What the Future of Humanity Could Be!
About this ebook
Do you wonder where the world is going? Do you feel like the only stability left is change? Why are we here, and where do we go from here?
In this book, we explore key aspects such as politics, economy, education, art, nature, the role of women/motherhood, etc. and bring them under the light of the Initiatic understanding of renowned Initiates, Sages, and great Masters, particularly Omraam Mikhal Avanhov.
Humanity is coming to the end of an era of materialization and is at the threshold of a new era, one of spiritualization. We are at a crossroads. Our awakening and cooperation as a global family, a universal family, are the surest way to face the twenty-first century.
This book is an opportunity to see with new eyes, with a new consciousness. The future can be harmonious and glorious. May we open up, go within, and explore our inner riches, the ones deposited by the Creator in the depth of our soul!
The exercises of visualization and affirmation at the end of each chapter are a way to uplift your consciousness to a new realm, that of universal love and cosmic light. Enjoy!
"I am frequently asked in lectures and seminars, "Who today is a believable, genuine, spiritual teacher?" Now I can answer without hesitation: Encounter Omraam Mikhal Avanhov and see what happens."
Dr. Larry Dossey, Recovering the Soul, Beyond Illness, Meaning and Medicine
Carmen Froment
The collection of ideas, subjects and research for this book is the fruit of a team effort: nine authors plus four proofreaders/editors who worked together to make it ripe. The authors have studied the Initiatic Teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov for a combined number of approximately 279 years. They live on several continents. Thank you to all the authors who accepted to gracefully participate to this project. They are listed here by alphabetical order: Denise Bertrand: Canadian living in Thailand. International Director, writer and producer of Drama programs and Shows for youth. Claude Brun: Okanagan Valley, British-Columbia, Canada. Artist, photographer, researcher Rolff Desire: Calgary, Alberta. Sales representative Carmen Froment : Kelowna, British-Columbia, Canada. Flight Attendant France Gilbert : Victoria, British-Columbia, Canada. Accountant Richard Kamendje : Autriche. UN, physicist. Mark Walker: Kelowna, British-Columbia, Canada. Entrepreneur/Corporate owner Christiane van Aken: Sydney, Australia. Accountant Mikhael van Aken: Sydney, Australia. Entrepreneur
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What the Future of Humanity Could Be! - Carmen Froment
What the Future
of Humanity
Could Be!
The Aquarian Team
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-6156-1 (sc)
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-6157-8 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012920130
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/26/2012
Chapter 1 Politics: Aristocracy, Democracy, and Synarchy
Chapter 2 Economy: To Take and To Give
Chapter 3 Education versus Pedagogy
Chapter 4 Evolution and Involution
Chapter 5 The Role of Women and Motherhood
Chapter 6 Science, Conscience, and Superconsciousness
Chapter 7 Art: Source of Inspiration for the Soul
Chapter 8 Nature and Its Changes
Chapter 9 Aquarius: Fusion of the Religions
Chapter 10 Melchizedek: Master of Masters
Chapter 11 Creating Unity among All Spiritualists
Chapter 12 A Golden Age
About the Authors
In gratitude to our beloved teacher and instructor.
Full color versions of these images are available on our website and may be accessed through the BalboaPress online Bookstore at http://bookstore.balboapress.com/
Cover: Sunrise over the Sea © Carole Ida Vois
Chapter 1: Links of Light
Chapter 2: A Pair of Scales
Chapter 3: Terre de Cristal/Crystal Earth © Louiselle
Chapter 4: Inner Flame © Julia Byrne
Chapter 5: Plenitud de la Vida © Dora
Chapter 6: Tree of Life © Ivano Marchesani
Angel in the Sky © Carmen Froment
Chapter 7: Dove and Crystal © Prosveta S.A.
Chapter 8: Cascade © Claude Brun
Chapter 9: Aquarius, the Water Bearer © Ivano Marchesani
Chapter 10: Melchizedek © Wolfgang Moroder
Chapter 11: Rays of Light © Claude Brun
Chapter 12: Your Aura in the Future © Claude Brun
No one can deny that we presently live in a most interesting era. Everything moves so fast; it seems that we never have enough time to do everything, despite so much industrial and technological progress. Could we be living nine lives in one, like the whole cycle of a cat’s life?
Some people’s lives are overloaded; they keep running all the time while others are so overwhelmed by the advances of the last half century that they remain passive or barely scrape by. One thing for sure is that we cannot remain indifferent to the direction that humanity is taking—be it on a political, economic, social, ecological, or religious level. Where are we going at this speed? Toward progress or destruction? The planet has never been so populated. It is an incredible opportunity to be incarnated now because of the increasing speed and intensity of life. For some people, it is an interesting era; for others, it is a troubling one.
