of His and very importantly what to leave out of yours.

    2/ If you are only given 5minutes to speak then God has given you 5minutes to speak, keep to your given time.

    3/ Your sermon should hold plenty of quotes from Gods word, if possible a quote from scripture in each paragraph.

    4/ Your sermon should not be too long 25minutes, 35 minutes maximum.

    5/ Aim for your sermon to be 20minutes, good chance it will end up at 30. The very, very maximum is a 40minute sermon but I believe for nowadays that is too long.

    6/ If you have to use a lot of scripture to begin your sermon, then perhaps a church member should read it first, this maybe the custom anyway, (ask for it if not).

    7/ Speak a sermon not a bible study, or seminar type talk. Try and keep your sermon to a specific part of a chapter otherwise you could find there is too much to cover for a sermon. One subject one sermon, be wary of the traditional 3, 5 etc point sermons, that can come over as a school class lesson, be careful of drifting off your subject.

    8/ Practice at home especially if you are not used to public speaking, preferably when no ones about (can be a bit hard on your family’s ears or the neighbours). In fact I believe a good public or professional speaker certainly does not make a good preacher.

    9/ Dont worry too much on getting the ‘absolute’ correct pronunciation regarding ancient biblical words etc. However make sure your pronunciation is not too far off to be too laughable. Check with more experienced colleagues if need be, they will understand. I always found it hard enough trying to speak my native tongue of English let alone ancient Hebrew.

    10/ If you believe God wants you to talk longer on a subject, still keep to the given time. Ask the Elders if you can come back to finish (perhaps the evening service if they haven’t had too much of you by then). Be careful of this as it may not be God wanting you to do this but your vanity.

    11/ I believe a sermon should start and end in Gods word, His scripture.

    12/ Conclude with scripture if possible on Christ or at the very least a reference to Him.

    13/ Always mention Gods love even if your sermon is on judgement or hell.

    14/ I believe it is possible in most sermons to give a Gospel message (might be very short) to remind and to convict it does not have to be at the end!

    15/ Never be deliberately controversial.*Looking back at my notes I realise to some much of my sermon notes will be!

    16/ Never be controversial with scripture.

    17/ If you believe God is telling you that certain scripture means something, but it is not biblically clear eg was King Saul saved?’ You must state this is my view (see no 15&16) but think, is it necessary to mention your view?

    18/ Use references from other more learned and experienced preachers and bible scholars, but true Christians. Beware of any ‘new age’ thinking.

    19/ Use all types of references if need be, contemporary and historical eg newspapers, the web etc. But always keep to scripture as the main source.

    20/ Remember firstly Scripture, Scripture and Scripture… Not other peoples words, not your word but Gods!

    21/ I am not against true Christian theology exam certificates, though I have none. Do attend any preaching courses seminars etc. But have discernment that the college, church or organisation that offers such training is sound in doctrine and scripture. I believe our God is a God of discipline and structure!

    22/ Do not rely on new technology, modern gadgets, from *trendy mics to overheads and computers. Rely on God, your bible and notes (if needed) and a loud clear voice (not shouty) is what is always needed! *Apparently once a new personal mic receiver was so sensitive it picked up my fidgeting, see no23 below.

    23/ Do not use or be very careful of using in your sermon, jokes and especially gimmicks, props, dramatisations *fidgety or odd behaviour deliberate or not. Remember it is Gods Word you are trying to portray so you should be reverent. * I was jangling my keys in my pocket as I spoke, but didn’t realise.

    24/ Remember we are not professional speakers so don’t pretend to be, above all be clear and sincere to yourself to the congregation and especially to God. I believe that is Gods way of using us to give His word! I also believe one of the great mistakes in churches especially in the new modern fellowships often middleclass leadership straight away places a professional speaker eg teacher, manager in a preaching (and often leadership) position and yet a teacher or professional speaker does not automatically make a preacher (or a church leader).

    25/ Do not use the pulpit to sell Christian books, magazines cds bible studies etc Do not use the pulpit for your own political views. * I realised when rewriting my notes I often criticised the liberal/left, perhaps so, but as this ‘modern thinking’ is in all the establishment I didn’t need to quote political party names.

