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A Modern Man's Search For Truth
A Modern Man's Search For Truth
A Modern Man's Search For Truth
Ebook166 pages2 hours

A Modern Man's Search For Truth

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This book is about the search for meaning and Enlightenment by a man in the modern world named Laoch. He had lived a passion for spirituality and the truth since he was born and learned about many different types of religions and philosophies.

He joined many organizations and travelled the world. In all of his journeys he found people searching for the truth and most of them were following established religions and philosophies. But if these were the paths to truth then why were most people still dissatisfied with their lives.

The path of Laoch’s life was interesting and filled with many experiences. Would he ultimately be able to find truth, meaning, and enlightenment in his life?

Read more to find out.

Release dateAug 23, 2018
A Modern Man's Search For Truth

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    A Modern Man's Search For Truth - Martin Ettington

    One of my favorite books is Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. It is the story tracing the life of a young man throughout his life until he is old and takes place a couple of thousand years ago in India. He has many different phases and events in his life where he learns about Spiritual Enlightenment as well as living a full life. How would this search for truth work out in today’s world?

    This book is the story of a modern man named Laoch who is driven to find truth in his life. He has a passion to know Spiritual truth and happiness too. His curiosity is a passion and he doesn’t want to be held back by a conventional lifestyles or beliefs.

    Life can be an exciting journey with many adventures along the way. He has many adventures in his process of discovery. The Journey can be more important than the destination.

    Our lives are also combinations of the events we experience and the thoughts and meditations of our lives. We can’t live on Earth and advance without experiencing life.

    To some his life would have seemed conventional but to Laoch he has a fascinating life and it is full of incredible discoveries he makes spiritually, psychically, and physically.

    Learn more about his life story here…..

    Laoch’s First Memories

    Most people would start their story when they were born, because that is what they remember, or they think that is when their lives started.

    Laoch remembered before his birth so we will start there….

    His first thoughts were that he was a disembodied consciousness outside of the Earth. He seemed to be in space and could see the Earth. He enjoyed his state of being, but also felt he had a mission and reason to go back to Earth. One of his co-entities said that he had done enough on Earth and should not have to go there again. Laoch’s spirit realized he had already spent many lifetimes on Earth. But he felt it was important for him to go back once more so he broke part of his consciousness away and sent it towards Earth.

    He was aware of his own consciousness and was looking for parents to be born into their family. He found several parents who were each ready for a new baby in upstate New York. He didn’t remember why that area and how he selected the candidates but there were several to choose from. He would view each potential Mom and her husband using some type of ability looking forward. He could tell which couple would be the best one to raise him.

    The third couple he viewed and looked at their timeline, he judged them to be the right parents for him to choose. Then he got close the Mother he had chosen and felt himself drawn into her womb. He remembered being inside her womb and growing. He could hear noises from the outside and movement. After a timeless period his little world got smaller and smaller, which meant he was getting bigger and bigger. He could hear noises outside of his Mom as she went shopping or went to Church and other places. He became familiar with daily sounds.

    Being Born and Early Life

    It was the year 1955 and Laoch’s parents lived in upstate New York in the United States. The United States was the greatest world power and his parents and their friends always mentioned how lucky they were to live in the U.S.

    They lived in a new house in a small industrial town. Everything was picturesque and it seemed like it was right out of a Normal Rockwell painting.

    Laoch continued to grow in his mother’s womb until he could feel the walls of it pressing in. Then he got tangled up in the baby’s cord and was almost strangled by it. He managed to turn himself around so his head was up and feet down. This made it much easier to not get choked by the cord.

    His room to move gradually seemed to get smaller until one day he kicked his feet and his mother’s water broke. Then followed hours of constrictions until he was forced out of his Mom’s birth canal. It was extremely painful as the Doctor pulled him out by his feet. Then his head felt like it was being crushed in the tunnel and finally he popped out!

    He thought he was breathing on his own, but the Doctor hit him on his bottom anyway and the pain caused him to take a huge breath which felt like breathing fire. He also started choking and the Doctor ended up putting him in an iron lunch to help his breathing. After an hour or so the clogs in his throat and lungs were relieved and he could breathe normally.