A new life is dawning and bringing about change—whether we like it or not. Aquarius pours out its energy, just as the sun radiates its light and warmth.
Master Aïvanhov said, The beauty, splendor and harmony of the new life that will emerge [ … ] will be beyond anything imagined.
This new era will definitely come, but it will most likely be after some difficult times. As we sense, nothing is stable anymore. There will be more calling upon us. Let us be open to this call that will make the future of humanity a garden of paradise!
As you pursue this reading, you may feel something awakening in you. If so, we will have touched a sensitive chord within, a chord vibrating to these new currents that are about to allow humankind to find its true humanity, its divinity.
This book is the result of teamwork which, combined with the energy of Aquarius, helped bring it to fruition. Those involved could be described as disciples of a new life who are inspired by the teachings of philosophers and spiritual Masters such as Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.
Chapter 1
Politics: Aristocracy, Democracy, and Synarchy
Political stakes regularly change, yet the world is still faced with the same problems that need to be resolved.
Political ideals are often replaced because, most likely, they are based solely on intellectual understanding. Oligarchy, aristocracy, monarchy, and democracy have often led countries to anarchy at one time or another.
What is missing within politics to bring security, peace, and growth to humankind?
People say, The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Politicians soak up the energies and ideas left by their predecessors, which is why the promises they make during campaigns often fall through. Their power remains limited to the economic circumstances and influences of those around them. As long as politicians are motivated by personal ambitions, vanity, interests, or power, they will not be able to offer any guarantee of peace or prosperity.
Hitler, Stalin, and other dictators in the modern world have exercised an incredible influence, and too many people, without discernment, have followed them at great personal cost. What were these people hoping for? They thought those political leaders were needed to meet an urgent need for change. Because they were not enlightened, they allowed themselves to be led to war and misery. Even today, despots fill their pockets while their people live in misery and poverty.
Initiates see things from a different point of view than ordinary people do. They rise above human perceptions to see from the summit or the center. The opinions of most humans originate from a geocentric point of view; for instance, not so long ago, people believed the sun circled the earth. Initiates, on the contrary, consider everything from a heliocentric perspective, whereby the sun is the stable body around which planets revolve. Today, everyone accepts this reality from an astronomical perspective but not quite from a psychological or a psychic one. Initiates stand by truth alone.
When we perceive politics from the point of view of the Initiates, we realize that people often elect a president or governor depending on their own limitations and down-to-earth ideas rather than their aspirations and ideals.
When the people of a country improve, heaven sends them enlightened rulers who bring them well-being and prosperity but, when they sink into evil ways, heaven sends a tyrant to rule over them. This is the law. It is important to know these laws.²
We all come from the same creator, which means that we all have the same physical and psychic structure. We all have a heart, an intellect, and willpower. We all have the same needs: happiness, love, and freedom. In addition, we are all inhabited by two natures: one personal and one impersonal, the little self
and the big self,
or personality
and individuality.
The personality wants everything for itself; it is basically egoistic and is always acting for its own benefit. By contrast, the individuality wants be of service; it is always altruistic, it gives out of selflessness. Therefore, politicians who are guided by their personality alone cannot avoid injustices or offer any guarantee of peace for their countries or the planet.
Many civilizations have disappeared—usually because personalities allowed certain human beings to dominate and enslave others through violence. When politicians are inspired by their individuality and manifest generosity and wisdom, they become heads of government who are efficient, inspiring, reassuring, and thus beneficial to all their people.
Before anyone can be a true political leader, he must have a profound knowledge of man and nature and a profound respect for divine law. Also, he must be free from all ambition, all personal passions.³
Aristocracy and Democracy
Some say that democracy corresponds to the stomach, belly, and sex, and that aristocracy is linked to the head. Intellectual faculties emanate from the brain. Left on their own, however, and under the influence of the personality, these faculties sometimes manage to succeed in the most pernicious projects.
In order to harness the tendencies of the personality for the benefit of the individuality, a strong desire to transform oneself and establish an inner aristocracy is paramount. In addition, knowledge of oneself is needed—not only at the physical and psychological levels but also at the psychic level. Acquiring the appropriate methods of work is another essential element. Finally, developing the knowledge and understanding of the laws that govern the universe, nature, and human beings is indispensable. The human structure displaying the head and brain above the other organs is an image and an indication of the process necessary to accomplish this work.
As long as economists and politicians forget about the need for water and think that all they have to do to improve the situation is to set up a good organization, create new institutions and new structures or new administrative posts, the process of death and disintegration will continue. Whatever is done on the purely external, organizational level will be ineffectual if nothing is done to ensure the flow of water [love]. This is why it