    26/ Do dress smartish, not showy, but not scruffy, you may need to put on that tie! Do not offend any in the congregation by the way you are dressed and remember it is Gods word you are publicly reading and talking about.

    27/ Remember we are only human (and fallen), I would like to say I’ve kept to all my points above in my preaching but I haven’t. What’s that you reckon we only let in about 10% of the Holy Spirit when preaching? Sometimes I believe its only 1%! Donald Green. (now in glory) old friend, church deacon a man of Gods wisdom and discernment. But that 1% can be very powerful… .

    . . . they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on them! Acts2;1-3.

    *My speaking experience is mainly with small church congregations and fellowships, however from such, the membership can be very critical and it is well known on occasions a preacher will be stopped while in full flow in front of the congregation by the Eldership if somebody they believe is touching on things heretical or not biblical.

    This had happened at my church by a irate Elder, though thank God not when I was preaching. So far, thank God, the worst I’ve so far experienced is the dreaded mobile phone going off, especially when nobody at first seemed to know who’s it was, I continued as if nothing was happening until the person switched it off. Mind you when I used to visit a village Chapel and forgot I had my phone with me and yes I was texted by someone during the sermon, I responded by switching it off of course and apologising to the preacher and membership out load, then and there.

    Since then I never bring my phone to a church meeting, if I have by accident I leave the meeting and switch it off as soon as possible.

    It could of been worse once I was at a RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Service, during the 2 minutes silence for the remembrance of the war dead in front of me was an officer in full dress uniform, sword and all, standing to attention, then the dreaded mobile . . . I have never seen anybody move so quickly! I wonder what his commanding officer had to say later!

    The reader will find with much of my sermons notes a repeated message, often with important repeated scripture, of course a message that all preachers should repeat, regarding the need for all to find salvation with Christ, but mine also another, repeated warnings and information that I believe predicts this age especially now in England and the rest of the UK but also the Western World.

    Chapter 1

    Do We Believers Act Differently?

    Nehemiah 5;14&15

    W ho was Nehemiah? The records tell of a man involved deeply in ancient world politics. in amongst government sleaze. Involved in the corrupt Persian empire, the greatest world power of that time. A Jew and governor of Judah for the Persian Emperor.

    I looked into two different biblical references about him.

    One wrote of Nehemiah . . . . a man with a deep dependence in God and known to pray frequently over world issues. Do we have a deep dependence on God and pray to Him over our worldly issues? I know I’m not very disciplined with my prayer.

    The other recorded… Nehemiah lead a reaffirmation of faith and religious revival, which God used. Can God depend on us in this world, use us? I’m not sure I can say yes can you?

    Gods commission for Nehemiah was for him to work amongst the world that he was involved in and yet to return the Jewish exiles to Jerusalem and to rebuild the city walls to help secure Gods future plans.

    We all know as Christians our commission from God don’t we? . . . and Jesus said to them go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not will be condemned. Mark16;15,16.

    Our mission in this world is a very dangerous and a very serious one. Nehemiah made many enemies and had many problems.

    We are warned time and time again in scripture that our enemy will be the world. If the word of God repeats a certain message then we must look at it again and again.

    Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Col 3;2&3 . . . but are our minds set on things above?

    One of my aims in life was to get the then latest stereo telly. One day a store gave me the answer to acquire one. Interest free credit. I was convinced, so purchased the TV. Only when we went to pay the first instalment did I realise, interest free it might have been, but still too expensive and out of our budget. Our worries began, how were we going to find the money for it? Set your minds on things above not earthly things.

    When we are born again in Christ we ask the Holy Spirit to change us inside and we read scriptures saying we must be holy, but sadly we have difficulties and struggle with our sinful natures.

    The Lord does understand this but He wants to recognise us as being apart from the world… do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in Him. For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of the eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives for ever. 1John 2;15,16.

    Do we love the world too much? Are we too much in the world? Too deeply in it? Are we too comfortable with it as believers? Sometimes I know I am. If we are in a Christian organisation is it too involved in the world? If we are in a worldly organisation and I’m not stating we shouldn’t be, but then again should we? Does the Lord want us to be involved in it? Maybe He does? But maybe He doesn’t.