    A couple days later he was taken home by his parents and passed around for the grandparents to hold him. His father’s mother didn’t hold him right and he started crying because he was uncomfortable. Then his other grandmother who was a nurse made suggestions on how to hold him. He felt sorry for his first grandmother and so he stayed quiet when she tried to hold him again. She was happy because he was now peaceful in her arms.

    Very quickly Laoch also learned that when he needed something he would need to cry to get attention. He realized that his connection to the world was important and he needed to work on it to help him get food, his Mom’s attention, and other things to live and be comfortable. His parents named him Laoch Larrthóir Walsh. Laoch was from the Gaelic which meant Hero and Larrthoir was Gaelic for Seeker. So his first and middle names meant Hero Seeker.

    He later realized that the connection he was making with his parents to get their help and the rest of the world were the start of him building his Ego. While a child and teenager he thought the Ego was who he was. In later years he learned this was not correct.

    There were many more instances when he remembered his early childhood. A few months later his Dad was playing with him and tossing him into the air. Then Dad tossed him too hard and he hit the wall over the couch. He started crying but wasn’t really hurt. Laoch was just surprised and shocked by what happened. His Dad was very upset because he was afraid he had really hurt Laoch. After that experience he was much more careful with his son.

    At age nine months he was playing in the front yard with his Mother. She was trying to get him to walk. She stood him up to get him on his feet and he started walking. The problem was he was going downhill and couldn’t stop. He walked slowly, then was going faster and faster until he fell and started crying. But he had walked for the first time at nine months of age.

    About age two Laoch was watching cartoons on an early black and white television when he Woke Up. It seemed like he had been in a real daze since he was born and now he was coming out of it. He looked around the living room and it was like he saw it all for the first time. Everything seemed more vibrant in his sight and he really felt alive for the first time. It seemed that he had been in some type of trance since his spirit came to Earth and now he had been released from the trance. From that point Laoch observed everything around him with pure clarity and asked the whys and wherefores of everything that happened to him.

    At his age happiness was being fed, feeling comfortable, and his mom holding him. He was still too young to understand all about what made one happy and sad in the world.

    Many years later he wondered why he was able to remember before his birth, the birth itself, and his early years much later in life when most people say they can’t remember those periods at all. His thinking was that he had a higher purpose in living and being on the Earth to help humanity in some fashion. The question was what was that purpose?

    His Best Friend Tom

    His next door neighbors were great friends with his parents and they introduced him to their son Tom who was a couple of months older than Laoch. Tom was a leader of the local boys while they were kids and they often met at Tom’s house to play board games or Cowboys and Indians. They also had wars with soldiers in Tom’s sandbox. Unfortunately Laoch always lost those sandbox battles. He wondered why Tom always claimed the win? Hmm..

    Laoch and Tom would sometimes go on hikes in the woods too--exploring nature and watching out for rattlers.

    Tom’s family was Baptist and he was like Laoch. They both were mainly interested in playing in the outdoors when young. Laoch spent many a day in the cold winter temperatures in his own sandbox and his Mom would even come out and ask if he was too cold. They both became Boy Scouts when teenagers and both achieved Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts. It wasn’t until they were getting closer to adult ages that their common Spiritual interests revealed themselves. Even though Laoch moved away with his family as he was growing up, they would often meetup with Tom’s family since the parents were also good friends. This would give both boys the chance to keep up with each other and find out what each was thinking and doing. Sometimes they visited Tom’s family at their place on Keuka Lake in western New York State. Laoch even learned to water ski behind their boat and to get up early in the morning to go fishing for trout. It was a great fun!

    As they grew into their teens Tom was also interested in spirituality and he and Laoch often discussed the subject. Tom was looking for the right path to follow unlike Laoch who wanted to learn about all spiritual paths and really wanted to find the truth himself. Laoch didn’t condemn Tom’s focus as wrong. Tom might have the right approach. Who was

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