    This is difficult… is our employment too worldly? Is our way of life too worldly? Is our particular branch of Christ’s church, its denomination too worldly? Maybe its not, but there are churches that are . . . (1)I visited a church once where a preacher stood up to the pulpit to speak. For forty minutes he advertised, not only on how great his own preaching cds were, but what good value the cost was, buy two for the cost of one etc etc… Paul the apostle said… . in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge.

    1 Corinthians 9;18 . . . Luke 19;45 . . . then Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were selling.

    Are we in just another church that fits neatly into the world? Possibly not, but does the Lord warn us occasionally, be careful? We must regularly pray about our church.

    Maybe you feel you are too deep in this world not happy with it and looking for a way out as you don’t want to be a subject of the Prince of this world (Satan) John14;30. If so talk to a Christian today, say to him or her, you want to repent of your sins and put your life into the hands of Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. So you will be a citizen of His world.

    I can recall some years ago the Lord calling me to step out of the world I was getting involved in. What was it? Chasing women? Clubbing? Betting? No for me it was politics. I remember I wanted to get more and more involved, I had a small association with those involved in national politics, married life was stopping me getting too involved as this way of life would of meant taking risks, this world was one of radical politics shared with those that were angry, who opposed the great and fast changes that were being introduced to our nation. That anger involved having support for and even links with Ulster Loyalist paramilitary organisations.

    I believe the Lord was directly encouraging me to not get to involved in that world but if I’m honest I still have resentfulness of many of our nation’s politicians so much so not only do I hold suspicions of any Christians involved in politics, but I also struggle keeping hatred of the political establishment at bay. Do we all have worldly issues that we struggle with? Some of us small worldly issues, some of us not so small… but the Lord is still telling us keep out! Stay out! Seed sown among thorns hear the word ; But worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Mark4;18-20.

    As I mentioned Satan can still try and reach us through worldly things, we must always be on our guard as Christ warned Simon Peter… Simon, Simon, indeed Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. Luke 22;31. We cannot all act like monks and nuns and shut ourselves away and pretend we are not in this world… because we are. But its Satan’s realm, his chosen strategic battle ground, where souls will be the casualties, for all eternity. And the Lord said to Satan, where have you been? I have been to and fro roaming around the earth! Job 1;1-7

    Some of us like Nehemiah, might be given a mission in this world that we are involved in, it might be short term or long, it might be a calling to help in the saving of a particular soul, to witness, whatever it is the Lord will guide you… prayer is the answer.

    Remember you have the Lords prayers, to His Father… John 17;14-19 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.

    Lets not kid ourselves it will be easy if we are called to work for the Lord in this world. In fact being His in this world is extremely difficult, I find myself far too deeply involved in it, but we have great sympathy, great indeed… If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John15;18,19.

    Some of us might think, well I’m saved, it doesn’t matter if I accept the world as mine, or at least pretend to. But without getting into Calvin’s theory on ‘once saved always saved’, we must remember who we are up against, a super intelligent being filled with the most utter hatred of us.

    Have you read (2) the newspapers reported a story of a miracle happening in a British Hindu temple. The ‘miracle’ was even shown on national TV. Hindu devotees were filmed holding bowls of milk to the mouth of their stone idols, the liquid then seemed to be drawn up into the figures, no pump or gadgetry in evidence. Maybe it was just that the statues where made from porous materials, yet very hard to try and explain, an oddity.

    Many it seemed where convinced this was a sign from God, one amazed lady said on TV just that. But some Christians observing said if it was a miracle, it was of the devil, from the god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel or the glory of Christ.2Cor 4;4

    A Christian friend laughed, how can people be so gullible? But was it so funny?

    How many really believed this was a sign from God? The Hindu community were convinced and how many others, perhaps those searching for spiritual things, not finding The Holy Spirit but finding this other spirit. Do they think, this is strange, maybe there is something in this religion? . . . and Jesus said in the end times false Christ’s and prophets will appear and deceive even the elect if it was possible. Matt24;24.

    As miracles go though that Hindu one was pretty pathetic, our Gods miracle was to raise His son from the dead! Hallelujah!

    Some so called church leaders, state Christianity is one of many great religions and one of many ways to God (and there are those that do, I’ve met them), if we conform to the world as if we are of only one of its religions, then we are helping Satan’s work of convincing others that that’s all that Christianity is, just another worldly religion whose believers fit easily into it.

    It might be your work colleagues that are convinced of this, your friends, relatives, your sons daughters, your unsaved husbands or unsaved wives. How terrible for the earth and the sea! For the devil has gone down to you. And is filled with rage because he knows his time is short. Rev12;12 Satan can not only get to us in this world his realm, if we are in too deep, but much more drastically get to our loved ones in the next.

    The king James interpretation of Nehemiah states. I acted differently through fear of God. We must be recognised by others as not being of the world, of having something not of this world. We have something different. When our saviour comes to judge the world He will recognise His own, unlike the foolish brides who let their spiritual fuel die and the Lord in the darkness did not recognise them I tell you the truth I don’t know you. Matt25;12.

    Now is the time for judgement on this world, now the prince of this world will be driven out. John 12;12.

    We should look to Nehemiah for our worldly inspiration so we can proudly boast like him… . But I acted differently, out of reverenced to God!

    Sadly I don’t, not enough, do you? Lets finish by looking to another for inspiration, heavenly inspiration, His name Our Lord Jesus Christ… I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming he has no hold on me! But the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. Come now; let us leave. John14;30.

    (1) This was from a much later experience that I added, it wasn’t in the original sermon.

    (2) This happened in the early 90’s properly 1994.

    *This was my first sermon, hence some testimony content, spoken I believe sometime in 1994. I was asked by an Elder of my fellowship to speak on what ever the Holy Spirit was prompting. I had recently taken a Sunday school class, we had Scripture Union bible work to follow on Nehemiah. I had no reason to disbelieve that scriptures the Lord was showing the kids was also for us adults. My brother Peter heard the live recorded church tape and it helped him to make a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour, praise God, all glory to Him!

    **I had spoken a couple of sermons at my fellowship when one of the Elders asked me to go over to the next county to preach in a town to a very small and a little old fashioned Brethren Assembly who used to meet in an old scout hut. Being nervous of the prospect I asked him will their be many there. He replied No its a midweek meeting so only 6 to 8 at the most. I said Good it wont make it so worrying for me. he replied You must be joking as there is not many of them, they will hang on to every word you say even more so. Thanks for that Paul! (See notes on No2 1 Samuel 3;1-9. Can we recognise the Lord’s call?)

    Chapter 2

    Can We Recognize The Lord’s call?

    1 Samuel 3;1-9

    I n these scriptures we read of the strange account of The Lord calling Samuel the child as the Lord had plans for him and work for him to do. Can we recognise Gods call? How can we know what he wants? As a part of Christ’s church and as individual believers or even as a non-believer, because maybe He is calling you to be chosen this very day!

    Can we answer like Samuel speak Lord for your servant is listening? Because are we listening? As His church we already know His instructions that He left us, the Lord said to them, go into the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

    Matthew 16;15.16.

    How is the Lord telling us to go about it today? Maybe He is often, but its in ways we don’t recognise or ways we don’t want to go. As a Church maybe we’re not sure we should move in certain directions when it comes to evangelism, in ways we are not used to. But we should recognise the voice of the Lord, because unlike Samuel where the scriptures say he had not yet known the Lord, and His word had not yet been revealed to him, verse 7 we as believers claim we do know Him and His word has been revealed to us.

    If you are an unbeliever today you should still recognise His call, because why are you reading this otherwise? Has the Lord’s call got you this far?

    A work colleague that showed interest in things of the Bible, once said to me how can I know there is a God? I replied ask Him, but do not test Him He is The Lord your God do not expect a reply in the way you want and remember this, most important of things, there is a blockage between you and God and that blockage is sin! Forgiveness and atonement of sin must be asked for and the only person that can do that is Gods Son The Lord Jesus Christ.

    Samuel at last realised God was calling him and he eventually replied Speak Lord for your servant is listening verse,10. I often wondered did this work mate recognise God may have been calling her for sometime too?

    Sadly as sinful mankind we often put man in the way to what the Lord wants to tell us,we get in the way of what the Lord wants us to do.

    I remember being disappointed after a visiting preacher delivered a very ‘dodgy’ sermon, I mentioned to one of our deacons we ought to be aware when the Holy Spirit chooses to work through us, as given freewill we need to realise that sometimes we only let 10% of the Holy Spirit work with us. This elderly but Godly wise and knowledgeable man immediately replied 10% much to high more like 1%.

    But lets not underestimate the power of the Lords Spirit even if man is not fully open to Him because His Spirit is extremely powerful indeed… . they were all together in one place, suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. Acts2;1-3.

    But how many times through a pretty non exciting service has a word, prayer or scripture suddenly jumped out at you? Just it seems for you? Or you’re routinely reading your bible and certain words talk to you? The power of The Holy Spirit!

    So if these preaching notes of mine seem a bit ‘dodgy’ but yet maybe 1% of the Holy Spirit is here, that is enough for someone, someone like you maybe, so take note of His call.

    Also lets not get too hard on ourselves when we are struggling to recognise the Lord’s call. With mans faults and complications do not be surprised, for where man is so is mans enemy, where God is working, so to will His enemy, trying to outwork His work and he will use man to do it as this calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight let him calculate the number of the beast. For it is mans number. His number is 666Revalation13;18 His number is mans! Sadly we share with Satan his sinful number we share his rebellious character and he and his unholy spirit world know this.

    Prayer is the answer, prayers together, prayers of fellowship prayers to ask the lord what do you want Lord? Prayers to ask Lord help us recognise your call… speak Lord for your servant is listening! The lord says I no longer call you servants; because a servant does not know his masters business, instead I call you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you, you did not choose me I chose you appointed you, to go bear fruit that will last, then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command love each other. John15;14-17.

    I’m going to end with two testimonies, one we read when the Lord called he listened, he had to and went on to do His will. The other? Did he listen to God and carry out His will? We don’t know, but I know that through these two testimonies the Lord called me, spoke to me regarding my thoughts questions and queries regarding revenge, forgiveness and sin, will he speak to you today?

    Lets read about the first, a murderer in Acts 7;58&8;3 they dragged Stephen out of the city and began to stone him laying their clothes at the feet of a young man called Saul . . . Saul gave approval to his death . . . Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.

    Sometime later something happened to that man called Saul, the Lord called out to him and he not only changed his name, he changed his life, for all eternity… . lets read his testimony from… 1 Timothy 1;12-17 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. Even though I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

    Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those would believe on Him and receive eternal life. Now to the king eternal immortal, invisible the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen!

    The next testimony that the Lord spoke to me about was of a different age, 1993 I don’t know the name of the person, I wasn’t taking too much notice. What was making the main TV news regularly was that a certain USA state had recently reintroduced the death penalty and about to execute a convicted murder, who had I believe killed at least two children.

    I wasn’t that interested as to me our country’s media was showing the usual left/liberal views and focusing on the pressure groups opposing the sentencing. Some were Christian groups who I believed gave a wrong message on what Gods love and forgiveness is all about. They never spoke the now unfashionable words, repentance, final judgement and that only Christ can break the power and consequences of Satan’s sin, which is over us all, no matter what our sin. This murderer refused to appeal against his sentence and had given his last interview, the press described it as ‘full of religious repentance’ whatever that meant? The BBC would not give more detail, but it made me think.

    The next day at breakfast I was reading my paper and I came across this shortened account of this last interview… He would not plead a last minute stay of execution though he could have. He had chosen hanging rather than lethal injection as he strangled those children, he said so it was somewhat near to the death he had put them through . . . . his last words before the hood was placed over his head was I have found peace, I have found perfect peace and I have found it in my Lord Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord!

    We know Paul once known as Saul, the murderer, heard the Lord call and answered.

    We don’t know if this 20th century murderer heard His call and answered, we can only guess, but will only know when we get to glory.

    But we should as Samuel did, concentrate on Gods call, to us, even if we don’t know the Lord, because the scriptures say at one time Samuel did not yet know the lord and His word had not yet been revealed to him. verse7. So is He calling and revealing His very word to you today? Will you answer?

    The lord came and stood there calling as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. verse 10.

    Lets pray… Lord speak to us as you spoke to Samuel, as you spoke to Paul as you have spoken to so many down the ages. Lord help us to recognise your call, your voice, your word, help us so we can call back to you like Samuel… Speak Lord for your servant is listening!

    *I was asked to preach at this very small Brethren Assembly, whereupon I found their numbers low only half a dozen or so, elderly and with no sign of new membership.

    A Godly group, sound in the gospel, but very old fashioned in tradition with compulsory hats for women and their open pray and worship for men only. They use to meet in an old scouts hut, where I preached ‘Do we believers act differently?’ Nehemiah 5;14,16. See chapter 1.

    Praise to God, the sermon seemed to go well with the members and I was welcomed back.

    When I returned again as visiting preacher at a later date I felt the Lord wanting me to preach this sermon, though it wasn’t at all exclusively for this fellowship. I was never asked again. I always wondered did the words ‘are we listening to God?’ hit a raw nerve, but maybe they just thought it was a lousy sermon, I wasn’t listening to God?

    Chapter 3

    Mans Wisdom Against Gods.

    Genesis 11;1-4

    S o man in his wisdom, even before Abrahams time, plays at God, trying to reach the heavens the scriptures say verse 4 ! Nowadays we may realise that the heavens can be reached by man, but only the heavens that God has given us and not the heaven of God. That holy perfect and sinless dwelling place of Gods, paradise. Some of us realise that that heaven can only be reached by way of Gods only Sons broken body, spilt blood, the cross and His glorious resurrection!

    Man is still continually playing at God, even more so as we approach the ending of the age. Nowadays mans wisdom, his intelligence even challenges Gods miracle of life itself, with the science of DNA and genetic engineering, with ideas of prematurely ending God given life via ways of mans thoughts on euthanasia.

    It is a sad fact that some of these ideas were also held by one of mans most notorious of regimes with its extreme ideas forced on victims that did not have the pleasure of choice. It is also known that mans greatest technology, space exploration, has its origins from the same regime, with its roots in the invention of the first known weapons of mass destruction; by then the worlds most scientific creative society, but also one of the most violent and evil, the German Nazis.

    Wisdom of technology that not only directly involved the deaths of thousands, victims of the ‘vengeance weapons’ but also thousands indirectly, slave workers that were forced to labour in this evil creation. Worked to death or murdered after their productive life was ended. With ideas and plans of even more lethal and destructive weapons this wisdom was finally defeated. It was Winston Churchill that noticed when this country stood alone, that we were not just up against an evil tyranny, but as he put it, an evil wisdom, a perverted science.

    Today’s critics of space technology not only mention the great cost but also some believe with so much know how and technology there could be a future danger for mankind.

    If this wisdom has its origins in such evil, then perhaps they maybe right.

    But these notes are not to debate such morals and thoughts on mans wisdom, but on what God says over it and He says quite a lot. Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder. The wisdom of the wise will perish. The intelligence of the intelligent will vanish. Isiah29;14 and He tells us not to lean on our own understanding. But to trust in the Lord with all our Hearts Pro3;5. But do we? Or do we lean on our own understanding, far too much and too often?

    Of course wisdom, intelligence and knowledge can be a fine thing, but if we don’t look on such gifts as being from God, as the first protestant reformers did, it can be too worldly. If we know someone that we are talking to about Gods wisdom, but know they have themselves too much of the worlds, then there can be great danger for that person, because Satan is of the worlds wisdom and the gospel (paraphrased) states… . your faith might rest on men’s wisdom but not Gods power. 1corinthians 2;5

    The snake said to Eve, you will not die, your eyes will be opened, you will be like God, you will have knowledge of good and evil verse 4&5 Genesis 1, ignore Gods wisdom and what He warns and says is best for you, for you will have knowledge, you will be like God. The reality, broken fellowship with our creator, hardship and finally death.

    No wonder Christ called Satan the father of all lies John 8;44. Do we listen too closely to other words of so called wisdom?

    Solomon, the wise Solomon knew of Gods wisdom, but sadly he got involved in the worlds and he warned of it. I learned that with much wisdom comes much sorrow, the more knowledge the more grief. Ecclesiastes 1;18. There were times that Solomon forgot his wisdom from God. Do we know somebody like that, ourselves maybe? If we have wisdom and forget it is a gift from God, it becomes the worlds.

    There must be a time, no matter how wise, intelligent and intellectual we think we are, we must ultimately take the advice that comes directly from Gods mouth and its as simple as this, I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ Matthew 18;2. Famous words, like little children . . . , not acting childishly, but open as a child. Children are often very open to the Bible, creation, Adam and Eve no problem, even to the Gospel message of Christ dieing for them!

    In the book Everyman’s story of the New Testament. The author and professor of Divinity of the University of Cambridge Alexander Nairne wrote… when studying scripture, that the ultimate doubt comes from an instinctive feeling of our sophisticated minds. That another imagination, the children’s may help us better.

    Sadly it is only when those children’s minds get older, when mans wisdom, the worlds wisdom takes influence, that this openness of mind is closed, this child’s imagination, this innocence lost. Some observers comment, and I agree that this more and more complicated world has caused the innocence in children to be lost at a younger and younger age. I can recall when my eldest, aged nine, was in lower school she told me she often had schoolmates say to her, You don’t believe in this Christian rubbish do you? In my experience I have known of children, not just being brought up without a knowledge of God but many being brought up to disbelieve especially in Christianity. In fact in some cases to be hostile to it. Innocence lost! A Gideon bible outreach worker told me that nowadays they have much more difficulty in being able to offer bibles to school children and when they get the chance more difficulty in them accepting them.

    We don’t have to look far at the evidence of innocence lost, the tragic Bulger boy horribly tortured and an innocent killed in the 1990’s, who were responsible? Ten year old young boys themselves, brutal evil murderers but innocence lost!

    I can remember as a young schoolchild a teacher explaining creation, his version of gases in a void that eventually formed together and created solids… ie planets including earth. I thought but dare not ask, but who put the gases there? As a child I was quite happy with Gods version and its still the best, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1;1 the first line of the bible.

    Years later when reading the bible I remembered this teachers version of the beginning and his blackboard sketch of swirling hovering mists and gases, but this time Gods version took preference in my mind., now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters verse 2 of Chapter 1. Yes I still prefer Gods version, do you? God saw all that He made, and it was good. The seventh day God finished and he rested. Genesis 2;2

    Six days of creation God tells us, His days, something beyond mans physics, we don’t have to dwell on Gods reality, but no, man wants to dissect Gods creation. But man will never be able to do it, to understand God and His ways. Nobody can fathom God! Isaiah 40;28.

    There are so many that believe they have the wisdom to explain Gods creation… . gases, chemicals of life, big bangs… . though I read of a scientist who wasn’t a creationist as such but adamantly disbelieved in the big bang theory stating it is scientific fact any explosion will only ever create chaos never order and design, this theory [the big bang] can never hold up. I heard another that it wasn’t gases that caused creation but a huge star, mind you I had a thought in mind of some other writings when I heard that one, I am the root and offspring of David and the bright morning star. the glorified resurrected Jesus Christ. Revelation 22;16.

    For us believers in Gods wisdom, any debate with those of mans wisdom will be very limited unless they are open to the Holy Spirit. To believe in Gods Sons unscientific resurrection alone, will set us apart in so many ways, it must do as we believe in the supernatural not just the natural.

    I can recall a TV programme that was advertised as if it was the gospel, about two scientists who had the ‘answer’ to how the world began. I was quite interested, as Christians we shouldn’t be threatened by things of science, as science is after all God given and information on His universe is fascinating. Anyway the climax of this programme was the answer on how the world began, by two highly intelligent scientists, then all of a sudden as this ‘joint’ theory was being explained by one, the other disagreed over a point with his colleague which caused a heated debate… the ‘conclusion’ ended in an argument between the experts, they couldn’t agree, they seemed not to understand each other at a critical point. As for the layman watching, well to be honest it was all difficult to understand what they where talking about, in fact it was as if they where speaking in a different language, all of a sudden Gods word, His wisdom stood out from Genesis 11;5to7 verse 6 come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other"

    What else does the

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